Utku e2f30715e3
[MOB-2] Job Manager (#1114)
* add job manager modal and button

* cleanup directories and add card to debug screen

* expo sdk 49

* update pods

* updated native android files

* updated native ios files

* pods being cringe

* update hermes

* podfile

* big update packages

* fix and upgrade animations to reanimated 3

* nice types moti

* clean imports

* upgrade react-hook-form (fix type)

* move stuff to sd/client and some organization

* camel case

* i liek switch

* Merge iconImg & circleIcon props

* wip

* copy changes to mobile

* move job context and job progress to client and also use it on mobile

* pnpm-lock

* (wip) - make job swipeable + styling

* job progress bar and more style tweaks

* no spring animation on progress bar pls

* new loading animation

* padding and pnpm lock

* indeterminate progress bar

* cleanup & update packages etc

* leave some todos for future

* fix types

* monorepo types :)


Co-authored-by: Oscar Beaumont <>
2023-08-25 21:40:07 +00:00

91 lines
2.5 KiB

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