Utku 6277c8cb5f
Command Palette (#2228)
* bring it back

* move into folder

* fix shortcuts colliding

* tags

* fix key capture problems

* add 2 more actions + locations to cmd

* fix search navigation issue W @nikec

* fix saerch input

* improve scrollbar look and text on lightheme + fix edge view search showing

* useShortcut

* add cmdp to keybinds page

* killer i18n extension for vscode

* some missing keys and localized cmdk

* in lists that can change - it's better to use the id rather than index to avoid extra re-renders

* Update CMDKLocations.tsx


Co-authored-by: ameer2468 <>
2024-03-26 13:05:46 +00:00

85 lines
2.4 KiB

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