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2013-02-26 01:09:40 +00:00
<?php /** @file */
2014-07-14 06:00:03 +00:00
* This is our template processor
* @param string|FriendicaSmarty $s the string requiring macro substitution,
* or an instance of FriendicaSmarty
* @param array $r key value pairs (search => replace)
* @return string substituted string
function replace_macros($s,$r) {
2013-01-06 21:42:51 +00:00
$a = get_app();
$arr = array('template' => $s, 'params' => $r);
call_hooks('replace_macros', $arr);
$t = $a->template_engine();
$output = $t->replace_macros($arr['template'],$arr['params']);
2013-01-06 21:42:51 +00:00
return $output;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// random string, there are 86 characters max in text mode, 128 for hex
// output is urlsafe
define('RANDOM_STRING_HEX', 0x00 );
define('RANDOM_STRING_TEXT', 0x01 );
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function random_string($size = 64,$type = RANDOM_STRING_HEX) {
// generate a bit of entropy and run it through the whirlpool
$s = hash('whirlpool', (string) rand() . uniqid(rand(),true) . (string) rand(),(($type == RANDOM_STRING_TEXT) ? true : false));
$s = (($type == RANDOM_STRING_TEXT) ? str_replace("\n","",base64url_encode($s,true)) : $s);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* This is our primary input filter.
* The high bit hack only involved some old IE browser, forget which (IE5/Mac?)
* that had an XSS attack vector due to stripping the high-bit on an 8-bit character
* after cleansing, and angle chars with the high bit set could get through as markup.
* This is now disabled because it was interfering with some legitimate unicode sequences
* and hopefully there aren't a lot of those browsers left.
* Use this on any text input where angle chars are not valid or permitted
* They will be replaced with safer brackets. This may be filtered further
* if these are not allowed either.
* @param string $string Input string
* @return string Filtered string
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function notags($string) {
return(str_replace(array("<",">"), array('[',']'), $string));
// High-bit filter no longer used
// return(str_replace(array("<",">","\xBA","\xBC","\xBE"), array('[',']','','',''), $string));
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// use this on "body" or "content" input where angle chars shouldn't be removed,
// and allow them to be safely displayed.
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* use this on "body" or "content" input where angle chars shouldn't be removed,
* and allow them to be safely displayed.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function escape_tags($string) {
2012-12-07 00:12:45 +00:00
return(htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false));
2012-08-16 03:01:55 +00:00
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function z_input_filter($channel_id,$s,$type = 'text/bbcode') {
if($type === 'text/bbcode')
return escape_tags($s);
if($type === 'text/markdown')
return escape_tags($s);
if($type == 'text/plain')
return escape_tags($s);
$r = q("select account_id, account_roles, channel_pageflags from account left join channel on channel_account_id = account_id where channel_id = %d limit 1",
if($r && (($r[0]['account_roles'] & ACCOUNT_ROLE_ALLOWCODE) || ($r[0]['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ALLOWCODE))) {
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
if(local_channel() && (get_account_id() == $r[0]['account_id'])) {
return $s;
if($type === 'text/html')
return purify_html($s);
return escape_tags($s);
function purify_html($s) {
// FIXME this function has html output, not bbcode - so safely purify these
// $s = html2bb_video($s);
// $s = oembed_html2bbcode($s);
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
$config->set('Attr.EnableID', true);
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
return $purifier->purify($s);
2013-12-05 05:10:03 +00:00
// generate a string that's random, but usually pronounceable.
// used to generate initial passwords
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* generate a string that's random, but usually pronounceable.
* used to generate initial passwords
* @param int $len
* @return string
function autoname($len) {
2012-04-07 08:04:45 +00:00
if($len <= 0)
2012-04-06 01:44:36 +00:00
return '';
$vowels = array('a','a','ai','au','e','e','e','ee','ea','i','ie','o','ou','u');
if(mt_rand(0,5) == 4)
$vowels[] = 'y';
$cons = array(
$midcons = array('ck','ct','gn','ld','lf','lm','lt','mb','mm', 'mn','mp',
$noend = array('bl', 'br', 'cl','cr','dr','fl','fr','gl','gr',
'kh', 'kl','kr','mn','pl','pr','rh','tr','qu','wh');
$start = mt_rand(0,2);
if($start == 0)
$table = $vowels;
$table = $cons;
$word = '';
for ($x = 0; $x < $len; $x ++) {
$r = mt_rand(0,count($table) - 1);
$word .= $table[$r];
if($table == $vowels)
$table = array_merge($cons,$midcons);
$table = $vowels;
$word = substr($word,0,$len);
foreach($noend as $noe) {
if((strlen($word) > 2) && (substr($word,-2) == $noe)) {
$word = substr($word,0,-1);
if(substr($word,-1) == 'q')
$word = substr($word,0,-1);
return $word;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// escape text ($str) for XML transport
// returns escaped text.
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* escape text ($str) for XML transport
* @param string $str
* @return string Escaped text.
function xmlify($str) {
$buffer = '';
$len = mb_strlen($str);
for($x = 0; $x < $len; $x ++) {
$char = mb_substr($str,$x,1);
switch( $char ) {
case "\r" :
case "&" :
$buffer .= '&amp;';
case "'" :
$buffer .= '&apos;';
case "\"" :
$buffer .= '&quot;';
case '<' :
$buffer .= '&lt;';
case '>' :
$buffer .= '&gt;';
case "\n" :
$buffer .= "\n";
default :
$buffer .= $char;
$buffer = trim($buffer);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// undo an xmlify
// pass xml escaped text ($s), returns unescaped text
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function unxmlify($s) {
$ret = str_replace('&amp;','&', $s);
$ret = str_replace(array('&lt;','&gt;','&quot;','&apos;'),array('<','>','"',"'"),$ret);
return $ret;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// convenience wrapper, reverse the operation "bin2hex"
// This is a built-in function in php >= 5.4
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
if(! function_exists('hex2bin')) {
function hex2bin($s) {
2011-10-21 02:11:34 +00:00
if(! (is_string($s) && strlen($s)))
return '';
if(strlen($s) & 1) {
logger('hex2bin: illegal hex string: ' . $s);
return $s;
if(! ctype_xdigit($s)) {
// Automatic pagination.
// To use, get the count of total items.
// Then call $a->set_pager_total($number_items);
// Optionally call $a->set_pager_itemspage($n) to the number of items to display on each page
// Then call paginate($a) after the end of the display loop to insert the pager block on the page
// (assuming there are enough items to paginate).
// When using with SQL, the setting LIMIT %d, %d => $a->pager['start'],$a->pager['itemspage']
// will limit the results to the correct items for the current page.
// The actual page handling is then accomplished at the application layer.
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function paginate(&$a) {
$o = '';
$stripped = preg_replace('/(&page=[0-9]*)/','',$a->query_string);
2012-04-02 07:45:45 +00:00
2012-11-09 03:07:19 +00:00
// $stripped = preg_replace('/&zid=(.*?)([\?&]|$)/ism','',$stripped);
2012-04-02 07:45:45 +00:00
$stripped = str_replace('q=','',$stripped);
$stripped = trim($stripped,'/');
$pagenum = $a->pager['page'];
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $stripped;
if($a->pager['total'] > $a->pager['itemspage']) {
$o .= '<div class="pager">';
if($a->pager['page'] != 1)
$o .= '<span class="pager_prev">'."<a href=\"$url".'&page='.($a->pager['page'] - 1).'">' . t('prev') . '</a></span> ';
$o .= "<span class=\"pager_first\"><a href=\"$url"."&page=1\">" . t('first') . "</a></span> ";
$numpages = $a->pager['total'] / $a->pager['itemspage'];
$numstart = 1;
$numstop = $numpages;
if($numpages > 14) {
$numstart = (($pagenum > 7) ? ($pagenum - 7) : 1);
$numstop = (($pagenum > ($numpages - 7)) ? $numpages : ($numstart + 14));
for($i = $numstart; $i <= $numstop; $i++){
if($i == $a->pager['page'])
$o .= '<span class="pager_current">'.(($i < 10) ? '&nbsp;'.$i : $i);
$o .= "<span class=\"pager_n\"><a href=\"$url"."&page=$i\">".(($i < 10) ? '&nbsp;'.$i : $i)."</a>";
$o .= '</span> ';
if(($a->pager['total'] % $a->pager['itemspage']) != 0) {
if($i == $a->pager['page'])
$o .= '<span class="pager_current">'.(($i < 10) ? '&nbsp;'.$i : $i);
$o .= "<span class=\"pager_n\"><a href=\"$url"."&page=$i\">".(($i < 10) ? '&nbsp;'.$i : $i)."</a>";
$o .= '</span> ';
$lastpage = (($numpages > intval($numpages)) ? intval($numpages)+1 : $numpages);
$o .= "<span class=\"pager_last\"><a href=\"$url"."&page=$lastpage\">" . t('last') . "</a></span> ";
if(($a->pager['total'] - ($a->pager['itemspage'] * $a->pager['page'])) > 0)
$o .= '<span class="pager_next">'."<a href=\"$url"."&page=".($a->pager['page'] + 1).'">' . t('next') . '</a></span>';
$o .= '</div>'."\r\n";
return $o;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function alt_pager(&$a, $i, $more = '', $less = '') {
$o = '';
if(! $more)
$more = t('older');
if(! $less)
$less = t('newer');
2012-07-15 03:39:46 +00:00
$stripped = preg_replace('/(&page=[0-9]*)/','',$a->query_string);
$stripped = str_replace('q=','',$stripped);
$stripped = trim($stripped,'/');
$pagenum = $a->pager['page'];
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $stripped;
2012-07-15 03:39:46 +00:00
2013-06-04 01:16:00 +00:00
return replace_macros(get_markup_template('alt_pager.tpl'),array(
'$has_less' => (($a->pager['page'] > 1) ? true : false),
'$has_more' => (($i > 0 && $i >= $a->pager['itemspage']) ? true : false),
2013-06-04 01:16:00 +00:00
'$less' => $less,
'$more' => $more,
'$url' => $url,
'$prevpage' => $a->pager['page'] - 1,
'$nextpage' => $a->pager['page'] + 1,
2012-07-15 03:39:46 +00:00
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2012-07-15 03:39:46 +00:00
// Turn user/group ACLs stored as angle bracketed text into arrays
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function expand_acl($s) {
// turn string array of angle-bracketed elements into string array
// e.g. "<123xyz><246qyo><sxo33e>" => array(123xyz,246qyo,sxo33e);
$ret = array();
if(strlen($s)) {
$t = str_replace('<','',$s);
$a = explode('>',$t);
foreach($a as $aa) {
$ret[] = $aa;
return $ret;
// Used to wrap ACL elements in angle brackets for storage
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function sanitise_acl(&$item) {
$item = '<' . notags(trim($item)) . '>';
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// Convert an ACL array to a storable string
function perms2str($p) {
$ret = '';
2012-11-12 03:12:20 +00:00
$tmp = $p;
$tmp = explode(',',$p);
if(is_array($tmp)) {
$ret = implode('',$tmp);
return $ret;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* @brief Generate a guaranteed unique (for this domain) item ID for ATOM.
* Safe from birthday paradox.
* @return string a unique id
function item_message_id() {
do {
$dups = false;
$hash = random_string();
$mid = $hash . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname();
$r = q("SELECT id FROM item WHERE mid = '%s' LIMIT 1",
$dups = true;
} while($dups == true);
return $mid;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* @brief Generate a guaranteed unique photo ID.
* Safe from birthday paradox.
* @return string a uniqe hash
function photo_new_resource() {
do {
$found = false;
$resource = hash('md5', uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$r = q("SELECT id FROM photo WHERE resource_id = '%s' LIMIT 1",
$found = true;
} while($found === true);
return $resource;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// for html,xml parsing - let's say you've got
// an attribute foobar="class1 class2 class3"
// and you want to find out if it contains 'class3'.
// you can't use a normal sub string search because you
// might match 'notclass3' and a regex to do the job is
// possible but a bit complicated.
// pass the attribute string as $attr and the attribute you
// are looking for as $s - returns true if found, otherwise false
function attribute_contains($attr, $s) {
$a = explode(' ', $attr);
if(count($a) && in_array($s, $a))
return true;
return false;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* @brief Logging function for RedMatrix.
* Logging output is configured through RedMatrix's system config. The log file
* is set in system logfile, log level in system loglevel and to enable logging
* set system debugging.
* Available constants for log level are LOGGER_NORMAL, LOGGER_TRACE, LOGGER_DEBUG,
* Since PHP5.4 we get the file, function and line automatically where the logger
* was caleld, so no need to add it to the message anymore.
* @param string $msg Message to log
* @param int $level A log level.
function logger($msg, $level = 0) {
// turn off logger in install mode
global $a;
2012-02-12 22:18:32 +00:00
global $db;
if(($a->module == 'install') || (! ($db && $db->connected)))
2012-02-12 22:18:32 +00:00
$debugging = get_config('system', 'debugging');
$loglevel = intval(get_config('system', 'loglevel'));
$logfile = get_config('system', 'logfile');
if((! $debugging) || (! $logfile) || ($level > $loglevel))
$where = '';
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) {
$stack = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
$where = basename($stack[0]['file']) . ':' . $stack[0]['line'] . ':' . $stack[1]['function'] . ': ';
@file_put_contents($logfile, datetime_convert() . ':' . session_id() . ' ' . $where . $msg . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* @brief This is a special logging facility for developers.
* It allows one to target specific things to trace/debug and is identical to
* logger() with the exception of the log filename. This allows one to isolate
* specific calls while allowing logger() to paint a bigger picture of overall
* activity and capture more detail.
* If you find dlogger() calls in checked in code, you are free to remove them -
* so as to provide a noise-free development environment which responds to events
* you are targetting personally.
* @param string $msg Message to log
* @param int $level A log level.
function dlogger($msg, $level = 0) {
// turn off logger in install mode
global $a;
global $db;
if(($a->module == 'install') || (! ($db && $db->connected)))
$debugging = get_config('system','debugging');
$loglevel = intval(get_config('system','loglevel'));
$logfile = get_config('system','dlogfile');
if((! $debugging) || (! $logfile) || ($level > $loglevel))
$where = '';
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) {
$stack = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
$where = basename($stack[0]['file']) . ':' . $stack[0]['line'] . ':' . $stack[1]['function'] . ': ';
@file_put_contents($logfile, datetime_convert() . ':' . session_id() . ' ' . $where . $msg . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function profiler($t1,$t2,$label) {
if(file_exists('profiler.out') && $t1 && t2)
@file_put_contents('profiler.out', sprintf('%01.4f %s',$t2 - $t1,$label) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
function activity_match($haystack,$needle) {
if(($haystack === $needle) || ((basename($needle) === $haystack) && strstr($needle,NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA)))
return true;
return false;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// Pull out all #hashtags and @person tags from $s;
// We also get - which would make
// the regex quite complicated as tags can also
// end a sentence. So we'll run through our results
// and strip the period from any tags which end with one.
// Returns array of tags found, or empty array.
function get_tags($s) {
$ret = array();
// ignore anything in a code block
$s = preg_replace('/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/sm','',$s);
2014-02-05 13:34:25 +00:00
// ignore anything in [style= ]
$s = preg_replace('/\[style=(.*?)\]/sm','',$s);
2015-01-16 18:10:34 +00:00
// ignore anything in [color= ], because it may contain color codes which are mistaken for tags
$s = preg_replace('/\[color=(.*?)\]/sm','',$s);
// match any double quoted tags
if(preg_match_all('/([@#]\&quot\;.*?\&quot\;)/',$s,$match)) {
foreach($match[1] as $mtch) {
$ret[] = $mtch;
// Match full names against @tags including the space between first and last
// We will look these up afterward to see if they are full names or not recognisable.
2015-01-16 18:10:34 +00:00
// The lookbehind is used to prevent a match in the middle of a word
// '=' needs to be avoided because when the replacement is made (in handle_tag()) it has to be ignored there
// Feel free to allow '=' if the issue with '=' is solved in handle_tag()
if(preg_match_all('/(?<![a-zA-Z0-9=])(@[^ \x0D\x0A,:?\[]+ [^ \x0D\x0A@,:?\[]+)/',$s,$match)) {
foreach($match[1] as $mtch) {
if(substr($mtch,-1,1) === '.')
$ret[] = substr($mtch,0,-1);
$ret[] = $mtch;
// Otherwise pull out single word tags. These can be @nickname, @first_last
// and #hash tags.
2015-01-16 18:10:34 +00:00
if(preg_match_all('/(?<![a-zA-Z0-9=])([@#][^ \x0D\x0A,;:?\[]+)/',$s,$match)) {
foreach($match[1] as $mtch) {
if(substr($mtch,-1,1) === '.')
$mtch = substr($mtch,0,-1);
// ignore strictly numeric tags like #1 or #^ bookmarks or ## double hash
if((strpos($mtch,'#') === 0) && ( ctype_digit(substr($mtch,1)) || substr($mtch,1,1) === '^') || substr($mtch,1,1) === '#')
2014-04-13 00:04:54 +00:00
// or quote remnants from the quoted strings we already picked out earlier
$ret[] = $mtch;
2014-02-04 03:38:15 +00:00
// bookmarks
2014-02-05 03:39:56 +00:00
if(preg_match_all('/#\^\[(url|zrl)(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(url|zrl)\]/',$s,$match,PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
2014-02-04 03:38:15 +00:00
foreach($match as $mtch) {
$ret[] = $mtch[0];
// make sure the longer tags are returned first so that if two or more have common substrings
// we'll replace the longest ones first. Otherwise the common substring would be found in
// both strings and the string replacement would link both to the shorter strings and
// fail to link the longer string. RedMatrix github issue #378
2014-02-04 03:38:15 +00:00
2014-04-13 06:57:19 +00:00
// logger('get_tags: ' . print_r($ret,true));
2014-02-04 03:38:15 +00:00
return $ret;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function tag_sort_length($a,$b) {
if(mb_strlen($a) == mb_strlen($b))
return 0;
return((mb_strlen($b) < mb_strlen($a)) ? (-1) : 1);
function strip_zids($s) {
return preg_replace('/[\?&]zid=(.*?)(&|$)/ism','$2',$s);
// quick and dirty quoted_printable encoding
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function qp($s) {
return str_replace ("%","=",rawurlencode($s));
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function get_mentions($item,$tags) {
$o = '';
if(! count($tags))
return $o;
foreach($tags as $x) {
if($x['type'] == TERM_MENTION) {
$o .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="mentioned" href="' . $x['url'] . '" />' . "\r\n";
$o .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="ostatus:attention" href="' . $x['url'] . '" />' . "\r\n";
return $o;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function contact_block() {
$o = '';
$a = get_app();
if(! $a->profile['uid'])
if(! perm_is_allowed($a->profile['uid'],get_observer_hash(),'view_contacts'))
$shown = get_pconfig($a->profile['uid'],'system','display_friend_count');
2012-11-14 03:32:59 +00:00
if($shown === false)
$shown = 24;
if($shown == 0)
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
$is_owner = ((local_channel() && local_channel() == $a->profile['uid']) ? true : false);
$sql_extra = '';
if(! $is_owner) {
$abook_flags = $abook_flags | ABOOK_FLAG_HIDDEN;
$sql_extra = " and xchan_hidden = 0 ";
2012-08-31 01:17:38 +00:00
if((! is_array($a->profile)) || ($a->profile['hide_friends']))
return $o;
$r = q("SELECT COUNT(abook_id) AS total FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE abook_channel = %d and not ( abook_flags & %d )>0 and xchan_orphan = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 $sql_extra",
if(count($r)) {
$total = intval($r[0]['total']);
if(! $total) {
2013-02-02 19:07:28 +00:00
$contacts = t('No connections');
$micropro = null;
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
} else {
PostgreSQL support initial commit There were 11 main types of changes: - UPDATE's and DELETE's sometimes had LIMIT 1 at the end of them. This is not only non-compliant but it would certainly not do what whoever wrote it thought it would. It is likely this mistake was just copied from Friendica. All of these instances, the LIMIT 1 was simply removed. - Bitwise operations (and even some non-zero int checks) erroneously rely on MySQL implicit integer-boolean conversion in the WHERE clauses. This is non-compliant (and bad programming practice to boot). Proper explicit boolean conversions were added. New queries should use proper conventions. - MySQL has a different operator for bitwise XOR than postgres. Rather than add yet another dba_ func, I converted them to "& ~" ("AND NOT") when turning off, and "|" ("OR") when turning on. There were no true toggles (XOR). New queries should refrain from using XOR when not necessary. - There are several fields which the schema has marked as NOT NULL, but the inserts don't specify them. The reason this works is because mysql totally ignores the constraint and adds an empty text default automatically. Again, non-compliant, obviously. In these cases a default of empty text was added. - Several statements rely on a non-standard MySQL feature ( These queries can all be rewritten to be standards compliant. Interestingly enough, the newly rewritten standards compliant queries run a zillion times faster, even on MySQL. - A couple of function/operator name translations were needed (RAND/RANDOM, GROUP_CONCAT/STRING_AGG, UTC_NOW, REGEXP/~, ^/#) -- assist functions added in the dba_ - INTERVALs: postgres requires quotes around the value, mysql requires that there are not quotes around the value -- assist functions added in the dba_ - NULL_DATE's -- Postgres does not allow the invalid date '0000-00-00 00:00:00' (there is no such thing as year 0 or month 0 or day 0). We use '0001-01-01 00:00:00' for postgres. Conversions are handled in Zot/item packets automagically by quoting all dates with dbescdate(). - char(##) specifications in the schema creates fields with blank spaces that aren't trimmed in the code. MySQL apparently treats char(##) as varchar(##), again, non-compliant. Since postgres works better with text fields anyway, this ball of bugs was simply side-stepped by using 'text' datatype for all text fields in the postgres schema. varchar was used in a couple of places where it actually seemed appropriate (size constraint), but without rigorously vetting that all of the PHP code actually validates data, new bugs might come out from under the rug. - postgres doesn't store nul bytes and a few other non-printables in text fields, even when quoted. bytea fields were used when storing binary data (, A new dbescbin() function was added to handle this transparently. - postgres does not support LIMIT #,# syntax. All databases support LIMIT # OFFSET # syntax. Statements were updated to be standard. These changes require corresponding changes in the coding standards. Please review those before adding any code going forward. Still on my TODO list: - remove quotes from non-reserved identifiers and make reserved identifiers use dba func for quoting - Rewrite search queries for better results (both MySQL and Postgres)
2014-11-13 20:21:58 +00:00
$randfunc = 'RANDOM()';
} else {
$randfunc = 'RAND()';
$r = q("SELECT abook.*, xchan.* FROM abook left join xchan on abook.abook_xchan = xchan.xchan_hash WHERE abook_channel = %d AND not ( abook_flags & %d)>0 and xchan_orphan = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 $sql_extra ORDER BY $randfunc LIMIT %d",
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
if(count($r)) {
2012-12-07 02:17:43 +00:00
$contacts = sprintf( tt('%d Connection','%d Connections', $total),$total);
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
$micropro = Array();
foreach($r as $rr) {
$rr['archived'] = (($rr['abook_flags'] & ABOOK_FLAG_ARCHIVED) ? true : false);
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
$micropro[] = micropro($rr,true,'mpfriend');
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
$tpl = get_markup_template('contact_block.tpl');
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$contacts' => $contacts,
2013-02-19 08:20:47 +00:00
'$nickname' => $a->profile['channel_address'],
'$viewconnections' => t('View Connections'),
2011-08-31 15:31:44 +00:00
'$micropro' => $micropro,
$arr = array('contacts' => $r, 'output' => $o);
call_hooks('contact_block_end', $arr);
return $o;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2012-12-07 02:17:43 +00:00
function chanlink_hash($s) {
return z_root() . '/chanview?f=&hash=' . urlencode($s);
function chanlink_url($s) {
return z_root() . '/chanview?f=&url=' . urlencode($s);
function chanlink_cid($d) {
return z_root() . '/chanview?f=&cid=' . intval($d);
function magiclink_url($observer,$myaddr,$url) {
return (($observer)
? z_root() . '/magic?f=&dest=' . $url . '&addr=' . $myaddr
: $url
2012-12-07 02:17:43 +00:00
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function micropro($contact, $redirect = false, $class = '', $textmode = false) {
$url = '#';
$url = chanlink_hash($contact['xchan_hash']);
2012-12-07 02:17:43 +00:00
return replace_macros(get_markup_template(($textmode)?'micropro_txt.tpl':'micropro_img.tpl'),array(
'$click' => (($contact['click']) ? $contact['click'] : ''),
'$class' => $class . (($contact['archived']) ? ' archived' : ''),
2012-12-07 02:17:43 +00:00
'$url' => $url,
'$photo' => $contact['xchan_photo_s'],
'$name' => $contact['xchan_name'],
'$title' => $contact['xchan_name'] . ' [' . $contact['xchan_addr'] . ']',
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2011-09-05 00:35:06 +00:00
function search($s,$id='search-box',$url='/search',$save = false) {
$a = get_app();
return replace_macros(get_markup_template('searchbox.tpl'),array(
'$s' => $s,
'$id' => $id,
'$action_url' => $a->get_baseurl((stristr($url,'network')) ? true : false) . $url,
'$search_label' => t('Search'),
'$save_label' => t('Save'),
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
'$savedsearch' => feature_enabled(local_channel(),'savedsearch')
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2013-12-10 05:20:55 +00:00
function searchbox($s,$id='search-box',$url='/search',$save = false) {
return replace_macros(get_markup_template('searchbox.tpl'),array(
'$s' => $s,
'$id' => $id,
'$action_url' => z_root() . '/' . $url,
'$search_label' => t('Search'),
'$save_label' => t('Save'),
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
'$savedsearch' => feature_enabled(local_channel(),'savedsearch')
2013-12-10 05:20:55 +00:00
function valid_email($x){
2012-07-02 01:56:00 +00:00
return true;
2011-12-16 22:31:39 +00:00
return true;
return false;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* Function: linkify
* Replace naked text hyperlink with HTML formatted hyperlink
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function linkify($s) {
$s = preg_replace("/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\@\~\#\'\%\$\!\+]*)/", ' <a href="$1" >$1</a>', $s);
2011-09-15 03:47:49 +00:00
$s = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=(.*?)\&amp\;(.*?)\>/ism",'<$1$2=$3&$4>',$s);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* @function sslify($s)
* Replace media element using http url with https to a local redirector if using https locally
* @param string $s
* Looks for HTML tags containing src elements that are http when we're viewing an https page
* Typically this throws an insecure content violation in the browser. So we redirect them
* to a local redirector which uses https and which redirects to the selected content
* @returns string
function sslify($s) {
if(strpos(z_root(),'https:') === false)
return $s;
$matches = null;
$cnt = preg_match_all("/\<(.*?)src=\"(http\:.*?)\"(.*?)\>/",$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $match) {
$filename = basename( parse_url($match[2],PHP_URL_PATH) );
$s = str_replace($match[2],z_root() . '/sslify/' . $filename . '?f=&url=' . urlencode($match[2]),$s);
return $s;
2012-07-20 01:53:26 +00:00
function get_poke_verbs() {
// index is present tense verb
// value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
$arr = array(
'poke' => array( 'poked', t('poke'), t('poked')),
2012-07-21 10:48:59 +00:00
'ping' => array( 'pinged', t('ping'), t('pinged')),
2012-07-20 01:53:26 +00:00
'prod' => array( 'prodded', t('prod'), t('prodded')),
'slap' => array( 'slapped', t('slap'), t('slapped')),
2012-07-21 10:48:59 +00:00
'finger' => array( 'fingered', t('finger'), t('fingered')),
'rebuff' => array( 'rebuffed', t('rebuff'), t('rebuffed')),
2012-07-20 01:53:26 +00:00
2012-07-20 01:53:26 +00:00
call_hooks('poke_verbs', $arr);
return $arr;
2012-08-24 03:00:10 +00:00
function get_mood_verbs() {
2012-08-24 03:00:10 +00:00
$arr = array(
'happy' => t('happy'),
'sad' => t('sad'),
'mellow' => t('mellow'),
'tired' => t('tired'),
'perky' => t('perky'),
'angry' => t('angry'),
'stupefied' => t('stupified'),
'puzzled' => t('puzzled'),
'interested' => t('interested'),
'bitter' => t('bitter'),
'cheerful' => t('cheerful'),
'alive' => t('alive'),
'annoyed' => t('annoyed'),
'anxious' => t('anxious'),
'cranky' => t('cranky'),
'disturbed' => t('disturbed'),
'frustrated' => t('frustrated'),
2014-04-27 02:33:39 +00:00
'depressed' => t('depressed'),
2012-08-24 03:00:10 +00:00
'motivated' => t('motivated'),
'relaxed' => t('relaxed'),
'surprised' => t('surprised'),
call_hooks('mood_verbs', $arr);
return $arr;
2014-12-20 16:33:35 +00:00
// Function to list all smilies, both internal and from addons
// Returns array with keys 'texts' and 'icons'
function list_smilies() {
$a = get_app();
$texts = array(
2012-03-22 04:45:45 +00:00
2012-04-02 05:57:50 +00:00
2012-02-16 23:15:28 +00:00
2012-05-31 00:22:51 +00:00
$icons = array(
2012-06-28 23:42:40 +00:00
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-heart.gif" alt="<3" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-brokenheart.gif" alt="</3" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-brokenheart.gif" alt="<\\3" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-smile.gif" alt=":-)" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-wink.gif" alt=";-)" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-frown.gif" alt=":-(" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif" alt=":-P" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif" alt=":-p" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-kiss.gif" alt=":-\"" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-kiss.gif" alt=":-\"" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-kiss.gif" alt=":-x" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-kiss.gif" alt=":-X" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-laughing.gif" alt=":-D" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-surprised.gif" alt="8-|" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-surprised.gif" alt="8-O" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-surprised.gif" alt=":-O" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-thumbsup.gif" alt="\\o/" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-Oo.gif" alt="o.O" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-Oo.gif" alt="O.o" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-Oo.gif" alt="o_O" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-Oo.gif" alt="O_o" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-cry.gif" alt=":\'(" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif" alt=":-!" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-undecided.gif" alt=":-/" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-embarassed.gif" alt=":-[" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-cool.gif" alt="8-)" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/beer_mug.gif" alt=":beer" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/beer_mug.gif" alt=":homebrew" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/coffee.gif" alt=":coffee" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-facepalm.gif" alt=":facepalm" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/like.gif" alt=":like" />',
'<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/dislike.gif" alt=":dislike" />',
'<a href=""><strong>red<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/rm-16.png" alt="' . urlencode('red#matrix') . '" />matrix</strong></a>',
'<a href=""><strong>red<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/rm-16.png" alt="' . urlencode('red#') . '" />matrix</strong></a>',
'<a href=""><strong>red<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/rm-16.png" alt="r#" />matrix</strong></a>'
2014-12-20 16:33:35 +00:00
$params = array('texts' => $texts, 'icons' => $icons);
call_hooks('smilie', $params);
2014-12-20 16:33:35 +00:00
return $params;
* Function: smilies
* Description:
* Replaces text emoticons with graphical images
* @Parameter: string $s
* Returns string
* It is expected that this function will be called using HTML text.
* We will escape text between HTML pre and code blocks, and HTML attributes
* (such as urls) from being processed.
* At a higher level, the bbcode [nosmile] tag can be used to prevent this
* function from being executed by the prepare_text() routine when preparing
* bbcode source for HTML display
function smilies($s, $sample = false) {
$a = get_app();
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
|| (local_channel() && intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','no_smilies'))))
2014-12-20 16:33:35 +00:00
return $s;
$s = preg_replace_callback('{<(pre|code)>.*?</\1>}ism','smile_shield',$s);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/<[a-z]+ .*?>/ism','smile_shield',$s);
$params = list_smilies();
$params['string'] = $s;
2011-09-12 10:21:39 +00:00
if($sample) {
$s = '<div class="smiley-sample">';
for($x = 0; $x < count($params['texts']); $x ++) {
$s .= '<dl><dt>' . $params['texts'][$x] . '</dt><dd>' . $params['icons'][$x] . '</dd></dl>';
else {
$params['string'] = preg_replace_callback('/&lt;(3+)/','preg_heart',$params['string']);
$s = str_replace($params['texts'],$params['icons'],$params['string']);
2014-02-02 13:52:00 +00:00
$s = preg_replace_callback('/<!--base64:(.*?)-->/ism', 'smile_unshield', $s);
2011-09-12 10:21:39 +00:00
return $s;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2014-02-02 13:52:00 +00:00
function smile_shield($m) {
return '<!--base64:' . base64url_encode($m[0]) . '-->';
2014-02-02 13:52:00 +00:00
function smile_unshield($m) {
return base64url_decode($m[1]);
// expand <3333 to the correct number of hearts
function preg_heart($x) {
$a = get_app();
if(strlen($x[1]) == 1)
return $x[0];
$t = '';
for($cnt = 0; $cnt < strlen($x[1]); $cnt ++)
2012-06-28 23:42:40 +00:00
$t .= '<img class="smiley" src="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/smiley-heart.gif" alt="<3" />';
$r = str_replace($x[0],$t,$x[0]);
return $r;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function day_translate($s) {
$ret = str_replace(array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'),
array( t('Monday'), t('Tuesday'), t('Wednesday'), t('Thursday'), t('Friday'), t('Saturday'), t('Sunday')),
$ret = str_replace(array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'),
array( t('January'), t('February'), t('March'), t('April'), t('May'), t('June'), t('July'), t('August'), t('September'), t('October'), t('November'), t('December')),
return $ret;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function normalise_link($url) {
$ret = str_replace(array('https:','//www.'), array('http:','//'), $url);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* Compare two URLs to see if they are the same, but ignore
* slight but hopefully insignificant differences such as if one
* is https and the other isn't, or if one is www.something and
* the other isn't - and also ignore case differences.
* Return true if the URLs match, otherwise false.
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function link_compare($a,$b) {
if(strcasecmp(normalise_link($a),normalise_link($b)) === 0)
return true;
return false;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// Given an item array, convert the body element from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
// If attach is true, also add icons for item attachments
function unobscure(&$item) {
2015-01-23 02:41:10 +00:00
if(array_key_exists('item_obscured',$item) && intval($item['item_obscured'])) {
$key = get_config('system','prvkey');
$item['title'] = crypto_unencapsulate(json_decode_plus($item['title']),$key);
$item['body'] = crypto_unencapsulate(json_decode_plus($item['body']),$key);
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
function theme_attachments(&$item) {
$arr = json_decode_plus($item['attach']);
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
if(is_array($arr) && count($arr)) {
$attaches = array();
foreach($arr as $r) {
$icon = '';
$icontype = substr($r['type'],0,strpos($r['type'],'/'));
2013-10-14 22:34:47 +00:00
// FIXME This should probably be a giant "if" statement in the template so that we don't have icon names
// embedded in php code
switch($icontype) {
case 'video':
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$icon = 'icon-facetime-video';
case 'audio':
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$icon = 'icon-volume-up';
case 'image':
$icon = 'icon-picture';
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
case 'text':
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$icon = 'icon-align-justify';
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$icon = 'icon-question';
$title = htmlspecialchars($r['title'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8');
if(! $title)
$title = t('unknown.???');
$title .= ' ' . $r['length'] . ' ' . t('bytes');
$url = $r['href'];
$url = z_root() . '/magic?f=&hash=' . $item['author_xchan'] . '&dest=' . $r['href'] . '/' . $r['revision'];
$s .= '<a href="' . $url . '" title="' . $title . '" class="attachlink" >' . $icon . '</a>';
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$attaches[] = array('title' => $title, 'url' => $url, 'icon' => $icon );
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$s = replace_macros(get_markup_template('item_attach.tpl'), array(
'$attaches' => $attaches
return $s;
function format_categories(&$item,$writeable) {
$s = '';
$terms = get_terms_oftype($item['term'],TERM_CATEGORY);
if($terms) {
$categories = array();
foreach($terms as $t) {
$term = htmlspecialchars($t['term'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) ;
2013-10-14 22:34:47 +00:00
if(! trim($term))
$removelink = (($writeable) ? z_root() . '/filerm/' . $item['id'] . '?f=&cat=' . urlencode($t['term']) : '');
2013-12-02 23:15:02 +00:00
$categories[] = array('term' => $term, 'writeable' => $writeable, 'removelink' => $removelink, 'url' => zid($t['url']));
$s = replace_macros(get_markup_template('item_categories.tpl'),array(
'$remove' => t('remove category'),
'$categories' => $categories
return $s;
// Add any hashtags which weren't mentioned in the message body, e.g. community tags
function format_hashtags(&$item) {
$s = '';
$terms = get_terms_oftype($item['term'],TERM_HASHTAG);
if($terms) {
foreach($terms as $t) {
$term = htmlspecialchars($t['term'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) ;
if(! trim($term))
if(strpos($item['body'], $t['url']))
$s .= '&nbsp';
$s .= '#<a href="' . zid($t['url']) . '" >' . $term . '</a>';
return $s;
function format_mentions(&$item) {
$s = '';
$terms = get_terms_oftype($item['term'],TERM_MENTION);
if($terms) {
foreach($terms as $t) {
$term = htmlspecialchars($t['term'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) ;
if(! trim($term))
if(strpos($item['body'], $t['url']))
$s .= '&nbsp';
$s .= '@<a href="' . zid($t['url']) . '" >' . $term . '</a>';
return $s;
function format_filer(&$item) {
$s = '';
$terms = get_terms_oftype($item['term'],TERM_FILE);
if($terms) {
$categories = array();
foreach($terms as $t) {
$term = htmlspecialchars($t['term'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) ;
2013-10-14 22:34:47 +00:00
if(! trim($term))
$removelink = z_root() . '/filerm/' . $item['id'] . '?f=&term=' . urlencode($t['term']);
$categories[] = array('term' => $term, 'removelink' => $removelink);
$s = replace_macros(get_markup_template('item_filer.tpl'),array(
'$remove' => t('remove from file'),
'$categories' => $categories
return $s;
function generate_map($coord) {
$coord = trim($coord);
$coord = str_replace(array(',','/',' '),array(' ',' ',' '),$coord);
$arr = array('lat' => trim(substr($coord,0,strpos($coord,' '))), 'lon' => trim(substr($coord,strpos($coord,' ')+1)), 'html' => '');
return $arr['html'];
function generate_named_map($location) {
$arr = array('location' => $location, 'html' => '');
return $arr['html'];
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
function prepare_body(&$item,$attach = false) {
call_hooks('prepare_body_init', $item);
$s = prepare_text($item['body'],$item['mimetype']);
$prep_arr = array('item' => $item, 'html' => $s);
call_hooks('prepare_body', $prep_arr);
$s = $prep_arr['html'];
if(! $attach) {
return $s;
2012-07-10 05:08:25 +00:00
if(strpos($s,'<div class="map">') !== false && $item['coord']) {
$x = generate_map(trim($item['coord']));
if($x) {
$s = preg_replace('/\<div class\=\"map\"\>/','$0' . $x,$s);
2013-10-14 04:14:04 +00:00
$s .= theme_attachments($item);
$writeable = ((get_observer_hash() == $item['owner_xchan']) ? true : false);
$s .= format_hashtags($item);
$s .= format_mentions($item);
$s .= format_categories($item,$writeable);
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
if(local_channel() == $item['uid'])
$s .= format_filer($item);
2011-10-24 22:47:17 +00:00
2013-12-25 12:06:26 +00:00
$s = sslify($s);
// Look for spoiler
$spoilersearch = '<blockquote class="spoiler">';
// Remove line breaks before the spoiler
while ((strpos($s, "\n".$spoilersearch) !== false))
$s = str_replace("\n".$spoilersearch, $spoilersearch, $s);
while ((strpos($s, "<br />".$spoilersearch) !== false))
$s = str_replace("<br />".$spoilersearch, $spoilersearch, $s);
while ((strpos($s, $spoilersearch) !== false)) {
$pos = strpos($s, $spoilersearch);
$rnd = random_string(8);
$spoilerreplace = '<br /> <span id="spoiler-wrap-'.$rnd.'" style="white-space:nowrap;" class="fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'spoiler-'.$rnd.'\');">'.sprintf(t('Click to open/close')).'</span>'.
'<blockquote class="spoiler" id="spoiler-'.$rnd.'" style="display: none;">';
$s = substr($s, 0, $pos).$spoilerreplace.substr($s, $pos+strlen($spoilersearch));
// Look for quote with author
$authorsearch = '<blockquote class="author">';
while ((strpos($s, $authorsearch) !== false)) {
$pos = strpos($s, $authorsearch);
$rnd = random_string(8);
$authorreplace = '<br /> <span id="author-wrap-'.$rnd.'" style="white-space:nowrap;" class="fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'author-'.$rnd.'\');">'.sprintf(t('Click to open/close')).'</span>'.
'<blockquote class="author" id="author-'.$rnd.'" style="display: block;">';
$s = substr($s, 0, $pos).$authorreplace.substr($s, $pos+strlen($authorsearch));
2011-10-24 22:47:17 +00:00
$prep_arr = array('item' => $item, 'html' => $s);
call_hooks('prepare_body_final', $prep_arr);
2011-10-24 22:47:17 +00:00
return $prep_arr['html'];
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// Given a text string, convert from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function prepare_text($text,$content_type = 'text/bbcode') {
switch($content_type) {
case 'text/plain':
$s = escape_tags($text);
case 'text/html':
$s = $text;
case 'text/markdown':
$s = Markdown($text);
// No security checking is done here at display time - so we need to verify
// that the author is allowed to use PHP before storing. We also cannot allow
// importation of PHP text bodies from other sites. Therefore this content
// type is only valid for web pages (and profile details).
// It may be possible to provide a PHP message body which is evaluated on the
// sender's site before sending it elsewhere. In that case we will have a
// different content-type here.
case 'application/x-php':
$s = ob_get_contents();
case 'text/bbcode':
case '':
$s = bbcode($text);
$s = smilies(bbcode($text));
$s = zidify_links($s);
2013-09-02 23:37:54 +00:00
//logger('prepare_text: ' . $s);
return $s;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
* zidify_callback() and zidify_links() work together to turn any HTML a tags with class="zrl" into zid links
* These will typically be generated by a bbcode '[zrl]' tag. This is done inside prepare_text() rather than bbcode()
* because the latter is used for general purpose conversions and the former is used only when preparing text for
* immediate display.
* Issues: Currently the order of HTML parameters in the text is somewhat rigid and inflexible.
* We assume it looks like <a class="zrl" href="xxxxxxxxxx"> and will not work if zrl and href appear in a different order.
function zidify_callback($match) {
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
$is_zid = ((feature_enabled(local_channel(),'sendzid')) || (strpos($match[1],'zrl')) ? true : false);
$replace = '<a' . $match[1] . ' href="' . (($is_zid) ? zid($match[2]) : $match[2]) . '"';
$x = str_replace($match[0],$replace,$match[0]);
return $x;
function zidify_img_callback($match) {
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
$is_zid = ((feature_enabled(local_channel(),'sendzid')) || (strpos($match[1],'zrl')) ? true : false);
$replace = '<img' . $match[1] . ' src="' . (($is_zid) ? zid($match[2]) : $match[2]) . '"';
$x = str_replace($match[0],$replace,$match[0]);
return $x;
function zidify_links($s) {
$s = preg_replace_callback('/\<a(.*?)href\=\"(.*?)\"/ism','zidify_callback',$s);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/\<img(.*?)src\=\"(.*?)\"/ism','zidify_img_callback',$s);
return $s;
* return atom link elements for all of our hubs
function feed_hublinks() {
$hub = get_config('system','huburl');
$hubxml = '';
if(strlen($hub)) {
$hubs = explode(',', $hub);
if(count($hubs)) {
foreach($hubs as $h) {
$h = trim($h);
if(! strlen($h))
$hubxml .= '<link rel="hub" href="' . xmlify($h) . '" />' . "\n" ;
return $hubxml;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
/* return atom link elements for salmon endpoints */
function feed_salmonlinks($nick) {
$a = get_app();
$salmon = '<link rel="salmon" href="' . xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/salmon/' . $nick) . '" />' . "\n" ;
// old style links that still needed as of 12/2010
$salmon .= ' <link rel="" href="' . xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/salmon/' . $nick) . '" />' . "\n" ;
$salmon .= ' <link rel="" href="' . xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/salmon/' . $nick) . '" />' . "\n" ;
return $salmon;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2014-01-10 00:23:58 +00:00
function get_plink($item,$conversation_mode = true) {
$key = 'plink';
$key = 'llink';
if(x($item,$key)) {
return array(
'href' => zid($item[$key]),
'title' => t('Link to Source'),
else {
return false;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function unamp($s) {
return str_replace('&amp;', '&', $s);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2013-09-03 03:25:33 +00:00
function layout_select($channel_id, $current = '') {
2015-01-29 22:51:41 +00:00
$r = q("select mid,sid from item left join item_id on iid = where service = 'PDL' and item.uid = item_id.uid and item_id.uid = %d and item_type = %d ",
2013-09-03 03:25:33 +00:00
2015-01-29 22:51:41 +00:00
2013-09-03 03:25:33 +00:00
if($r) {
$o = t('Select a page layout: ');
$o .= '<select name="layout_mid" id="select-layout_mid" >';
$empty_selected = (($current === '') ? ' selected="selected" ' : '');
$o .= '<option value="" ' . $empty_selected . '>' . t('default') . '</option>';
foreach($r as $rr) {
$selected = (($rr['mid'] == $current) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '');
$o .= '<option value="' . $rr['mid'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $rr['sid'] . '</option>';
$o .= '</select>';
return $o;
function mimetype_select($channel_id, $current = 'text/bbcode') {
$x = array(
2014-08-26 19:13:27 +00:00
$r = q("select account_id, account_roles, channel_pageflags from account left join channel on account_id = channel_account_id where
channel_id = %d limit 1",
if($r) {
if(($r[0]['account_roles'] & ACCOUNT_ROLE_ALLOWCODE) || ($r[0]['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ALLOWCODE)) {
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
if(local_channel() && get_account_id() == $r[0]['account_id'])
$x[] = 'application/x-php';
$o = t('Page content type: ');
$o .= '<select name="mimetype" id="mimetype-select">';
foreach($x as $y) {
$select = (($y == $current) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '');
$o .= '<option name="' . $y . '"' . $select . '>' . $y . '</option>';
$o .= '</select>';
return $o;
function lang_selector() {
global $a;
$langs = glob('view/*/strings.php');
$lang_options = array();
$selected = "";
if(is_array($langs) && count($langs)) {
$langs[] = '';
if(! in_array('view/en/strings.php',$langs))
$langs[] = 'view/en/';
foreach($langs as $l) {
if($l == '') {
$lang_options[""] = t('default');
$ll = substr($l,5);
$ll = substr($ll,0,strrpos($ll,'/'));
$selected = (($ll === $a->language && (x($_SESSION, 'language'))) ? $ll : $selected);
$lang_options[$ll] = get_language_name($ll, $ll) . " ($ll)";
$tpl = get_markup_template("lang_selector.tpl");
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$title' => t('Select an alternate language'),
'$langs' => array($lang_options, $selected),
return $o;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
function return_bytes ($size_str) {
switch (substr ($size_str, -1)) {
case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$size_str * 1048576;
case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$size_str * 1024;
case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$size_str * 1073741824;
default: return $size_str;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
2012-08-27 06:05:00 +00:00
function base64url_encode($s, $strip_padding = true) {
$s = strtr(base64_encode($s),'+/','-_');
$s = str_replace('=','',$s);
return $s;
function base64url_decode($s) {
if(is_array($s)) {
logger('base64url_decode: illegal input: ' . print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));
return $s;
return base64_decode(strtr($s,'-_','+/'));
2011-08-17 03:05:02 +00:00
* @ Return a div to clear floats.
* @return string
function cleardiv() {
return '<div class="clear"></div>';
function bb_translate_video($s) {
$matches = null;
$r = preg_match_all("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($r) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
if((stristr($mtch[1],'youtube')) || (stristr($mtch[1],'')))
$s = str_replace($mtch[0],'[youtube]' . $mtch[1] . '[/youtube]',$s);
$s = str_replace($mtch[0],'[vimeo]' . $mtch[1] . '[/vimeo]',$s);
return $s;
function html2bb_video($s) {
$s = preg_replace('#<object[^>]+>(.*?)https?://|cp)/[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)</object>#ism',
'[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s);
$s = preg_replace('#<iframe[^>](.*?)https?://[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)</iframe>#ism',
'[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s);
$s = preg_replace('#<iframe[^>](.*?)https?://[0-9]+)(.*?)</iframe>#ism',
'[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]', $s);
return $s;
2011-10-27 08:54:52 +00:00
* apply xmlify() to all values of array $val, recursively
function array_xmlify($val) {
2011-10-27 08:54:52 +00:00
if (is_bool($val)) return $val?"true":"false";
if (is_array($val)) return array_map('array_xmlify', $val);
return xmlify((string) $val);
function reltoabs($text, $base) {
if (empty($base))
return $text;
$base = rtrim($base,'/');
$base2 = $base . "/";
// Replace links
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*) href=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<a\${1} href=\"" . $base2 . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*) href=\"(?!http|https)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<a\${1} href=\"" . $base . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
// Replace images
$pattern = "/<img([^>]*) src=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<img\${1} src=\"" . $base2 . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
$pattern = "/<img([^>]*) src=\"(?!http|https)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<img\${1} src=\"" . $base . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
// Done
return $text;
function item_post_type($item) {
switch($item['resource_type']) {
case 'photo':
$post_type = t('photo');
case 'event':
$post_type = t('event');
$post_type = t('status');
if($item['mid'] != $item['parent_mid'])
$post_type = t('comment');
2012-07-10 05:08:25 +00:00
if(strlen($item['verb']) && (! activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_POST)))
$post_type = t('activity');
2012-07-10 05:08:25 +00:00
return $post_type;
2012-03-12 04:32:11 +00:00
2012-03-22 23:17:10 +00:00
function undo_post_tagging($s) {
$matches = null;
$cnt = preg_match_all('/([@#])(\!*)\[zrl=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/zrl\]/ism',$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
2012-03-22 23:17:10 +00:00
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$s = str_replace($mtch[0], $mtch[1] . $mtch[2] . str_replace(' ','_',$mtch[4]),$s);
2012-03-22 23:17:10 +00:00
return $s;
2012-04-10 23:31:49 +00:00
function fix_mce_lf($s) {
$s = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$s);
// $s = str_replace("\n\n","\n",$s);
2012-04-10 23:31:49 +00:00
return $s;
function protect_sprintf($s) {
function is_a_date_arg($s) {
$i = intval($s);
if($i > 1900) {
$y = date('Y');
if($i <= $y+1 && strpos($s,'-') == 4) {
$m = intval(substr($s,5));
if($m > 0 && $m <= 12)
return true;
return false;
function legal_webbie($s) {
if(! strlen($s))
return '';
$x = $s;
do {
$s = $x;
$x = preg_replace('/^([^a-z])(.*?)/',"$2",$s);
} while($x != $s);
return preg_replace('/([^a-z0-9\-\_])/','',$x);
function check_webbie($arr) {
$reservechan = get_config('system','reserved_channels');
$taken = explode(',', $reservechan);
$taken = array();
$str = '';
if(count($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $x) {
$y = legal_webbie($x);
if(strlen($y)) {
$str .= ',';
$str .= "'" . dbesc($y) . "'";
if(strlen($str)) {
$r = q("select channel_address from channel where channel_address in ( $str ) ");
if(count($r)) {
foreach($r as $rr) {
$taken[] = $rr['channel_address'];
foreach($arr as $x) {
$y = legal_webbie($x);
if(! in_array($y,$taken)) {
return $y;
return '';
2012-08-30 06:03:03 +00:00
function ids_to_querystr($arr,$idx = 'id') {
$t = array();
foreach($arr as $x)
$t[] = $x[$idx];
2012-08-30 06:03:03 +00:00
return(implode(',', $t));
2012-10-08 04:44:11 +00:00
// Fetches xchan and hubloc data for an array of items with only an
// author_xchan and owner_xchan. If $abook is true also include the abook info.
// This is needed in the API to save extra per item lookups there.
2014-09-23 05:03:19 +00:00
function xchan_query(&$items,$abook = true,$effective_uid = 0) {
2012-10-08 04:44:11 +00:00
$arr = array();
if($items && count($items)) {
2014-09-23 05:03:19 +00:00
if($effective_uid) {
for($x = 0; $x < count($items); $x ++) {
$items[$x]['real_uid'] = $items[$x]['uid'];
$items[$x]['uid'] = $effective_uid;
2012-10-08 04:44:11 +00:00
foreach($items as $item) {
if($item['owner_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['owner_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['owner_xchan']) . "'";
if($item['author_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['author_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['author_xchan']) . "'";
if(count($arr)) {
if($abook) {
$chans = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash left join abook on abook_xchan = xchan_hash and abook_channel = %d
where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',', $arr) . ") and hubloc_primary = 1",
else {
$chans = q("select xchan.*,hubloc.* from xchan left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash
where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',', $arr) . ") and hubloc_primary = 1");
2014-09-01 03:51:05 +00:00
$xchans = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',',$arr) . ") and xchan_network in ('rss','unknown')");
if(! $chans)
$chans = $xchans;
$chans = array_merge($xchans,$chans);
2012-10-08 04:44:11 +00:00
if($items && count($items) && $chans && count($chans)) {
for($x = 0; $x < count($items); $x ++) {
$items[$x]['owner'] = find_xchan_in_array($items[$x]['owner_xchan'],$chans);
$items[$x]['author'] = find_xchan_in_array($items[$x]['author_xchan'],$chans);
2012-12-06 00:44:07 +00:00
function xchan_mail_query(&$item) {
$arr = array();
$chans = null;
if($item) {
if($item['from_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['from_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['from_xchan']) . "'";
if($item['to_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['to_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['to_xchan']) . "'";
if(count($arr)) {
$chans = q("select xchan.*,hubloc.* from xchan left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash
where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',', $arr) . ") and hubloc_primary = 1");
2012-12-06 00:44:07 +00:00
if($chans) {
$item['from'] = find_xchan_in_array($item['from_xchan'],$chans);
$item['to'] = find_xchan_in_array($item['to_xchan'],$chans);
2012-10-08 04:44:11 +00:00
function find_xchan_in_array($xchan,$arr) {
if(count($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $x) {
if($x['xchan_hash'] === $xchan) {
return $x;
return array();
2012-11-14 03:32:59 +00:00
function get_rel_link($j,$rel) {
2015-02-04 00:03:05 +00:00
if(is_array($j) && ($j))
foreach($j as $l)
if(array_key_exists('rel',$l) && $l['rel'] === $rel && array_key_exists('href',$l))
2012-11-14 03:32:59 +00:00
return $l['href'];
return '';
// Lots of code to write here
function magic_link($s) {
return $s;
// if $escape is true, dbesc() each element before adding quotes
function stringify_array_elms(&$arr,$escape = false) {
2012-11-15 01:02:30 +00:00
for($x = 0; $x < count($arr); $x ++)
$arr[$x] = "'" . (($escape) ? dbesc($arr[$x]) : $arr[$x]) . "'";
2012-11-15 01:02:30 +00:00
* Indents a flat JSON string to make it more human-readable.
* @param string $json The original JSON string to process.
* @return string Indented version of the original JSON string.
function jindent($json) {
$result = '';
$pos = 0;
$strLen = strlen($json);
$indentStr = ' ';
$newLine = "\n";
$prevChar = '';
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
$outOfQuotes = true;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
for ($i=0; $i<=$strLen; $i++) {
// Grab the next character in the string.
$char = substr($json, $i, 1);
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// Are we inside a quoted string?
if ($char == '"' && $prevChar != '\\') {
$outOfQuotes = !$outOfQuotes;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// If this character is the end of an element,
// output a new line and indent the next line.
} else if(($char == '}' || $char == ']') && $outOfQuotes) {
$result .= $newLine;
$pos --;
for ($j=0; $j<$pos; $j++) {
$result .= $indentStr;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
// Add the character to the result string.
$result .= $char;
// If the last character was the beginning of an element,
// output a new line and indent the next line.
if (($char == ',' || $char == '{' || $char == '[') && $outOfQuotes) {
$result .= $newLine;
if ($char == '{' || $char == '[') {
$pos ++;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) {
$result .= $indentStr;
$prevChar = $char;
2013-02-27 02:26:33 +00:00
return $result;
function json_decode_plus($s) {
$x = json_decode($s,true);
if(! $x)
$x = json_decode(str_replace(array('\\"','\\\\'),array('"','\\'),$s),true);
return $x;
function design_tools() {
2013-12-19 10:16:14 +00:00
$channel = get_app()->get_channel();
2014-11-12 04:44:43 +00:00
$sys = false;
if(get_app()->is_sys && is_site_admin()) {
$channel = get_sys_channel();
2014-11-12 04:44:43 +00:00
$sys = true;
2013-12-19 10:16:14 +00:00
$who = $channel['channel_address'];
return replace_macros(get_markup_template('design_tools.tpl'), array(
'$title' => t('Design'),
'$who' => $who,
2014-11-12 04:44:43 +00:00
'$sys' => $sys,
2013-12-19 10:16:14 +00:00
'$blocks' => t('Blocks'),
'$menus' => t('Menus'),
'$layout' => t('Layouts'),
'$pages' => t('Pages')
/* case insensitive in_array() */
function in_arrayi($needle, $haystack) {
return in_array(strtolower($needle), array_map('strtolower', $haystack));
function normalise_openid($s) {
return trim(str_replace(array('http://','https://'),array('',''),$s),'/');
// used in ajax endless scroll request to find out all the args that the master page was viewing.
// This was using $_REQUEST, but $_REQUEST also contains all your cookies. So we're restricting it
// to $_GET and $_POST.
2014-09-06 07:37:15 +00:00
function extra_query_args() {
$s = '';
if(count($_GET)) {
foreach($_GET as $k => $v) {
2014-09-06 07:37:15 +00:00
// these are request vars we don't want to duplicate
if(! in_array($k, array('q','f','zid','page','PHPSESSID'))) {
2014-11-12 00:09:45 +00:00
$s .= '&' . $k . '=' . urlencode($v);
2014-09-06 07:37:15 +00:00
if(count($_POST)) {
foreach($_POST as $k => $v) {
// these are request vars we don't want to duplicate
if(! in_array($k, array('q','f','zid','page','PHPSESSID'))) {
2014-11-12 00:09:45 +00:00
$s .= '&' . $k . '=' . urlencode($v);
2014-09-06 07:37:15 +00:00
return $s;
* This function removes the tag $tag from the text $body and replaces it with
* the appropiate link.
* @param unknown_type $body the text to replace the tag in
* @param unknown_type $access_tag - used to return tag ACL exclusions e.g. @!foo
* @param unknown_type $str_tags string to add the tag to
* @param unknown_type $profile_uid
* @param unknown_type $tag the tag to replace
* @return boolean true if replaced, false if not replaced
function handle_tag($a, &$body, &$access_tag, &$str_tags, $profile_uid, $tag) {
$replaced = false;
$r = null;
$termtype = ((strpos($tag,'#') === 0) ? TERM_HASHTAG : TERM_UNKNOWN);
$termtype = ((strpos($tag,'@') === 0) ? TERM_MENTION : $termtype);
$termtype = ((strpos($tag,'#^[') === 0) ? TERM_BOOKMARK : $termtype);
//is it a hash tag?
if(strpos($tag,'#') === 0) {
if(strpos($tag,'#^[') === 0) {
if(preg_match('/#\^\[(url|zrl)(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(url|zrl)\]/',$tag,$match)) {
$basetag = $match[3];
$url = ((substr($match[2],0,1) === '=') ? substr($match[2],1) : $match[3]);
$replaced = true;
// if the tag is already replaced...
elseif((strpos($tag,'[zrl=')) || (strpos($tag,'[url='))) {
// nothing
return $replaced;
if($tag == '#getzot') {
$basetag = 'getzot';
$url = '';
$newtag = '#[zrl=' . $url . ']' . $basetag . '[/zrl]';
$body = str_replace($tag,$newtag,$body);
$replaced = true;
if(! $replaced) {
//base tag has the tags name only
if((substr($tag,0,7) === '#&quot;') && (substr($tag,-6,6) === '&quot;')) {
$basetag = substr($tag,7);
$basetag = substr($basetag,0,-6);
$basetag = str_replace('_',' ',substr($tag,1));
//create text for link
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/search?tag=' . rawurlencode($basetag);
$newtag = '#[zrl=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/search?tag=' . rawurlencode($basetag) . ']' . $basetag . '[/zrl]';
2015-01-16 18:10:34 +00:00
//replace tag by the link. Make sure to not replace something in the middle of a word
// The '=' is needed to not replace color codes if the code is also used as a tag
// Much better would be to somehow completely avoiding things in e.g. [color]-tags.
// This would allow writing things like "my favourite tag=#foobar".
$body = preg_replace('/(?<![a-zA-Z0-9=])'.preg_quote($tag).'/', $newtag, $body);
$replaced = true;
//is the link already in str_tags?
if(! stristr($str_tags,$newtag)) {
//append or set str_tags
$str_tags .= ',';
$str_tags .= $newtag;
return array('replaced' => $replaced, 'termtype' => $termtype, 'term' => $basetag, 'url' => $url, 'contact' => $r[0]);
//is it a person tag?
if(strpos($tag,'@') === 0) {
// The @! tag will alter permissions
$exclusive = ((strpos($tag,'!') === 1) ? true : false);
//is it already replaced?
return $replaced;
//get the person's name
$name = substr($tag,(($exclusive) ? 2 : 1)); // The name or name fragment we are going to replace
$newname = $name; // a copy that we can mess with
$tagcid = 0;
$r = null;
// is it some generated name?
$forum = false;
$trailing_plus_name = false;
// @channel+ is a forum or network delivery tag
if(substr($newname,-1,1) === '+') {
$forum = true;
$newname = substr($newname,0,-1);
// Here we're looking for an address book entry as provided by the auto-completer
// of the form something+nnn where nnn is an abook_id or the first chars of xchan_hash
if(strrpos($newname,'+')) {
//get the id
2015-01-06 21:42:55 +00:00
$tagcid = substr($newname,strrpos($newname,'+') + 1);
if(strrpos($tagcid,' '))
$tagcid = substr($tagcid,0,strrpos($tagcid,' '));
if(strlen($tagcid) < 16)
$abook_id = intval($tagcid);
//remove the next word from tag's name
if(strpos($name,' ')) {
$name = substr($name,0,strpos($name,' '));
if($abook_id) { // if there was an id
// select channel with that id from the logged in user's address book
$r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash
WHERE abook_id = %d AND abook_channel = %d LIMIT 1",
else {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM xchan
WHERE xchan_hash like '%s%%' LIMIT 1",
if(! $r) {
// look for matching names in the address book
// Two ways to deal with spaces - double quote the name or use underscores
// we see this after input filtering so quotes have been html entity encoded
if((substr($name,0,6) === '&quot;') && (substr($name,-6,6) === '&quot;')) {
$newname = substr($name,6);
$newname = substr($newname,0,-6);
$newname = str_replace('_',' ',$name);
// do this bit over since we started over with $name
if(substr($newname,-1,1) === '+') {
$forum = true;
$newname = substr($newname,0,-1);
//select someone from this user's contacts by name
$r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash
WHERE xchan_name = '%s' AND abook_channel = %d LIMIT 1",
if(! $r) {
//select someone by attag or nick and the name passed in
$r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash
WHERE xchan_addr like ('%s') AND abook_channel = %d LIMIT 1",
dbesc(((strpos($newname,'@')) ? $newname : $newname . '@%')),
if(! $r) {
// it's possible somebody has a name ending with '+', which we stripped off as a forum indicator
// This is very rare but we want to get it right.
$r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash
WHERE xchan_name = '%s' AND abook_channel = %d LIMIT 1",
dbesc($newname . '+'),
$trailing_plus_name = true;
// $r is set if we found something
$channel = get_app()->get_channel();
if($r) {
$profile = $r[0]['xchan_url'];
$newname = $r[0]['xchan_name'];
// add the channel's xchan_hash to $access_tag if exclusive
if($exclusive) {
$access_tag .= 'cid:' . $r[0]['xchan_hash'];
else {
// check for a group/collection exclusion tag
// note that we aren't setting $replaced even though we're replacing text.
// This tag isn't going to get a term attached to it. It's only used for
// access control. The link points to out own channel just so it doesn't look
// weird - as all the other tags are linked to something.
2015-01-29 04:56:04 +00:00
if(local_channel() && local_channel() == $profile_uid) {
$grp = group_byname($profile_uid,$name);
if($grp) {
$g = q("select hash from groups where id = %d and visible = 1 limit 1",
if($g && $exclusive) {
$access_tag .= 'gid:' . $g[0]['hash'];
$channel = get_app()->get_channel();
if($channel) {
$newtag = '@' . (($exclusive) ? '!' : '') . '[zrl=' . z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'] . ']' . $newname . '[/zrl]';
$body = str_replace('@' . (($exclusive) ? '!' : '') . $name, $newtag, $body);
if(($exclusive) && (! $access_tag)) {
$access_tag .= 'cid:' . $channel['channel_hash'];
// if there is an url for this channel
if(isset($profile)) {
$replaced = true;
//create profile link
$profile = str_replace(',','%2c',$profile);
$url = $profile;
$newtag = '@' . (($exclusive) ? '!' : '') . '[zrl=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . (($forum && ! $trailing_plus_name) ? '+' : '') . '[/zrl]';
$body = str_replace('@' . (($exclusive) ? '!' : '') . $name, $newtag, $body);
//append tag to str_tags
if(! stristr($str_tags,$newtag)) {
$str_tags .= ',';
$str_tags .= $newtag;
return array('replaced' => $replaced, 'termtype' => $termtype, 'term' => $newname, 'url' => $url, 'contact' => $r[0]);
function linkify_tags($a, &$body, $uid) {
$str_tags = '';
$tagged = array();
$result = array();
$tags = get_tags($body);
if(count($tags)) {
foreach($tags as $tag) {
$access_tag = '';
// If we already tagged 'Robert Johnson', don't try and tag 'Robert'.
// Robert Johnson should be first in the $tags array
$fullnametagged = false;
for($x = 0; $x < count($tagged); $x ++) {
if(stristr($tagged[$x],$tag . ' ')) {
$fullnametagged = true;
$success = handle_tag($a, $body, $access_tag, $str_tags, ($uid) ? $uid : $profile_uid , $tag);
$results[] = array('success' => $success, 'access_tag' => $access_tag);
if($success['replaced']) $tagged[] = $tag;
return $results;
* @brief returns icon name for use with e.g. font-awesome based on mime-type
* @param string $type
* @return string
function getIconFromType($type) {
$iconMap = array(
t('Collection') => 'icon-folder-close',
'multipart/mixed' => 'icon-folder-close', //dirs in attach use this mime type
//Common file
'application/octet-stream' => 'icon-file-alt',
'text/plain' => 'icon-file-text-alt',
'application/msword' => 'icon-file-text-alt',
'application/pdf' => 'icon-file-text-alt',
'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' => 'icon-file-text-alt',
'application/epub+zip' => 'icon-book',
'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' => 'icon-table',
'application/' => 'icon-table',
'image/jpeg' => 'icon-picture',
'image/png' => 'icon-picture',
'image/gif' => 'icon-picture',
'image/svg+xml' => 'icon-picture',
'application/zip' => 'icon-archive',
'application/x-rar-compressed' => 'icon-archive',
'audio/mpeg' => 'icon-music',
'audio/wav' => 'icon-music',
'application/ogg' => 'icon-music',
'audio/ogg' => 'icon-music',
'audio/webm' => 'icon-music',
'audio/mp4' => 'icon-music',
'video/quicktime' => 'icon-film',
'video/webm' => 'icon-film',
'video/mp4' => 'icon-film'
$iconFromType = 'icon-file-alt';
if (array_key_exists($type, $iconMap)) {
$iconFromType = $iconMap[$type];
return $iconFromType;
* @brief Returns a human readable formatted string for filesizes.
* @param int $size filesize in bytes
* @return string
function userReadableSize($size) {
$ret = "";
if (is_numeric($size)) {
$incr = 0;
$k = 1024;
$unit = array('bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');
while (($size / $k) >= 1){
$size = round($size / $k, 2);
$ret = $size . " " . $unit[$incr];
return $ret;