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2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2020-07-07 05:21:11 +00:00
* A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of URLify.js
* from the Django project + fallback via "Portable ASCII".
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* -
* -
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* Handles symbols from latin languages, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto,
* Estonian, Finnish, French, Switzerland (French), Austrian (French), Georgian, German, Switzerland (German),
* Austrian (German), Greek, Hindi, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish,
* Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese ... and many other via "ASCII::to_transliterate()".
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
class URLify
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* The language-mapping array.
* ISO 639-1 codes:
* @var array[]
public static $maps = [];
* List of words to remove from URLs.
* @var array[]
public static $remove_list = [];
* An array of strings that will convert into the separator-char - used by "URLify::filter()".
* @var string[]
private static $arrayToSeparator = [];
* Add new strings the will be replaced with the separator.
* @param array $array <p>An array of things that should replaced by the separator.</p>
* @param bool $merge <p>Keep the previous (default) array-to-separator array.</p>
* @return void
* @psalm-param string[] $array
public static function add_array_to_separator(array $array, bool $merge = true)
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
if ($merge === true) {
self::$arrayToSeparator = \array_unique(
} else {
self::$arrayToSeparator = $array;
* Add new characters to the list. `$map` should be a hash.
* @param array $map
* @param string|null $language
* @return void
* @psalm-param array<string, string> $map
public static function add_chars(array $map, string $language = null)
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
$language_key = $language ?? \uniqid('urlify', true);
if (isset(self::$maps[$language_key])) {
self::$maps[$language_key] = \array_merge($map, self::$maps[$language_key]);
} else {
self::$maps[$language_key] = $map;
* @return void
public static function reset_chars()
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
self::$maps = [];
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* Transliterates characters to their ASCII equivalents.
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
* $language specifies a priority for a specific language.
* The latter is useful if languages have different rules for the same character.
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* @param string $string <p>The input string.</p>
* @param string $language <p>Your primary language.</p>
* @param string $unknown <p>Character use if character unknown. (default is ?).</p>
* @return string
public static function downcode(
string $string,
string $language = 'en',
string $unknown = ''
): string {
$string = self::expandString($string, $language);
foreach (self::$maps as $mapsInner) {
foreach ($mapsInner as $orig => $replace) {
$string = \str_replace($orig, $replace, $string);
$string = \voku\helper\ASCII::to_ascii(
return \voku\helper\ASCII::to_transliterate(
2020-07-07 05:21:11 +00:00
* Convert a String to URL slug. Wraps <strong>filter()</strong> with a simpler
* set of defaults for typical usage in generating blog post slugs.
* @param string $string <p>The text you want to convert.</p>
* @param int $maxLength <p>Max. length of the output string, set to "0" (zero) to
* disable it</p>
* @param string $separator <p>Define a new separator for the words.</p>
* @param string $language <p>The language you want to convert to.</p>
public static function slug(
string $string,
int $maxLength = 200,
string $separator = '-',
string $language = 'en'
): string {
return self::filter ($string, $maxLength, $language, false, false, true, $separator);
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* Convert a String to URL.
* e.g.: "Petty<br>theft" to "Petty-theft"
* @param string $string <p>The text you want to convert.</p>
* @param int $maxLength <p>Max. length of the output string, set to "0" (zero) to
* disable it</p>
* @param string $language <p>The language you want to convert to.</p>
* @param bool $fileName <p>
* Keep the "." from the extension e.g.: "imaäe.jpg" =>
* "image.jpg"
* </p>
* @param bool $removeWords <p>
* Remove some "words" from the string.<br />
* Info: Set extra words via <strong>remove_words()</strong>.
* </p>
* @param bool $strToLower <p>Use <strong>strtolower()</strong> at the end.</p>
* @param bool|string $separator <p>Define a new separator for the words.</p>
* @return string
public static function filter(
string $string,
int $maxLength = 200,
string $language = 'en',
bool $fileName = false,
bool $removeWords = false,
bool $strToLower = true,
$separator = '-'
): string {
if ($string === '') {
return '';
// fallback
if ($language === '') {
$language = 'en';
// separator-fallback
if ($separator === false) {
$separator = '_';
if ($separator === true || $separator === '') {
$separator = '-';
// escaped separator
$separatorEscaped = \preg_quote($separator, '/');
// use defaults, if there are no values
if (self::$arrayToSeparator === []) {
// remove apostrophes which are not used as quotes around a string
if (\strpos($string, "'") !== false) {
$stringTmp = \preg_replace("/(\w)'(\w)/u", '${1}${2}', $string);
if ($stringTmp !== null) {
$string = (string) $stringTmp;
// replace with $separator
$string = (string) \preg_replace(
// remove all other html-tags
if (
\strpos($string, '<') !== false
\strpos($string, '>') !== false
) {
$string = \strip_tags($string);
// use special language replacer
$string = self::downcode($string, $language);
// replace with $separator, again
$string = (string) \preg_replace(
// remove all these words from the string before urlifying
$removeWordsSearch = '//';
if ($removeWords === true) {
$removeList = self::get_remove_list($language);
if ($removeList !== []) {
$removeWordsSearch = '/\b(?:' . \implode('|', $removeList) . ')\b/ui';
// keep the "." from e.g.: a file-extension?
if ($fileName) {
$removePatternAddOn = '.';
} else {
$removePatternAddOn = '';
$string = (string) \preg_replace(
// 1) remove un-needed chars
'/[^' . $separatorEscaped . $removePatternAddOn . '\-a-zA-Z0-9\s]/u',
// 2) convert spaces to $separator
// 3) remove some extras words
// 4) remove double $separator's
'/[' . ($separatorEscaped ?: ' ') . ']+/u',
// 5) remove $separator at the end
'/[' . ($separatorEscaped ?: ' ') . ']+$/u',
// "substr" only if "$length" is set
if (
$maxLength > 0
\strlen($string) > $maxLength
) {
$string = (string) \substr(\trim($string, $separator), 0, $maxLength);
// convert to lowercase
if ($strToLower === true) {
$string = \strtolower($string);
// trim "$separator" from beginning and end of the string
return \trim($string, $separator);
* Append words to the remove list. Accepts either single words or an array of words.
* @param string|string[] $words
* @param string $language
* @param bool $merge <p>Keep the previous (default) remove-words array.</p>
* @return void
public static function remove_words($words, string $language = 'en', bool $merge = true)
if (\is_array($words) === false) {
$words = [$words];
foreach ($words as $removeWordKey => $removeWord) {
$words[$removeWordKey] = \preg_quote($removeWord, '/');
if ($merge === true) {
self::$remove_list[$language] = \array_unique(
} else {
self::$remove_list[$language] = $words;
* Reset the internal "self::$arrayToSeparator" to the default values.
* @return void
public static function reset_array_to_separator()
self::$arrayToSeparator = [
'/&quot;|&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|&ndash;|&mdash;/i', // ", &, <, >, , —
* reset the word-remove-array
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
* @param string $language
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
* @return void
public static function reset_remove_list(string $language = 'en')
if ($language === '') {
$language_orig = $language;
$language = self::get_language_for_reset_remove_list($language);
if ($language === '') {
$stopWords = new \voku\helper\StopWords();
try {
self::$remove_list[$language_orig] = $stopWords->getStopWordsFromLanguage($language);
} catch (\voku\helper\StopWordsLanguageNotExists $e) {
self::$remove_list[$language_orig] = [];
* Alias of `URLify::downcode()`.
* @param string $string
* @param string $language
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
* @return string
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
public static function transliterate(string $string, string $language = 'en'): string
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
return self::downcode($string, $language);
* Expands the given string replacing some special parts for words.
* e.g. "" is replaced by "lorem at ipsum dot com".
* Most of these transformations have been inspired by the pelle/slugger
* project, distributed under the Eclipse Public License.
* Copyright 2012 Pelle Braendgaard
* @param string $string The string to expand
* @param string $language
* @return string The result of expanding the string
protected static function expandString(string $string, string $language = 'en'): string
$string = self::expandCurrencies($string, $language);
return self::expandSymbols($string, $language);
* @param string $language
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
* @return string
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
private static function get_language_for_reset_remove_list(string $language)
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
if ($language === '') {
return '';
if (
\strpos($language, '_') === false
\strpos($language, '-') === false
) {
$language = \strtolower($language);
} else {
$regex = '/(?<first>[a-z]{2}).*/i';
$language = \strtolower((string) \preg_replace($regex, '$1', $language));
return $language;
* Expands the numeric currencies in euros, dollars, pounds
* and yens that the given string may include.
* @param string $string
* @param string $language
* @return string
private static function expandCurrencies(string $string, string $language = 'en')
if (
\strpos($string, '€') === false
\strpos($string, '$') === false
\strpos($string, '£') === false
\strpos($string, '¥') === false
) {
return $string;
if ($language === 'de') {
return (string) \preg_replace(
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)¥(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
' \1 Euro ',
' \1 Dollar ',
' \1 Pound ',
' \1 Yen ',
' \1 Euro \2 Cent ',
' \1 Dollar \2 Cent ',
' \1 Pound \2 Pence ',
return (string) \preg_replace(
'/(?:\s|^)1(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*1(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*1(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)¥(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)1[.|,](\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)1[.|,](\d+)(?: )*$(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)1[.|,](\d+)(?: )*£(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
' 1 Euro ',
' \1 Euros ',
' 1 Dollar ',
' \1 Dollars ',
' 1 Pound ',
' \1 Pounds ',
' \1 Yen ',
' 1 Euros \1 Cents ',
' \1 Euros \2 Cents ',
' 1 Dollars \1 Cents ',
' \1 Dollars \2 Cents ',
' 1 Pounds \1 Pence ',
' \1 Pounds \2 Pence ',
* Expands the special symbols that the given string may include, such as '@', '.', '#' and '%'.
* @param string $string
* @param string $language
* @return string
private static function expandSymbols(string $string, string $language = 'en')
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00
2019-12-30 04:28:55 +00:00
if (
\strpos($string, '©') === false
\strpos($string, '®') === false
\strpos($string, '@') === false
\strpos($string, '&') === false
\strpos($string, '%') === false
\strpos($string, '=') === false
) {
return $string;
$maps = \voku\helper\ASCII::charsArray(true);
return (string) \preg_replace(
$maps[$language]['&'] ?? '&',
$maps[$language]['%'] ?? '%',
$maps[$language]['='] ?? '=',
* return the "self::$remove_list[$language]" array
* @param string $language
* @return array<mixed>
private static function get_remove_list(string $language = 'en')
// check for language
if ($language === '') {
return [];
// set remove-array
if (!isset(self::$remove_list[$language])) {
// check for array
if (
) {
return [];
return self::$remove_list[$language];
2019-04-12 06:54:18 +00:00