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2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
* @file mod/post.php
* @brief Zot endpoint.
2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
2012-08-09 01:50:04 +00:00
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* @brief HTTP POST entry point for Zot.
* Most access to this endpoint is via the post method.
* Here we will pick out the magic auth params which arrive as a get request,
* and the only communications to arrive this way.
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* Magic Auth
* ==========
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
* So-called "magic auth" takes place by a special exchange. On the site where the "channel to be authenticated" lives (e.g. $mysite),
* a redirection is made via $mysite/magic to the zot endpoint of the remote site ($remotesite) with special GET parameters.
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
* The endpoint is typically https://$remotesite/post - or whatever was specified as the callback url in prior communications
* (we will bootstrap an address and fetch a zot info packet if possible where no prior communications exist)
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* Five GET parameters are supplied:
* * auth => the urlencoded webbie (channel@host.domain) of the channel requesting access
* * dest => the desired destination URL (urlencoded)
* * sec => a random string which is also stored on $mysite for use during the verification phase.
* * version => the zot revision
* * delegate => optional urlencoded webbie of a local channel to invoke delegation rights for
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
* When this packet is received, an "auth-check" zot message is sent to $mysite.
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* (e.g. if $_GET['auth'] is, a zot packet is sent to the zot endpoint, which is typically /post)
* If no information has been recorded about the requesting identity a zot information packet will be retrieved before
* continuing.
* The sender of this packet is an arbitrary/random site channel. The recipients will be a single recipient corresponding
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
* to the guid and guid_sig we have associated with the requesting auth identity
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* \code{.json}
* {
* "type":"auth_check",
* "sender":{
* "guid":"kgVFf_...",
* "guid_sig":"PT9-TApz...",
* "url":"http:\/\/",
* "url_sig":"T8Bp7j..."
* },
* "recipients":{
* {
* "guid":"ZHSqb...",
* "guid_sig":"JsAAXi..."
* }
* }
* "callback":"\/post",
* "version":1,
* "secret":"1eaa661",
* "secret_sig":"eKV968b1..."
* }
* \endcode
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* auth_check messages MUST use encapsulated encryption. This message is sent to the origination site, which checks the 'secret' to see
* if it is the same as the 'sec' which it passed originally. It also checks the secret_sig which is the secret signed by the
* destination channel's private key and base64url encoded. If everything checks out, a json packet is returned:
* \code{.json}
* {
* "success":1,
* "confirm":"q0Ysovd1u...",
* "service_class":(optional)
* "level":(optional)
* }
* \endcode
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* 'confirm' in this case is the base64url encoded RSA signature of the concatenation of 'secret' with the
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
* base64url encoded whirlpool hash of the requestor's guid and guid_sig; signed with the source channel private key.
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* This prevents a man-in-the-middle from inserting a rogue success packet. Upon receipt and successful
* verification of this packet, the destination site will redirect to the original destination URL and indicate a successful remote login.
* Service_class can be used by cooperating sites to provide different access rights based on account rights and subscription plans. It is
* a string whose contents are not defined by protocol. Example: "basic" or "gold".
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
* @param[in,out] App &$a
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
function post_init(&$a) {
if (array_key_exists('auth', $_REQUEST)) {
$ret = array('success' => false, 'message' => '');
logger('mod_zot: auth request received.');
2015-03-10 09:23:14 +00:00
$address = $_REQUEST['auth'];
$desturl = $_REQUEST['dest'];
$sec = $_REQUEST['sec'];
$version = $_REQUEST['version'];
$delegate = $_REQUEST['delegate'];
$test = ((x($_REQUEST, 'test')) ? intval($_REQUEST['test']) : 0);
2013-12-02 23:15:02 +00:00
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
// They are authenticating ultimately to the site and not to a particular channel.
// Any channel will do, providing it's currently active. We just need to have an
// identity to attach to the packet we send back. So find one.
2015-06-16 00:28:52 +00:00
$c = q("select * from channel where channel_removed = 0 limit 1");
2013-12-02 01:12:29 +00:00
if (! $c) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
// nobody here
logger('mod_zot: auth: unable to find a response channel');
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'no local channels found.' . EOL;
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
// Try and find a hubloc for the person attempting to auth
$x = q("select * from hubloc left join xchan on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_addr = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc",
if (! $x) {
// finger them if they can't be found.
$ret = zot_finger($address, null);
if ($ret['success']) {
$j = json_decode($ret['body'], true);
if ($j)
$x = q("select * from hubloc left join xchan on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_addr = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc",
2013-01-25 03:45:08 +00:00
if(! $x) {
logger('mod_zot: auth: unable to finger ' . $address);
if($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'no hubloc found for ' . $address . ' and probing failed.' . EOL;
2013-01-25 03:45:08 +00:00
foreach($x as $xx) {
logger('mod_zot: auth request received from ' . $xx['hubloc_addr'] );
// check credentials and access
// If they are already authenticated and haven't changed credentials,
// we can save an expensive network round trip and improve performance.
$remote = remote_channel();
$result = null;
$remote_service_class = '';
$remote_level = 0;
$remote_hub = $xx['hubloc_url'];
$DNT = 0;
// Also check that they are coming from the same site as they authenticated with originally.
$already_authed = ((($remote) && ($xx['hubloc_hash'] == $remote) && ($xx['hubloc_url'] === $_SESSION['remote_hub'])) ? true : false);
if($delegate && $delegate !== $_SESSION['delegate_channel'])
$already_authed = false;
$j = array();
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
if (! $already_authed) {
// Auth packets MUST use ultra top-secret hush-hush mode - e.g. the entire packet is encrypted using the site private key
// The actual channel sending the packet ($c[0]) is not important, but this provides a generic zot packet with a sender
// which can be verified
$p = zot_build_packet($c[0],$type = 'auth_check', array(array('guid' => $xx['hubloc_guid'],'guid_sig' => $xx['hubloc_guid_sig'])), $xx['hubloc_sitekey'], $sec);
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'auth check packet created using sitekey ' . $xx['hubloc_sitekey'] . EOL;
$ret['message'] .= 'packet contents: ' . $p . EOL;
$result = zot_zot($xx['hubloc_callback'],$p);
if (! $result['success']) {
logger('mod_zot: auth_check callback failed.');
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'auth check request to your site returned .' . print_r($result, true) . EOL;
$j = json_decode($result['body'], true);
if (! $j) {
logger('mod_zot: auth_check json data malformed.');
if($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'json malformed: ' . $result['body'] . EOL;
2013-03-26 23:20:44 +00:00
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'auth check request returned .' . print_r($j, true) . EOL;
2013-03-26 23:20:44 +00:00
if ($already_authed || $j['success']) {
if ($j['success']) {
// legit response, but we do need to check that this wasn't answered by a man-in-middle
if (! rsa_verify($sec . $xx['xchan_hash'],base64url_decode($j['confirm']),$xx['xchan_pubkey'])) {
logger('mod_zot: auth: final confirmation failed.');
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'final confirmation failed. ' . $sec . print_r($j,true) . print_r($xx,true);
if (array_key_exists('service_class',$j))
$remote_service_class = $j['service_class'];
if (array_key_exists('level',$j))
$remote_level = $j['level'];
if (array_key_exists('DNT',$j))
$DNT = $j['DNT'];
// everything is good... maybe
if(local_channel()) {
// tell them to logout if they're logged in locally as anything but the target remote account
// in which case just shut up because they don't need to be doing this at all.
if ($a->channel['channel_hash'] != $xx['xchan_hash']) {
logger('mod_zot: auth: already authenticated locally as somebody else.');
notice( t('Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry.') . EOL);
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'already logged in locally with a conflicting identity.' . EOL;
2015-03-10 09:23:14 +00:00
// log them in
if ($test) {
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['message'] .= 'Authentication Success!' . EOL;
$delegation_success = false;
if ($delegate) {
$r = q("select * from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash where xchan_addr = '%s' limit 1",
if ($r && intval($r[0]['channel_id'])) {
$allowed = perm_is_allowed($r[0]['channel_id'],$xx['xchan_hash'],'delegate');
if ($allowed) {
$_SESSION['delegate_channel'] = $r[0]['channel_id'];
$_SESSION['delegate'] = $xx['xchan_hash'];
$_SESSION['account_id'] = intval($r[0]['channel_account_id']);
$delegation_success = true;
2015-03-10 09:23:14 +00:00
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = 1;
if (! $delegation_success) {
$_SESSION['visitor_id'] = $xx['xchan_hash'];
$_SESSION['my_url'] = $xx['xchan_url'];
$_SESSION['my_address'] = $address;
$_SESSION['remote_service_class'] = $remote_service_class;
$_SESSION['remote_level'] = $remote_level;
$_SESSION['remote_hub'] = $remote_hub;
$arr = array('xchan' => $xx, 'url' => $desturl, 'session' => $_SESSION);
info(sprintf( t('Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful.'),$xx['xchan_name']));
logger('mod_zot: auth success from ' . $xx['xchan_addr']);
else {
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'auth failure. ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true) . print_r($j,true) . EOL;
logger('mod_zot: magic-auth failure - not authenticated: ' . $xx['xchan_addr']);
2015-03-10 09:23:14 +00:00
if ($test) {
$ret['message'] .= 'auth failure fallthrough ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true) . print_r($j,true) . EOL;
2013-02-13 10:33:13 +00:00
* @FIXME we really want to save the return_url in the session before we
* visit rmagic. This does however prevent a recursion if you visit
* rmagic directly, as it would otherwise send you back here again.
* But z_root() probably isn't where you really want to go.
2013-02-13 10:33:13 +00:00
if(strstr($desturl,z_root() . '/rmagic'))
if ($test) {
2014-03-13 02:09:45 +00:00
* @brief zot communications and messaging.
* Sender HTTP posts to this endpoint ($site/post typically) with 'data' parameter set to json zot message packet.
* This packet is optionally encrypted, which we will discover if the json has an 'iv' element.
* $contents => array( 'alg' => 'aes256cbc', 'iv' => initialisation vector, 'key' => decryption key, 'data' => encrypted data);
* $contents->iv and $contents->key are random strings encrypted with this site's RSA public key and then base64url encoded.
* Currently only 'aes256cbc' is used, but this is extensible should that algorithm prove inadequate.
* Once decrypted, one will find the normal json_encoded zot message packet.
* Defined packet types are: notify, purge, refresh, force_refresh, auth_check, ping, and pickup
* Standard packet: (used by notify, purge, refresh, force_refresh, and auth_check)
* \code{.json}
* {
* "type": "notify",
* "sender":{
* "guid":"kgVFf_1...",
* "guid_sig":"PT9-TApzp...",
* "url":"http:\/\/",
* "url_sig":"T8Bp7j5...",
* },
* "recipients": { optional recipient array },
* "callback":"\/post",
* "version":1,
* "secret":"1eaa...",
* "secret_sig": "df89025470fac8..."
* }
* \endcode
* Signature fields are all signed with the sender channel private key and base64url encoded.
* Recipients are arrays of guid and guid_sig, which were previously signed with the recipients private
* key and base64url encoded and later obtained via channel discovery. Absence of recipients indicates
* a public message or visible to all potential listeners on this site.
* "pickup" packet:
* The pickup packet is sent in response to a notify packet from another site
* \code{.json}
* {
* "type":"pickup",
* "url":"http:\/\/",
* "callback":"http:\/\/\/post",
* "callback_sig":"teE1_fLI...",
* "secret":"1eaa...",
* "secret_sig":"O7nB4_..."
* }
* \endcode
* In the pickup packet, the sig fields correspond to the respective data
* element signed with this site's system private key and then base64url encoded.
* The "secret" is the same as the original secret from the notify packet.
* If verification is successful, a json structure is returned containing a
* success indicator and an array of type 'pickup'.
* Each pickup element contains the original notify request and a message field
* whose contents are dependent on the message type.
* This JSON array is AES encapsulated using the site public key of the site
* that sent the initial zot pickup packet.
* Using the above example, this would be
* \code{.json}
* {
* "success":1,
* "pickup":{
* "notify":{
* "type":"notify",
* "sender":{
* "guid":"kgVFf_...",
* "guid_sig":"PT9-TApz...",
* "url":"http:\/\/",
* "url_sig":"T8Bp7j5D..."
* },
* "callback":"\/post",
* "version":1,
* "secret":"1eaa661..."
* },
* "message":{
* "type":"activity",
* "message_id":"",
* "message_top":"",
* "message_parent":"",
* "created":"2012-11-20 04:04:16",
* "edited":"2012-11-20 04:04:16",
* "title":"",
* "body":"Hi Nickordo",
* "app":"",
* "verb":"post",
* "object_type":"",
* "target_type":"",
* "permalink":"",
* "location":"",
* "longlat":"",
* "owner":{
* "name":"Indigo",
* "address":"",
* "url":"http:\/\/",
* "photo":{
* "mimetype":"image\/jpeg",
* "src":"http:\/\/\/photo\/profile\/m\/5"
* },
* "guid":"kgVFf_...",
* "guid_sig":"PT9-TAp...",
* },
* "author":{
* "name":"Indigo",
* "address":"",
* "url":"http:\/\/",
* "photo":{
* "mimetype":"image\/jpeg",
* "src":"http:\/\/\/photo\/profile\/m\/5"
* },
* "guid":"kgVFf_...",
* "guid_sig":"PT9-TAp..."
* }
* }
* }
* }
* \endcode
* Currently defined message types are 'activity', 'mail', 'profile', 'location'
* and 'channel_sync', which each have different content schemas.
* Ping packet:
* A ping packet does not require any parameters except the type. It may or may
* not be encrypted.
* \code{.json}
* {
* "type": "ping"
* }
* \endcode
* On receipt of a ping packet a ping response will be returned:
* \code{.json}
* {
* "success" : 1,
* "site" {
* "url": "http:\/\/",
* "url_sig": "T8Bp7j5...",
* "sitekey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
* MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQE..."
* }
* }
* \endcode
* The ping packet can be used to verify that a site has not been re-installed, and to
* initiate corrective action if it has. The url_sig is signed with the site private key
* and base64url encoded - and this should verify with the enclosed sitekey. Failure to
* verify indicates the site is corrupt or otherwise unable to communicate using zot.
* This return packet is not otherwise verified, so should be compared with other
* results obtained from this site which were verified prior to taking action. For instance
* if you have one verified result with this signature and key, and other records for this
* url which have different signatures and keys, it indicates that the site was re-installed
* and corrective action may commence (remove or mark invalid any entries with different
* signatures).
* If you have no records which match this url_sig and key - no corrective action should
* be taken as this packet may have been returned by an imposter.
* @param[in,out] App &$a
2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
function post_post(&$a) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$encrypted_packet = false;
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
$ret = array('success' => false);
2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
$data = json_decode($_REQUEST['data'],true);
2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
* Many message packets will arrive encrypted. The existence of an 'iv'
* element tells us we need to unencapsulate the AES-256-CBC content using
* the site private key.
2015-02-16 00:04:59 +00:00
if($data && array_key_exists('iv',$data)) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$encrypted_packet = true;
$data = crypto_unencapsulate($data,get_config('system','prvkey'));
2013-01-25 03:45:08 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: decrypt1: ' . $data, LOGGER_DATA);
$data = json_decode($data,true);
2013-09-12 23:52:58 +00:00
if(! $data) {
2013-09-24 19:04:01 +00:00
// possible Bleichenbacher's attack, just treat it as a
// message we have no handler for. It should fail a bit
// further along with "no hub". Our public key is public
// knowledge. There's no reason why anybody should get the
// encryption wrong unless they're fishing or hacking. If
// they're developing and made a goof, this can be discovered
// in the logs of the destination site. If they're fishing or
// hacking, the bottom line is we can't verify their hub.
// That's all we're going to tell them.
$data = array('type' => 'bogus');
$msgtype = ((array_key_exists('type',$data)) ? $data['type'] : '');
if($msgtype === 'ping') {
// Useful to get a health check on a remote site.
// This will let us know if any important communication details
// that we may have stored are no longer valid, regardless of xchan details.
logger('POST: got ping send pong now back: ' . z_root() , LOGGER_DEBUG );
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['site'] = array();
$ret['site']['url'] = z_root();
$ret['site']['url_sig'] = base64url_encode(rsa_sign(z_root(),get_config('system','prvkey')));
$ret['site']['sitekey'] = get_config('system','pubkey');
if($msgtype === 'pickup') {
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
* The 'pickup' message arrives with a tracking ID which is associated with a particular outq_hash
* First verify that that the returned signatures verify, then check that we have an outbound queue item
* with the correct hash.
* If everything verifies, find any/all outbound messages in the queue for this hubloc and send them back
if((! $data['secret']) || (! $data['secret_sig'])) {
$ret['message'] = 'no verification signature';
2013-01-25 03:45:08 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: pickup: ' . $ret['message'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$r = q("select distinct hubloc_sitekey from hubloc where hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_callback = '%s' and hubloc_sitekey != '' group by hubloc_sitekey ",
if(! $r) {
$ret['message'] = 'site not found';
logger('mod_zot: pickup: ' . $ret['message']);
foreach ($r as $hubsite) {
// verify the url_sig
// If the server was re-installed at some point, there could be multiple hubs with the same url and callback.
// Only one will have a valid key.
$forgery = true;
$secret_fail = true;
$sitekey = $hubsite['hubloc_sitekey'];
logger('mod_zot: Checking sitekey: ' . $sitekey, LOGGER_DATA);
if(rsa_verify($data['callback'],base64url_decode($data['callback_sig']),$sitekey)) {
$forgery = false;
if(rsa_verify($data['secret'],base64url_decode($data['secret_sig']),$sitekey)) {
$secret_fail = false;
if((! $forgery) && (! $secret_fail))
if($forgery) {
$ret['message'] = 'possible site forgery';
logger('mod_zot: pickup: ' . $ret['message']);
if($secret_fail) {
$ret['message'] = 'secret validation failed';
logger('mod_zot: pickup: ' . $ret['message']);
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
* If we made it to here, the signatures verify, but we still don't know if the tracking ID is valid.
* It wouldn't be an error if the tracking ID isn't found, because we may have sent this particular
* queue item with another pickup (after the tracking ID for the other pickup was verified).
$r = q("select outq_posturl from outq where outq_hash = '%s' and outq_posturl = '%s' limit 1",
if(! $r) {
$ret['message'] = 'nothing to pick up';
logger('mod_zot: pickup: ' . $ret['message']);
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
* Everything is good if we made it here, so find all messages that are going to this location
* and send them all.
$r = q("select * from outq where outq_posturl = '%s'",
if($r) {
2015-04-01 04:06:48 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: successful pickup message received from ' . $data['callback'] . ' ' . count($r) . ' message(s) picked up', LOGGER_DEBUG);
2014-05-06 03:15:01 +00:00
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['pickup'] = array();
foreach($r as $rr) {
2014-11-01 08:52:27 +00:00
if($rr['outq_msg']) {
$x = json_decode($rr['outq_msg'],true);
2014-11-01 08:52:27 +00:00
if(! $x)
2014-11-01 08:52:27 +00:00
if(array_key_exists('message_list',$x)) {
foreach($x['message_list'] as $xx) {
$ret['pickup'][] = array('notify' => json_decode($rr['outq_notify'],true),'message' => $xx);
$ret['pickup'][] = array('notify' => json_decode($rr['outq_notify'],true),'message' => $x);
PostgreSQL support initial commit There were 11 main types of changes: - UPDATE's and DELETE's sometimes had LIMIT 1 at the end of them. This is not only non-compliant but it would certainly not do what whoever wrote it thought it would. It is likely this mistake was just copied from Friendica. All of these instances, the LIMIT 1 was simply removed. - Bitwise operations (and even some non-zero int checks) erroneously rely on MySQL implicit integer-boolean conversion in the WHERE clauses. This is non-compliant (and bad programming practice to boot). Proper explicit boolean conversions were added. New queries should use proper conventions. - MySQL has a different operator for bitwise XOR than postgres. Rather than add yet another dba_ func, I converted them to "& ~" ("AND NOT") when turning off, and "|" ("OR") when turning on. There were no true toggles (XOR). New queries should refrain from using XOR when not necessary. - There are several fields which the schema has marked as NOT NULL, but the inserts don't specify them. The reason this works is because mysql totally ignores the constraint and adds an empty text default automatically. Again, non-compliant, obviously. In these cases a default of empty text was added. - Several statements rely on a non-standard MySQL feature ( These queries can all be rewritten to be standards compliant. Interestingly enough, the newly rewritten standards compliant queries run a zillion times faster, even on MySQL. - A couple of function/operator name translations were needed (RAND/RANDOM, GROUP_CONCAT/STRING_AGG, UTC_NOW, REGEXP/~, ^/#) -- assist functions added in the dba_ - INTERVALs: postgres requires quotes around the value, mysql requires that there are not quotes around the value -- assist functions added in the dba_ - NULL_DATE's -- Postgres does not allow the invalid date '0000-00-00 00:00:00' (there is no such thing as year 0 or month 0 or day 0). We use '0001-01-01 00:00:00' for postgres. Conversions are handled in Zot/item packets automagically by quoting all dates with dbescdate(). - char(##) specifications in the schema creates fields with blank spaces that aren't trimmed in the code. MySQL apparently treats char(##) as varchar(##), again, non-compliant. Since postgres works better with text fields anyway, this ball of bugs was simply side-stepped by using 'text' datatype for all text fields in the postgres schema. varchar was used in a couple of places where it actually seemed appropriate (size constraint), but without rigorously vetting that all of the PHP code actually validates data, new bugs might come out from under the rug. - postgres doesn't store nul bytes and a few other non-printables in text fields, even when quoted. bytea fields were used when storing binary data (, A new dbescbin() function was added to handle this transparently. - postgres does not support LIMIT #,# syntax. All databases support LIMIT # OFFSET # syntax. Statements were updated to be standard. These changes require corresponding changes in the coding standards. Please review those before adding any code going forward. Still on my TODO list: - remove quotes from non-reserved identifiers and make reserved identifiers use dba func for quoting - Rewrite search queries for better results (both MySQL and Postgres)
2014-11-13 20:21:58 +00:00
$x = q("delete from outq where outq_hash = '%s'",
2014-11-01 08:52:27 +00:00
$encrypted = crypto_encapsulate(json_encode($ret),$sitekey);
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
/* pickup: end */
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
* All other message types require us to verify the sender. This is a generic check, so we
* will do it once here and bail if anything goes wrong.
if (array_key_exists('sender',$data)) {
$sender = $data['sender'];
2012-11-11 07:26:12 +00:00
/* Check if the sender is already verified here */
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
$hubs = zot_gethub($sender,true);
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
if (! $hubs) {
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
/* Have never seen this guid or this guid coming from this location. Check it and register it. */
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
// (!!) this will validate the sender
$result = zot_register_hub($sender);
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
if ((! $result['success']) || (! ($hubs = zot_gethub($sender,true)))) {
$ret['message'] = 'Hub not available.';
2012-11-13 04:59:18 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: no hub');
2012-08-10 03:31:06 +00:00
foreach($hubs as $hub) {
$sitekey = $hub['hubloc_sitekey'];
if(array_key_exists('sitekey',$sender) && $sender['sitekey']) {
* This hub has now been proven to be valid.
* Any hub with the same URL and a different sitekey cannot be valid.
* Get rid of them (mark them deleted). There's a good chance they were re-installs.
q("update hubloc set hubloc_deleted = 1, hubloc_error = 1 where hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_sitekey != '%s' ",
$sitekey = $sender['sitekey'];
// $sender['sitekey'] is a new addition to the protcol to distinguish
// hublocs coming from re-installed sites. Older sites will not provide
// this field and we have to still mark them valid, since we can't tell
// if this hubloc has the same sitekey as the packet we received.
// Update our DB to show when we last communicated successfully with this hub
// This will allow us to prune dead hubs from using up resources
$r = q("update hubloc set hubloc_connected = '%s' where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_sitekey = '%s' ",
// a dead hub came back to life - reset any tombstones we might have
if(intval($hub['hubloc_error'])) {
q("update hubloc set hubloc_error = 0 where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_sitekey = '%s' ",
if(intval($r[0]['hubloc_orphancheck'])) {
q("update hubloc set hubloc_orhpancheck = 0 where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_sitekey = '%s' ",
q("update xchan set xchan_orphan = 0 where xchan_orphan = 1 and xchan_hash = '%s'",
$connecting_url = $hub['hubloc_url'];
/** @TODO check which hub is primary and take action if mismatched */
if (array_key_exists('recipients', $data))
$recipients = $data['recipients'];
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
if ($msgtype === 'auth_check') {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
2013-12-03 03:06:54 +00:00
* Requestor visits /magic/?dest=somewhere on their own site with a browser
* magic redirects them to $destsite/post [with auth args....]
* $destsite sends an auth_check packet to originator site
* The auth_check packet is handled here by the originator's site
* - the browser session is still waiting
* inside $destsite/post for everything to verify
* If everything checks out we'll return a token to $destsite
* and then $destsite will verify the token, authenticate the browser
* session and then redirect to the original destination.
* If authentication fails, the redirection to the original destination
* will still take place but without authentication.
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: auth_check', LOGGER_DEBUG);
if (! $encrypted_packet) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: auth_check packet was not encrypted.');
$ret['message'] .= 'no packet encryption' . EOL;
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$arr = $data['sender'];
2014-07-15 04:21:24 +00:00
$sender_hash = make_xchan_hash($arr['guid'],$arr['guid_sig']);
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
// garbage collect any old unused notifications
2015-06-08 06:04:46 +00:00
// This was and should be 10 minutes but my hosting provider has time lag between the DB and
// the web server. We should probably convert this to webserver time rather than DB time so
// that the different clocks won't affect it and allow us to keep the time short.
PostgreSQL support initial commit There were 11 main types of changes: - UPDATE's and DELETE's sometimes had LIMIT 1 at the end of them. This is not only non-compliant but it would certainly not do what whoever wrote it thought it would. It is likely this mistake was just copied from Friendica. All of these instances, the LIMIT 1 was simply removed. - Bitwise operations (and even some non-zero int checks) erroneously rely on MySQL implicit integer-boolean conversion in the WHERE clauses. This is non-compliant (and bad programming practice to boot). Proper explicit boolean conversions were added. New queries should use proper conventions. - MySQL has a different operator for bitwise XOR than postgres. Rather than add yet another dba_ func, I converted them to "& ~" ("AND NOT") when turning off, and "|" ("OR") when turning on. There were no true toggles (XOR). New queries should refrain from using XOR when not necessary. - There are several fields which the schema has marked as NOT NULL, but the inserts don't specify them. The reason this works is because mysql totally ignores the constraint and adds an empty text default automatically. Again, non-compliant, obviously. In these cases a default of empty text was added. - Several statements rely on a non-standard MySQL feature ( These queries can all be rewritten to be standards compliant. Interestingly enough, the newly rewritten standards compliant queries run a zillion times faster, even on MySQL. - A couple of function/operator name translations were needed (RAND/RANDOM, GROUP_CONCAT/STRING_AGG, UTC_NOW, REGEXP/~, ^/#) -- assist functions added in the dba_ - INTERVALs: postgres requires quotes around the value, mysql requires that there are not quotes around the value -- assist functions added in the dba_ - NULL_DATE's -- Postgres does not allow the invalid date '0000-00-00 00:00:00' (there is no such thing as year 0 or month 0 or day 0). We use '0001-01-01 00:00:00' for postgres. Conversions are handled in Zot/item packets automagically by quoting all dates with dbescdate(). - char(##) specifications in the schema creates fields with blank spaces that aren't trimmed in the code. MySQL apparently treats char(##) as varchar(##), again, non-compliant. Since postgres works better with text fields anyway, this ball of bugs was simply side-stepped by using 'text' datatype for all text fields in the postgres schema. varchar was used in a couple of places where it actually seemed appropriate (size constraint), but without rigorously vetting that all of the PHP code actually validates data, new bugs might come out from under the rug. - postgres doesn't store nul bytes and a few other non-printables in text fields, even when quoted. bytea fields were used when storing binary data (, A new dbescbin() function was added to handle this transparently. - postgres does not support LIMIT #,# syntax. All databases support LIMIT # OFFSET # syntax. Statements were updated to be standard. These changes require corresponding changes in the coding standards. Please review those before adding any code going forward. Still on my TODO list: - remove quotes from non-reserved identifiers and make reserved identifiers use dba func for quoting - Rewrite search queries for better results (both MySQL and Postgres)
2014-11-13 20:21:58 +00:00
q("delete from verify where type = 'auth' and created < %s - INTERVAL %s",
2015-06-08 06:04:46 +00:00
db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('30 MINUTE')
PostgreSQL support initial commit There were 11 main types of changes: - UPDATE's and DELETE's sometimes had LIMIT 1 at the end of them. This is not only non-compliant but it would certainly not do what whoever wrote it thought it would. It is likely this mistake was just copied from Friendica. All of these instances, the LIMIT 1 was simply removed. - Bitwise operations (and even some non-zero int checks) erroneously rely on MySQL implicit integer-boolean conversion in the WHERE clauses. This is non-compliant (and bad programming practice to boot). Proper explicit boolean conversions were added. New queries should use proper conventions. - MySQL has a different operator for bitwise XOR than postgres. Rather than add yet another dba_ func, I converted them to "& ~" ("AND NOT") when turning off, and "|" ("OR") when turning on. There were no true toggles (XOR). New queries should refrain from using XOR when not necessary. - There are several fields which the schema has marked as NOT NULL, but the inserts don't specify them. The reason this works is because mysql totally ignores the constraint and adds an empty text default automatically. Again, non-compliant, obviously. In these cases a default of empty text was added. - Several statements rely on a non-standard MySQL feature ( These queries can all be rewritten to be standards compliant. Interestingly enough, the newly rewritten standards compliant queries run a zillion times faster, even on MySQL. - A couple of function/operator name translations were needed (RAND/RANDOM, GROUP_CONCAT/STRING_AGG, UTC_NOW, REGEXP/~, ^/#) -- assist functions added in the dba_ - INTERVALs: postgres requires quotes around the value, mysql requires that there are not quotes around the value -- assist functions added in the dba_ - NULL_DATE's -- Postgres does not allow the invalid date '0000-00-00 00:00:00' (there is no such thing as year 0 or month 0 or day 0). We use '0001-01-01 00:00:00' for postgres. Conversions are handled in Zot/item packets automagically by quoting all dates with dbescdate(). - char(##) specifications in the schema creates fields with blank spaces that aren't trimmed in the code. MySQL apparently treats char(##) as varchar(##), again, non-compliant. Since postgres works better with text fields anyway, this ball of bugs was simply side-stepped by using 'text' datatype for all text fields in the postgres schema. varchar was used in a couple of places where it actually seemed appropriate (size constraint), but without rigorously vetting that all of the PHP code actually validates data, new bugs might come out from under the rug. - postgres doesn't store nul bytes and a few other non-printables in text fields, even when quoted. bytea fields were used when storing binary data (, A new dbescbin() function was added to handle this transparently. - postgres does not support LIMIT #,# syntax. All databases support LIMIT # OFFSET # syntax. Statements were updated to be standard. These changes require corresponding changes in the coding standards. Please review those before adding any code going forward. Still on my TODO list: - remove quotes from non-reserved identifiers and make reserved identifiers use dba func for quoting - Rewrite search queries for better results (both MySQL and Postgres)
2014-11-13 20:21:58 +00:00
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$y = q("select xchan_pubkey from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1",
// We created a unique hash in mod/magic.php when we invoked remote auth, and stored it in
// the verify table. It is now coming back to us as 'secret' and is signed by a channel at the other end.
// First verify their signature. We will have obtained a zot-info packet from them as part of the sender
// verification.
if ((! $y) || (! rsa_verify($data['secret'], base64url_decode($data['secret_sig']),$y[0]['xchan_pubkey']))) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: auth_check: sender not found or secret_sig invalid.');
$ret['message'] .= 'sender not found or sig invalid ' . print_r($y,true) . EOL;
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
// There should be exactly one recipient, the original auth requestor
$ret['message'] .= 'recipients ' . print_r($recipients,true) . EOL;
if ($data['recipients']) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$arr = $data['recipients'][0];
$recip_hash = make_xchan_hash($arr['guid'], $arr['guid_sig']);
$c = q("select channel_id, channel_account_id, channel_prvkey from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
if (! $c) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: auth_check: recipient channel not found.');
$ret['message'] .= 'recipient not found.' . EOL;
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$confirm = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($data['secret'] . $recip_hash,$c[0]['channel_prvkey']));
// This additionally checks for forged sites since we already stored the expected result in meta
// and we've already verified that this is them via zot_gethub() and that their key signed our token
$z = q("select id from verify where channel = %d and type = 'auth' and token = '%s' and meta = '%s' limit 1",
if (! $z) {
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: auth_check: verification key not found.');
$ret['message'] .= 'verification key not found' . EOL;
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
PostgreSQL support initial commit There were 11 main types of changes: - UPDATE's and DELETE's sometimes had LIMIT 1 at the end of them. This is not only non-compliant but it would certainly not do what whoever wrote it thought it would. It is likely this mistake was just copied from Friendica. All of these instances, the LIMIT 1 was simply removed. - Bitwise operations (and even some non-zero int checks) erroneously rely on MySQL implicit integer-boolean conversion in the WHERE clauses. This is non-compliant (and bad programming practice to boot). Proper explicit boolean conversions were added. New queries should use proper conventions. - MySQL has a different operator for bitwise XOR than postgres. Rather than add yet another dba_ func, I converted them to "& ~" ("AND NOT") when turning off, and "|" ("OR") when turning on. There were no true toggles (XOR). New queries should refrain from using XOR when not necessary. - There are several fields which the schema has marked as NOT NULL, but the inserts don't specify them. The reason this works is because mysql totally ignores the constraint and adds an empty text default automatically. Again, non-compliant, obviously. In these cases a default of empty text was added. - Several statements rely on a non-standard MySQL feature ( These queries can all be rewritten to be standards compliant. Interestingly enough, the newly rewritten standards compliant queries run a zillion times faster, even on MySQL. - A couple of function/operator name translations were needed (RAND/RANDOM, GROUP_CONCAT/STRING_AGG, UTC_NOW, REGEXP/~, ^/#) -- assist functions added in the dba_ - INTERVALs: postgres requires quotes around the value, mysql requires that there are not quotes around the value -- assist functions added in the dba_ - NULL_DATE's -- Postgres does not allow the invalid date '0000-00-00 00:00:00' (there is no such thing as year 0 or month 0 or day 0). We use '0001-01-01 00:00:00' for postgres. Conversions are handled in Zot/item packets automagically by quoting all dates with dbescdate(). - char(##) specifications in the schema creates fields with blank spaces that aren't trimmed in the code. MySQL apparently treats char(##) as varchar(##), again, non-compliant. Since postgres works better with text fields anyway, this ball of bugs was simply side-stepped by using 'text' datatype for all text fields in the postgres schema. varchar was used in a couple of places where it actually seemed appropriate (size constraint), but without rigorously vetting that all of the PHP code actually validates data, new bugs might come out from under the rug. - postgres doesn't store nul bytes and a few other non-printables in text fields, even when quoted. bytea fields were used when storing binary data (, A new dbescbin() function was added to handle this transparently. - postgres does not support LIMIT #,# syntax. All databases support LIMIT # OFFSET # syntax. Statements were updated to be standard. These changes require corresponding changes in the coding standards. Please review those before adding any code going forward. Still on my TODO list: - remove quotes from non-reserved identifiers and make reserved identifiers use dba func for quoting - Rewrite search queries for better results (both MySQL and Postgres)
2014-11-13 20:21:58 +00:00
$r = q("delete from verify where id = %d",
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
$u = q("select account_service_class from account where account_id = %d limit 1",
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
logger('mod_zot: auth_check: success', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['confirm'] = $confirm;
if ($u && $u[0]['account_service_class'])
$ret['service_class'] = $u[0]['account_service_class'];
2014-07-04 00:26:42 +00:00
// Set "do not track" flag if this site or this channel's profile is restricted
2014-11-24 23:36:11 +00:00
// in some way
2014-07-04 00:26:42 +00:00
if (intval(get_config('system','block_public')))
2014-07-04 00:26:42 +00:00
$ret['DNT'] = true;
if (! perm_is_allowed($c[0]['channel_id'],'','view_profile'))
2014-07-04 00:26:42 +00:00
$ret['DNT'] = true;
if (get_pconfig($c[0]['channel_id'],'system','do_not_track'))
2014-07-15 04:21:24 +00:00
$ret['DNT'] = true;
if (get_pconfig($c[0]['channel_id'],'system','hide_online_status'))
2014-11-24 23:36:11 +00:00
$ret['DNT'] = true;
2014-07-04 00:26:42 +00:00
2013-12-03 01:35:44 +00:00
if ($msgtype === 'request') {
// request a particular post/conversation by message_id
$x = zot_process_message_request($data);
if ($msgtype === 'purge') {
if ($recipients) {
2013-02-18 23:15:55 +00:00
// basically this means "unfriend"
foreach ($recipients as $recip) {
2013-08-05 02:09:53 +00:00
$r = q("select channel.*,xchan.* from channel
left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where channel_guid = '%s' and channel_guid_sig = '%s' limit 1",
if ($r) {
2013-08-05 02:09:53 +00:00
$r = q("select abook_id from abook where uid = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' limit 1",
2014-07-15 04:21:24 +00:00
2013-08-05 02:09:53 +00:00
if ($r) {
2013-08-05 02:09:53 +00:00
2013-02-18 23:15:55 +00:00
} else {
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
// Unfriend everybody - basically this means the channel has committed suicide
2013-02-18 23:15:55 +00:00
$arr = $data['sender'];
2014-07-15 04:21:24 +00:00
$sender_hash = make_xchan_hash($arr['guid'],$arr['guid_sig']);
2013-02-18 23:15:55 +00:00
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
$ret['success'] = true;
2013-02-18 23:15:55 +00:00
2013-03-11 01:45:58 +00:00
if (($msgtype === 'refresh') || ($msgtype === 'force_refresh')) {
// remote channel info (such as permissions or photo or something)
// has been updated. Grab a fresh copy and sync it.
// The difference between refresh and force_refresh is that
// force_refresh unconditionally creates a directory update record,
// even if no changes were detected upon processing.
if ($recipients) {
// This would be a permissions update, typically for one connection
foreach ($recipients as $recip) {
$r = q("select channel.*,xchan.* from channel
left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where channel_guid = '%s' and channel_guid_sig = '%s' limit 1",
$x = zot_refresh(array(
'xchan_guid' => $sender['guid'],
'xchan_guid_sig' => $sender['guid_sig'],
'hubloc_url' => $sender['url']
), $r[0], (($msgtype === 'force_refresh') ? true : false));
} else {
// system wide refresh
$x = zot_refresh(array(
'xchan_guid' => $sender['guid'],
'xchan_guid_sig' => $sender['guid_sig'],
'hubloc_url' => $sender['url']
), null, (($msgtype === 'force_refresh') ? true : false));
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
$ret['success'] = true;
if ($msgtype === 'notify') {
2015-04-01 04:06:48 +00:00
logger('notify received from ' . $connecting_url);
2015-04-01 04:06:48 +00:00
$async = get_config('system','queued_fetch');
if ($async) {
// add to receive queue
// qreceive_add($data);
} else {
$x = zot_fetch($data);
$ret['delivery_report'] = $x;
2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
2013-03-26 04:32:12 +00:00
$ret['success'] = true;
2012-08-09 01:50:04 +00:00
2011-09-26 09:25:43 +00:00
// catchall