fix driver issue for large dbs

add rudimentary resume
This commit is contained in:
Habeas Codice 2014-11-20 12:41:48 -08:00
parent 5ad79e3f04
commit 28a0209ffd

View file

@ -57,8 +57,10 @@ function run_sql($file, $db, &$err, &$n) {
foreach($sql as $stmt) {
if($stmt == '' || $stmt == "\n" || $stmt == "\n\n")
if($stmt == '' || $stmt == "\n" || $stmt == "\n\n") {
$r = $db->exec($stmt);
if($r===false) {
echo "\nError executing $stmt: ".var_export($db->errorInfo(), true)."\n";
@ -109,7 +111,18 @@ foreach(array('install','include','mod','view') as $dir) {
$cfg = parse_htconfig('.htconfig.php');
$cfgfile = '.htconfig.php';
if($argv[1] == '--resume') {
if($argc < 4) {
echo "Resume usage {$argv[0]} --resume <table> <row>\n";
$starttable = $argv[2];
$startrow = $argv[3];
$cfgfile = '.htconfig.php-mysql';
$cfg = parse_htconfig($cfgfile);
$type = get_configtype($cfg);
if($type != 'mysql') {
echo "Error. Must start with standard mysql installation in .htconfig.php.\n";
@ -125,6 +138,10 @@ try {
// mysql insists on buffering even when you use fetch() instead of fetchAll() for some stupid reason
$mydb->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, false);
if(!file_exists('.htconfig.php-pgsql')) {
echo "Enter postgres server info:\n";
$p['host'] = get_data("Hostname: ", '/[\w.]+/');
@ -181,29 +198,38 @@ $H = "\033[0;35m";
$W = "\033[1;37m";
$M = "\033[1;31m";
$N = "\033[0m";
$r = ask_question("Ready to migrate {$W}Red{$M}(#){$W}Matrix$N from mysql db @$B{$cfg['host']}$N/$B{$cfg['data']}$N to postgres db @$B{$pcfg['host']}$N/$B{$pcfg['data']}$N.
if(isset($starttable)) {
$r = ask_question("Ready to migrate {$W}Red{$M}(#){$W}Matrix$N from mysql db @$B{$cfg['host']}$N/$B{$cfg['data']}$N to postgres db @$B{$pcfg['host']}$N/$B{$pcfg['data']}$N.
Resuming failed migration ({$M}experimental$N) starting at table '$starttable' row $startrow.
Are you ready to begin (N/y)? ",
array('y', 'n'),
if($r == 'n')
} else {
$r = ask_question("Ready to migrate {$W}Red{$M}(#){$W}Matrix$N from mysql db @$B{$cfg['host']}$N/$B{$cfg['data']}$N to postgres db @$B{$pcfg['host']}$N/$B{$pcfg['data']}$N.
The site will be disabled during the migration by moving the $H.htconfig.php$N file to $H.htconfig.php-mysql$N.
If for any reason the migration fails, you will need to move the config file back into place manually before trying again.
Are you ready to begin (N/y)? ", array('y','n'), 'n'
if($r == 'n')
rename('.htconfig.php', '.htconfig.php-mysql');
run_sql('install/schema_postgres.sql', $pgdb, $err, $n);
if($err) {
echo "There were $err errors creating the pgsql schema. Unable to continue.\n";
/* $r = ask_question("There were $err errors (and $n ok) creating the schema. This shouldn't happen and continuing will probably fail.
Do you want to continue migration anyway (N/y)? ", array('y','n'), 'n'
if($r == 'n')*/
echo "pgsql schema created. $n queries executed successfully.\n";
if($r == 'n')
rename('.htconfig.php', '.htconfig.php-mysql');
run_sql('install/schema_postgres.sql', $pgdb, $err, $n);
if($err) {
echo "There were $err errors creating the pgsql schema. Unable to continue.\n";
echo "pgsql schema created. $n queries executed successfully.\n";
$res = $pgdb->query("select relname, attname, pg_type.typname from ((pg_attribute inner join pg_class on attrelid=pg_class.oid) inner join pg_type on atttypid=pg_type.oid) inner join pg_namespace on relnamespace=pg_namespace.oid where nspname='public' and atttypid not in (26,27,28,29) and relkind='r' and attname <> 'item_search_vector';");
if($res === false) {
@ -215,9 +241,23 @@ $schema = array();
while(($row = $res->fetch()) !== false)
$schema[$row[0]][$row[1]] = $row[2];
$res = $pgdb->query("select relname, attname from pg_attribute inner join pg_class on attrelid=pg_class.oid inner join pg_constraint on conrelid=pg_class.oid and pg_attribute.attnum = any (conkey) where contype='p';");
if($res === false) {
echo "Error reading back primary keys. Unable to continue.\n";
$pkeys = array();
while(($row = $res->fetch()) !== false)
$pkeys[$row[0]] = $row[1];
$err = 0; $n = 0;
$reserved = array('ignore','key','with');
foreach($schema as $table=>$fields) {
if(isset($starttable) && !$n && $table != $starttable) {
echo "Skipping table $table\n";
$fnames = array_keys($fields);
$pfnames = array_keys($fields);
@ -231,14 +271,16 @@ foreach($schema as $table=>$fields) {
$pfname = '"' . $pfname . '"';
$pfstr = implode(',', $pfnames);
$res = $mydb->query("SELECT count(*) FROM $table;");
if($res === false) {
$cres = $mydb->query("SELECT count(*) FROM $table;");
if($cres === false) {
echo "Fatal error counting table $table: ".var_export($mydb->errorInfo(), true)."\n";
$nrows = $res->fetchColumn(0);
$nrows = $cres->fetchColumn(0);
if(!$nrows) {
echo "\nTABLE $table has 0 rows in mysql db.\n";
echo "TABLE $table has 0 rows in mysql db.\n";
@ -246,10 +288,17 @@ foreach($schema as $table=>$fields) {
for($x=0, $c=count($fields); $x < $c; $x++)
$pstr .= ($x ? ',?' : '?');
$crow = 0;
if(isset($starttable) && $table == $starttable) {
$selectsql = "SELECT $fstr FROM $table ORDER BY {$pkeys[$table]} LIMIT $nrows OFFSET $startrow;";
$crow = $startrow;
} else {
$selectsql = "SELECT $fstr FROM $table ORDER BY {$pkeys[$table]};";
$crow = 0;
echo "\033[255DTABLE: $table [$c fields] $crow/$nrows (".number_format(($crow/$nrows)*100,2)."%)\033[K";
$res = $mydb->query("SELECT $fstr FROM $table;");
$res = $mydb->query($selectsql);
if($res === false) {
echo "Fatal Error importing table $table: ".var_export($mydb->errorInfo(), true)."\n";
@ -273,14 +322,16 @@ foreach($schema as $table=>$fields) {
$r = $istmt->execute();
if($r === false) {
echo "\nInsert error: ".var_export(array($pgdb->errorInfo(), $table, $fields, $row), true)."\n";
echo "Insert error: ".var_export(array($pgdb->errorInfo(), $table, $fields, $row), true)."\nResume with {$argv[0]} --resume $table $crow\n";
} else
if(($crow % 10) == 0 || $crow == $nrows)
echo "\033[255DTABLE: $table [$c fields] $crow/$nrows (".number_format(($crow/$nrows)*100,2)."%)\033[K";
echo "\n";
echo "Done with $err errors and $n inserts.\n";