$c, 'account' => $a[0]]; $channel_login = $c['channel_id']; } } } if (!$record) { continue; } if ($record) { $verified = HTTPSig::verify('', $record['channel']['channel_pubkey']); if (!($verified && $verified['header_signed'] && $verified['header_valid'])) { $record = null; } if ($record['account']) { authenticate_success($record['account']); if ($channel_login) { change_channel($channel_login); } } if ($verified && $verified['header_signed'] && $verified['header_valid'] && $record) { break; } } } } } } if ($verified && $verified['header_signed'] && $verified['header_valid'] && $record['account']) { break; } } /** * This server combines both CardDAV and CalDAV functionality into a single * server. It is assumed that the server runs at the root of a HTTP domain (be * that a domainname-based vhost or a specific TCP port. * * This example also assumes that you're using SQLite and the database has * already been setup (along with the database tables). * * You may choose to use MySQL instead, just change the PDO connection * statement. */ /** * UTC or GMT is easy to work with, and usually recommended for any * application. */ date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); /** * Make sure this setting is turned on and reflect the root url for your WebDAV * server. * * This can be for example the root / or a complete path to your server script. */ $baseUri = '/cdav/'; /** * Database * */ $pdo = DBA::$dba->db; // Autoloader require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; /** * The backends. Yes we do really need all of them. * * This allows any developer to subclass just any of them and hook into their * own backend systems. */ $auth = new BasicAuth(); $auth->setRealm(ucfirst(System::get_platform_name()) . ' ' . 'CalDAV/CardDAV'); if (local_channel()) { logger('loggedin'); if ((argv(1) == 'addressbooks') && (!Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'CardDAV'))) { killme(); } $channel = App::get_channel(); $auth->setCurrentUser($channel['channel_address']); $auth->channel_id = $channel['channel_id']; $auth->channel_hash = $channel['channel_hash']; $auth->channel_account_id = $channel['channel_account_id']; if ($channel['channel_timezone']) { $auth->setTimezone($channel['channel_timezone']); } $auth->observer = $channel['channel_hash']; $principalUri = 'principals/' . $channel['channel_address']; if (!cdav_principal($principalUri)) { $this->activate($pdo, $channel); if (!cdav_principal($principalUri)) { return; } } } $principalBackend = new \Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalBackend\PDO($pdo); $carddavBackend = new PDO($pdo); $caldavBackend = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo); /** * The directory tree * * Basically this is an array which contains the 'top-level' directories in the * WebDAV server. */ $nodes = [ // /principals new Collection($principalBackend), // /calendars new CalendarRoot($principalBackend, $caldavBackend), // /addressbook new AddressBookRoot($principalBackend, $carddavBackend) ]; // The object tree needs in turn to be passed to the server class $server = new Server($nodes); if (isset($baseUri)) { $server->setBaseUri($baseUri); } // Plugins $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin($auth)); //$server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Browser\Plugin()); $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Sync\Plugin()); $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Sharing\Plugin()); $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin()); // CalDAV plugins $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin()); $server->addPlugin(new SharingPlugin()); //$server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin()); $server->addPlugin(new ICSExportPlugin()); // CardDAV plugins $server->addPlugin(new Plugin()); $server->addPlugin(new VCFExportPlugin()); // And off we go! $server->exec(); killme(); } } public function post() { if (!local_channel()) { return; } if (! Config::Get('system','cdav')) { http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } if ((argv(1) === 'addressbook') && (!Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'CardDAV'))) { return; } $channel = App::get_channel(); $principalUri = 'principals/' . $channel['channel_address']; if (!cdav_principal($principalUri)) { return; } $pdo = DBA::$dba->db; require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; if (argc() == 2 && argv(1) === 'calendar') { $caldavBackend = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo); $calendars = $caldavBackend->getCalendarsForUser($principalUri); // create new calendar if ($_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'] && $_REQUEST['create']) { do { $duplicate = false; $calendarUri = random_string(40); $r = q( "SELECT uri FROM calendarinstances WHERE principaluri = '%s' AND uri = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($principalUri), dbesc($calendarUri) ); if ($r) { $duplicate = true; } } while ($duplicate == true); $properties = [ '{DAV:}displayname' => $_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'], '{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color' => $_REQUEST['color'], '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-description' => $channel['channel_name'] ]; $id = $caldavBackend->createCalendar($principalUri, $calendarUri, $properties); // set new calendar to be visible set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'cdav_calendar', $id[0], 1); } //create new calendar object via ajax request if ($_REQUEST['submit'] === 'create_event' && $_REQUEST['title'] && $_REQUEST['target'] && $_REQUEST['dtstart']) { $id = explode(':', $_REQUEST['target']); if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars, true)) { return; } $title = $_REQUEST['title']; $start = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['dtstart']); $dtstart = new DateTime($start); if ($_REQUEST['dtend']) { $end = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['dtend']); $dtend = new DateTime($end); } $description = $_REQUEST['description']; $location = $_REQUEST['location']; do { $duplicate = false; $objectUri = random_string(40) . '.ics'; $r = q( "SELECT uri FROM calendarobjects WHERE calendarid = %s AND uri = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($id[0]), dbesc($objectUri) ); if (count($r)) { $duplicate = true; } } while ($duplicate == true); $vcalendar = new VCalendar([ 'VEVENT' => [ 'SUMMARY' => $title, 'DTSTART' => $dtstart ] ]); if ($dtend) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->add('DTEND', $dtend); $vcalendar->VEVENT->DTEND['TZID'] = date_default_timezone_get(); } if ($description) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->add('DESCRIPTION', $description); } if ($location) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->add('LOCATION', $location); } $vcalendar->VEVENT->DTSTART['TZID'] = date_default_timezone_get(); $calendarData = $vcalendar->serialize(); $caldavBackend->createCalendarObject($id, $objectUri, $calendarData); killme(); } // edit calendar name and color if ($_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'] && $_REQUEST['edit'] && $_REQUEST['id']) { $id = explode(':', $_REQUEST['id']); if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars)) { return; } $mutations = [ '{DAV:}displayname' => $_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'], '{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color' => $_REQUEST['color'] ]; $patch = new PropPatch($mutations); $caldavBackend->updateCalendar($id, $patch); $patch->commit(); } // edit calendar object via ajax request if ($_REQUEST['submit'] === 'update_event' && $_REQUEST['uri'] && $_REQUEST['title'] && $_REQUEST['target'] && $_REQUEST['dtstart']) { $id = explode(':', $_REQUEST['target']); if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars, true)) { return; } $uri = $_REQUEST['uri']; $title = $_REQUEST['title']; $start = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['dtstart']); $dtstart = new DateTime($start); if ($_REQUEST['dtend']) { $end = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['dtend']); $dtend = new DateTime($end); } $description = $_REQUEST['description']; $location = $_REQUEST['location']; $object = $caldavBackend->getCalendarObject($id, $uri); $vcalendar = Reader::read($object['calendardata']); if ($title) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->SUMMARY = $title; } if ($dtstart) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->DTSTART = $dtstart; } if ($dtend) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->DTEND = $dtend; } else { unset($vcalendar->VEVENT->DTEND); } if ($description) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->DESCRIPTION = $description; } if ($location) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->LOCATION = $location; } $calendarData = $vcalendar->serialize(); $caldavBackend->updateCalendarObject($id, $uri, $calendarData); killme(); } // delete calendar object via ajax request if ($_REQUEST['delete'] && $_REQUEST['uri'] && $_REQUEST['target']) { $id = explode(':', $_REQUEST['target']); if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars, true)) { return; } $uri = $_REQUEST['uri']; $caldavBackend->deleteCalendarObject($id, $uri); killme(); } // edit calendar object date/timeme via ajax request (drag and drop) if ($_REQUEST['update'] && $_REQUEST['id'] && $_REQUEST['uri']) { $id = [$_REQUEST['id'][0], $_REQUEST['id'][1]]; if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars, true)) { return; } $uri = $_REQUEST['uri']; $start = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['dtstart']); $dtstart = new DateTime($start); if ($_REQUEST['dtend']) { $end = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['dtend']); $dtend = new DateTime($end); } $object = $caldavBackend->getCalendarObject($id, $uri); $vcalendar = Reader::read($object['calendardata']); if ($dtstart) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->DTSTART = $dtstart; } if ($dtend) { $vcalendar->VEVENT->DTEND = $dtend; } else { unset($vcalendar->VEVENT->DTEND); } $calendarData = $vcalendar->serialize(); $caldavBackend->updateCalendarObject($id, $uri, $calendarData); killme(); } // share a calendar - this only works on local system (with channels on the same server) if ($_REQUEST['sharee'] && $_REQUEST['share']) { $id = [intval($_REQUEST['calendarid']), intval($_REQUEST['instanceid'])]; if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars)) { return; } $hash = $_REQUEST['sharee']; $sharee_arr = Channel::from_hash($hash); $sharee = new Sharee(); $sharee->href = 'mailto:' . $sharee_arr['xchan_addr']; $sharee->principal = 'principals/' . $sharee_arr['channel_address']; $sharee->access = intval($_REQUEST['access']); $sharee->properties = ['{DAV:}displayname' => $channel['channel_name']]; $caldavBackend->updateInvites($id, [$sharee]); } } if (argc() >= 2 && argv(1) === 'addressbook') { $carddavBackend = new PDO($pdo); $addressbooks = $carddavBackend->getAddressBooksForUser($principalUri); // create new addressbook if ($_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'] && $_REQUEST['create']) { do { $duplicate = false; $addressbookUri = random_string(20); $r = q( "SELECT uri FROM addressbooks WHERE principaluri = '%s' AND uri = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($principalUri), dbesc($addressbookUri) ); if ($r) { $duplicate = true; } } while ($duplicate == true); $properties = ['{DAV:}displayname' => $_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname']]; $carddavBackend->createAddressBook($principalUri, $addressbookUri, $properties); } // edit addressbook if ($_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'] && $_REQUEST['edit'] && intval($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; if (!cdav_perms($id, $addressbooks)) { return; } $mutations = [ '{DAV:}displayname' => $_REQUEST['{DAV:}displayname'] ]; $patch = new PropPatch($mutations); $carddavBackend->updateAddressBook($id, $patch); $patch->commit(); } // create addressbook card if ($_REQUEST['create'] && $_REQUEST['target'] && $_REQUEST['fn']) { $id = $_REQUEST['target']; do { $duplicate = false; $uri = random_string(40) . '.vcf'; $r = q( "SELECT uri FROM cards WHERE addressbookid = %s AND uri = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($id), dbesc($uri) ); if ($r) { $duplicate = true; } } while ($duplicate == true); // TODO: this mostly duplictes the procedure in update addressbook card. // Should move this part to a function to avoid duplication $fn = $_REQUEST['fn']; $vcard = new \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard([ 'FN' => $fn, 'N' => array_reverse(explode(' ', $fn)) ]); $org = $_REQUEST['org']; if ($org) { $vcard->ORG = $org; } $title = $_REQUEST['title']; if ($title) { $vcard->TITLE = $title; } $tel = $_REQUEST['tel']; $tel_type = $_REQUEST['tel_type']; if ($tel) { $i = 0; foreach ($tel as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('TEL', $item, ['type' => $tel_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $email_type = $_REQUEST['email_type']; if ($email) { $i = 0; foreach ($email as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('EMAIL', $item, ['type' => $email_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } $impp = $_REQUEST['impp']; $impp_type = $_REQUEST['impp_type']; if ($impp) { $i = 0; foreach ($impp as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('IMPP', $item, ['type' => $impp_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } $url = $_REQUEST['url']; $url_type = $_REQUEST['url_type']; if ($url) { $i = 0; foreach ($url as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('URL', $item, ['type' => $url_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } $adr = $_REQUEST['adr']; $adr_type = $_REQUEST['adr_type']; if ($adr) { $i = 0; foreach ($adr as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('ADR', $item, ['type' => $adr_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } $note = $_REQUEST['note']; if ($note) { $vcard->NOTE = $note; } $cardData = $vcard->serialize(); $carddavBackend->createCard($id, $uri, $cardData); } // edit addressbook card if ($_REQUEST['update'] && $_REQUEST['uri'] && $_REQUEST['target']) { $id = $_REQUEST['target']; if (!cdav_perms($id, $addressbooks)) { return; } $uri = $_REQUEST['uri']; $object = $carddavBackend->getCard($id, $uri); $vcard = Reader::read($object['carddata']); $fn = $_REQUEST['fn']; if ($fn) { $vcard->FN = $fn; $vcard->N = array_reverse(explode(' ', $fn)); } $org = $_REQUEST['org']; if ($org) { $vcard->ORG = $org; } else { unset($vcard->ORG); } $title = $_REQUEST['title']; if ($title) { $vcard->TITLE = $title; } else { unset($vcard->TITLE); } $tel = $_REQUEST['tel']; $tel_type = $_REQUEST['tel_type']; if ($tel) { $i = 0; unset($vcard->TEL); foreach ($tel as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('TEL', $item, ['type' => $tel_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } else { unset($vcard->TEL); } $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $email_type = $_REQUEST['email_type']; if ($email) { $i = 0; unset($vcard->EMAIL); foreach ($email as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('EMAIL', $item, ['type' => $email_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } else { unset($vcard->EMAIL); } $impp = $_REQUEST['impp']; $impp_type = $_REQUEST['impp_type']; if ($impp) { $i = 0; unset($vcard->IMPP); foreach ($impp as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('IMPP', $item, ['type' => $impp_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } else { unset($vcard->IMPP); } $url = $_REQUEST['url']; $url_type = $_REQUEST['url_type']; if ($url) { $i = 0; unset($vcard->URL); foreach ($url as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('URL', $item, ['type' => $url_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } else { unset($vcard->URL); } $adr = $_REQUEST['adr']; $adr_type = $_REQUEST['adr_type']; if ($adr) { $i = 0; unset($vcard->ADR); foreach ($adr as $item) { if ($item) { $vcard->add('ADR', $item, ['type' => $adr_type[$i]]); } $i++; } } else { unset($vcard->ADR); } $note = $_REQUEST['note']; if ($note) { $vcard->NOTE = $note; } else { unset($vcard->NOTE); } $cardData = $vcard->serialize(); $carddavBackend->updateCard($id, $uri, $cardData); } // delete addressbook card if ($_REQUEST['delete'] && $_REQUEST['uri'] && $_REQUEST['target']) { $id = $_REQUEST['target']; if (!cdav_perms($id, $addressbooks)) { return; } $uri = $_REQUEST['uri']; $carddavBackend->deleteCard($id, $uri); } } // Import calendar or addressbook if (($_FILES) && array_key_exists('userfile', $_FILES) && intval($_FILES['userfile']['size']) && $_REQUEST['target']) { $src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; if ($src) { if ($_REQUEST['c_upload']) { if ($_REQUEST['target'] == 'calendar') { $result = parse_ical_file($src, local_channel()); if ($result) { info(t('Calendar entries imported.') . EOL); } else { notice(t('No calendar entries found.') . EOL); } @unlink($src); return; } $id = explode(':', $_REQUEST['target']); $ext = 'ics'; $table = 'calendarobjects'; $column = 'calendarid'; $objects = new ICalendar(@file_get_contents($src)); $profile = Node::PROFILE_CALDAV; $backend = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo); } if ($_REQUEST['a_upload']) { $id[] = intval($_REQUEST['target']); $ext = 'vcf'; $table = 'cards'; $column = 'addressbookid'; $objects = new VCard(@file_get_contents($src)); $profile = Node::PROFILE_CARDDAV; $backend = new PDO($pdo); } while ($object = $objects->getNext()) { if ($_REQUEST['a_upload']) { $object = $object->convert(Document::VCARD40); } $ret = $object->validate($profile & Node::REPAIR); // level 3 Means that the document is invalid, // level 2 means a warning. A warning means it's valid but it could cause interopability issues, // level 1 means that there was a problem earlier, but the problem was automatically repaired. if ($ret[0]['level'] < 3) { do { $duplicate = false; $objectUri = random_string(40) . '.' . $ext; $r = q( "SELECT uri FROM $table WHERE $column = %d AND uri = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($id[0]), dbesc($objectUri) ); if ($r) { $duplicate = true; } } while ($duplicate == true); if ($_REQUEST['c_upload']) { $backend->createCalendarObject($id, $objectUri, $object->serialize()); } if ($_REQUEST['a_upload']) { $backend->createCard($id[0], $objectUri, $object->serialize()); } } else { if ($_REQUEST['c_upload']) { notice('' . t('INVALID EVENT DISMISSED!') . '' . EOL . '' . t('Summary: ') . '' . (($object->VEVENT->SUMMARY) ? $object->VEVENT->SUMMARY : t('Unknown')) . EOL . '' . t('Date: ') . '' . (($object->VEVENT->DTSTART) ? $object->VEVENT->DTSTART : t('Unknown')) . EOL . '' . t('Reason: ') . '' . $ret[0]['message'] . EOL); } if ($_REQUEST['a_upload']) { notice('' . t('INVALID CARD DISMISSED!') . '' . EOL . '' . t('Name: ') . '' . (($object->FN) ? $object->FN : t('Unknown')) . EOL . '' . t('Reason: ') . '' . $ret[0]['message'] . EOL); } } } } @unlink($src); } } public function get() { if (!local_channel()) { return; } if (! Config::Get('system','cdav')) { http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } if ((argv(1) === 'addressbook') && (!Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'CardDAV'))) { // Do not display any associated widgets at this point App::$pdl = ''; $o = '' . t('CardDAV App') . ' (' . t('Not Installed') . '):
'; $o .= t('CalDAV capable addressbook'); return $o; } App::$profile_uid = local_channel(); $channel = App::get_channel(); $principalUri = 'principals/' . $channel['channel_address']; $pdo = DBA::$dba->db; require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; Head::add_css('cdav.css'); if (!cdav_principal($principalUri)) { $this->activate($pdo, $channel); if (!cdav_principal($principalUri)) { return; } } if (argv(1) === 'calendar') { Navbar::set_selected('Calendar'); $caldavBackend = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo); $calendars = $caldavBackend->getCalendarsForUser($principalUri); } // Display calendar(s) here if (argc() <= 3 && argv(1) === 'calendar') { Head::add_css('/library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.min.css'); Head::add_css('/library/fullcalendar/packages/daygrid/main.min.css'); Head::add_css('/library/fullcalendar/packages/timegrid/main.min.css'); Head::add_css('/library/fullcalendar/packages/list/main.min.css'); Head::add_css('cdav_calendar.css'); Head::add_js('/library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.min.js'); Head::add_js('/library/fullcalendar/packages/interaction/main.min.js'); Head::add_js('/library/fullcalendar/packages/daygrid/main.min.js'); Head::add_js('/library/fullcalendar/packages/timegrid/main.min.js'); Head::add_js('/library/fullcalendar/packages/list/main.min.js'); $sources = ''; $resource_id = ''; $resource = null; if (argc() == 3) { $resource_id = argv(2); } if ($resource_id) { $r = q( "SELECT event.*, item.author_xchan, item.owner_xchan, item.plink, item.id as item_id FROM event LEFT JOIN item ON event.event_hash = item.resource_id WHERE event.uid = %d AND event.event_hash = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($resource_id) ); if ($r) { xchan_query($r); $r = fetch_post_tags($r); $r[0]['dtstart'] = (($r[0]['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $r[0]['dtstart'], 'c') : datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $r[0]['dtstart'], 'c')); $r[0]['dtend'] = (($r[0]['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $r[0]['dtend'], 'c') : datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $r[0]['dtend'], 'c')); $r[0]['plink'] = [$r[0]['plink'], t('Link to source')]; $resource = $r[0]; $catsenabled = Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Categories'); $categories = ''; if ($catsenabled) { if ($r[0]['term']) { $categories = array_elm_to_str(get_terms_oftype($r[0]['term'], TERM_CATEGORY), 'term'); } } if ($r[0]['dismissed'] == 0) { q( "UPDATE event SET dismissed = 1 WHERE event.uid = %d AND event.event_hash = '%s'", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($resource_id) ); } } } if (get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'cdav_calendar', 'calendar')) { $sources .= '{ id: \'calendar\', url: \'/calendar/json/\', color: \'#3a87ad\' }, '; } $calendars[] = [ 'displayname' => $channel['channel_name'], 'id' => 'calendar' ]; foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $editable = (($calendar['share-access'] == 2) ? 'false' : 'true'); // false/true must be string since we're passing it to javascript $color = (($calendar['{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color']) ? $calendar['{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color'] : '#6cad39'); $sharer = (($calendar['share-access'] == 3) ? $calendar['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-description'] : ''); $switch = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'cdav_calendar', $calendar['id'][0]); if ($switch) { $sources .= '{ id: ' . $calendar['id'][0] . ', url: \'/cdav/calendar/json/' . $calendar['id'][0] . '/' . $calendar['id'][1] . '\', color: \'' . $color . '\' }, '; } if ($calendar['share-access'] != 2) { $writable_calendars[] = [ 'displayname' => $calendar['{DAV:}displayname'], 'sharer' => $sharer, 'id' => $calendar['id'] ]; } } $sources = rtrim($sources, ', '); $first_day = intval(get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'cal_first_day', 0)); $title = ['title', t('Event title')]; $dtstart = ['dtstart', t('Start date and time')]; $dtend = ['dtend', t('End date and time')]; $description = ['description', t('Description')]; $location = ['location', t('Location')]; $catsenabled = Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Categories'); $accesslist = new AccessControl($channel); $perm_defaults = $accesslist->get(); $acl = Libacl::populate($perm_defaults, false, PermissionDescription::fromGlobalPermission('view_stream')); $permissions = $perm_defaults; $o = replace_macros(Theme::get_template('cdav_calendar.tpl'), [ '$sources' => $sources, '$color' => $color, '$lang' => App::$language, '$timezone' => date_default_timezone_get(), '$first_day' => $first_day, '$prev' => t('Previous'), '$next' => t('Next'), '$today' => t('Today'), '$month' => t('Month'), '$week' => t('Week'), '$day' => t('Day'), '$list_month' => t('List month'), '$list_week' => t('List week'), '$list_day' => t('List day'), '$title' => $title, '$calendars' => $calendars, '$writable_calendars' => $writable_calendars, '$dtstart' => $dtstart, '$dtend' => $dtend, '$description' => $description, '$location' => $location, '$more' => t('More'), '$less' => t('Less'), '$update' => t('Update'), '$calendar_select_label' => t('Select calendar'), '$calendar_optiopns_label' => [t('Channel Calendars'), t('CalDAV Calendars')], '$delete' => t('Delete'), '$delete_all' => t('Delete all'), '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$create' => t('Create'), '$recurrence_warning' => t('Sorry! Editing of recurrent events is not yet implemented.'), '$channel_hash' => $channel['channel_hash'], '$acl' => $acl, '$lockstate' => (($accesslist->is_private()) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'), '$allow_cid' => acl2json($permissions['allow_cid']), '$allow_gid' => acl2json($permissions['allow_gid']), '$deny_cid' => acl2json($permissions['deny_cid']), '$deny_gid' => acl2json($permissions['deny_gid']), '$catsenabled' => $catsenabled, '$categories_label' => t('Categories'), '$resource' => json_encode($resource), '$categories' => $categories ]); return $o; } // Provide json data for calendar if (argc() == 5 && argv(1) === 'calendar' && argv(2) === 'json' && intval(argv(3)) && intval(argv(4))) { $events = []; $id = [argv(3), argv(4)]; if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars)) { json_return_and_die($events); } if (x($_GET, 'start')) { $start = new DateTime($_GET['start']); } if (x($_GET, 'end')) { $end = new DateTime($_GET['end']); } $filters['name'] = 'VCALENDAR'; $filters['prop-filters'][0]['name'] = 'VEVENT'; $filters['comp-filters'][0]['name'] = 'VEVENT'; $filters['comp-filters'][0]['time-range']['start'] = $start; $filters['comp-filters'][0]['time-range']['end'] = $end; $uris = $caldavBackend->calendarQuery($id, $filters); if ($uris) { $objects = $caldavBackend->getMultipleCalendarObjects($id, $uris); foreach ($objects as $object) { $vcalendar = Reader::read($object['calendardata']); if (isset($vcalendar->VEVENT->RRULE)) { // expanding recurrent events seems to loose timezone info // save it here so we can add it later $recurrent_timezone = (string)$vcalendar->VEVENT->DTSTART['TZID']; $vcalendar = $vcalendar->expand($start, $end); } foreach ($vcalendar->VEVENT as $vevent) { $title = (string)$vevent->SUMMARY; $dtstart = (string)$vevent->DTSTART; $dtend = (string)$vevent->DTEND; $description = (string)$vevent->DESCRIPTION; $location = (string)$vevent->LOCATION; $timezone = (string)$vevent->DTSTART['TZID']; $rw = ((cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars, true)) ? true : false); $editable = $rw ? true : false; $recurrent = ((isset($vevent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'})) ? true : false); if ($recurrent) { $editable = false; $timezone = $recurrent_timezone; } $allDay = false; // allDay event rules if (!strpos($dtstart, 'T') && !strpos($dtend, 'T')) { $allDay = true; } if (strpos($dtstart, 'T000000') && strpos($dtend, 'T000000')) { $allDay = true; } $events[] = [ 'calendar_id' => $id, 'uri' => $object['uri'], 'title' => $title, 'start' => datetime_convert($timezone, $timezone, $dtstart, 'c'), 'end' => (($dtend) ? datetime_convert($timezone, $timezone, $dtend, 'c') : ''), 'description' => $description, 'location' => $location, 'allDay' => $allDay, 'editable' => $editable, 'recurrent' => $recurrent, 'rw' => $rw ]; } } } json_return_and_die($events); } // enable/disable calendars if (argc() == 5 && argv(1) === 'calendar' && argv(2) === 'switch' && argv(3) && (argv(4) == 1 || argv(4) == 0)) { $id = argv(3); if (!cdav_perms($id, $calendars)) { killme(); } set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'cdav_calendar', argv(3), argv(4)); killme(); } // drop calendar if (argc() == 5 && argv(1) === 'calendar' && argv(2) === 'drop' && intval(argv(3)) && intval(argv(4))) { $id = [argv(3), argv(4)]; if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars)) { killme(); } $caldavBackend->deleteCalendar($id); killme(); } // drop sharee if (argc() == 6 && argv(1) === 'calendar' && argv(2) === 'dropsharee' && intval(argv(3)) && intval(argv(4))) { $id = [argv(3), argv(4)]; $hash = argv(5); if (!cdav_perms($id[0], $calendars)) { killme(); } $sharee_arr = Channel::from_hash($hash); $sharee = new Sharee(); $sharee->href = 'mailto:' . $sharee_arr['xchan_addr']; $sharee->principal = 'principals/' . $sharee_arr['channel_address']; $sharee->access = 4; $caldavBackend->updateInvites($id, [$sharee]); killme(); } if (argv(1) === 'addressbook') { Navbar::set_selected('CardDAV'); $carddavBackend = new PDO($pdo); $addressbooks = $carddavBackend->getAddressBooksForUser($principalUri); } // Display Adressbook here if (argc() == 3 && argv(1) === 'addressbook' && intval(argv(2))) { $id = argv(2); $displayname = cdav_perms($id, $addressbooks); if (!$displayname) { return; } Head::add_css('cdav_addressbook.css'); $o = ''; $sabrecards = $carddavBackend->getCards($id); foreach ($sabrecards as $sabrecard) { $uris[] = $sabrecard['uri']; } if ($uris) { $objects = $carddavBackend->getMultipleCards($id, $uris); foreach ($objects as $object) { $vcard = Reader::read($object['carddata']); $photo = ''; if ($vcard->PHOTO) { $photo_value = strtolower($vcard->PHOTO->getValueType()); // binary or uri if ($photo_value === 'binary') { $photo_type = strtolower($vcard->PHOTO['TYPE']); // mime jpeg, png or gif $photo = 'data:image/' . $photo_type . ';base64,' . base64_encode((string)$vcard->PHOTO); } else { $url = parse_url((string)$vcard->PHOTO); $photo = 'data:' . $url['path']; } } $fn = ''; if ($vcard->FN) { $fn = (string)$vcard->FN; } $org = ''; if ($vcard->ORG) { $org = (string)$vcard->ORG; } $title = ''; if ($vcard->TITLE) { $title = (string)$vcard->TITLE; } $tels = []; if ($vcard->TEL) { foreach ($vcard->TEL as $tel) { $type = (($tel['TYPE']) ? translate_type((string)$tel['TYPE']) : ''); $tels[] = [ 'type' => $type, 'nr' => (string)$tel ]; } } $emails = []; if ($vcard->EMAIL) { foreach ($vcard->EMAIL as $email) { $type = (($email['TYPE']) ? translate_type((string)$email['TYPE']) : ''); $emails[] = [ 'type' => $type, 'address' => (string)$email ]; } } $impps = []; if ($vcard->IMPP) { foreach ($vcard->IMPP as $impp) { $type = (($impp['TYPE']) ? translate_type((string)$impp['TYPE']) : ''); $impps[] = [ 'type' => $type, 'address' => (string)$impp ]; } } $urls = []; if ($vcard->URL) { foreach ($vcard->URL as $url) { $type = (($url['TYPE']) ? translate_type((string)$url['TYPE']) : ''); $urls[] = [ 'type' => $type, 'address' => (string)$url ]; } } $adrs = []; if ($vcard->ADR) { foreach ($vcard->ADR as $adr) { $type = (($adr['TYPE']) ? translate_type((string)$adr['TYPE']) : ''); $adrs[] = [ 'type' => $type, 'address' => $adr->getParts() ]; } } $note = ''; if ($vcard->NOTE) { $note = (string)$vcard->NOTE; } $cards[] = [ 'id' => $object['id'], 'uri' => $object['uri'], 'photo' => $photo, 'fn' => $fn, 'org' => $org, 'title' => $title, 'tels' => $tels, 'emails' => $emails, 'impps' => $impps, 'urls' => $urls, 'adrs' => $adrs, 'note' => $note ]; } usort($cards, function ($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a['fn'], $b['fn']); }); } $o .= replace_macros(Theme::get_template('cdav_addressbook.tpl'), [ '$id' => $id, '$cards' => $cards, '$displayname' => $displayname, '$name_label' => t('Name'), '$org_label' => t('Organisation'), '$title_label' => t('Title'), '$tel_label' => t('Phone'), '$email_label' => t('Email'), '$impp_label' => t('Instant messenger'), '$url_label' => t('Website'), '$adr_label' => t('Address'), '$note_label' => t('Note'), '$mobile' => t('Mobile'), '$home' => t('Home'), '$work' => t('Work'), '$other' => t('Other'), '$add_card' => t('Add Contact'), '$add_field' => t('Add Field'), '$create' => t('Create'), '$update' => t('Update'), '$delete' => t('Delete'), '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$po_box' => t('P.O. Box'), '$extra' => t('Additional'), '$street' => t('Street'), '$locality' => t('Locality'), '$region' => t('Region'), '$zip_code' => t('ZIP Code'), '$country' => t('Country') ]); return $o; } // delete addressbook if (argc() > 3 && argv(1) === 'addressbook' && argv(2) === 'drop' && intval(argv(3))) { $id = argv(3); if (!cdav_perms($id, $addressbooks)) { return; } $carddavBackend->deleteAddressBook($id); killme(); } } public function activate($pdo, $channel) { if (!$channel) { return; } $uri = 'principals/' . $channel['channel_address']; $r = q( "select * from principals where uri = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($uri) ); if ($r) { $r = q( "update principals set email = '%s', displayname = '%s' where uri = '%s' ", dbesc($channel['xchan_addr']), dbesc($channel['channel_name']), dbesc($uri) ); } else { $r = q( "insert into principals ( uri, email, displayname ) values('%s','%s','%s') ", dbesc($uri), dbesc($channel['xchan_addr']), dbesc($channel['channel_name']) ); // create default calendar $caldavBackend = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo); $properties = [ '{DAV:}displayname' => t('Default Calendar'), '{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color' => '#6cad39', '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-description' => $channel['channel_name'] ]; $id = $caldavBackend->createCalendar($uri, 'default', $properties); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'cdav_calendar', $id[0], 1); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'cdav_calendar', 'calendar', 1); // create default addressbook $carddavBackend = new PDO($pdo); $properties = ['{DAV:}displayname' => t('Default Addressbook')]; $carddavBackend->createAddressBook($uri, 'default', $properties); } } }