1) && (intval($argv[1]))) { $contact_id = intval($argv[1]); } if (! $contact_id) { logger('onepoll: no contact'); return; } $contacts = q( "SELECT abook.*, xchan.*, account.* FROM abook LEFT JOIN account on abook_account = account_id left join xchan on xchan_hash = abook_xchan where abook_id = %d and abook_pending = 0 and abook_archived = 0 and abook_blocked = 0 and abook_ignored = 0 AND (( account_flags = %d ) OR ( account_flags = %d )) limit 1", intval($contact_id), intval(ACCOUNT_OK), intval(ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED) ); if (! $contacts) { logger('onepoll: abook_id not found: ' . $contact_id); return; } $contact = array_shift($contacts); $importer_uid = $contact['abook_channel']; $r = q( "SELECT * from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($importer_uid) ); if (! $r) { return; } $importer = $r[0]; logger("onepoll: poll: ({$contact['id']}) IMPORTER: {$importer['xchan_name']}, CONTACT: {$contact['xchan_name']}"); $last_update = ((($contact['abook_updated'] === $contact['abook_created']) || ($contact['abook_updated'] <= NULL_DATE)) ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 7 days') : datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $contact['abook_updated'] . ' - 2 days') ); if (in_array($contact['xchan_network'],['nomad','zot6'])) { // update permissions $x = Libzot::refresh($contact, $importer); $responded = false; $updated = datetime_convert(); $connected = datetime_convert(); if (! $x) { // mark for death by not updating abook_connected, this is caught in include/poller.php q( "update abook set abook_updated = '%s' where abook_id = %d", dbesc($updated), intval($contact['abook_id']) ); } else { q( "update abook set abook_updated = '%s', abook_connected = '%s' where abook_id = %d", dbesc($updated), dbesc($connected), intval($contact['abook_id']) ); $responded = true; } if (! $responded) { return; } } $fetch_feed = true; // They haven't given us permission to see their stream $can_view_stream = intval(get_abconfig($importer_uid, $contact['abook_xchan'], 'their_perms', 'view_stream')); if (! $can_view_stream) { $fetch_feed = false; } // we haven't given them permission to send us their stream $can_send_stream = ( intval(get_abconfig($importer_uid, $contact['abook_xchan'], 'my_perms', 'send_stream')) || PConfig::Get($importer_uid,'system','preview_outbox', false)); if (! $can_send_stream) { $fetch_feed = false; } if ($contact['abook_created'] < datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 1 week')) { $fetch_feed = false; } // In previous releases there was a mechanism to fetch 'external' or public stream posts from a site // (as opposed to a channel). This mechanism was deprecated as there is no reliable/scalable method // for informing downstream publishers when/if the content has expired or been deleted. // We can use the ThreadListener interface to implement this on the owner's outbox, however this is still a // work in progress and may present scaling issues. Making this work correctly with third-party fetches is // prohibitive as deletion requests would need to be relayed over potentially hostile networks. if ($fetch_feed) { $max = intval(get_config('system', 'max_imported_posts', 50)); if (intval($max)) { $cl = get_xconfig($contact['abook_xchan'], 'activitypub', 'collections'); if (is_array($cl) && $cl) { $url = ((array_key_exists('outbox', $cl)) ? $cl['outbox'] : ''); if ($url) { logger('fetching outbox'); $url = $url . '?date_begin=' . urlencode($last_update); $obj = new ASCollection($url, $importer, 0, $max); $messages = $obj->get(); if ($messages) { foreach ($messages as $message) { if (is_string($message)) { $message = Activity::fetch($message, $importer); } if (is_array($message)) { $AS = new ActivityStreams($message, null, true); if ($AS->is_valid() && is_array($AS->obj)) { $item = Activity::decode_note($AS, true); if ($item) { Activity::store($importer, $contact['abook_xchan'], $AS, $item, true, true); } } } } } } } } } // update the poco details for this connection once a week $r = q( "SELECT xlink_id from xlink where xlink_xchan = '%s' and xlink_updated > %s - INTERVAL %s and xlink_static = 0 limit 1", intval($contact['xchan_hash']), db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('7 DAY') ); if (! $r) { Socgraph::poco_load($contact['xchan_hash'], $contact['xchan_connurl']); } return; } }