2) && (argv(1) === "drop") && intval(argv(2))) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d AND is_default = 0 LIMIT 1", intval(argv(2)), intval(local_channel()) ); if(! $r) { notice( t('Profile not found.') . EOL); goaway(z_root() . '/profiles'); return; // NOTREACHED } $profile_guid = $r['profile_guid']; check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/profiles', 'profile_drop', 't'); // move every contact using this profile as their default to the user default $r = q("UPDATE abook SET abook_profile = (SELECT profile_guid FROM profile WHERE is_default = 1 AND uid = %d LIMIT 1) WHERE abook_profile = '%s' AND abook_channel = %d ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($profile_guid), intval(local_channel()) ); $r = q("DELETE FROM profile WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d", intval(argv(2)), intval(local_channel()) ); if($r) info( t('Profile deleted.') . EOL); // @fixme this is a much more complicated sync - add any changed abook entries and // also add deleted flag to profile structure // profiles_build_sync is just here as a placeholder - it doesn't work at all here // profiles_build_sync(local_channel()); goaway(z_root() . '/profiles'); return; // NOTREACHED } if((argc() > 1) && (argv(1) === 'new')) { // check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/profiles', 'profile_new', 't'); $r0 = q("SELECT id FROM profile WHERE uid = %d", intval(local_channel())); $num_profiles = count($r0); $name = t('Profile-') . ($num_profiles + 1); $r1 = q("SELECT fullname, photo, thumb FROM profile WHERE uid = %d AND is_default = 1 LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel())); $r2 = profile_store_lowlevel( [ 'aid' => intval(get_account_id()), 'uid' => intval(local_channel()), 'profile_guid' => new_uuid(), 'profile_name' => $name, 'fullname' => $r1[0]['fullname'], 'photo' => $r1[0]['photo'], 'thumb' => $r1[0]['thumb'] ] ); $r3 = q("SELECT id FROM profile WHERE uid = %d AND profile_name = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($name) ); info( t('New profile created.') . EOL); if(count($r3) == 1) goaway(z_root() . '/profiles/' . $r3[0]['id']); goaway(z_root() . '/profiles'); } if((argc() > 2) && (argv(1) === 'clone')) { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/profiles', 'profile_clone', 't'); $r0 = q("SELECT id FROM profile WHERE uid = %d", intval(local_channel())); $num_profiles = count($r0); $name = t('Profile-') . ($num_profiles + 1); $r1 = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE uid = %d AND id = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()), intval(argv(2)) ); if(! count($r1)) { notice( t('Profile unavailable to clone.') . EOL); App::$error = 404; return; } unset($r1[0]['id']); $r1[0]['is_default'] = 0; $r1[0]['publish'] = 0; $r1[0]['profile_name'] = $name; $r1[0]['profile_guid'] = new_uuid(); create_table_from_array('profile', $r1[0]); $r3 = q("SELECT id FROM profile WHERE uid = %d AND profile_name = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($name) ); info( t('New profile created.') . EOL); profiles_build_sync(local_channel()); if(($r3) && (count($r3) == 1)) goaway(z_root() . '/profiles/' . $r3[0]['id']); goaway(z_root() . '/profiles'); return; // NOTREACHED } if((argc() > 2) && (argv(1) === 'export')) { $r1 = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE uid = %d AND id = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()), intval(argv(2)) ); if(! $r1) { notice( t('Profile unavailable to export.') . EOL); App::$error = 404; return; } header('content-type: application/octet_stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $r1[0]['profile_name'] . '.json"' ); unset($r1[0]['id']); unset($r1[0]['aid']); unset($r1[0]['uid']); unset($r1[0]['is_default']); unset($r1[0]['publish']); unset($r1[0]['profile_name']); unset($r1[0]['profile_guid']); echo json_encode($r1[0]); killme(); } if(((argc() > 1) && (intval(argv(1)))) || !feature_enabled(local_channel(),'multi_profiles')) { if(feature_enabled(local_channel(),'multi_profiles')) $id = argv(1); else { $x = q("select id from profile where uid = %d and is_default = 1", intval(local_channel()) ); if($x) $id = $x[0]['id']; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", intval($id), intval(local_channel()) ); if(! count($r)) { notice( t('Profile not found.') . EOL); App::$error = 404; return; } $chan = App::get_channel(); Libprofile::load($chan['channel_address'],$r[0]['profile_guid']); } } function post() { if(! local_channel()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $namechanged = false; // import from json export file. // Only import fields that are allowed on this hub if(x($_FILES,'userfile')) { $src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $filesize = intval($_FILES['userfile']['size']); if($filesize) { $j = @json_decode(@file_get_contents($src),true); @unlink($src); if($j) { $fields = get_profile_fields_advanced(); if($fields) { foreach($j as $jj => $v) { foreach($fields as $f => $n) { if($jj == $f) { $_POST[$f] = $v; break; } } } } } } } call_hooks('profile_post', $_POST); if((argc() > 1) && (argv(1) !== "new") && intval(argv(1))) { $orig = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", intval(argv(1)), intval(local_channel()) ); if(! count($orig)) { notice( t('Profile not found.') . EOL); return; } check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/profiles', 'profile_edit'); $is_default = (($orig[0]['is_default']) ? 1 : 0); $profile_name = notags(trim($_POST['profile_name'])); if(! strlen($profile_name)) { notice( t('Profile Name is required.') . EOL); return; } $dob = $_POST['dob'] ? escape_tags(trim($_POST['dob'])) : '0000-00-00'; $y = substr($dob,0,4); if((! ctype_digit($y)) || ($y < 1900)) $ignore_year = true; else $ignore_year = false; if($dob !== '0000-00-00') { if(strpos($dob,'0000-') === 0) { $ignore_year = true; $dob = substr($dob,5); } $dob = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',(($ignore_year) ? '1900-' . $dob : $dob),(($ignore_year) ? 'm-d' : 'Y-m-d')); if($ignore_year) $dob = '0000-' . $dob; } $name = escape_tags(trim($_POST['name'])); if($orig[0]['fullname'] != $name) { $namechanged = true; $v = validate_channelname($name); if($v) { notice($v); $namechanged = false; $name = $orig[0]['fullname']; } } $pdesc = escape_tags(trim($_POST['pdesc'])); $gender = escape_tags(trim($_POST['gender'])); $address = escape_tags(trim($_POST['address'])); $locality = escape_tags(trim($_POST['locality'])); $region = escape_tags(trim($_POST['region'])); $postal_code = escape_tags(trim($_POST['postal_code'])); $country_name = escape_tags(trim($_POST['country_name'])); $keywords = escape_tags(trim($_POST['keywords'])); $marital = escape_tags(trim($_POST['marital'])); $howlong = escape_tags(trim($_POST['howlong'])); $sexual = escape_tags(trim($_POST['sexual'])); $homepage = escape_tags(trim($_POST['homepage'])); $hometown = escape_tags(trim($_POST['hometown'])); $politic = escape_tags(trim($_POST['politic'])); $religion = escape_tags(trim($_POST['religion'])); $likes = escape_tags(trim($_POST['likes'])); $dislikes = escape_tags(trim($_POST['dislikes'])); $about = escape_tags(trim($_POST['about'])); $interest = escape_tags(trim($_POST['interest'])); $contact = escape_tags(trim($_POST['contact'])); $channels = escape_tags(trim($_POST['channels'])); $music = escape_tags(trim($_POST['music'])); $book = escape_tags(trim($_POST['book'])); $tv = escape_tags(trim($_POST['tv'])); $film = escape_tags(trim($_POST['film'])); $romance = escape_tags(trim($_POST['romance'])); $work = escape_tags(trim($_POST['work'])); $education = escape_tags(trim($_POST['education'])); $hide_friends = ((intval($_POST['hide_friends'])) ? 1: 0); // start fresh and create a new vcard. // @TODO: preserve the original guid or whatever else needs saving // $orig_vcard = (($orig[0]['profile_vcard']) ? Reader::read($orig[0]['profile_vcard']) : null); $orig_vcard = null; $channel = App::get_channel(); $default_vcard_cat = ((defined('DEFAULT_VCARD_CAT')) ? DEFAULT_VCARD_CAT : 'HOME'); $defcard = [ 'fn' => $name, 'title' => $pdesc, 'photo' => $channel['xchan_photo_l'], 'adr' => [], 'adr_type' => [ $default_vcard_cat ], 'url' => [ $homepage ], 'url_type' => [ $default_vcard_cat ] ]; $defcard['adr'][] = [ 0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => $address, 3 => $locality, 4 => $region, 5 => $postal_code, 6 => $country_name ]; $profile_vcard = update_vcard($defcard,$orig_vcard); $orig_vcard = Reader::read($profile_vcard); $profile_vcard = update_vcard($_REQUEST,$orig_vcard); require_once('include/text.php'); linkify_tags($likes, local_channel()); linkify_tags($dislikes, local_channel()); linkify_tags($about, local_channel()); linkify_tags($interest, local_channel()); linkify_tags($interest, local_channel()); linkify_tags($contact, local_channel()); linkify_tags($channels, local_channel()); linkify_tags($music, local_channel()); linkify_tags($book, local_channel()); linkify_tags($tv, local_channel()); linkify_tags($film, local_channel()); linkify_tags($romance, local_channel()); linkify_tags($work, local_channel()); linkify_tags($education, local_channel()); $with = ((x($_POST,'with')) ? escape_tags(trim($_POST['with'])) : ''); if(! strlen($howlong)) $howlong = NULL_DATE; else $howlong = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(),'UTC',$howlong); // linkify the relationship target if applicable $withchanged = false; if(strlen($with)) { if($with != strip_tags($orig[0]['partner'])) { $withchanged = true; $prf = ''; $lookup = $with; if(strpos($lookup,'@') === 0) $lookup = substr($lookup,1); $lookup = str_replace('_',' ', $lookup); $newname = $lookup; $r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE xchan_name = '%s' AND abook_channel = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($newname), intval(local_channel()) ); if(! $r) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE xchan_addr = '%s' AND abook_channel = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($lookup . '@%'), intval(local_channel()) ); } if($r) { $prf = $r[0]['xchan_url']; $newname = $r[0]['xchan_name']; } if($prf) { $with = str_replace($lookup,'' . $newname . '', $with); if(strpos($with,'@') === 0) $with = substr($with,1); } } else $with = $orig[0]['partner']; } $profile_fields_basic = get_profile_fields_basic(); $profile_fields_advanced = get_profile_fields_advanced(); $advanced = ((feature_enabled(local_channel(),'advanced_profiles')) ? true : false); if($advanced) $fields = $profile_fields_advanced; else $fields = $profile_fields_basic; $z = q("select * from profdef where true"); if($z) { foreach($z as $zz) { if(array_key_exists($zz['field_name'],$fields)) { $w = q("select * from profext where channel_id = %d and hash = '%s' and k = '%s' limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($orig[0]['profile_guid']), dbesc($zz['field_name']) ); if($w) { q("update profext set v = '%s' where id = %d", dbesc(escape_tags(trim($_POST[$zz['field_name']]))), intval($w[0]['id']) ); } else { q("insert into profext ( channel_id, hash, k, v ) values ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s') ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($orig[0]['profile_guid']), dbesc($zz['field_name']), dbesc(escape_tags(trim($_POST[$zz['field_name']]))) ); } } } } $changes = array(); $value = ''; if($is_default) { if($marital != $orig[0]['marital']) { $changes[] = '[color=#ff0000]♥[/color] ' . t('Marital Status'); $value = $marital; } if($withchanged) { $changes[] = '[color=#ff0000]♥[/color] ' . t('Romantic Partner'); $value = strip_tags($with); } if($likes != $orig[0]['likes']) { $changes[] = t('Likes'); $value = $likes; } if($dislikes != $orig[0]['dislikes']) { $changes[] = t('Dislikes'); $value = $dislikes; } if($work != $orig[0]['employment']) { $changes[] = t('Work/Employment'); } if($religion != $orig[0]['religion']) { $changes[] = t('Religion'); $value = $religion; } if($politic != $orig[0]['politic']) { $changes[] = t('Political Views'); $value = $politic; } if($gender != $orig[0]['gender']) { $changes[] = t('Gender'); $value = $gender; } if($sexual != $orig[0]['sexual']) { $changes[] = t('Sexual Preference'); $value = $sexual; } if($homepage != $orig[0]['homepage']) { $changes[] = t('Homepage'); $value = $homepage; } if($interest != $orig[0]['interest']) { $changes[] = t('Interests'); $value = $interest; } if($address != $orig[0]['address']) { $changes[] = t('Address'); // New address not sent in notifications, potential privacy issues // in case this leaks to unintended recipients. Yes, it's in the public // profile but that doesn't mean we have to broadcast it to everybody. } if($locality != $orig[0]['locality'] || $region != $orig[0]['region'] || $country_name != $orig[0]['country_name']) { $changes[] = t('Location'); $comma1 = ((($locality) && ($region || $country_name)) ? ', ' : ' '); $comma2 = (($region && $country_name) ? ', ' : ''); $value = $locality . $comma1 . $region . $comma2 . $country_name; } self::profile_activity($changes,$value); } $r = q("UPDATE profile SET profile_name = '%s', fullname = '%s', pdesc = '%s', gender = '%s', dob = '%s', address = '%s', locality = '%s', region = '%s', postal_code = '%s', country_name = '%s', marital = '%s', partner = '%s', howlong = '%s', sexual = '%s', homepage = '%s', hometown = '%s', politic = '%s', religion = '%s', keywords = '%s', likes = '%s', dislikes = '%s', about = '%s', interest = '%s', contact = '%s', channels = '%s', music = '%s', book = '%s', tv = '%s', film = '%s', romance = '%s', employment = '%s', education = '%s', hide_friends = %d, profile_vcard = '%s' WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d", dbesc($profile_name), dbesc($name), dbesc($pdesc), dbesc($gender), dbesc($dob), dbesc($address), dbesc($locality), dbesc($region), dbesc($postal_code), dbesc($country_name), dbesc($marital), dbesc($with), dbesc($howlong), dbesc($sexual), dbesc($homepage), dbesc($hometown), dbesc($politic), dbesc($religion), dbesc($keywords), dbesc($likes), dbesc($dislikes), dbesc($about), dbesc($interest), dbesc($contact), dbesc($channels), dbesc($music), dbesc($book), dbesc($tv), dbesc($film), dbesc($romance), dbesc($work), dbesc($education), intval($hide_friends), dbesc($profile_vcard), intval(argv(1)), intval(local_channel()) ); if($r) info( t('Profile updated.') . EOL); $sync = q("select * from profile where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval(argv(1)), intval(local_channel()) ); if($sync) { Libsync::build_sync_packet(local_channel(),array('profile' => $sync)); } $channel = App::get_channel(); if($namechanged && $is_default) { $r = q("UPDATE xchan SET xchan_name = '%s', xchan_name_date = '%s' WHERE xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc($name), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($channel['xchan_hash']) ); $r = q("UPDATE channel SET channel_name = '%s' WHERE channel_hash = '%s'", dbesc($name), dbesc($channel['xchan_hash']) ); } if($is_default) { Run::Summon(array('Directory',local_channel())); goaway(z_root() . '/profiles/' . $sync[0]['id']); } } } function get() { $o = ''; $channel = App::get_channel(); if(! local_channel()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } require_once('include/channel.php'); $profile_fields_basic = get_profile_fields_basic(); $profile_fields_advanced = get_profile_fields_advanced(); if(((argc() > 1) && (intval(argv(1)))) || !feature_enabled(local_channel(),'multi_profiles')) { if(feature_enabled(local_channel(),'multi_profiles')) $id = argv(1); else { $x = q("select id from profile where uid = %d and is_default = 1", intval(local_channel()) ); if($x) $id = $x[0]['id']; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", intval($id), intval(local_channel()) ); if(! $r) { notice( t('Profile not found.') . EOL); return; } $editselect = 'none'; App::$page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('profed_head.tpl'), array( '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$editselect' => $editselect, )); $advanced = ((feature_enabled(local_channel(),'advanced_profiles')) ? true : false); if($advanced) $fields = $profile_fields_advanced; else $fields = $profile_fields_basic; $hide_friends = array( 'hide_friends', t('Hide your connections list from viewers of this profile'), $r[0]['hide_friends'], '', array(t('No'),t('Yes')) ); $q = q("select * from profdef where true"); if($q) { $extra_fields = array(); foreach($q as $qq) { $mine = q("select v from profext where k = '%s' and hash = '%s' and channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($qq['field_name']), dbesc($r[0]['profile_guid']), intval(local_channel()) ); if(array_key_exists($qq['field_name'],$fields)) { $extra_fields[] = array($qq['field_name'],$qq['field_desc'],(($mine) ? $mine[0]['v'] : ''), $qq['field_help']); } } } //logger('extra_fields: ' . print_r($extra_fields,true)); $vc = $r[0]['profile_vcard']; $vctmp = (($vc) ? Reader::read($vc) : null); $vcard = (($vctmp) ? get_vcard_array($vctmp,$r[0]['id']) : [] ); $f = get_config('system','birthday_input_format'); if(! $f) $f = 'ymd'; $is_default = (($r[0]['is_default']) ? 1 : 0); $tpl = get_markup_template("profile_edit.tpl"); $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$multi_profiles' => ((feature_enabled(local_channel(),'multi_profiles')) ? true : false), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("profile_edit"), '$profile_clone_link' => 'profiles/clone/' . $r[0]['id'] . '?t=' . get_form_security_token("profile_clone"), '$profile_drop_link' => 'profiles/drop/' . $r[0]['id'] . '?t=' . get_form_security_token("profile_drop"), '$fields' => $fields, '$vcard' => $vcard, '$guid' => $r[0]['profile_guid'], '$banner' => t('Edit Profile Details'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$viewprof' => t('View this profile'), '$editvis' => t('Edit visibility'), '$tools_label' => t('Profile Tools'), '$coverpic' => t('Change cover photo'), '$profpic' => t('Change profile photo'), '$cr_prof' => t('Create a new profile using these settings'), '$cl_prof' => t('Clone this profile'), '$del_prof' => t('Delete this profile'), '$addthing' => t('Add profile things'), '$personal' => t('Personal'), '$location' => t('Location'), '$relation' => t('Relationship'), '$miscellaneous'=> t('Miscellaneous'), '$exportable' => feature_enabled(local_channel(),'profile_export'), '$lbl_import' => t('Import profile from file'), '$lbl_export' => t('Export profile to file'), '$lbl_gender' => t('Your gender'), '$lbl_marital' => t('Marital status'), '$lbl_sexual' => t('Sexual preference'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$profile_id' => $r[0]['id'], '$profile_name' => array('profile_name', t('Profile name'), $r[0]['profile_name'], t('Required'), '*'), '$is_default' => $is_default, '$default' => '', // t('This is your default profile.') . EOL . translate_scope(map_scope(\Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Get($channel['channel_id'],'view_profile'))), '$advanced' => $advanced, '$name' => array('name', t('Your full name'), $r[0]['fullname'], t('Required'), '*'), '$pdesc' => array('pdesc', t('Title/Description'), $r[0]['pdesc']), '$dob' => dob($r[0]['dob']), '$hide_friends' => $hide_friends, '$address' => array('address', t('Street address'), $r[0]['address']), '$locality' => array('locality', t('Locality/City'), $r[0]['locality']), '$region' => array('region', t('Region/State'), $r[0]['region']), '$postal_code' => array('postal_code', t('Postal/Zip code'), $r[0]['postal_code']), '$country_name' => array('country_name', t('Country'), $r[0]['country_name']), '$gender' => self::gender_selector($r[0]['gender']), '$gender_min' => self::gender_selector_min($r[0]['gender']), '$gender_text' => self::gender_text($r[0]['gender']), '$marital' => self::marital_selector($r[0]['marital']), '$marital_min' => self::marital_selector_min($r[0]['marital']), '$with' => array('with', t("Who (if applicable)"), $r[0]['partner'], t('Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com')), '$howlong' => array('howlong', t('Since (date)'), ($r[0]['howlong'] <= NULL_DATE ? '' : datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$r[0]['howlong']))), '$sexual' => self::sexpref_selector($r[0]['sexual']), '$sexual_min' => self::sexpref_selector_min($r[0]['sexual']), '$about' => array('about', t('Tell us about yourself'), $r[0]['about']), '$homepage' => array('homepage', t('Homepage URL'), $r[0]['homepage']), '$hometown' => array('hometown', t('Hometown'), $r[0]['hometown']), '$politic' => array('politic', t('Political views'), $r[0]['politic']), '$religion' => array('religion', t('Religious views'), $r[0]['religion']), '$keywords' => array('keywords', t('Keywords used in directory listings'), $r[0]['keywords'], t('Example: fishing photography software')), '$likes' => array('likes', t('Likes'), $r[0]['likes']), '$dislikes' => array('dislikes', t('Dislikes'), $r[0]['dislikes']), '$music' => array('music', t('Musical interests'), $r[0]['music']), '$book' => array('book', t('Books, literature'), $r[0]['book']), '$tv' => array('tv', t('Television'), $r[0]['tv']), '$film' => array('film', t('Film/Dance/Culture/Entertainment'), $r[0]['film']), '$interest' => array('interest', t('Hobbies/Interests'), $r[0]['interest']), '$romance' => array('romance',t('Love/Romance'), $r[0]['romance']), '$employ' => array('work', t('Work/Employment'), $r[0]['employment']), '$education' => array('education', t('School/Education'), $r[0]['education']), '$contact' => array('contact', t('Contact information and social networks'), $r[0]['contact']), '$channels' => array('channels', t('My other channels'), $r[0]['channels']), '$extra_fields' => $extra_fields, '$comms' => t('Communications'), '$tel_label' => t('Phone'), '$email_label' => t('Email'), '$impp_label' => t('Instant messenger'), '$url_label' => t('Website'), '$adr_label' => t('Address'), '$note_label' => t('Note'), '$mobile' => t('Mobile'), '$home' => t('Home'), '$work' => t('Work'), '$other' => t('Other'), '$add_card' => t('Add Contact'), '$add_field' => t('Add Field'), '$create' => t('Create'), '$update' => t('Update'), '$delete' => t('Delete'), '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), )); $arr = array('profile' => $r[0], 'entry' => $o); call_hooks('profile_edit', $arr); return $o; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE uid = %d", local_channel()); if($r) { $tpl = get_markup_template('profile_entry.tpl'); foreach($r as $rr) { $profiles .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$photo' => $rr['thumb'], '$id' => $rr['id'], '$alt' => t('Profile Image'), '$profile_name' => $rr['profile_name'], '$visible' => (($rr['is_default']) ? '' . translate_scope(map_scope(\Zotlabs\Access\PermissionLimits::Get($channel['channel_id'],'view_profile'))) . '' : '' . t('Edit visibility') . '') )); } $tpl_header = get_markup_template('profile_listing_header.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl_header,array( '$header' => t('Edit Profiles'), '$cr_new' => t('Create New'), '$cr_new_link' => 'profiles/new?t=' . get_form_security_token("profile_new"), '$profiles' => $profiles )); } return $o; } } static function profile_activity($changed, $value) { if(! local_channel() || ! is_array($changed) || ! count($changed)) return; if(! get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','post_profilechange')) return; $self = App::get_channel(); if(! $self) return; $arr = array(); $uuid = new_uuid(); $mid = z_root() . '/item/' . $uuid; $arr['uuid'] = $uuid; $arr['mid'] = $arr['parent_mid'] = $mid; $arr['uid'] = local_channel(); $arr['aid'] = $self['channel_account_id']; $arr['owner_xchan'] = $arr['author_xchan'] = $self['xchan_hash']; $arr['item_wall'] = 1; $arr['item_origin'] = 1; $arr['item_thread_top'] = 1; $arr['verb'] = ACTIVITY_UPDATE; $arr['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_PROFILE; $arr['plink'] = z_root() . '/channel/' . $self['channel_address'] . '/?f=&mid=' . urlencode($arr['mid']); $A = '[url=' . z_root() . '/channel/' . $self['channel_address'] . ']' . $self['channel_name'] . '[/url]'; $changes = ''; $t = count($changed); $z = 0; foreach($changed as $ch) { if(strlen($changes)) { if ($z == ($t - 1)) $changes .= t(' and '); else $changes .= t(', '); } $z ++; $changes .= $ch; } $prof = '[url=' . z_root() . '/profile/' . $self['channel_address'] . ']' . t('public profile') . '[/url]'; if($t == 1 && strlen($value)) { // if it's a url, the HTML quotes will mess it up, so link it and don't try and zidify it because we don't know what it points to. $value = preg_replace_callback("/([^\]\='".'"'."]|^|\#\^)(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\pL\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\@\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ismu", 'red_zrl_callback', $value); // take out the bookmark indicator if(substr($value,0,2) === '#^') $value = str_replace('#^','',$value); $message = sprintf( t('%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”'), $A, $changes, $value); $message .= "\n\n" . sprintf( t('Visit %1$s\'s %2$s'), $A, $prof); } else { $message = sprintf( t('%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s.'), $A, $prof, $changes); } $arr['body'] = $message; $arr['obj'] = [ 'type' => ACTIVITY_OBJ_PROFILE, 'summary' => bbcode($message), 'source' => [ 'mediaType' => 'text/bbcode', 'summary' => $message ], 'id' => $self['xchan_url'], 'url' => z_root() . '/profile/' . $self['channel_address'] ]; $arr['allow_cid'] = $self['channel_allow_cid']; $arr['allow_gid'] = $self['channel_allow_gid']; $arr['deny_cid'] = $self['channel_deny_cid']; $arr['deny_gid'] = $self['channel_deny_gid']; $res = item_store($arr); $i = $res['item_id']; if($i) { // FIXME - limit delivery in notifier.php to those specificed in the perms argument Zotlabs\Daemon\Run::Summon(array('Notifier','activity', $i, 'PERMS_R_PROFILE')); } } static function gender_selector($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; $select = array('', t('Male'), t('Female'), t('Currently Male'), t('Currently Female'), t('Mostly Male'), t('Mostly Female'), t('Transgender'), t('Intersex'), t('Transsexual'), t('Hermaphrodite'), t('Neuter'), t('Non-specific'), t('Other'), t('Undecided')); call_hooks('gender_selector', $select); $o .= "'; return $o; } static function gender_selector_min($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; $select = array('', t('Male'), t('Female'), t('Other')); call_hooks('gender_selector_min', $select); $o .= "'; return $o; } static function gender_text($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; if(! get_config('system','profile_gender_textfield')) return $o; $o .= ""; return $o; } static function sexpref_selector($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; $select = array('', t('Males'), t('Females'), t('Gay'), t('Lesbian'), t('No Preference'), t('Bisexual'), t('Autosexual'), t('Abstinent'), t('Virgin'), t('Deviant'), t('Fetish'), t('Oodles'), t('Nonsexual')); call_hooks('sexpref_selector', $select); $o .= "'; return $o; } static function sexpref_selector_min($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; $select = array('', t('Males'), t('Females'), t('Other')); call_hooks('sexpref_selector_min', $select); $o .= "'; return $o; } static function marital_selector($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; $select = array('', t('Single'), t('Lonely'), t('Available'), t('Unavailable'), t('Has crush'), t('Infatuated'), t('Dating'), t('Unfaithful'), t('Sex Addict'), t('Friends'), t('Friends/Benefits'), t('Casual'), t('Engaged'), t('Married'), t('Imaginarily married'), t('Partners'), t('Cohabiting'), t('Common law'), t('Happy'), t('Not looking'), t('Swinger'), t('Betrayed'), t('Separated'), t('Unstable'), t('Divorced'), t('Imaginarily divorced'), t('Widowed'), t('Uncertain'), t('It\'s complicated'), t('Don\'t care'), t('Ask me') ); call_hooks('marital_selector', $select); $o .= "'; return $o; } static function marital_selector_min($current="",$suffix="") { $o = ''; $select = array('', t('Single'), t('Dating'), t('Cohabiting'), t('Married'), t('Separated'), t('Divorced'), t('Widowed'), t('It\'s complicated'), t('Other')); call_hooks('marital_selector_min', $select); $o .= "'; return $o; } }