# How to install your website ## Disclaimer - This script does work with Debian 10 or 11 only. - This script has to be used on a fresh debian install only (it does not take account for a possibly already installed and configured webserver or sql implementation). You may use it to install more than one website on the same computer as long as you use a single webserver. ## First step: setting up your system After logging into your brand new Debian you will need to run the following commands (as root): apt-get install git Git will allow you to download the necessary software from the Streams repository. mkdir -p /var/www cd /var/www This first creates the directory where your web server will find the install folder of your website, then goes to the directory. git clone https://codeberg.org/streams/streams.git mywebsite This will download all the software you need in /var/www/mywebsite. You can replace "mywebsite" with any name you like (which you'll have to do if you plan to have more than one website running on your system) cd website/.easyinstall This brings you to the subfolder where the tools are available, i.e. the setup script. ## Next step: installing your website There are two ways to proceed here, the first one is recommended if you're not familiar with the terminal mode. ### The beginner-friendly way Simply run the setup script: ./server-setup.sh A series of dialog boxes will appear, in which you can enter the necessary information. There is a "Beginner" and an "Advanced" mode. The second one will allow you to access a few extra settings. There are only four mandatory settings you need to provide: your domain name, your e-mail address, the webserver your will be using (Apache or Nginx), a password for your database. Once everything is ready, the actual install process will begin and you won’t have to do anything during the install. ### The (little) more advanced way You can enter all your installation settings in a configuration file: cp server-config.txt.template server-config.txt nano server-config.txt First be sure to read all the comments carefully. Then enter your values: database password, domain, e-mail, webserver, etc.. Then you can run the setup script: ./server-setup.sh Then simply wait until the script is finished. ## Final step Open your domain with a browser and step throught the initial configuration of your website. You will need to re-enter a few settings (database & password, admin e-mail…). You will then create your first user, starting with the admin is a great idea. And that’s it, you can now log in your website and start adding content to it!