NULL_DATE || intval($r[0]['channel_removed']) || intval($r[0]['channel_moved']) || intval($r[0]['channel_system']) ) { logger('attempt to import to a channel that was removed. ', print_r($channel, true)); notice(t('A channel with these settings was discovered and is not usable as it was removed or reserved for system use. Import failed.') . EOL); return false; } return $r[0]; } if (($r) || (check_webbie(array($channel['channel_address'])) !== $channel['channel_address'])) { if ($r[0]['channel_guid'] === $channel['channel_guid'] || $r[0]['channel_hash'] === $channel['channel_hash']) { logger('mod_import: duplicate channel. ', print_r($channel, true)); notice(t('Cannot create a duplicate channel identifier on this system. Import failed.') . EOL); return false; } else { // try at most ten times to generate a unique address. $x = 0; $found_unique = false; do { $tmp = $channel['channel_address'] . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $r = q( "select * from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($tmp) ); if (! $r) { $channel['channel_address'] = $tmp; $found_unique = true; break; } $x++; } while ($x < 10); if (! $found_unique) { logger('mod_import: duplicate channel. randomisation failed.', print_r($channel, true)); notice(t('Unable to create a unique channel address. Import failed.') . EOL); return false; } } } unset($channel['channel_id']); $channel['channel_account_id'] = $account_id; $channel['channel_primary'] = (($seize) ? 1 : 0); if ($channel['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ALLOWCODE) { if (! is_site_admin()) { $channel['channel_pageflags'] = $channel['channel_pageflags'] ^ PAGE_ALLOWCODE; } } // remove all the permissions related settings, we will import/upgrade them after the channel // is created. $disallowed = [ 'channel_id', 'channel_r_stream', 'channel_r_profile', 'channel_r_abook', 'channel_r_storage', 'channel_r_pages', 'channel_w_stream', 'channel_w_wall', 'channel_w_comment', 'channel_w_mail', 'channel_w_like', 'channel_w_tagwall', 'channel_w_chat', 'channel_w_storage', 'channel_w_pages', 'channel_a_republish', 'channel_a_delegate', 'perm_limits', 'channel_password', 'channel_salt', 'channel_moved', 'channel_removed', 'channel_deleted', 'channel_system' ]; $clean = []; foreach ($channel as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $disallowed)) { continue; } $clean[$k] = $v; } if ($clean) { Channel::channel_store_lowlevel($clean); } $r = q( "select * from channel where channel_account_id = %d and channel_guid = '%s' limit 1", intval($account_id), dbesc($channel['channel_guid']) ); if (! $r) { logger('mod_import: channel not found. ' . print_r($channel, true)); notice(t('Cloned channel not found. Import failed.') . EOL); return false; } // extract the permissions from the original imported array and use our new channel_id to set them // These could be in the old channel permission stule or the new pconfig. We have a function to // translate and store them no matter which they throw at us. $channel['channel_id'] = $r[0]['channel_id']; // reset $channel = $r[0]; Channel::set_default($account_id, $channel['channel_id'], false); logger('import step 1'); $_SESSION['import_step'] = 1; return $channel; } /** * @brief Import pconfig for channel. * * @param array $channel * @param array $configs */ function import_config($channel, $configs) { if ($channel && $configs) { foreach ($configs as $config) { unset($config['id']); $config['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; if ($config['cat'] === 'system' && $config['k'] === 'import_system_apps') { continue; } set_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], $config['cat'], $config['k'], $config['v']); } load_pconfig($channel['channel_id']); $permissions_role = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role'); if ($permissions_role === 'social_federation') { // Convert Hubzilla's social_federation role to 'social' with relaxed comment permissions set_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'systems', 'permissions_role', 'social'); PermissionLimits::Set($channel['channel_id'], 'post_comments', PERMS_AUTHED); } else { // If the requested permissions_role doesn't exist on this system, // convert it to 'social' $role_permissions = PermissionRoles::role_perms($permissions_role); if (! $role_permissions) { set_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role', 'social'); } } } } function import_atoken($channel, $atokens) { if ($channel && $atokens) { foreach ($atokens as $atoken) { unset($atoken['atoken_id']); $atoken['atoken_aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $atoken['atoken_uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; create_table_from_array('atoken', $atoken); } } } function sync_atoken($channel, $atokens) { if ($channel && $atokens) { foreach ($atokens as $atoken) { unset($atoken['atoken_id']); $atoken['atoken_aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $atoken['atoken_uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; if ($atoken['deleted']) { q( "delete from atoken where atoken_uid = %d and atoken_guid = '%s' ", intval($atoken['atoken_uid']), dbesc($atoken['atoken_guid']) ); continue; } $r = q( "select * from atoken where atoken_uid = %d and atoken_guid = '%s' ", intval($atoken['atoken_uid']), dbesc($atoken['atoken_guid']) ); if (! $r) { create_table_from_array('atoken', $atoken); } else { $columns = db_columns('atoken'); foreach ($atoken as $k => $v) { if (! in_array($k, $columns)) { continue; } if (in_array($k, ['atoken_guid','atoken_uid','atoken_aid'])) { continue; } $r = q( "UPDATE atoken SET " . TQUOT . "%s" . TQUOT . " = '%s' WHERE atoken_guid = '%s' AND atoken_uid = %d", dbesc($k), dbesc($v), dbesc($atoken['atoken_guid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } } } } } function import_xign($channel, $xigns) { if ($channel && $xigns) { foreach ($xigns as $xign) { unset($xign['id']); $xign['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; create_table_from_array('xign', $xign); } } } function sync_xign($channel, $xigns) { if ($channel && $xigns) { foreach ($xigns as $xign) { unset($xign['id']); $xign['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; if (! $xign['xchan']) { continue; } if ($xign['deleted']) { q( "delete from xign where uid = %d and xchan = '%s' ", intval($xign['uid']), dbesc($xign['xchan']) ); continue; } $r = q( "select * from xign where uid = %d and xchan = '%s' ", intval($xign['uid']), dbesc($xign['xchan']) ); if (! $r) { create_table_from_array('xign', $xign); } } } } function import_block($channel, $blocks) { if ($channel && $blocks) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { unset($block['block_id']); $block['block_channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; LibBlock::store($block); } } } function sync_block($channel, $blocks) { if ($channel && $blocks) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { unset($block['block_id']); $block['block_channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; if (! $block['block_entity']) { continue; } if ($block['deleted']) { LibBlock::remove($channel['channel_id'], $block['block_entity']); continue; } LibBlock::store($channel['channel_id'], $block); } } } /** * @brief Import profiles. * * @param array $channel * @param array $profiles */ function import_profiles($channel, $profiles) { if ($channel && $profiles) { foreach ($profiles as $profile) { unset($profile['id']); $profile['aid'] = get_account_id(); $profile['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; convert_oldfields($profile, 'name', 'fullname'); convert_oldfields($profile, 'with', 'partner'); convert_oldfields($profile, 'work', 'employment'); /** * @TODO put all the applicable photos into the export. */ if ((strpos($profile['thumb'], '/photo/profile/l/') !== false) || intval($profile['is_default'])) { $profile['photo'] = z_root() . '/photo/profile/l/' . $channel['channel_id']; $profile['thumb'] = z_root() . '/photo/profile/m/' . $channel['channel_id']; } else { $profile['photo'] = z_root() . '/photo/' . basename($profile['photo']); $profile['thumb'] = z_root() . '/photo/' . basename($profile['thumb']); } Channel::profile_store_lowlevel($profile); } } } /** * @brief Import hublocs. * * @param array $channel * @param array $hublocs * @param bool $seize * @param bool $moving (optional) default false */ function import_hublocs($channel, $hublocs, $seize, $moving = false) { if ($channel && $hublocs) { foreach ($hublocs as $hubloc) { // Provide backward compatibility for zot11 based projects if ($hubloc['hubloc_network'] === 'nomad' && version_compare(ZOT_REVISION, '10.0') <= 0) { $hubloc['hubloc_network'] = 'zot6'; } // verify the hash. We can only do this if we already stored the xchan corresponding to this hubloc // as we need the public key from there if (in_array($hubloc['hubloc_network'], ['nomad','zot6'])) { $x = q( "select xchan_pubkey from xchan where xchan_guid = '%s' and xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc($hubloc['hubloc_guid']), dbesc($hubloc['hubloc_hash']) ); if (! $x) { logger('hubloc could not be verified. ' . print_r($hubloc, true)); continue; } $hash = Libzot::make_xchan_hash($hubloc['hubloc_guid'], $x[0]['xchan_pubkey']); if ($hash !== $hubloc['hubloc_hash']) { logger('forged hubloc: ' . print_r($hubloc, true)); continue; } } if ($moving && $hubloc['hubloc_hash'] === $channel['channel_hash'] && $hubloc['hubloc_url'] !== z_root()) { $hubloc['hubloc_deleted'] = 1; } $arr = [ 'id' => $hubloc['hubloc_guid'], 'id_sig' => $hubloc['hubloc_guid_sig'], 'location' => $hubloc['hubloc_url'], 'location_sig' => $hubloc['hubloc_url_sig'], 'site_id' => $hubloc['hubloc_site_id'] ]; if (($hubloc['hubloc_hash'] === $channel['channel_hash']) && intval($hubloc['hubloc_primary']) && ($seize)) { $hubloc['hubloc_primary'] = 0; } if (($x = Libzot::gethub($arr, false)) === false) { unset($hubloc['hubloc_id']); hubloc_store_lowlevel($hubloc); } else { q( "UPDATE hubloc set hubloc_primary = %d, hubloc_deleted = %d where hubloc_id = %d", intval($hubloc['hubloc_primary']), intval($hubloc['hubloc_deleted']), intval($x['hubloc_id']) ); } } } } /** * @brief Import things. * * @param array $channel * @param array $objs */ function import_objs($channel, $objs) { if ($channel && $objs) { foreach ($objs as $obj) { $baseurl = $obj['obj_baseurl']; unset($obj['obj_id']); unset($obj['obj_baseurl']); $obj['obj_channel'] = $channel['channel_id']; if ($baseurl && (strpos($obj['obj_url'], $baseurl . '/thing/') !== false)) { $obj['obj_url'] = str_replace($baseurl, z_root(), $obj['obj_url']); } if ($obj['obj_imgurl']) { $x = import_remote_xchan_photo($obj['obj_imgurl'], $channel['channel_hash'], true); if ($x) { $obj['obj_imgurl'] = $x[0]; } } create_table_from_array('obj', $obj); } } } /** * @brief Import things. * * @param array $channel * @param array $objs */ function sync_objs($channel, $objs) { if ($channel && $objs) { $columns = db_columns('obj'); foreach ($objs as $obj) { if (array_key_exists('obj_deleted', $obj) && $obj['obj_deleted'] && $obj['obj_obj']) { q( "delete from obj where obj_obj = '%s' and obj_channel = %d", dbesc($obj['obj_obj']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); continue; } $baseurl = $obj['obj_baseurl']; unset($obj['obj_id']); unset($obj['obj_baseurl']); $obj['obj_channel'] = $channel['channel_id']; if ($baseurl && (strpos($obj['obj_url'], $baseurl . '/thing/') !== false)) { $obj['obj_url'] = str_replace($baseurl, z_root(), $obj['obj_url']); } $exists = false; $x = q( "select * from obj where obj_obj = '%s' and obj_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($obj['obj_obj']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($x) { if ($x[0]['obj_edited'] >= $obj['obj_edited']) { continue; } $exists = true; } if ($obj['obj_imgurl']) { // import_xchan_photo() has a switch to store thing images $x = import_remote_xchan_photo($obj['obj_imgurl'], $channel['channel_hash'], true); if ($x) { $obj['obj_imgurl'] = $x[0]; } } $hash = $obj['obj_obj']; if ($exists) { unset($obj['obj_obj']); foreach ($obj as $k => $v) { if (! in_array($k, $columns)) { continue; } $r = q( "UPDATE obj SET " . TQUOT . "%s" . TQUOT . " = '%s' WHERE obj_obj = '%s' AND obj_channel = %d", dbesc($k), dbesc($v), dbesc($hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } } else { create_table_from_array('obj', $obj); } } } } /** * @brief Import apps. * * @param array $channel * @param array $apps */ function import_apps($channel, $apps) { if ($channel && $apps) { foreach ($apps as $app) { if (array_key_exists('app_system', $app) && intval($app['app_system'])) { continue; } $term = ((array_key_exists('term', $app) && is_array($app['term'])) ? $app['term'] : null); unset($app['id']); unset($app['app_channel']); unset($app['term']); $app['app_channel'] = $channel['channel_id']; if ($app['app_photo']) { // overload import_xchan_photo() $x = import_remote_xchan_photo($app['app_photo'], $channel['channel_hash'], true); if ($x) { $app['app_photo'] = $x[0]; } } $hash = $app['app_id']; create_table_from_array('app', $app); if ($term) { $x = q( "select * from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($x) { foreach ($term as $t) { if (array_key_exists('type', $t)) { $t['ttype'] = $t['type']; } store_item_tag($channel['channel_id'], $x[0]['id'], TERM_OBJ_APP, $t['ttype'], escape_tags($t['term']), escape_tags($t['url'])); } } } } } } /** * @brief Sync apps. * * @param array $channel * @param array $apps */ function sync_apps($channel, $apps) { if ($channel && $apps) { $columns = db_columns('app'); foreach ($apps as $app) { $exists = false; $term = ((array_key_exists('term', $app)) ? $app['term'] : null); if (array_key_exists('app_system', $app) && intval($app['app_system'])) { continue; } $x = q( "select * from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($app['app_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($x) { $exists = $x[0]; } if (array_key_exists('app_deleted', $app) && $app['app_deleted'] && $app['app_id']) { q( "delete from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d", dbesc($app['app_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($exists) { q( "delete from term where otype = %d and oid = %d", intval(TERM_OBJ_APP), intval($exists['id']) ); } continue; } unset($app['id']); unset($app['app_channel']); unset($app['term']); if ($exists) { q( "delete from term where otype = %d and oid = %d", intval(TERM_OBJ_APP), intval($exists['id']) ); } if ((! $app['app_created']) || ($app['app_created'] <= NULL_DATE)) { $app['app_created'] = datetime_convert(); } if ((! $app['app_edited']) || ($app['app_edited'] <= NULL_DATE)) { $app['app_edited'] = datetime_convert(); } $app['app_channel'] = $channel['channel_id']; if ($app['app_photo']) { // use import_xchan_photo() $x = import_remote_xchan_photo($app['app_photo'], $channel['channel_hash'], true); if ($x) { $app['app_photo'] = $x[0]; } } if ($exists && $term) { foreach ($term as $t) { if (array_key_exists('type', $t)) { $t['ttype'] = $t['type']; } store_item_tag($channel['channel_id'], $exists['id'], TERM_OBJ_APP, $t['ttype'], escape_tags($t['term']), escape_tags($t['url'])); } } if ($exists) { if ($exists['app_edited'] >= $app['app_edited']) { continue; } } $hash = $app['app_id']; if ($exists) { unset($app['app_id']); foreach ($app as $k => $v) { if (! in_array($k, $columns)) { continue; } $r = q( "UPDATE app SET " . TQUOT . "%s" . TQUOT . " = '%s' WHERE app_id = '%s' AND app_channel = %d", dbesc($k), dbesc($v), dbesc($hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } } else { create_table_from_array('app', $app); if ($term) { $x = q( "select * from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d", dbesc($hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($x) { foreach ($term as $t) { if (array_key_exists('type', $t)) { $t['ttype'] = $t['type']; } store_item_tag($channel['channel_id'], $x[0]['id'], TERM_OBJ_APP, $t['ttype'], escape_tags($t['term']), escape_tags($t['url'])); } } } } } } } /** * @brief Import system apps. * System apps from the original server may not exist on this system * (e.g. apps associated with addons that are not installed here). * Check the system apps that were provided in the import file to see if they * exist here and if so, install them locally. Preserve categories that * might have been added by this channel on the other server. * Do not use any paths from the original as they will point to a different server. * @param array $channel * @param array $apps */ function import_sysapps($channel, $apps) { if ($channel && $apps) { $sysapps = Apps::get_system_apps(false); foreach ($apps as $app) { if (array_key_exists('app_system', $app) && (! intval($app['app_system']))) { continue; } if (array_key_exists('app_deleted', $app) && (intval($app['app_deleted']))) { continue; } $term = ((array_key_exists('term', $app) && is_array($app['term'])) ? $app['term'] : null); foreach ($sysapps as $sysapp) { if ($app['app_id'] === hash('whirlpool', $sysapp['app_name'])) { // install this app on this server $newapp = $sysapp; $newapp['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $newapp['guid'] = hash('whirlpool', $newapp['name']); $installed = q( "select id from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($newapp['guid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($installed) { break; } $newapp['system'] = 1; if ($term) { $newapp['categories'] = array_elm_to_str($term, 'term'); } Apps::app_install($channel['channel_id'], $newapp); } } } } } /** * @brief Sync system apps. * * @param array $channel * @param array $apps */ function sync_sysapps($channel, $apps) { $sysapps = Apps::get_system_apps(false); if ($channel && $apps) { $columns = db_columns('app'); foreach ($apps as $app) { $exists = false; $term = ((array_key_exists('term', $app)) ? $app['term'] : null); if (array_key_exists('app_system', $app) && (! intval($app['app_system']))) { continue; } foreach ($sysapps as $sysapp) { if ($app['app_id'] === hash('whirlpool', $sysapp['app_name'])) { if (array_key_exists('app_deleted', $app) && $app['app_deleted'] && $app['app_id']) { q( "update app set app_deleted = 1 where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d", dbesc($app['app_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } else { // install this app on this server $newapp = $sysapp; $newapp['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $newapp['guid'] = hash('whirlpool', $newapp['name']); $newapp['system'] = 1; if ($term) { $newapp['categories'] = array_elm_to_str($term, 'term'); } Apps::app_install($channel['channel_id'], $newapp); } } } } } } /** * @brief Import chatrooms. * * @param array $channel * @param array $chatrooms */ function import_chatrooms($channel, $chatrooms) { if ($channel && $chatrooms) { foreach ($chatrooms as $chatroom) { if (! $chatroom['cr_name']) { continue; } unset($chatroom['cr_id']); unset($chatroom['cr_aid']); unset($chatroom['cr_uid']); $chatroom['cr_aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $chatroom['cr_uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; create_table_from_array('chatroom', $chatroom); } } } /** * @brief Sync chatrooms. * * @param array $channel * @param array $chatrooms */ function sync_chatrooms($channel, $chatrooms) { if ($channel && $chatrooms) { $columns = db_columns('chatroom'); foreach ($chatrooms as $chatroom) { if (! $chatroom['cr_name']) { continue; } if (array_key_exists('cr_deleted', $chatroom) && $chatroom['cr_deleted']) { q( "delete from chatroom where cr_name = '%s' and cr_uid = %d", dbesc($chatroom['cr_name']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); continue; } unset($chatroom['cr_id']); unset($chatroom['cr_aid']); unset($chatroom['cr_uid']); if ((! $chatroom['cr_created']) || ($chatroom['cr_created'] <= NULL_DATE)) { $chatroom['cr_created'] = datetime_convert(); } if ((! $chatroom['cr_edited']) || ($chatroom['cr_edited'] <= NULL_DATE)) { $chatroom['cr_edited'] = datetime_convert(); } $chatroom['cr_aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $chatroom['cr_uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $exists = false; $x = q( "select * from chatroom where cr_name = '%s' and cr_uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($chatroom['cr_name']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($x) { if ($x[0]['cr_edited'] >= $chatroom['cr_edited']) { continue; } $exists = true; } $name = $chatroom['cr_name']; if ($exists) { foreach ($chatroom as $k => $v) { if (! in_array($k, $columns)) { continue; } $r = q( "UPDATE chatroom SET " . TQUOT . "%s" . TQUOT . " = '%s' WHERE cr_name = '%s' AND cr_uid = %d", dbesc($k), dbesc($v), dbesc($name), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } } else { create_table_from_array('chatroom', $chatroom); } } } } /** * @brief Import items to channel. * * @param array $channel where to import to * @param array $items * @param bool $sync default false * @param array $relocate default null */ function import_items($channel, $items, $sync = false, $relocate = null) { if ($channel && $items) { $allow_code = Channel::codeallowed($channel['channel_id']); $deliver = false; // Don't deliver any messages or notifications when importing foreach ($items as $i) { $item_result = false; $item = get_item_elements($i, $allow_code); if (! $item) { continue; } if ($relocate && $item['mid'] === $item['parent_mid']) { item_url_replace($channel, $item, $relocate['url'], z_root(), $relocate['channel_address']); } $r = q( "select id, edited from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($item['mid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($r) { // flags may have changed and we are probably relocating the post, // so force an update even if we have the same timestamp if ($item['edited'] >= $r[0]['edited']) { $item['id'] = $r[0]['id']; $item['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $item_result = item_store_update($item, $allow_code, $deliver, false); } } else { $item['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $item['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $item_result = item_store($item, $allow_code, $deliver, false); } // preserve conversations you've been involved in from being expired $stored = $item_result['item']; if ( (is_array($stored)) && ($stored['id'] != $stored['parent']) && ($stored['author_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) ) { retain_item($stored['item']['parent']); } fix_attached_permissions($channel['channel_id'], $item['body'], $item['allow_cid'], $item['allow_gid'], $item['deny_cid'], $item['deny_gid']); if ($sync && $item['item_wall']) { // deliver singletons if we have any if ($item_result && $item_result['success']) { Run::Summon([ 'Notifier','single_activity',$item_result['item_id'] ]); } } } } } /** * @brief Sync items to channel. * * @see import_items * * @param array $channel where to import to * @param array $items * @param array $relocate default null */ function sync_items($channel, $items, $relocate = null) { import_items($channel, $items, true, $relocate); } /** * @brief Import events. * * @param array $channel * @param array $events */ function import_events($channel, $events) { if ($channel && $events) { foreach ($events as $event) { unset($event['id']); $event['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $event['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; convert_oldfields($event, 'start', 'dtstart'); convert_oldfields($event, 'finish', 'dtend'); convert_oldfields($event, 'type', 'etype'); convert_oldfields($event, 'ignore', 'dismissed'); create_table_from_array('event', $event); } } } /** * @brief Sync events. * * @param array $channel * @param array $events */ function sync_events($channel, $events) { if ($channel && $events) { $columns = db_columns('event'); foreach ($events as $event) { if ((! $event['event_hash']) || (! $event['dtstart'])) { continue; } if ($event['event_deleted']) { $r = q( "delete from event where event_hash = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($event['event_hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); $r = q( "select id from item where resource_type = 'event' and resource_id = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($event['event_hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($r) { drop_item($r[0]['id'], false, (($event['event_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) ? DROPITEM_PHASE1 : DROPITEM_NORMAL)); } continue; } unset($event['id']); $event['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $event['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; convert_oldfields($event, 'start', 'dtstart'); convert_oldfields($event, 'finish', 'dtend'); convert_oldfields($event, 'type', 'etype'); convert_oldfields($event, 'ignore', 'dismissed'); $exists = false; $x = q( "select * from event where event_hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($event['event_hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($x) { if ($x[0]['edited'] >= $event['edited']) { continue; } $exists = true; } if ($exists) { foreach ($event as $k => $v) { if (! in_array($k, $columns)) { continue; } $r = q( "UPDATE event SET " . TQUOT . "%s" . TQUOT . " = '%s' WHERE event_hash = '%s' AND uid = %d", dbesc($k), dbesc($v), dbesc($event['event_hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } } else { create_table_from_array('event', $event); } } } } /** * @brief Import menus. * * @param array $channel * @param array $menus */ function import_menus($channel, $menus) { if ($channel && $menus) { foreach ($menus as $menu) { $m = []; $m['menu_channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; $m['menu_name'] = $menu['pagetitle']; $m['menu_desc'] = $menu['desc']; if ($menu['created']) { $m['menu_created'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $menu['created']); } if ($menu['edited']) { $m['menu_edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $menu['edited']); } $m['menu_flags'] = 0; if ($menu['flags']) { if (in_array('bookmark', $menu['flags'])) { $m['menu_flags'] |= MENU_BOOKMARK; } if (in_array('system', $menu['flags'])) { $m['menu_flags'] |= MENU_SYSTEM; } } $menu_id = Menu::create($m); if ($menu_id) { if (is_array($menu['items'])) { foreach ($menu['items'] as $it) { $mitem = []; $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[channelurl]', z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'], $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[pageurl]', z_root() . '/page/' . $channel['channel_address'], $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[cloudurl]', z_root() . '/cloud/' . $channel['channel_address'], $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[baseurl]', z_root(), $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_desc'] = escape_tags($it['desc']); $mitem['mitem_order'] = intval($it['order']); if (is_array($it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] = 0; if (in_array('zid', $it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_ZID; } if (in_array('new-window', $it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_NEWWIN; } if (in_array('chatroom', $it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_CHATROOM; } } MenuItem::add($menu_id, $channel['channel_id'], $mitem); } } } } } } /** * @brief Sync menus. * * @param array $channel * @param array $menus */ function sync_menus($channel, $menus) { if ($channel && $menus) { foreach ($menus as $menu) { $m = []; $m['menu_channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; $m['menu_name'] = $menu['pagetitle']; $m['menu_desc'] = $menu['desc']; if ($menu['created']) { $m['menu_created'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $menu['created']); } if ($menu['edited']) { $m['menu_edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $menu['edited']); } $m['menu_flags'] = 0; if ($menu['flags']) { if (in_array('bookmark', $menu['flags'])) { $m['menu_flags'] |= MENU_BOOKMARK; } if (in_array('system', $menu['flags'])) { $m['menu_flags'] |= MENU_SYSTEM; } } $editing = false; $r = q( "select * from menu where menu_name = '%s' and menu_channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($m['menu_name']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($r) { if ($r[0]['menu_edited'] >= $m['menu_edited']) { continue; } if ($menu['menu_deleted']) { Menu::delete_id($r[0]['menu_id'], $channel['channel_id']); continue; } $menu_id = $r[0]['menu_id']; $m['menu_id'] = $r[0]['menu_id']; $x = Menu::edit($m); if (! $x) { continue; } $editing = true; } if (! $editing) { $menu_id = Menu::create($m); } if ($menu_id) { if ($editing) { // don't try syncing - just delete all the entries and start over q( "delete from menu_item where mitem_menu_id = %d", intval($menu_id) ); } if (is_array($menu['items'])) { foreach ($menu['items'] as $it) { $mitem = []; $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[channelurl]', z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'], $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[pageurl]', z_root() . '/page/' . $channel['channel_address'], $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[cloudurl]', z_root() . '/cloud/' . $channel['channel_address'], $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_link'] = str_replace('[baseurl]', z_root(), $it['link']); $mitem['mitem_desc'] = escape_tags($it['desc']); $mitem['mitem_order'] = intval($it['order']); if (is_array($it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] = 0; if (in_array('zid', $it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_ZID; } if (in_array('new-window', $it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_NEWWIN; } if (in_array('chatroom', $it['flags'])) { $mitem['mitem_flags'] |= MENU_ITEM_CHATROOM; } } MenuItem::add($menu_id, $channel['channel_id'], $mitem); } } } } } } /** * @brief Import likes. * * @param array $channel * @param array $likes */ function import_likes($channel, $likes) { if ($channel && $likes) { foreach ($likes as $like) { if ($like['deleted']) { q( "delete from likes where liker = '%s' and likee = '%s' and verb = '%s' and target_type = '%s' and target_id = '%s'", dbesc($like['liker']), dbesc($like['likee']), dbesc($like['verb']), dbesc($like['target_type']), dbesc($like['target_id']) ); continue; } unset($like['id']); unset($like['iid']); $like['channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; $r = q( "select * from likes where liker = '%s' and likee = '%s' and verb = '%s' and target_type = '%s' and target_id = '%s' and i_mid = '%s'", dbesc($like['liker']), dbesc($like['likee']), dbesc($like['verb']), dbesc($like['target_type']), dbesc($like['target_id']), dbesc($like['i_mid']) ); if ($r) { continue; } create_table_from_array('likes', $like); } } } function import_conv($channel, $convs) { if ($channel && $convs) { foreach ($convs as $conv) { if ($conv['deleted']) { q( "delete from conv where guid = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($conv['guid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); continue; } unset($conv['id']); $conv['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $conv['subject'] = str_rot47(base64url_encode($conv['subject'])); $r = q( "select id from conv where guid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($conv['guid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($r) { continue; } create_table_from_array('conv', $conv); } } } /** * @brief Import mails. * * @param array $channel * @param array $mails * @param bool $sync (optional) default false */ function import_mail($channel, $mails, $sync = false) { if ($channel && $mails) { foreach ($mails as $mail) { if (array_key_exists('flags', $mail) && in_array('deleted', $mail['flags'])) { q( "delete from mail where mid = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($mail['message_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); continue; } if (array_key_exists('flags', $mail) && in_array('recalled', $mail['flags'])) { q( "update mail set mail_recalled = 1 where mid = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($mail['message_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); continue; } $m = get_mail_elements($mail); if (! $m) { continue; } $m['account_id'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $m['channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; $mail_id = mail_store($m); if ($sync && $mail_id) { // Not applicable to Zap which does not support mail // Run::Summon( [ 'Notifier','single_mail',$mail_id ] ); } } } } /** * @brief Synchronise mails. * * @see import_mail * @param array $channel * @param array $mails */ function sync_mail($channel, $mails) { import_mail($channel, $mails, true); } /** * @brief Synchronise files. * * @param array $channel * @param array $files */ function sync_files($channel, $files) { require_once('include/attach.php'); if ($channel && $files) { $limit = engr_units_to_bytes(ServiceClass::fetch($channel['channel_id'], 'attach_upload_limit')); foreach ($files as $f) { if (! $f) { continue; } $is_profile_photo = false; $fetch_url = $f['fetch_url']; $oldbase = dirname($fetch_url); $original_channel = $f['original_channel']; if (! ($fetch_url && $original_channel)) { continue; } $has_undeleted_attachments = false; if ($f['attach']) { foreach ($f['attach'] as $att) { $attachment_stored = false; convert_oldfields($att, 'data', 'content'); if (intval($att['deleted'])) { logger('deleting attachment'); attach_delete($channel['channel_id'], $att['hash']); continue; } $has_undeleted_attachments = true; $attach_exists = false; $x = attach_by_hash($att['hash'], $channel['channel_hash']); logger('sync_files duplicate check: attach_exists=' . $attach_exists, LOGGER_DEBUG); logger('sync_files duplicate check: att=' . print_r($att, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); logger('sync_files duplicate check: attach_by_hash() returned ' . print_r($x, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($x['success']) { $orig_attach = $x['data']; $attach_exists = true; $attach_id = $orig_attach['id']; } $newfname = 'store/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/' . get_attach_binname($att['content']); unset($att['id']); $att['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $att['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; // check for duplicate folder names with the same parent. // If we have a duplicate that doesn't match this hash value // change the name so that the contents won't be "covered over" // by the existing directory. Use the same logic we use for // duplicate files. if (strpos($att['filename'], '.') !== false) { $basename = substr($att['filename'], 0, strrpos($att['filename'], '.')); $ext = substr($att['filename'], strrpos($att['filename'], '.')); } else { $basename = $att['filename']; $ext = ''; } $r = q( "select filename from attach where ( filename = '%s' OR filename like '%s' ) and folder = '%s' and hash != '%s' and uid = %d ", dbesc($basename . $ext), dbesc($basename . '(%)' . $ext), dbesc($att['folder']), dbesc($att['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($r) { $x = 1; do { $found = false; foreach ($r as $rr) { if ($rr['filename'] === $basename . '(' . $x . ')' . $ext) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { $x++; } } while ($found); $att['filename'] = $basename . '(' . $x . ')' . $ext; } else { $att['filename'] = $basename . $ext; } // end duplicate detection /// @FIXME update attachment structures if they are modified rather than created $att['content'] = $newfname; // Note: we use $att['hash'] below after it has been escaped to // fetch the file contents. // If the hash ever contains any escapable chars this could cause // problems. Currently it does not. if (!isset($att['os_path'])) { $att['os_path'] = ''; } if ($attach_exists) { logger('sync_files attach exists: ' . print_r($att, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); // process/sync a remote rename/move operation if ($orig_attach && $orig_attach['content'] && $orig_attach['content'] !== $newfname) { logger('rename: ' . $orig_attach['content'] . ' -> ' . $newfname); rename($orig_attach['content'], $newfname); } if (! dbesc_array($att)) { continue; } $columns = db_columns('attach'); $str = ''; foreach ($att as $k => $v) { if (! in_array($k, $columns)) { continue; } if ($str) { $str .= ","; } $str .= " " . TQUOT . $k . TQUOT . " = '" . $v . "' "; } $r = dbq("update attach set " . $str . " where id = " . intval($attach_id)); } else { logger('sync_files attach does not exists: ' . print_r($att, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($limit !== false) { $r = q( "select sum(filesize) as total from attach where aid = %d ", intval($channel['channel_account_id']) ); if (($r) && (($r[0]['total'] + $att['filesize']) > $limit)) { logger('service class limit exceeded'); continue; } } create_table_from_array('attach', $att); } // is this a directory? if ($att['filetype'] === 'multipart/mixed' && $att['is_dir']) { os_mkdir($newfname, STORAGE_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, true); $attachment_stored = true; continue; } else { // it's a file // for the sync version of this algorithm (as opposed to 'offline import') // we will fetch the actual file from the source server so it can be // streamed directly to disk and avoid consuming PHP memory if it's a huge // audio/video file or something. $time = datetime_convert(); $parr = [ 'hash' => $channel['channel_hash'], 'time' => $time, 'resource' => $att['hash'], 'revision' => 0, 'signature' => Libzot::sign($channel['channel_hash'] . '.' . $time, $channel['channel_prvkey']) ]; $store_path = $newfname; $fp = fopen($newfname, 'w'); if (! $fp) { logger('failed to open storage file.', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR); continue; } $redirects = 0; $m = parse_url($fetch_url); $headers = [ 'Accept' => 'application/x-nomad+json, application/x-zot+json', 'Sigtoken' => random_string(), 'Host' => $m['host'], '(request-target)' => 'post ' . $m['path'] . '/' . $att['hash'] ]; $headers = HTTPSig::create_sig($headers, $channel['channel_prvkey'], Channel::url($channel), true, 'sha512'); $x = z_post_url($fetch_url . '/' . $att['hash'], $parr, $redirects, [ 'filep' => $fp, 'headers' => $headers]); fclose($fp); if ($x['success']) { $attachment_stored = true; } continue; } } } if (($has_undeleted_attachments) && (! $attachment_stored)) { /// @TODO should we queue this and retry or delete everything or what? logger('attachment store failed', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR); } if ($f['photo']) { $is_profile_photo = false; foreach ($f['photo'] as $p) { unset($p['id']); $p['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $p['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; convert_oldfields($p, 'data', 'content'); convert_oldfields($p, 'scale', 'imgscale'); convert_oldfields($p, 'size', 'filesize'); convert_oldfields($p, 'type', 'mimetype'); // if this is a profile photo, undo the profile photo bit // for any other photo which previously held it. if ($p['photo_usage'] == PHOTO_PROFILE) { $is_profile_photo = true; $e = q( "update photo set photo_usage = %d where photo_usage = %d and resource_id != '%s' and uid = %d ", intval(PHOTO_NORMAL), intval(PHOTO_PROFILE), dbesc($p['resource_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } // same for cover photos if ($p['photo_usage'] == PHOTO_COVER) { $e = q( "update photo set photo_usage = %d where photo_usage = %d and resource_id != '%s' and uid = %d ", intval(PHOTO_NORMAL), intval(PHOTO_COVER), dbesc($p['resource_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } if (intval($p['os_storage'])) { $p['content'] = $store_path . ((intval($p['imgscale'])) ? '-' . $p['imgscale'] : EMPTY_STR); } else { $p['content'] = (($p['content']) ? base64_decode($p['content']) : ''); } if (intval($p['imgscale']) && ((intval($p['os_storage'])) || (! $p['content']))) { $time = datetime_convert(); $parr = [ 'hash' => $channel['channel_hash'], 'time' => $time, 'resource' => $att['hash'], 'revision' => 0, 'signature' => Libzot::sign($channel['channel_hash'] . '.' . $time, $channel['channel_prvkey']), 'resolution' => $p['imgscale'] ]; $stored_image = $newfname . '-' . intval($p['imgscale']); logger('fetching_photo: ' . $stored_image); $fp = fopen($stored_image, 'w'); if (! $fp) { logger('failed to open storage file.', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR); continue; } $redirects = 0; $m = parse_url($fetch_url); $headers = [ 'Accept' => 'application/x-nomad+json, application/x-zot+json', 'Sigtoken' => random_string(), 'Host' => $m['host'], '(request-target)' => 'post ' . $m['path'] . '/' . $att['hash'] ]; $headers = HTTPSig::create_sig($headers, $channel['channel_prvkey'], Channel::url($channel), true, 'sha512'); $x = z_post_url($fetch_url . '/' . $att['hash'], $parr, $redirects, [ 'filep' => $fp, 'headers' => $headers]); fclose($fp); if (! intval($p['os_storage'])) { $p['content'] = file_get_contents($stored_image); unlink($stored_image); } } if (!isset($p['display_path'])) { $p['display_path'] = ''; } $exists = q( "select * from photo where resource_id = '%s' and imgscale = %d and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($p['resource_id']), intval($p['imgscale']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if ($exists) { $str = ''; foreach ($p as $k => $v) { $matches = false; if (preg_match('/([^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.])/', $k, $matches)) { continue; } if ($str) { $str .= ","; } $str .= " " . TQUOT . $k . TQUOT . " = '" . (($k === 'content') ? dbescbin($v) : dbesc($v)) . "' "; } $r = dbq("update photo set " . $str . " where id = " . intval($exists[0]['id'])); } else { create_table_from_array('photo', $p, [ 'content' ]); } } } if ($is_profile_photo) { // set this or the next channel refresh will wipe out the profile photo with one that's fetched remotely // and lacks the file context; as we probably didn't receive an xchan record in the sync packet q("update xchan set xchan_photo_date = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); } Run::Summon([ 'Thumbnail' , $att['hash'] ]); if ($f['item']) { sync_items( $channel, $f['item'], ['channel_address' => $original_channel,'url' => $oldbase] ); } } } } /** * @brief Rename a key in an array. * * Replaces $old key with $new key in $arr. * * @param[in,out] array &$arr The array where to work on * @param string $old The old key in the array * @param string $new The new key in the array */ function convert_oldfields(&$arr, $old, $new) { if (array_key_exists($old, $arr)) { $arr[$new] = $arr[$old]; unset($arr[$old]); } } function scan_webpage_elements($path, $type, $cloud = false) { $channel = App::get_channel(); $dirtoscan = $path; switch ($type) { case 'page': $dirtoscan .= '/pages/'; $json_filename = 'page.json'; break; case 'layout': $dirtoscan .= '/layouts/'; $json_filename = 'layout.json'; break; case 'block': $dirtoscan .= '/blocks/'; $json_filename = 'block.json'; break; default: return []; } if ($cloud) { $dirtoscan = get_dirpath_by_cloudpath($channel, $dirtoscan); } $elements = []; if (is_dir($dirtoscan)) { $dirlist = scandir($dirtoscan); if ($dirlist) { foreach ($dirlist as $element) { if ($element === '.' || $element === '..') { continue; } $folder = $dirtoscan . '/' . $element; if (is_dir($folder)) { if ($cloud) { $jsonfilepath = $folder . '/' . get_filename_by_cloudname($json_filename, $channel, $folder); } else { $jsonfilepath = $folder . '/' . $json_filename; } if (is_file($jsonfilepath)) { $metadata = json_decode(file_get_contents($jsonfilepath), true); if ($cloud) { $contentfilename = get_filename_by_cloudname($metadata['contentfile'], $channel, $folder); $metadata['path'] = $folder . '/' . $contentfilename; } else { $contentfilename = $metadata['contentfile']; $metadata['path'] = $folder . '/' . $contentfilename; } if ($metadata['contentfile'] === '') { logger('Invalid ' . $type . ' content file'); return false; } $content = file_get_contents($folder . '/' . $contentfilename); if (!$content) { if (is_readable($folder . '/' . $contentfilename)) { $content = ''; } else { logger('Failed to get file content for ' . $metadata['contentfile']); return false; } } $elements[] = $metadata; } } } } } return $elements; } function import_webpage_element($element, $channel, $type) { $arr = []; // construct information for the webpage element item table record switch ($type) { // // PAGES // case 'page': $arr['item_type'] = ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE; $namespace = 'WEBPAGE'; $name = $element['pagelink']; if ($name) { require_once('library/urlify/URLify.php'); $name = strtolower(URLify::transliterate($name)); } $arr['title'] = $element['title']; $arr['term'] = $element['term']; $arr['layout_mid'] = ''; // by default there is no layout associated with the page // If a layout was specified, find it in the database and get its info. If // it does not exist, leave layout_mid empty if ($element['layout'] !== '') { $liid = q( "select iid from iconfig where k = 'PDL' and v = '%s' and cat = 'system'", dbesc($element['layout']) ); if ($liid) { $linfo = q( "select mid from item where id = %d", intval($liid[0]['iid']) ); $arr['layout_mid'] = $linfo[0]['mid']; } } break; // // LAYOUTS // case 'layout': $arr['item_type'] = ITEM_TYPE_PDL; $namespace = 'PDL'; $name = $element['name']; $arr['title'] = $element['description']; $arr['term'] = $element['term']; break; // // BLOCKS // case 'block': $arr['item_type'] = ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK; $namespace = 'BUILDBLOCK'; $name = $element['name']; $arr['title'] = $element['title']; break; default: return null; // return null if invalid element type } $arr['uid'] = local_channel(); $arr['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; // Check if an item already exists based on the name $iid = q( "select iid from iconfig where k = '" . $namespace . "' and v = '%s' and cat = 'system'", dbesc($name) ); if ($iid) { // If the item does exist, get the item metadata $iteminfo = q( "select mid,created,edited from item where id = %d", intval($iid[0]['iid']) ); $arr['mid'] = $arr['parent_mid'] = $iteminfo[0]['mid']; $arr['created'] = $iteminfo[0]['created']; } else { // otherwise, generate the creation times and unique id $arr['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC'); $arr['uuid'] = new_uuid(); $arr['mid'] = $arr['parent_mid'] = z_root() . '/item/' . $arr['uuid']; } // Update the edited time whether or not the element already exists $arr['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC'); // Import the actual element content $arr['body'] = file_get_contents($element['path']); // The element owner is the channel importing the elements $arr['owner_xchan'] = get_observer_hash(); // The author is either the owner or whomever was specified $arr['author_xchan'] = (($element['author_xchan']) ? $element['author_xchan'] : get_observer_hash()); // Import mimetype if it is a valid mimetype for the element $mimetypes = [ 'text/bbcode', 'text/x-multicode', 'text/html', 'text/markdown', 'text/plain', 'application/x-pdl', 'application/x-php' ]; // Blocks and pages can have any of the valid mimetypes, but layouts must be text/bbcode if ((in_array($element['mimetype'], $mimetypes)) && in_array($type, [ 'page', 'block' ])) { $arr['mimetype'] = $element['mimetype']; } else { $arr['mimetype'] = 'text/x-multicode'; } // Verify ability to use html or php!!! $execflag = Channel::codeallowed(local_channel()); $i = q( "select id, edited, item_deleted from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval(local_channel()) ); IConfig::Set($arr, 'system', $namespace, (($name) ? $name : substr($arr['mid'], 0, 16)), true); if ($i) { $arr['id'] = $i[0]['id']; // don't update if it has the same timestamp as the original if ($arr['edited'] > $i[0]['edited']) { $x = item_store_update($arr, $execflag); } } else { if (($i) && (intval($i[0]['item_deleted']))) { // was partially deleted already, finish it off q( "delete from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval(local_channel()) ); } else { $x = item_store($arr, $execflag); } } if ($x && $x['success']) { $element['import_success'] = 1; } else { $element['import_success'] = 0; } return $element; } function get_webpage_elements($channel, $type = 'all') { $elements = []; if (!$channel['channel_id']) { return null; } switch ($type) { case 'all': // If all, execute all the pages, layouts, blocks case statements case 'pages': $elements['pages'] = null; $owner = $channel['channel_id']; $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($owner); $r = q( "select * from iconfig left join item on iconfig.iid = where item.uid = %d and = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'WEBPAGE' and item_type = %d $sql_extra order by item.created desc", intval($owner), intval(ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE) ); $pages = null; if ($r) { $elements['pages'] = []; $pages = []; foreach ($r as $rr) { unobscure($rr); //$lockstate = (($rr['allow_cid'] || $rr['allow_gid'] || $rr['deny_cid'] || $rr['deny_gid']) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'); $element_arr = [ 'type' => 'webpage', 'title' => $rr['title'], 'body' => $rr['body'], 'created' => $rr['created'], 'edited' => $rr['edited'], 'mimetype' => $rr['mimetype'], 'pagetitle' => $rr['v'], 'mid' => $rr['mid'], 'layout_mid' => $rr['layout_mid'] ]; $pages[$rr['iid']][] = [ 'url' => $rr['iid'], 'pagetitle' => $rr['v'], 'title' => $rr['title'], 'created' => datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $rr['created']), 'edited' => datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $rr['edited']), 'bb_element' => '[element]' . base64url_encode(json_encode($element_arr)) . '[/element]', //'lockstate' => $lockstate ]; $elements['pages'][] = $element_arr; } } if ($type !== 'all') { break; } case 'layouts': $elements['layouts'] = null; $owner = $channel['channel_id']; $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($owner); $r = q( "select * from iconfig left join item on iconfig.iid = where item.uid = %d and = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'PDL' and item_type = %d $sql_extra order by item.created desc", intval($owner), intval(ITEM_TYPE_PDL) ); if ($r) { $elements['layouts'] = []; foreach ($r as $rr) { unobscure($rr); $elements['layouts'][] = array( 'type' => 'layout', 'description' => $rr['title'], // description of the layout 'body' => $rr['body'], 'created' => $rr['created'], 'edited' => $rr['edited'], 'mimetype' => $rr['mimetype'], 'name' => $rr['v'], // name of reference for the layout 'mid' => $rr['mid'], ); } } if ($type !== 'all') { break; } case 'blocks': $elements['blocks'] = null; $owner = $channel['channel_id']; $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($owner); $r = q( "select iconfig.iid, iconfig.k, iconfig.v, mid, title, body, mimetype, created, edited from iconfig left join item on iconfig.iid = where uid = %d and = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'BUILDBLOCK' and item_type = %d order by item.created desc", intval($owner), intval(ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK) ); if ($r) { $elements['blocks'] = []; foreach ($r as $rr) { unobscure($rr); $elements['blocks'][] = [ 'type' => 'block', 'title' => $rr['title'], 'body' => $rr['body'], 'created' => $rr['created'], 'edited' => $rr['edited'], 'mimetype' => $rr['mimetype'], 'name' => $rr['v'], 'mid' => $rr['mid'] ]; } } if ($type !== 'all') { break; } default: break; } return $elements; } /** * @brief Create a compressed zip file. * * @param array $files List of files to put in zip file * @param string $destination * @param bool $overwrite * @return bool Success status */ function create_zip_file($files = [], $destination = '', $overwrite = false) { // if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false if (file_exists($destination) && ! $overwrite) { return false; } //vars $valid_files = []; // if files were passed in... if (is_array($files)) { // cycle through each file foreach ($files as $file) { // make sure the file exists if (file_exists($file)) { $valid_files[] = $file; } } } // if we have good files... if (count($valid_files)) { //create the archive $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($destination, $overwrite ? ZipArchive::OVERWRITE : ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) { return false; } // add the files foreach ($valid_files as $file) { $zip->addFile($file, $file); } //debug //echo 'The zip archive contains ',$zip->numFiles,' files with a status of ',$zip->status; //close the zip -- done! $zip->close(); // check to make sure the file exists return file_exists($destination); } else { return false; } }