1) { $which = argv(1); } if (!$which) { if (local_channel()) { $channel = App::get_channel(); if ($channel && $channel['channel_address']) { $which = $channel['channel_address']; } } } if (!$which) { notice(t('You must be logged in to see this page.') . EOL); return; } $profile = 0; $channel = App::get_channel(); if ((local_channel()) && (argc() > 2) && (argv(2) === 'view')) { $which = $channel['channel_address']; $profile = argv(1); } $channel = Zlib\Channel::from_username($which, true); if (!$channel) { http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } if ($channel['channel_removed']) { http_status_exit(410, 'Gone'); } if (get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'noindex')) { App::$meta->set('robots', 'noindex, noarchive'); } Head::add_link([ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/atom+xml', 'title' => t('Only posts'), 'href' => z_root() . '/feed/' . $which ]); // An ActivityStreams actor record is more or less required for ActivityStreams compliance // unless the actor object is inlined into every activity/object. This implies that it // is more or less required for the Zot6 protocol, which uses ActivityStreams as a content // serialisation and which doesn't always include the full actor record with every // activity/object. // "more or less" means it isn't spelled out in the ActivityStreams spec, but a number of // things will break in subtle ways if it isn't provided. // The ActivityPub protocol requires an 'inbox', which will not be present in this record // if/when the ActivityPub protocol is disabled. This will be the case when using the Redmatrix // fork of Zap; which disables ActivityPub connectivity by default. if (ActivityStreams::is_as_request()) { // Somebody may attempt an ActivityStreams fetch on one of our message permalinks // Make it do the right thing. $mid = ((x($_REQUEST, 'mid')) ? $_REQUEST['mid'] : ''); $mid = unpack_link_id($mid); if ($mid) { $obj = null; if (str_starts_with($mid, z_root() . '/item/')) { App::$argc = 2; App::$argv = ['item', basename($mid)]; $obj = new Item(); } if (str_starts_with($mid, z_root() . '/activity/')) { App::$argc = 2; App::$argv = ['activity', basename($mid)]; $obj = new Activity(); } $obj?->init(); } if (intval($channel['channel_system'])) { goaway(z_root()); } as_return_and_die(Activity::encode_person($channel, true, true), $channel); } // handle zot6 channel discovery if (Libzot::is_nomad_request()) { $sigdata = HTTPSig::verify(file_get_contents('php://input'), EMPTY_STR, 'zot6'); if ($sigdata && $sigdata['signer'] && $sigdata['header_valid']) { $data = json_encode(Libzot::zotinfo(['guid_hash' => $channel['channel_hash'], 'target_url' => $sigdata['signer']])); $s = q( "select site_crypto, hubloc_sitekey from site left join hubloc on hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_network in ('nomad','zot6') and hubloc_deleted = 0 order by hubloc_id desc limit 1", dbesc($sigdata['signer']) ); if ($s && $s[0]['hubloc_sitekey'] && $s[0]['site_crypto']) { $data = json_encode(Crypto::encapsulate($data, $s[0]['hubloc_sitekey'], Libzot::best_algorithm($s[0]['site_crypto']))); } } else { $data = json_encode(Libzot::zotinfo(['guid_hash' => $channel['channel_hash']])); } $headers = [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-nomad+json', 'Digest' => HTTPSig::generate_digest_header($data), '(request-target)' => strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) . ' ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ]; $h = HTTPSig::create_sig($headers, $channel['channel_prvkey'], Zlib\Channel::url($channel)); HTTPSig::set_headers($h); echo $data; killme(); } // Run Libprofile::load() here to make sure the theme is set before // we start loading content Libprofile::load($which, $profile); if (!$_REQUEST['mid']) { App::$meta->set('og:title', $channel['channel_name']); App::$meta->set('og:image', $channel['xchan_photo_l']); App::$meta->set('og:type', 'webpage'); App::$meta->set('og:url:secure_url', Zlib\Channel::url($channel)); if (App::$profile['about'] && perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], get_observer_hash(), 'view_profile')) { App::$meta->set('og:description', App::$profile['about']); } else { App::$meta->set('og:description', sprintf(t('This is the home page of %s.'), $channel['channel_name'])); } } } public function get() { $noscript_content = get_config('system', 'noscript_content', '1'); $sql_extra2 = ''; $category = $datequery = $datequery2 = ''; $mid = ((x($_REQUEST, 'mid')) ? $_REQUEST['mid'] : ''); $mid = unpack_link_id($mid); $datequery = ((x($_GET, 'dend') && is_a_date_arg($_GET['dend'])) ? notags($_GET['dend']) : ''); $datequery2 = ((x($_GET, 'dbegin') && is_a_date_arg($_GET['dbegin'])) ? notags($_GET['dbegin']) : ''); $category = ((x($_REQUEST, 'cat')) ? $_REQUEST['cat'] : ''); $hashtags = ((x($_REQUEST, 'tag')) ? $_REQUEST['tag'] : ''); $order = ((x($_GET, 'order')) ? notags($_GET['order']) : 'post'); $static = ((array_key_exists('static', $_REQUEST)) ? intval($_REQUEST['static']) : 0); $search = ((x($_GET, 'search')) ? $_GET['search'] : EMPTY_STR); $distance = 0; $distance_from = ''; $groups = []; $o = ''; if ($this->updating) { // Ensure we've got a profile owner if updating. App::$profile['profile_uid'] = App::$profile_uid = $this->profile_uid; } $is_owner = (((local_channel()) && (App::$profile['profile_uid'] == local_channel())) ? true : false); $channel = App::get_channel(); $observer = App::get_observer(); $ob_hash = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : ''); $perms = get_all_perms(App::$profile['profile_uid'], $ob_hash); if ($this->loading && !$mid) { $_SESSION['loadtime_channel'] = datetime_convert(); if ($is_owner) { PConfig::Set(local_channel(), 'system', 'loadtime_channel', $_SESSION['loadtime_channel']); } } if (!$perms['view_stream']) { // We may want to make the target of this redirect configurable if ($perms['view_profile']) { notice(t('Insufficient permissions. Request redirected to profile page.') . EOL); goaway(z_root() . "/profile/" . App::$profile['channel_address']); } notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return ''; } if (!$this->updating) { Navbar::set_selected('Channel Home'); $static = Zlib\Channel::manual_conv_update(App::$profile['profile_uid']); // search terms header if ($search) { $o .= replace_macros(Theme::get_template("section_title.tpl"), [ '$title' => t('Search Results For:') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($search, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') ]); } $role = get_pconfig(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'system', 'permissions_role'); if ($role === 'social_restricted' && (!$ob_hash)) { // provide warning that content is probably hidden ? } if ($channel && $is_owner) { $channel_acl = [ 'allow_cid' => $channel['channel_allow_cid'], 'allow_gid' => $channel['channel_allow_gid'], 'deny_cid' => $channel['channel_deny_cid'], 'deny_gid' => $channel['channel_deny_gid'] ]; } else { $channel_acl = ['allow_cid' => '', 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => '']; } if ($perms['post_wall']) { $x = [ 'is_owner' => $is_owner, 'allow_location' => ((($is_owner || $observer) && (intval(get_pconfig(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'system', 'use_browser_location')))) ? true : false), 'default_location' => (($is_owner) ? App::$profile['channel_location'] : ''), 'nickname' => App::$profile['channel_address'], 'lockstate' => (((strlen(App::$profile['channel_allow_cid'])) || (strlen(App::$profile['channel_allow_gid'])) || (strlen(App::$profile['channel_deny_cid'])) || (strlen(App::$profile['channel_deny_gid']))) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'), 'acl' => (($is_owner) ? Libacl::populate($channel_acl, true, PermissionDescription::fromGlobalPermission('view_stream'), Libacl::get_post_aclDialogDescription(), 'acl_dialog_post') : ''), 'permissions' => $channel_acl, 'showacl' => (($is_owner) ? 'yes' : ''), 'bang' => '', 'visitor' => (($is_owner || $observer) ? true : false), 'profile_uid' => App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'editor_autocomplete' => true, 'bbco_autocomplete' => 'bbcode', 'bbcode' => true, 'jotnets' => true, 'reset' => t('Reset form') ]; $o .= status_editor($x); } if (!$mid && !$search) { $obj = new Pinned(); $o .= $obj->widget([]); } } /** * Get permissions SQL */ $item_normal = " and item.item_hidden = 0 and item.item_type = 0 and item.item_deleted = 0 and item.item_unpublished = 0 and item.item_pending_remove = 0 and item.item_blocked = 0 "; if (!$is_owner) { $item_normal .= "and item.item_delayed = 0 "; } $item_normal_update = item_normal_update(); $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql(App::$profile['profile_uid']); if (get_pconfig(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'system', 'channel_list_mode') && (!$mid)) { $page_mode = 'list'; } else { $page_mode = 'client'; } $abook_uids = " and abook.abook_channel = " . intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']) . " "; $simple_update = (($this->updating) ? " AND item_unseen = 1 " : ''); if ($search) { $search = escape_tags($search); if (str_starts_with($search, '#')) { $sql_extra .= term_query('item', substr($search, 1), TERM_HASHTAG, TERM_COMMUNITYTAG); } else { $sql_extra .= sprintf( " AND (item.body like '%s' OR item.title like '%s') ", dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $search . '%')), dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $search . '%')) ); } } Head::add_link([ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/json+oembed', 'href' => z_root() . '/oep?f=&url=' . urlencode(z_root() . '/' . App::$query_string), 'title' => 'oembed' ]); if ($this->updating && isset($_SESSION['loadtime_channel'])) { $simple_update = " AND item.changed > '" . datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $_SESSION['loadtime_channel']) . "' "; } if ($this->loading) { $simple_update = ''; } if ($static && $simple_update) { $simple_update .= " and author_xchan = '" . protect_sprintf(get_observer_hash()) . "' "; } if (($this->updating) && (!$this->loading)) { if ($mid) { $r = q( "SELECT parent AS item_id from item where mid like '%s' and uid = %d $item_normal_update AND item_wall = 1 $simple_update $sql_extra limit 1", dbesc($mid . '%'), intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']) ); } else { $r = q( "SELECT parent AS item_id from item left join abook on ( item.owner_xchan = abook.abook_xchan $abook_uids ) WHERE uid = %d $item_normal_update AND item_wall = 1 $simple_update AND (abook.abook_blocked = 0 or abook.abook_flags is null) $sql_extra ORDER BY created DESC", intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']) ); } } else { if (x($category)) { $sql_extra2 .= protect_sprintf(term_item_parent_query(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'item', $category, TERM_CATEGORY)); } if (x($hashtags)) { $sql_extra2 .= protect_sprintf(term_item_parent_query(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'item', $hashtags, TERM_HASHTAG, TERM_COMMUNITYTAG)); } if ($datequery) { $sql_extra2 .= protect_sprintf(sprintf(" AND item.created <= '%s' ", dbesc(datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), '', $datequery)))); $order = 'post'; } if ($datequery2) { $sql_extra2 .= protect_sprintf(sprintf(" AND item.created >= '%s' ", dbesc(datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), '', $datequery2)))); } if ($datequery || $datequery2) { $sql_extra2 .= " and item.item_thread_top != 0 "; } if ($order === 'post') { $ordering = "created"; } else { $ordering = "commented"; } $itemspage = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'itemspage'); App::set_pager_itemspage(((intval($itemspage)) ? $itemspage : 20)); $pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ", intval(App::$pager['itemspage']), intval(App::$pager['start'])); if ($noscript_content || $this->loading) { if ($mid) { $r = q( "SELECT parent AS item_id from item where mid like '%s' and uid = %d $item_normal AND item_wall = 1 $sql_extra limit 1", dbesc($mid . '%'), intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']) ); if (!$r) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); } } else { $r = q( "SELECT DISTINCT item.parent AS item_id, $ordering FROM item left join abook on ( item.author_xchan = abook.abook_xchan $abook_uids ) WHERE true and item.uid = %d $item_normal AND (abook.abook_blocked = 0 or abook.abook_flags is null) AND item.item_wall = 1 AND item.item_thread_top = 1 $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY $ordering DESC $pager_sql ", intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']) ); } } else { $r = []; } } if ($r) { $parents_str = ids_to_querystr($r, 'item_id'); $items = q( "SELECT item.*, item.id AS item_id FROM item WHERE item.uid = %d $item_normal AND item.parent IN ( %s ) $sql_extra ", intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']), dbesc($parents_str) ); xchan_query($items); $items = fetch_post_tags($items); $items = conv_sort($items, $ordering); if ($this->loading && $mid && (!count($items))) { // This will happen if we don't have sufficient permissions // to view the parent item (or the item itself if it is toplevel) notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); } } else { $items = []; } if ((!$this->updating) && (!$this->loading)) { // This is ugly, but we can't pass the profile_uid through the session to the ajax updater, // because browser prefetching might change it on us. We have to deliver it with the page. $maxheight = get_pconfig(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'system', 'channel_divmore_height'); if (!$maxheight) { $maxheight = 400; } $o .= '
' . "\r\n"; $o .= "\r\n"; App::$page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(Theme::get_template("build_query.tpl"), [ '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$pgtype' => 'channel', '$uid' => ((App::$profile['profile_uid']) ? App::$profile['profile_uid'] : '0'), '$gid' => '0', '$cid' => '0', '$cmin' => '(-1)', '$cmax' => '(-1)', '$star' => '0', '$liked' => '0', '$conv' => '0', '$spam' => '0', '$nouveau' => '0', '$wall' => '1', '$draft' => '0', '$fh' => '0', '$dm' => '0', '$static' => $static, '$page' => ((App::$pager['page'] != 1) ? App::$pager['page'] : 1), '$search' => $search, '$xchan' => '', '$order' => (($order) ? urlencode($order) : ''), '$list' => ((x($_REQUEST, 'list')) ? intval($_REQUEST['list']) : 0), '$file' => '', '$cats' => (($category) ? urlencode($category) : ''), '$tags' => (($hashtags) ? urlencode($hashtags) : ''), '$mid' => (($mid) ? urlencode($mid) : ''), '$verb' => '', '$net' => '', '$dend' => $datequery, '$dbegin' => $datequery2, '$distance' => (($distance) ? intval($distance) : '0'), '$distance_from' => (($distance_from) ? urlencode($distance_from) : ''), '$maxtags' => '0', '$mintags' => '0', ]); } $update_unseen = ''; if ($page_mode === 'list') { /** * in "list mode", only mark the parent item and any like activities as "seen". * We won't distinguish between comment likes and post likes. The important thing * is that the number of unseen comments will be accurate. The SQL to separate the * comment likes could also get somewhat hairy. */ if (isset($parents_str) && $parents_str) { $update_unseen = " AND ( id IN ( " . dbesc($parents_str) . " )"; $update_unseen .= " OR ( parent IN ( " . dbesc($parents_str) . " ) AND verb in ( '" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_LIKE) . "','" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) . "' ))) "; } } else { if (isset($parents_str) && $parents_str) { $update_unseen = " AND parent IN ( " . dbesc($parents_str) . " )"; } } if ($is_owner && $update_unseen && (!$_SESSION['sudo'])) { $x = ['channel_id' => local_channel(), 'update' => 'unset']; Hook::call('update_unseen', $x); if ($x['update'] === 'unset' || intval($x['update'])) { $r = q( "UPDATE item SET item_unseen = 0 where item_unseen = 1 and item_wall = 1 AND uid = %d $update_unseen", intval(local_channel()) ); } $ids = ids_to_array($items, 'item_id'); $seen = $_SESSION['seen_items']; if (!$seen) { $seen = []; } $seen = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($ids, $seen))); $_SESSION['seen_items'] = $seen; PConfig::Set(local_channel(), 'system', 'seen_items', $seen); } $mode = (($search) ? 'search' : 'channel'); if ($this->updating) { $o .= conversation($items, $mode, $this->updating, $page_mode); } else { $o .= ''; $o .= conversation($items, $mode, $this->updating, $page_mode); if ($mid && $items[0]['title']) { App::$page['title'] = $items[0]['title'] . " - " . App::$page['title']; } } // We reset $channel so that info can be obtained for unlogged visitors $channel = Zlib\Channel::from_id(App::$profile['profile_uid']); if (isset($_REQUEST['mid']) && $_REQUEST['mid']) { if (preg_match("/\[[zi]mg(.*?)]([^\[]+)/is", $items[0]['body'], $matches)) { $ogimage = $matches[2]; // Will we use og:image:type someday? We keep this just in case // $ogimagetype = guess_image_type($ogimage); } // some work on post content to generate a description // almost fully based on work done on Hubzilla by Max Kostikov $ogdesc = $items[0]['body']; $ogdesc = str_replace("#^[", "[", $ogdesc); $ogdesc = bbcode($ogdesc, ['tryoembed' => false]); $ogdesc = trim(html2plain($ogdesc, 0, true)); $ogdesc = html_entity_decode($ogdesc, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // remove all URLs $ogdesc = preg_replace("/https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9:\/\-?&;.=_~#%\$!+,@]+/", "", $ogdesc); // shorten description $ogdesc = substr($ogdesc, 0, 300); $ogdesc = str_replace("\n", " ", $ogdesc); while (str_contains($ogdesc, " ")) { $ogdesc = str_replace(" ", " ", $ogdesc); } $ogdesc = (strlen($ogdesc) < 298 ? $ogdesc : rtrim(substr($ogdesc, 0, strrpos($ogdesc, " ")), "?.,:;!-") . "..."); // we can now start loading content App::$meta->set('og:title', ($items[0]['title'] ? $items[0]['title'] : $channel['channel_name'])); App::$meta->set('og:image', ($ogimage ? $ogimage : $channel['xchan_photo_l'])); App::$meta->set('og:type', 'article'); App::$meta->set('og:url:secure_url', Zlib\Channel::url($channel)); App::$meta->set('og:description', ($ogdesc ? $ogdesc : sprintf(t('This post was published on the home page of %s.'), $channel['channel_name']))); } if ($mid) { $o .= '
'; } return $o; } }