$maxsysload) { logger('system: load ' . $load . ' too high. Poller deferred to next scheduled run.'); return; } } $interval = intval(get_config('system','poll_interval')); if(! $interval) $interval = ((get_config('system','delivery_interval') === false) ? 3 : intval(get_config('system','delivery_interval'))); // Check for a lockfile. If it exists, but is over an hour old, it's stale. Ignore it. $lockfile = 'cache/poller'; if((file_exists($lockfile)) && (filemtime($lockfile) > (time() - 3600)) && (! get_config('system','override_poll_lockfile'))) { logger("poller: Already running"); return; } // Create a lockfile. file_put_contents($lockfile, EMPTY_STR); logger('poller: start'); $manual_id = 0; $generation = 0; $force = false; $restart = false; if(($argc > 1) && ($argv[1] == 'force')) $force = true; if(($argc > 1) && ($argv[1] == 'restart')) { $restart = true; $generation = intval($argv[2]); if(! $generation) return; } if(($argc > 1) && intval($argv[1])) { $manual_id = intval($argv[1]); $force = true; } $sql_extra = (($manual_id) ? " AND abook_id = " . intval($manual_id) . " " : ""); reload_plugins(); $d = datetime_convert(); // Only poll from those with suitable relationships // $abandon_sql = (($abandon_days) // ? sprintf(" AND account_lastlog > %s - INTERVAL %s ", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval(intval($abandon_days).' DAY')) // : '' // ); $abandon_sql = EMPTY_STR; $randfunc = db_getfunc('RAND'); $contacts = q("SELECT abook.abook_updated, abook.abook_connected, abook.abook_feed, abook.abook_channel, abook.abook_id, abook.abook_archived, abook.abook_pending, abook.abook_ignored, abook.abook_blocked, xchan.xchan_network, account.account_lastlog, account.account_flags FROM abook LEFT JOIN xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash LEFT JOIN account on abook_account = account_id where abook_self = 0 $sql_extra AND (( account_flags = %d ) OR ( account_flags = %d )) $abandon_sql ORDER BY $randfunc", intval(ACCOUNT_OK), intval(ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED) // FIXME ); if($contacts) { foreach($contacts as $contact) { $update = false; $t = $contact['abook_updated']; $c = $contact['abook_connected']; if(intval($contact['abook_feed'])) { $min = service_class_fetch($contact['abook_channel'],'minimum_feedcheck_minutes'); if(! $min) $min = intval(get_config('system','minimum_feedcheck_minutes')); if(! $min) $min = 60; $x = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',"now - $min minutes"); if($c < $x) { Run::Summon(array('Onepoll',$contact['abook_id'])); if($interval) @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (float) $interval); } continue; } if($contact['xchan_network'] !== 'zot6') continue; if($c == $t) { if(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now') > datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $t . " + 1 day")) $update = true; } else { // if we've never connected with them, start the mark for death countdown from now if($c <= NULL_DATE) { $r = q("update abook set abook_connected = '%s' where abook_id = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($contact['abook_id']) ); $c = datetime_convert(); $update = true; } // He's dead, Jim if(strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now'),datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $c . " + 30 day")) > 0) { $r = q("update abook set abook_archived = 1 where abook_id = %d", intval($contact['abook_id']) ); $update = false; continue; } if(intval($contact['abook_archived'])) { $update = false; continue; } // might be dead, so maybe don't poll quite so often // recently deceased, so keep up the regular schedule for 3 days if((strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now'),datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $c . " + 3 day")) > 0) && (strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now'),datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $t . " + 1 day")) > 0)) $update = true; // After that back off and put them on a morphine drip if(strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now'),datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $t . " + 2 day")) > 0) { $update = true; } } if(intval($contact['abook_pending']) || intval($contact['abook_archived']) || intval($contact['abook_ignored']) || intval($contact['abook_blocked'])) continue; if((! $update) && (! $force)) continue; Run::Summon(array('Onepoll',$contact['abook_id'])); if($interval) @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (float) $interval); } } // migrate a few photos - eventually we'll migrate them all but without killing somebody's site // trying to do them all at once migrate_xchan_photos(5); set_config('system','lastpoll',datetime_convert()); //All done - clear the lockfile @unlink($lockfile); return; } }