$permission) { // First find out what the channel owner declared permissions to be. $channel_perm = intval(PermissionLimits::Get($uid,$perm_name)); if (! $channel_checked) { $r = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($uid) ); $channel_checked = true; } // The uid provided doesn't exist. This would be a big fail. if(! $r) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // Next we're going to check for blocked or ignored contacts. // These take priority over all other settings. if($observer_xchan) { if($channel_perm & PERMS_AUTHED) { $ret[$perm_name] = true; continue; } if(! $abook_checked) { $x = q("select abook_blocked, abook_ignored, abook_pending, xchan_network from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_self = 0 limit 1", intval($uid), dbesc($observer_xchan) ); if(! $x) { // see if they've got a guest access token; these are treated as connections $y = atoken_abook($uid,$observer_xchan); if($y) $x = [ $y ]; } $abook_checked = true; } // If they're blocked - they can't read or write if(($x) && intval($x[0]['abook_blocked'])) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // Check if this is a write permission and they are being ignored // This flag is only visible internally. $blocked_anon_perms = Permissions::BlockedAnonPerms(); if(($x) && ($default_ignored) && in_array($perm_name,$blocked_anon_perms) && intval($x[0]['abook_ignored'])) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } } // system is blocked to anybody who is not authenticated if(($check_siteblock) && (! $observer_xchan) && intval(get_config('system', 'block_public'))) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // Check if this $uid is actually the $observer_xchan - if it's your content // you always have permission to do anything // if you've moved elsewhere, you will only have read only access if(($observer_xchan) && ($r[0]['channel_hash'] === $observer_xchan)) { if($r[0]['channel_moved'] && (in_array($perm_name,$blocked_anon_perms))) $ret[$perm_name] = false; else $ret[$perm_name] = true; // moderated is a negative permission, don't moderate your own posts if($perm_name === 'moderated') $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // Anybody at all (that wasn't blocked or ignored). They have permission. if($channel_perm & PERMS_PUBLIC) { $ret[$perm_name] = true; continue; } // From here on out, we need to know who they are. If we can't figure it // out, permission is denied. if(! $observer_xchan) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // If we're still here, we have an observer, check the network. if($channel_perm & PERMS_NETWORK) { if($x && $x[0]['xchan_network'] === 'zot6') { $ret[$perm_name] = true; continue; } } // If PERMS_SITE is specified, find out if they've got an account on this hub if($channel_perm & PERMS_SITE) { if(! $onsite_checked) { $c = q("select channel_hash from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($observer_xchan) ); $onsite_checked = true; } if($c) $ret[$perm_name] = true; else $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // From here on we require that the observer be a connection and // handle whether we're allowing any, approved or specific ones if(! $x) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // They are in your address book, but haven't been approved if($channel_perm & PERMS_PENDING) { $ret[$perm_name] = true; continue; } if(intval($x[0]['abook_pending'])) { $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } // They're a contact, so they have permission if($channel_perm & PERMS_CONTACTS) { $ret[$perm_name] = true; continue; } // Permission granted to certain channels. Let's see if the observer is one of them if($channel_perm & PERMS_SPECIFIC) { if($abperms) { $arr = explode(',',$abperms); if($arr) { if (in_array($perm_name,$arr)) { $ret[$perm_name] = true; } else { $ret[$perm_name] = false; } } continue; } } // No permissions allowed. $ret[$perm_name] = false; continue; } $arr = array( 'channel_id' => $uid, 'observer_hash' => $observer_xchan, 'permissions' => $ret); call_hooks('get_all_perms',$arr); return $arr['permissions']; } /** * @brief Checks if given permission is allowed for given observer on a channel. * * Checks if the given observer with the hash $observer_xchan has permission * $permission on channel_id $uid. * * @param int $uid The channel_id associated with the resource owner * @param string $observer_xchan The xchan_hash representing the observer * @param string $permission * @param boolean $check_siteblock (default true) * if false bypass check for "Block Public" at the site level * @return bool true if permission is allowed for observer on channel */ function perm_is_allowed($uid, $observer_xchan, $permission, $check_siteblock = true) { $api = App::get_oauth_key(); if ($api) { return api_perm_is_allowed($uid,$api,$permission); } $arr = [ 'channel_id' => $uid, 'observer_hash' => $observer_xchan, 'permission' => $permission, 'result' => 'unset' ]; call_hooks('perm_is_allowed', $arr); if ($arr['result'] !== 'unset') { return $arr['result']; } $global_perms = Permissions::Perms(); // First find out what the channel owner declared permissions to be. $channel_perm = PermissionLimits::Get($uid,$permission); if ($channel_perm === false) { return false; } $r = q("select channel_pageflags, channel_moved, channel_hash from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($uid) ); if (! $r) { return false; } $blocked_anon_perms = Permissions::BlockedAnonPerms(); if ($observer_xchan) { if ($channel_perm & PERMS_AUTHED) { return true; } $x = q("select abook_blocked, abook_ignored, abook_pending, xchan_network from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_self = 0 limit 1", intval($uid), dbesc($observer_xchan) ); // If they're blocked - they can't read or write if (($x) && intval($x[0]['abook_blocked'])) { return false; } if (($x) && in_array($permission,$blocked_anon_perms) && intval($x[0]['abook_ignored'])) { return false; } if (! $x) { // see if they've got a guest access token $y = atoken_abook($uid,$observer_xchan); if ($y) { $x = [ $y ]; } } $abperms = get_abconfig($uid,$observer_xchan,'system','my_perms',''); } // system is blocked to anybody who is not authenticated if (($check_siteblock) && (! $observer_xchan) && intval(get_config('system', 'block_public'))) { return false; } // Check if this $uid is actually the $observer_xchan // you will have full access unless the channel was moved - // in which case you will have read_only access if ($r[0]['channel_hash'] === $observer_xchan) { // moderated is a negative permission if ($permission === 'moderated') { return false; } if ($r[0]['channel_moved'] && (in_array($permission,$blocked_anon_perms))) { return false; } else { return true; } } if ($channel_perm & PERMS_PUBLIC) { return true; } // If it's an unauthenticated observer, we only need to see if PERMS_PUBLIC is set if (! $observer_xchan) { return false; } // If we're still here, we have an observer, check the network. if ($channel_perm & PERMS_NETWORK) { if ($x && $x[0]['xchan_network'] === 'zot6') { return true; } } // If PERMS_SITE is specified, find out if they've got an account on this hub if ($channel_perm & PERMS_SITE) { $c = q("select channel_hash from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($observer_xchan) ); if ($c) { return true; } return false; } // From here on we require that the observer be a connection and // handle whether we're allowing any, approved or specific ones if (! $x) { return false; } // They are in your address book, but haven't been approved if ($channel_perm & PERMS_PENDING) { return true; } if (intval($x[0]['abook_pending'])) { return false; } // They're a contact, so they have permission if ($channel_perm & PERMS_CONTACTS) { return true; } // Permission granted to certain channels. Let's see if the observer is one of them if (($r) && ($channel_perm & PERMS_SPECIFIC)) { if ($abperms) { $arr = explode(',',$abperms); if ($arr) { if (in_array($permission,$arr)) { return true; } } } return false; } // No permissions allowed. return false; } function get_all_api_perms($uid,$api) { $global_perms = Permissions::Perms(); $ret = []; $r = q("select * from xperm where xp_client = '%s' and xp_channel = %d", dbesc($api), intval($uid) ); if(! $r) return false; $allow_all = false; $allowed = []; foreach($r as $rr) { if($rr['xp_perm'] === 'all') $allow_all = true; if(! in_array($rr['xp_perm'],$allowed)) $allowed[] = $rr['xp_perm']; } foreach($global_perms as $perm_name => $permission) { if($allow_all || in_array($perm_name,$allowed)) $ret[$perm_name] = true; else $ret[$perm_name] = false; } $arr = array( 'channel_id' => $uid, 'observer_hash' => $observer_xchan, 'permissions' => $ret); call_hooks('get_all_api_perms',$arr); return $arr['permissions']; } function api_perm_is_allowed($uid,$api,$permission) { $arr = array( 'channel_id' => $uid, 'observer_hash' => $observer_xchan, 'permission' => $permission, 'result' => false ); call_hooks('api_perm_is_allowed', $arr); if($arr['result']) return true; $r = q("select * from xperm where xp_client = '%s' and xp_channel = %d and ( xp_perm = 'all' OR xp_perm = '%s' )", dbesc($api), intval($uid), dbesc($permission) ); if(! $r) return false; foreach($r as $rr) { if($rr['xp_perm'] === 'all' || $rr['xp_perm'] === $permission) return true; } return false; } // Check a simple array of observers against a permissions // return a simple array of those with permission function check_list_permissions($uid, $arr, $perm) { $result = []; if($arr) foreach($arr as $x) if(perm_is_allowed($uid, $x, $perm)) $result[] = $x; return($result); } /** * @brief Sets site wide default permissions. * * @return array */ function site_default_perms() { $ret = []; $typical = array( 'view_stream' => PERMS_PUBLIC, 'view_profile' => PERMS_PUBLIC, 'view_contacts' => PERMS_PUBLIC, 'view_storage' => PERMS_PUBLIC, 'view_pages' => PERMS_PUBLIC, 'view_wiki' => PERMS_PUBLIC, 'send_stream' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'post_wall' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'post_comments' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'post_mail' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'tag_deliver' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'chat' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'write_storage' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'write_pages' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'write_wiki' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'delegate' => PERMS_SPECIFIC, 'post_like' => PERMS_NETWORK ); $global_perms = Permissions::Perms(); foreach($global_perms as $perm => $v) { $x = get_config('default_perms', $perm, $typical[$perm]); $ret[$perm] = $x; } return $ret; } function their_perms_contains($channel_id,$xchan_hash,$perm) { $x = get_abconfig($channel_id,$xchan_hash,'system','their_perms'); if($x) { $y = explode(',',$x); if(in_array($perm,$y)) { return true; } } return false; } function my_perms_contains($channel_id,$xchan_hash,$perm) { $x = get_abconfig($channel_id,$xchan_hash,'system','my_perms'); if($x) { $y = explode(',',$x); if(in_array($perm,$y)) { return true; } } return false; }