intval($_REQUEST['uid']), 'url' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['url']), 'guid' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['guid']), 'author' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['author']), 'addr' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['addr']), 'name' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['name']), 'desc' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['desc']), 'photo' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['photo']), 'version' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['version']), 'price' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['price']), 'page' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['sellpage']), // do not use 'page' as a request variable here as it conflicts with pagination 'requires' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['requires']), 'system' => intval($_REQUEST['system']), 'plugin' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['plugin']), 'sig' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['sig']), 'categories' => escape_tags($_REQUEST['categories']) ]; $_REQUEST['appid'] = Apps::app_install(local_channel(),$arr); if (Apps::app_installed(local_channel(),$arr)) { info( t('App installed.') . EOL); } goaway(z_root() . '/apps'); } $papp = Apps::app_decode($_POST['papp']); if (! is_array($papp)) { notice( t('Malformed app.') . EOL); return; } if ($_POST['install']) { Apps::app_install(local_channel(),$papp); if (Apps::app_installed(local_channel(),$papp)) info( t('App installed.') . EOL); } if ($_POST['delete']) { Apps::app_destroy(local_channel(),$papp); } if ($_POST['edit']) { return; } if ($_POST['feature']) { Apps::app_feature(local_channel(), $papp, $_POST['feature']); } if ($_POST['pin']) { Apps::app_feature(local_channel(), $papp, $_POST['pin']); } if ($_SESSION['return_url']) { goaway(z_root() . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']); } goaway(z_root() . '/apps'); } function get() { if (! local_channel()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $channel = App::get_channel(); if (argc() > 3) { if(argv(2) === 'moveup') { Apps::moveup(local_channel(),argv(1),argv(3)); } if(argv(2) === 'movedown') { Apps::movedown(local_channel(),argv(1),argv(3)); } goaway(z_root() . '/apporder'); } $app = null; $embed = null; if ($_REQUEST['appid']) { $r = q("select * from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($_REQUEST['appid']), dbesc(local_channel()) ); if ($r) { $app = $r[0]; $term = q("select * from term where otype = %d and oid = %d and uid = %d", intval(TERM_OBJ_APP), intval($r[0]['id']), intval(local_channel()) ); if ($term) { $app['categories'] = array_elm_to_str($term,'term'); } } $embed = [ 'embed', t('Embed code'), Apps::app_encode($app,true), EMPTY_STR, 'onclick=";"' ]; } return replace_macros(get_markup_template('app_create.tpl'), [ '$banner' => (($app) ? t('Edit App') : t('Create App')), '$app' => $app, '$guid' => (($app) ? $app['app_id'] : EMPTY_STR), '$author' => (($app) ? $app['app_author'] : $channel['channel_hash']), '$addr' => (($app) ? $app['app_addr'] : $channel['xchan_addr']), '$name' => [ 'name', t('Name of app'),(($app) ? $app['app_name'] : EMPTY_STR), t('Required') ], '$url' => [ 'url', t('Location (URL) of app'),(($app) ? $app['app_url'] : EMPTY_STR), t('Required') ], '$desc' => [ 'desc', t('Description'),(($app) ? $app['app_desc'] : EMPTY_STR), EMPTY_STR], '$photo' => [ 'photo', t('Photo icon URL'),(($app) ? $app['app_photo'] : EMPTY_STR), t('80 x 80 pixels - optional') ], '$categories' => [ 'categories',t('Categories (optional, comma separated list)'),(($app) ? $app['categories'] : EMPTY_STR), EMPTY_STR ], '$version' => [ 'version', t('Version ID'),(($app) ? $app['app_version'] : EMPTY_STR), EMPTY_STR ], '$price' => [ 'price', t('Price of app'),(($app) ? $app['app_price'] : EMPTY_STR), EMPTY_STR ], '$page' => [ 'sellpage', t('Location (URL) to purchase app'),(($app) ? $app['app_page'] : EMPTY_STR), EMPTY_STR ], '$system' => (($app) ? intval($app['app_system']) : 0), '$plugin' => (($app) ? $app['app_plugin'] : EMPTY_STR), '$requires' => (($app) ? $app['app_requires'] : EMPTY_STR), '$embed' => $embed, '$submit' => t('Submit') ]); } }