is_valid() && $AS->type === 'Announce' && is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('object', $AS->obj) && array_key_exists('actor', $AS->obj) ) { // This is a relayed/forwarded Activity (as opposed to a shared/boosted object) // Reparse the encapsulated Activity and use that instead logger('relayed activity', LOGGER_DEBUG); $AS = new ActivityStreams($AS->obj, portable_id: $hsig['portable_id']); } // logger('debug: ' . $AS->debug()); if (!$AS->is_valid()) { if ($AS->deleted) { // process mastodon user deletion activities, but only if we can validate the signature if ($hsig['header_valid'] && $hsig['content_valid'] && $hsig['portable_id']) { logger('removing deleted actor'); remove_all_xchan_resources($hsig['portable_id']); } else { logger('ignoring deleted actor', LOGGER_DEBUG); } } return; } if (is_array($AS->actor) && array_key_exists('id', $AS->actor)) { Activity::actor_store($AS->actor['id'], $AS->actor); } if (is_array($AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type'])) { Activity::actor_store($AS->obj['id'], $AS->obj); } if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('actor',$AS->obj) && is_array($AS->obj['actor']) && array_key_exists('id', $AS->obj['actor']) && $AS->obj['actor']['id'] !== $AS->actor['id']) { Activity::actor_store($AS->obj['actor']['id'], $AS->obj['actor']); if (!check_channelallowed($AS->obj['actor']['id'])) { http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied'); } } // Validate that the channel that sent us this activity has authority to do so. // Require a valid HTTPSignature with a signed Digest header. // Only permit relayed activities if the activity is signed with LDSigs // AND the signature is valid AND the signer is the actor. if ($hsig['header_valid'] && $hsig['content_valid'] && $hsig['portable_id']) { // if the sender has the ability to send messages over zot/nomad, ignore messages sent via activitypub // as observer aware features and client side markup will be unavailable /** @noinspection PhpRedundantOptionalArgumentInspection */ $test = Activity::get_actor_hublocs($hsig['portable_id'], 'all,not_deleted'); if ($test) { foreach ($test as $t) { if ($t['hubloc_network'] === 'zot6') { http_status_exit(409, 'Conflict'); } } } // fetch the portable_id for the actor, which may or may not be the sender $v = Activity::get_actor_hublocs($AS->actor['id'], 'activitypub,not_deleted'); if ($v && $v[0]['hubloc_hash'] !== $hsig['portable_id']) { // The sender is not actually the activity actor, so verify the LD signature. // litepub activities (with no LD signature) will always have a matching actor and sender if ($AS->signer && is_array($AS->signer) && $AS->signer['id'] !== $AS->actor['id']) { // the activity wasn't signed by the activity actor return; } if (!$AS->sigok) { if (! Config::Get('system','accept_unsigned_relay')) { // The activity signature isn't valid. return; } } } if ($v) { // The sender has been validated and stored $observer_hash = $hsig['portable_id']; } } if (!$observer_hash) { return; } // verify that this site has permitted communication with the sender. $m = parse_url($observer_hash); if ($m && $m['scheme'] && $m['host']) { if (!check_siteallowed($m['scheme'] . '://' . $m['host'])) { http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied'); } // this site obviously isn't dead because they are trying to communicate with us. $test = q( "update site set site_dead = 0 where site_dead = 1 and site_url = '%s' ", dbesc($m['scheme'] . '://' . $m['host']) ); } if (!check_channelallowed($observer_hash)) { http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied'); } // update the hubloc_connected timestamp, ignore failures $test = q( "update hubloc set hubloc_connected = '%s' where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_network = 'activitypub'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($observer_hash) ); // Now figure out who the recipients are if ($is_public) { if (in_array($AS->type, ['Follow', 'Join']) && is_array($AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type'])) { $channels = q( "SELECT * from channel where channel_address = '%s' and channel_removed = 0 ", dbesc(basename($AS->obj['id'])) ); } // This is primarily for lemmy - as those accept|reject/follow activities have no addressing // and were delivered to the public inbox. elseif (in_array($AS->type, ['Accept', 'Reject']) && is_array($AS->obj) && in_array($AS->obj['type'], ['Follow', 'Join']) && isset($AS->obj['actor'])) { $channels = q( "SELECT * from channel where channel_address = '%s' and channel_removed = 0 ", dbesc(basename(is_array($AS->obj['actor']) ? $AS->obj['actor']['id'] : $AS->obj['actor'])) ); } else { $collections = Activity::get_actor_collections($observer_hash); if (is_array($collections) && in_array($collections['followers'], $AS->recips) || in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX, $AS->recips) || in_array('Public', $AS->recips) || in_array('as:Public', $AS->recips)) { // deliver to anybody following $AS->actor $channels = q( "SELECT * from channel where channel_id in ( SELECT abook_channel from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE xchan_network = 'activitypub' and xchan_hash = '%s' ) and channel_removed = 0 ", dbesc($observer_hash) ); } else { // deliver to anybody at this site directly addressed $channel_addr = ''; foreach($AS->recips as $recip) { if (str_starts_with($recip, z_root())) { $channel_addr .= '\'' . dbesc(basename($recip)) . '\','; } } if ($channel_addr) { $channel_addr = rtrim($channel_addr, ','); $channels = dbq("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_address IN ($channel_addr) AND channel_removed = 0"); } } if (!$channels) { $channels = []; } $parent = $AS->parent_id; if ($parent) { // this is a comment - deliver to everybody who owns the parent $owners = q( "SELECT * from channel where channel_id in ( SELECT uid from item where mid = '%s' ) ", dbesc($parent) ); if ($owners) { $channels = array_merge($channels, $owners); } } } if ($channels === false) { $channels = []; } if (in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX, $AS->recips) || in_array('Public', $AS->recips) || in_array('as:Public', $AS->recips)) { // look for channels with send_stream = PERMS_PUBLIC "accept posts from anybody on the internet" $r = q("select * from channel where channel_id in (select uid from pconfig where cat = 'perm_limits' and k = 'send_stream' and v = '1' ) and channel_removed = 0 "); if ($r) { $channels = array_merge($channels, $r); } // look for channels that are following hashtags. These will be checked in tgroup_check() $r = q("select * from channel where channel_id in (select uid from pconfig where cat = 'system' and k = 'followed_tags' and v != '' ) and channel_removed = 0 "); if ($r) { $channels = array_merge($channels, $r); } if (!$sys_disabled) { $channels[] = Channel::get_system(); } } } // $channels represents all "potential" recipients. If they are not in this array, they will not receive the activity. // If they are in this array, we will decide whether to deliver on a case-by-case basis. if (!$channels) { logger('no deliveries on this site'); return; } // Bto and Bcc will only be present in a C2S transaction and should not be stored. $saved_recips = []; foreach (['to', 'cc', 'audience'] as $x) { if (array_key_exists($x, $AS->data)) { $saved_recips[$x] = $AS->data[$x]; } } $AS->set_recips($saved_recips); foreach ($channels as $channel) { // Even though activitypub may be enabled for the site, check if the channel has specifically disabled it if (!PConfig::Get($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'activitypub', Config::Get('system', 'activitypub', ACTIVITYPUB_ENABLED))) { continue; } logger('inbox_channel: ' . $channel['channel_address'], LOGGER_DEBUG); switch ($AS->type) { case 'Follow': if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type'])) { // do follow activity Activity::follow($channel, $AS); } break; case 'Invite': case 'Join': if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && $AS->obj['type'] === 'Group') { // do follow activity Activity::follow($channel, $AS); } break; case 'Accept': // Activitypub for WordPress sends lowercase 'follow' on accept. // // Mobilizon sends Accept/"Member" (not in vocabulary) in response to Join/Group if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && in_array($AS->obj['type'], ['Follow', 'follow', 'Member'])) { // do follow activity Activity::follow($channel, $AS); } break; case 'Reject': default: break; } if (! $this->APDispatch($channel, $observer_hash, $AS)) { if (is_array($AS->obj)) { // The boolean flag enables html cache of the item $this->item = Activity::decode_note($AS, true); } else { logger('unresolved object: ' . print_r($AS->obj, true)); } } if ($this->item) { if (!is_array($AS->obj)) { // The initial object fetch failed using the sys channel credentials. // Try again using the delivery channel credentials. // We will also need to reparse the $item array, // but preserve any values that were set during anonymous parsing. $o = Activity::fetch($AS->obj, $channel); if ($o) { $AS->obj = $o; $this->item = array_merge(Activity::decode_note($AS), $this->item); } } logger('parsed_item: ' . print_r($this->item, true), LOGGER_DATA); Activity::store($channel, $observer_hash, $AS, $this->item); } } http_status_exit(200, 'OK'); } public function get() { } public function APDispatch($channel, $observer_hash, $AS) { if ($AS->type === 'Update') { if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type'])) { Activity::actor_store($AS->obj['id'], $AS->obj, true /* force cache refresh */); return true; } } if ($AS->type === 'Undo') { if ($AS->obj && is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && $AS->obj['type'] === 'Follow') { // do unfollow activity Activity::unfollow($channel, $AS); return true; } } if ($AS->type === 'Accept') { if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && (ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type']) || $AS->obj['type'] === 'Member')) { return true; } } if ($AS->type === 'Leave') { if ($AS->obj && is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && $AS->obj['type'] === 'Group') { // do unfollow activity Activity::unfollow($channel, $AS); return true; } } if (in_array($AS->type, ['Tombstone', 'Delete'])) { Activity::drop($channel, $observer_hash, $AS); return true; } if ($AS->type === 'Copy') { if ( $observer_hash && $observer_hash === $AS->actor && is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type']) && is_array($AS->tgt) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->tgt) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->tgt['type']) ) { ActivityPub::copy($AS->obj, $AS->tgt); return true; } } if ($AS->type === 'Move') { if ( $observer_hash && $observer_hash === $AS->actor && is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type']) && is_array($AS->tgt) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->tgt) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->tgt['type']) ) { ActivityPub::move($AS->obj, $AS->tgt); return true; } } if (in_array($AS->type, ['Add', 'Remove'])) { // for writeable collections as target, it's best to provide an array and include both the type and the id in the target element. // If it's just a string id, we'll try to fetch the collection when we receive it and that's wasteful since we don't actually need // the contents. if (is_array($AS->obj) && isset($AS->tgt)) { // The boolean flag enables html cache of the item $this->item = Activity::decode_note($AS, true); return true; } } return false; } }