' ], [ '', '' ], $item); } /** * Builds a modal dialog for editing permissions, using acl_selector.tpl as the template. * * @param array $defaults Optional access control list for the initial state of the dialog. * @param bool $show_jotnets Whether plugins for federated networks should be included in the permissions dialog * @param PermissionDescription $emptyACL_description - An optional description for the permission implied by selecting an empty ACL. Preferably an instance of PermissionDescription. * @param string $dialog_description Optional message to include at the top of the dialog. E.g. "Warning: Post permissions cannot be changed once sent". * @param string $context_help Allows the dialog to present a help icon. E.g. "acl_dialog_post" * @param bool $readonly Not implemented yet. When implemented, the dialog will use acl_readonly.tpl instead, so that permissions may be viewed for posts that can no longer have their permissions changed. * * @return string html modal dialog built from acl_selector.tpl */ public static function populate($defaults = null, $show_jotnets = true, $emptyACL_description = '', $dialog_description = '', $context_help = '', $readonly = false) { $allow_cid = $allow_gid = $deny_cid = $deny_gid = false; $showall_origin = ''; $showall_icon = 'fa-globe'; $role = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role'); if (! $emptyACL_description) { $showall_caption = t('Visible to your default audience'); } elseif (is_a($emptyACL_description, '\\Code\\Lib\\PermissionDescription')) { $showall_caption = $emptyACL_description->get_permission_description(); $showall_origin = (($role === 'custom') ? $emptyACL_description->get_permission_origin_description() : ''); $showall_icon = $emptyACL_description->get_permission_icon(); } else { // For backwards compatibility we still accept a string... for now! $showall_caption = $emptyACL_description; } if (is_array($defaults)) { $allow_cid = ((strlen($defaults['allow_cid'])) ? explode('><', $defaults['allow_cid']) : [] ); $allow_gid = ((strlen($defaults['allow_gid'])) ? explode('><', $defaults['allow_gid']) : [] ); $deny_cid = ((strlen($defaults['deny_cid'])) ? explode('><', $defaults['deny_cid']) : [] ); $deny_gid = ((strlen($defaults['deny_gid'])) ? explode('><', $defaults['deny_gid']) : [] ); array_walk($allow_cid, ['\\Code\\Lib\\Libacl', 'fixacl']); array_walk($allow_gid, ['\\Code\\Lib\\Libacl', 'fixacl']); array_walk($deny_cid, ['\\Code\\Lib\\Libacl','fixacl']); array_walk($deny_gid, ['\\Code\\Lib\\Libacl','fixacl']); } $channel = ((local_channel()) ? App::get_channel() : ''); $has_acl = false; $single_group = false; $just_me = false; $custom = false; if ($allow_cid || $allow_gid || $deny_gid || $deny_cid) { $has_acl = true; $custom = true; } if (count($allow_gid) === 1 && (! $allow_cid) && (! $deny_gid) && (! $deny_cid)) { $single_group = true; $custom = false; } if (count($allow_cid) === 1 && $channel && $allow_cid[0] === $channel['channel_hash'] && (! $allow_gid) && (! $deny_gid) && (! $deny_cid)) { $just_me = true; $custom = false; } $groups = EMPTY_STR; $r = q( "SELECT id, hash, gname FROM pgrp WHERE deleted = 0 AND uid = %d ORDER BY gname ASC", intval(local_channel()) ); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $selected = (($single_group && $rr['hash'] === $allow_gid[0]) ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ''); $groups .= '' . "\r\n"; } } if ($channel && Apps::system_app_installed($channel['channel_id'], 'Virtual Lists')) { $selected = (($single_group && 'connections:' . $channel['channel_hash'] === $allow_gid[0]) ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ''); $groups .= '' . "\r\n"; if (get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'activitypub', get_config('system', 'activitypub', ACTIVITYPUB_ENABLED))) { $selected = (($single_group && 'activitypub:' . $channel['channel_hash'] === $allow_gid[0]) ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ''); $groups .= '' . "\r\n"; } $selected = (($single_group && 'zot:' . $channel['channel_hash'] === $allow_gid[0]) ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ''); $groups .= '' . "\r\n"; } $forums = get_forum_channels(local_channel(), 1); $selected = false; if ($forums) { foreach ($forums as $f) { $selected = (($single_group && $f['hash'] === $allow_cid[0]) ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ''); $groups .= '' . "\r\n"; } } // preset acl with DM to a single xchan (not a group) if ($selected === false && count($allow_cid) === 1 && $channel && $allow_cid[0] !== $channel['channel_hash'] && (! $allow_gid) && (! $deny_gid) && (! $deny_cid)) { $f = q( "select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc($allow_cid[0]) ); if ($f) { $custom = false; $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $groups .= '' . "\r\n"; } } $tpl = Theme::get_template("acl_selector.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$showall' => $showall_caption, '$onlyme' => t('Only me'), '$groups' => $groups, '$public_selected' => (($has_acl) ? false : ' selected="selected" '), '$justme_selected' => (($just_me) ? ' selected="selected" ' : ''), '$custom_selected' => (($custom) ? ' selected="selected" ' : ''), '$showallOrigin' => $showall_origin, '$showallIcon' => $showall_icon, '$select_label' => t('Who can see this?'), '$custom' => t('Custom selection'), '$showlimitedDesc' => t('Select "Show" to allow viewing. "Don\'t show" lets you override and limit the scope of "Show".'), '$show' => t('Show'), '$hide' => t("Don't show"), '$search' => t('Search'), '$allowcid' => json_encode($allow_cid), '$allowgid' => json_encode($allow_gid), '$denycid' => json_encode($deny_cid), '$denygid' => json_encode($deny_gid), '$aclModalTitle' => t('Permissions'), '$aclModalDesc' => $dialog_description, '$aclModalDismiss' => t('Close'), // '$helpUrl' => (($context_help == '') ? '' : (z_root() . '/help/' . $context_help)) )); return $o; } /** * Returns a string that's suitable for passing as the $dialog_description argument to a * populate() call for wall posts or network posts. * * This string is needed in 3 different files, and our .po translation system currently * cannot be used as a string table (because the value is always the key in english) so * I've centralized the value here (making this function name the "key") until we have a * better way. * * @return string Description to present to user in modal permissions dialog */ public static function get_post_aclDialogDescription() { // I'm trying to make two points in this description text - warn about finality of wall // post permissions, and try to clear up confusion that these permissions set who is // *shown* the post, istead of who is able to see the post, i.e. make it clear that clicking // the "Show" button on a group does not post it to the feed of people in that group, it // mearly allows those people to view the post if they are viewing/following this channel. $description = t('Post permissions cannot be changed after a post is shared.
These permissions set who is allowed to view the post.'); // Lets keep the emphasis styling seperate from the translation. It may change. //$emphasisOpen = ''; //$emphasisClose = ''; return $description; } }