t('Upload profile photo'), 'cover_photo' => t('Upload cover photo'), 'settings/profile_edit' => t('Edit your profile'), ], t('Find and Connect with others'), [ 'directory' => t('View the directory'), 'directory?f=&suggest=1' => t('View friend suggestions'), 'connections' => t('Manage your connections'), ], t('Communicate'), [ 'channel/' . $c['channel_address'] => t('View your channel homepage'), 'stream' => t('View your stream'), ], t('Miscellaneous'), [ 'settings' => t('Settings'), ] ]; $public_stream_mode = intval(get_config('system', 'public_stream_mode', PUBLIC_STREAM_NONE)); // hack to put this in the correct spot of the array if ($public_stream_mode) { $options[5]['pubstream'] = t('View public stream'); } $content = replace_macros(Theme::get_template('new_member.tpl'), [ '$options' => $options ]); $o = replace_macros(Theme::get_template('common_widget.tpl'), [ '$title' => t('New Member Links'), '$content_id' => 'widget-new-member', '$content' => $content, ]); return $o; } }