#!/bin/bash # # How to use # ---------- # # This file automates the installation of your website using the Streams repository # (https://codeberg.org/streams/streams) # under Debian Linux "Bullseye" or "Buster" # # 1) Copy the file "server-config.txt.template" to "server-config.txt" # Follow the instuctions there # # 2) Switch to user "root" by typing "su -" # # 3) Run with "./server-setup.sh" # If this fails check if you can execute the script. # - To make it executable type "chmod +x server-setup.sh" # - or run "bash server-setup.sh" # # # What does this script do basically? # ----------------------------------- # # This file automates the installation of a Nomad/ActivityPub federation capable website # under Debian Linux. It will: # - install # * apache or nginx webserver, # * php (adding sury repository to get php 8.* on Debian 11 or 10), # * composer # * mariadb - the database your website, # * adminer, # * git to download and update addons # - configure cron # * "Run.php" for regular background processes of your website # * "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" and "apt-get autoremove" to keep linux up-to-date # * optionally run command to keep the IP up-to-date > DynDNS provided by selfHOST.de or freedns.afraid.org # * optionally backup your server's database and files (rsync) # - run letsencrypt to create, register and use a certifacte for https # # # Discussion # ---------- # # Security - password is the same for mysql-server, phpmyadmin and your hub/instance db # - The script runs into installation errors for phpmyadmin if it uses # different passwords. For the sake of simplicity one single password. # # Daily backup # ------------ # # The installation # - writes a shell script in /var/www/ # - creates a daily cron that runs this script # # The script makes a (daily) backup of all relevant files # - /var/lib/mysql/ > database # - /var/www/ > your websites # - /etc/letsencrypt/ > certificates # # The backup will be written on an external disk compatible to LUKS+ext4 (see server-config.txt) # # How to restore from backup # -------------------------- # # (Some explanations here would certainly be useful) # # # Credits # ------- # # The script is based on Thomas Willinghams script "debian-setup.sh" # which he used to install the red#matrix. # # The documentation for bash is here # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html # function check_sanity { # Do some sanity checking. print_info "Sanity check..." if [ $(/usr/bin/id -u) != "0" ] then die 'Must be run by root user' fi if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] then die "Distribution is not supported" fi if [ ! -f /etc/debian_version ] then die "Debian is supported only" fi if ! grep -q 'Linux 11' /etc/issue then if ! grep -q 'Linux 10' /etc/issue then die "Debian 11 (bullseye) or Debian 10 (buster) are supported only" fi fi } function check_config { print_info "config check..." # Check for required parameters if [ -z "$db_pass" ] then die "db_pass not set in $configfile" fi if [ -z "$le_domain" ] then die "le_domain not set in $configfile" fi # backup is important and should be checked if [ -n "$backup_device_name" ] then if [ ! -d "$backup_mount_point" ] then mkdir "$backup_mount_point" fi device_mounted=0 if fdisk -l | grep -i "$backup_device_name.*linux" then print_info "ok - filesystem of external device is linux" if [ -n "$backup_device_pass" ] then echo "$backup_device_pass" | cryptsetup luksOpen $backup_device_name cryptobackup if mount /dev/mapper/cryptobackup /media/server_backup then device_mounted=1 print_info "ok - could encrypt and mount external backup device" umount /media/server_backup else print_warn "backup to external device will fail because encryption failed" fi cryptsetup luksClose cryptobackup else if mount $backup_device_name /media/server_backup then device_mounted=1 print_info "ok - could mount external backup device" umount /media/server_backup else print_warn "backup to external device will fail because mount failed" fi fi else print_warn "backup to external device will fail because filesystem is either not linux or 'backup_device_name' is not correct in $configfile" fi if [ $device_mounted == 0 ] then die "backup device not ready" fi fi } function die { echo "ERROR: $1" > /dev/null 1>&2 exit 1 } function update_upgrade { print_info "updated and upgrade..." # Run through the apt-get update/upgrade first. This should be done before # we try to install any package apt-get -q -y update && apt-get -q -y dist-upgrade print_info "updated and upgraded linux" } function check_install { if [ -z "`which "$1" 2>/dev/null`" ] then # export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ... answers from the package # configuration database # - q ... without progress information # - y ... answer interactive questions with "yes" # DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --no-install-recommends -q -y install $2 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q -y install $2 print_info "installed $2 installed for $1" else print_warn "$2 already installed" fi } function nocheck_install { # export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ... answers from the package configuration database # - q ... without progress information # - y ... answer interactive questions with "yes" # DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --no-install-recommends -q -y install $2 # DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --install-suggests -q -y install $1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q -y install $1 print_info "installed $1" } function print_info { echo -n -e '\e[1;34m' echo -n $1 echo -e '\e[0m' } function print_warn { echo -n -e '\e[1;31m' echo -n $1 echo -e '\e[0m' } function stop_server { # If another website was already installed on this computer we stop the webserver if [ $webserver = "nginx" ] && [ -d /etc/nginx ] then print_info "stopping nginx webserver..." systemctl stop nginx elif [ $webserver = "apache" ] && [ -d /etc/apache2 ] then print_info "stopping apache webserver..." systemctl stop apache2 fi # We probably don't need this wether we hav a db server installed or not # if [ -d /etc/mysql ] # then # print_info "stopping mysql db..." # systemctl stop mariadb # fi } function install_apache { print_info "installing apache..." nocheck_install "apache2 apache2-utils" a2enmod rewrite systemctl restart apache2 } function install_nginx { print_info "installing nginx..." nocheck_install "nginx" systemctl restart nginx } function add_vhost { print_info "adding apache vhost" echo "" >> "/etc/apache2/sites-available/${le_domain}.conf" echo "ServerName ${le_domain}" >> "/etc/apache2/sites-available/${le_domain}.conf" echo "DocumentRoot $install_path" >> "/etc/apache2/sites-available/${le_domain}.conf" echo "" >> "/etc/apache2/sites-available/${le_domain}.conf" a2ensite $le_domain } function add_nginx_conf { print_info "adding nginx conf files" sed "s|SERVER_NAME|${le_domain}|g;s|INSTALL_PATH|${install_path}|g;s|SERVER_LOG|${le_domain}.log|;" nginx-server.conf.template >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${le_domain}.conf ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/${le_domain}.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ if [ ! -f /etc/nginx/snippets/adminer-nginx.inc ] then cp adminer-nginx.inc.template /etc/nginx/snippets/adminer-nginx.inc fi } function install_imagemagick { print_info "installing imagemagick..." nocheck_install "imagemagick" } function install_curl { print_info "installing curl..." nocheck_install "curl" } function install_wget { print_info "installing wget..." nocheck_install "wget" } function install_sendmail { print_info "installing sendmail..." nocheck_install "sendmail sendmail-bin" } function install_sury_repo { # With Debian 11 (bullseye) we need an extra repo to install php 8.* if [ ! -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sury-php.list ] then print_info "installing installing sury-php repository..." echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sury-php.list wget -qO - https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg | apt-key add - apt-get update -y else print_info "sury-php repository is already installed." fi } function php_version { # We need to be able to find php version and use it with install_php phpversion=$(php -v|grep --only-matching --perl-regexp "(PHP )\d+\.\\d+\.\\d+"|cut -c 5-7) } function install_php { # openssl and mbstring are included in libapache2-mod-php print_info "installing php..." if [ $webserver = "nginx" ] then nocheck_install "php-fpm php php-pear php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml php-zip" php_version sed -i "s/^upload_max_filesize =.*/upload_max_filesize = 100M/g" /etc/php/$phpversion/fpm/php.ini sed -i "s/^post_max_size =.*/post_max_size = 100M/g" /etc/php/$phpversion/fpm/php.ini systemctl reload php${phpversion}-fpm elif [ $webserver = "apache" ] then nocheck_install "libapache2-mod-php php php-pear php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml php-zip" php_version sed -i "s/^upload_max_filesize =.*/upload_max_filesize = 100M/g" /etc/php/$phpversion/apache2/php.ini sed -i "s/^post_max_size =.*/post_max_size = 100M/g" /etc/php/$phpversion/apache2/php.ini fi print_info "we'll be using PHP ${phpversion}" } function install_composer { print_info "We check if Composer is already installed" if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/composer ] then EXPECTED_CHECKSUM="$(php -r 'copy("https://composer.github.io/installer.sig", "php://stdout");')" php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');" ACTUAL_CHECKSUM="$(php -r "echo hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php');")" if [ "$EXPECTED_CHECKSUM" != "$ACTUAL_CHECKSUM" ] then >&2 echo 'ERROR: Invalid installer checksum' rm composer-setup.php exit 1 fi php composer-setup.php --quiet RESULT=$? rm composer-setup.php # exit $RESULT # We install Composer globally mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer print_info "Composer was successfully installed." else print_info "Composer is already installed on this system." fi } function install_mysql { print_info "installing mysql..." if [ -z "$mysqlpass" ] then die "mysqlpass not set in $configfile" fi if type mysql then echo "mysql is already installed" else echo "we install mariadb-server" nocheck_install "mariadb-server" systemctl is-active --quiet mariadb && echo "MariaDB is running" # We can probably find a more elegant solution like in create_website_db function mysql -u root <<_EOF_ ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${mysqlpass}'; DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test; DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; _EOF_ fi } function install_adminer { print_info "installing adminer..." nocheck_install "adminer" if [ $webserver = "apache" ] then if [ ! -f /etc/adminer/adminer.conf ] then echo "Alias /adminer /usr/share/adminer/adminer" > /etc/adminer/adminer.conf ln -s /etc/adminer/adminer.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/adminer.conf else print_info "file /etc/adminer/adminer.conf exists already" fi a2enmod rewrite if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ] then die "could not find file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf" fi sed -i \ "s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride all/" \ /etc/apache2/apache2.conf a2enconf adminer systemctl restart mariadb systemctl reload apache2 fi } function create_website_db { print_info "creating website's database..." if [ -z "$website_db_name" ] then website_db_name=$install_folder fi if [ -z "$website_db_user" ] then website_db_user=$install_folder fi if [ -z "$website_db_pass" ] then die "website_db_pass not set in $configfile" fi systemctl restart mariadb # Make sure we don't write over an already existing database if we install more one website if [ -z $(mysql -h localhost -u root -p$mysqlpass -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | grep $website_db_name) ] then Q1="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $website_db_name;" Q2="GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO $website_db_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$website_db_pass';" Q3="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $website_db_name.* to $website_db_user@localhost identified by '$website_db_pass';" Q4="FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" SQL="${Q1}${Q2}${Q3}${Q4}" mysql -uroot -p$mysqlpass -e "$SQL" else die "Can't write over an already existing database!" fi } function run_freedns { print_info "run freedns (dynamic IP)..." if [ -z "$freedns_key" ] then print_info "freedns was not started because 'freedns_key' is empty in $configfile" else if [ -n "$selfhost_user" ] then die "You can not use freeDNS AND selfHOST for dynamic IP updates ('freedns_key' AND 'selfhost_user' set in $configfile)" fi wget --no-check-certificate -O - http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?$freedns_key fi } function install_run_selfhost { print_info "install and start selfhost (dynamic IP)..." if [ -z "$selfhost_user" ] then print_info "selfHOST was not started because 'selfhost_user' is empty in $configfile" else if [ -n "$freedns_key" ] then die "You can not use freeDNS AND selfHOST for dynamic IP updates ('freedns_key' AND 'selfhost_user' set in $configfile)" fi if [ -z "$selfhost_pass" ] then die "selfHOST was not started because 'selfhost_pass' is empty in $configfile" fi if [ ! -d $selfhostdir ] then mkdir $selfhostdir fi # the old way # https://carol.selfhost.de/update?username=123456&password=supersafe # # the prefered way wget --output-document=$selfhostdir/$selfhostscript http://jonaspasche.de/selfhost-updater echo "router" > $selfhostdir/device echo "$selfhost_user" > $selfhostdir/user echo "$selfhost_pass" > $selfhostdir/pass bash $selfhostdir/$selfhostscript update fi } function ping_domain { print_info "ping domain $domain..." # Is the domain resolved? Try to ping 6 times à 10 seconds COUNTER=0 for i in {1..6} do print_info "loop $i for ping -c 1 $domain ..." if ping -c 4 -W 1 $le_domain then print_info "$le_domain resolved" break else if [ $i -gt 5 ] then die "Failed to: ping -c 1 $domain not resolved" fi fi sleep 10 done sleep 5 } function configure_cron_freedns { print_info "configure cron for freedns..." if [ -z "$freedns_key" ] then print_info "freedns is not configured because freedns_key is empty in $configfile" else # Use cron for dynamich ip update # - at reboot # - every 30 minutes if [ -z "`grep 'freedns.afraid.org' /etc/crontab`" ] then echo "@reboot root http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?$freedns_key > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab echo "*/30 * * * * root wget --no-check-certificate -O - http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?$freedns_key > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab else print_info "cron for freedns was configured already" fi fi } function configure_cron_selfhost { print_info "configure cron for selfhost..." if [ -z "$selfhost_user" ] then print_info "selfhost is not configured because selfhost_key is empty in $configfile" else # Use cron for dynamich ip update # - at reboot # - every 5 minutes if [ -z "`grep 'selfhost-updater.sh' /etc/crontab`" ] then echo "@reboot root bash /etc/selfhost/selfhost-updater.sh update > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab echo "*/5 * * * * root /bin/bash /etc/selfhost/selfhost-updater.sh update > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab else print_info "cron for selfhost was configured already" fi fi } function install_letsencrypt { print_info "installing let's encrypt ..." # check if user gave domain if [ -z "$le_domain" ] then die "Failed to install let's encrypt: 'le_domain' is empty in $configfile" fi if [ -z "$le_email" ] then die "Failed to install let's encrypt: 'le_email' is empty in $configfile" fi if [ $webserver = "nginx" ] then nocheck_install "certbot" print_info "run certbot..." systemctl stop nginx certbot certonly --standalone -d $le_domain -m $le_email --agree-tos --non-interactive systemctl start nginx elif [ $webserver = "apache" ] then nocheck_install "certbot python-certbot-apache" print_info "run certbot ..." certbot --apache -w $install_path -d $le_domain -m $le_email --agree-tos --non-interactive --redirect --hsts --uir service apache2 restart fi } function check_https { print_info "checking httpS > testing ..." url_https=https://$le_domain wget_output=$(wget -nv --spider --max-redirect 0 $url_https) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print_warn "check not ok" else print_info "check ok" fi } function repo_name { # We keep this in case the repository is forked in the future if git remote -v | grep -i "origin.*streams.*" then repository=streams # elif git remote -v | grep -i "origin.*fork_1.*" # then # repository=fork_1 # elif git remote -v | grep -i "origin.*fork_2.*" # then # repository=fork_2 else die "this script is not usable with this repository" fi } function install_website { cd $install_path/ # Pull in external libraries with composer. Leave off the --no-dev # option if you are a developer and wish to install addditional CI/CD tools. COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 /usr/local/bin/composer install --no-dev # We install addons # We'll keep stuff here for possible future forks so that the script can be the same print_info "installing addons..." if [ $repository = "streams" ] then print_info "Streams" util/add_addon_repo https://codeberg.org/streams/streams-addons.git zaddons # elif [ $repository = "fork_1" ] # then # print_info "Fork_1" # util/add_addon_repo ** REPOSITORY HERE ** # elif [ $repository = "fork_2" ] # then # print_info "Fork_2" # util/add_addon_repo **REPOSITORY HERE ** else die "no addons can be installed for this repository" fi mkdir -p "cache/smarty3" mkdir -p "store" chmod -R 700 store cache touch .htconfig.php chmod ou+w .htconfig.php cd /var/www/ chown -R www-data:www-data $install_path chown root:www-data $install_path/ chown root:www-data $install_path/.htaccess chmod 0644 $install_path/.htaccess print_info "installed addons" } function install_rsync { print_info "installing rsync..." nocheck_install "rsync" } function install_cryptosetup { print_info "installing cryptsetup..." nocheck_install "cryptsetup" } function configure_daily_update { echo "#!/bin/sh" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "#" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "# update of $le_domain federation capable website" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "echo \"\$(date) - updating core and addons...\"" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "echo \"reaching git repository for $le_domain $repository hub/instance...\"" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "(cd $install_path ; util/udall)" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "chown -R www-data:www-data $install_path # make all accessible for the webserver" >> /var/www/$daily_update if [ $webserver = "apache" ] then echo "chown root:www-data $install_path/.htaccess" >> /var/www/$daily_update echo "chmod 0644 $install_path/.htaccess # www-data can read but not write it" >> /var/www/$daily_update fi chmod a+x /var/www/$daily_update } function configure_cron_daily { print_info "configuring cron..." # every 10 min for poller.php if [ -z "`grep '$install_path.*Run.php' /etc/crontab`" ] then echo "*/10 * * * * www-data cd $install_path; php Code/Daemon/Run.php Cron >> /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab fi # Run external script daily at 05:30 # - stop apache/nginx and mysql-server # - renew the certificate of letsencrypt # - backup db, files ($install_path), certificates if letsencrypt # - update repository core and addon # - update and upgrade linux # - reboot is done by "shutdown -h now" because "reboot" hangs sometimes depending on the system echo "#!/bin/sh" > /var/www/$cron_job echo "#" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \" \"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"+++ \$(date) +++\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \" \"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"\$(date) - stopping $webserver and mysql...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job if [ $webserver = "nginx" ] then echo "systemctl stop nginx" >> /var/www/$cron_job elif [ $webserver = "apache" ] then echo "service apache2 stop" >> /var/www/$cron_job fi echo "/etc/init.d/mysql stop # to avoid inconsistencies" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "#" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"\$(date) - renew certificate...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "certbot renew --noninteractive" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "#" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "# backup" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"\$(date) - try to mount external device for backup...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "backup_device_name=$backup_device_name" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "backup_device_pass=$backup_device_pass" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "backup_mount_point=$backup_mount_point" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "device_mounted=0" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "if [ -n \"\$backup_device_name\" ]" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "then" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " if blkid | grep $backup_device_name" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " then" >> /var/www/$cron_job if [ -n "$backup_device_pass" ] then echo " echo \"decrypting backup device...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo "\"$backup_device_pass\"" | cryptsetup luksOpen $backup_device_name cryptobackup" >> /var/www/$cron_job fi echo " if [ ! -d $backup_mount_point ]" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " then" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " mkdir $backup_mount_point" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " fi" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"mounting backup device...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job if [ -n "$backup_device_pass" ] then echo " if mount /dev/mapper/cryptobackup $backup_mount_point" >> /var/www/$cron_job else echo " if mount $backup_device_name $backup_mount_point" >> /var/www/$cron_job fi echo " then" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " device_mounted=1" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"device $backup_device_name is now mounted. Starting backup...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " rsync -a --delete /var/lib/mysql/ /media/repository_backup/mysql" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " rsync -a --delete /var/www/ /media/repository_backup/www" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " rsync -a --delete /etc/letsencrypt/ /media/repository_backup/letsencrypt" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"\$(date) - disk sizes...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " df -h" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"\$(date) - db size...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " du -h $backup_mount_point | grep mysql/repository" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"unmounting backup device...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " umount $backup_mount_point" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " else" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"failed to mount device $backup_device_name\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " fi" >> /var/www/$cron_job if [ -n "$backup_device_pass" ] then echo " echo \"closing decrypted backup device...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " cryptsetup luksClose cryptobackup" >> /var/www/$cron_job fi echo " fi" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "fi" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "if [ \$device_mounted == 0 ]" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "then" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo " echo \"device could not be mounted $backup_device_name. No backup written.\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "fi" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "#" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"\$(date) - db size...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "du -h /var/lib/mysql/ | grep mysql/" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "#" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "cd /var/www" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "for f in *-daily.sh; do \"./\${f}\"; done" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"\$(date) - updating linux...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "apt-get -q -y update && apt-get -q -y dist-upgrade && apt-get -q -y autoremove # update linux and upgrade" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "echo \"\$(date) - Backup and update finished. Rebooting...\"" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "#" >> /var/www/$cron_job echo "shutdown -r now" >> /var/www/$cron_job chmod a+x /var/www/$cron_job # If global cron job does not exist we add it to /etc/crontab if grep -q $cron_job /etc/crontab then echo "cron job already in /etc/crontab" else echo "30 05 * * * root /bin/bash /var/www/$cron_job >> /var/www/daily-updates.log 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab echo "0 0 1 * * root rm /var/www/daily-updates.log" >> /etc/crontab fi # This is active after either "reboot" or cron reload" systemctl restart cron print_info "configured cron for updates/upgrades" } ######################################################################## # START OF PROGRAM ######################################################################## export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin check_sanity repo_name print_info "We're installing a website using the $repository repository" install_path="$(dirname "$(pwd)")" install_folder="$(basename $install_path)" # Read config file edited by user configfile=server-config.txt source $configfile selfhostdir=/etc/selfhost selfhostscript=selfhost-updater.sh cron_job="cron_job.sh" daily_update="${le_domain}-daily.sh" backup_mount_point="/media/repository_backup" #set -x # activate debugging from here check_config stop_server update_upgrade install_curl install_wget install_sendmail install_sury_repo if [ $webserver = "nginx" ] then install_nginx elif [ $webserver = "apache" ] then install_apache else die "Failed to install a Web server: 'webserver' not set to \"apache\" or \"nginx\" in $configfile" fi install_imagemagick install_php if [ $webserver = "nginx" ] then add_nginx_conf elif [ $webserver = "apache" ] then if [ "$install_path" != "/var/www/html" ] then add_vhost fi fi install_composer install_mysql install_adminer create_website_db if [ "$le_domain" != "localhost" ] then run_freedns install_run_selfhost ping_domain configure_cron_freedns configure_cron_selfhost install_letsencrypt check_https else print_info "domain is localhost - skipped some stuff (https, DynDNS...)" fi install_website configure_daily_update configure_cron_daily if [ "$le_domain" != "localhost" ] then install_cryptosetup install_rsync else print_info "is localhost - skipped installation of cryptosetup" fi #set +x # stop debugging from here