channel_url($arr['channel']) . '#delete', 'actor' => channel_url($arr['channel']), 'type' => 'Delete', 'object' => channel_url($arr['channel']), 'to' => [ '' ] ]; $msg = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, '', Activity::ap_schema() ]], $ti); $msg['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($msg,$arr['channel']); logger('ActivityPub_encoded (purge_all): ' . json_encode($msg,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $jmsg = json_encode($msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } else { $target_item = $arr['target_item']; if (! $target_item['mid']) { return; } $prv_recips = $arr['env_recips']; if ($signed_msg) { $jmsg = $signed_msg; } else { // Rewrite outbound mentions so they match the ActivityPub convention, which // is to pretend that the preferred display name doesn't exist and instead use // the username or webfinger address when displaying names. This is likely to // only cause confusion on nomadic networks where there could be any number // of applicable webfinger addresses for a given identity. Activity::rewrite_mentions_sub($target_item, 1, $target_item['obj']); $ti = Activity::encode_activity($target_item, true); if (! $ti) { return; } $token = IConfig::get($target_item['id'],'ocap','relay'); if ($token) { if (defined('USE_BEARCAPS')) { $ti['id'] = 'bear:?u=' . $ti['id'] . '&t=' . $token; } else { $ti['id'] = $ti['id'] . '?token=' . $token; } if ($ti['url'] && is_string($ti['url'])) { $ti['url'] .= '?token=' . $token; } } $msg = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, '', Activity::ap_schema() ]], $ti); $msg['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($msg,$arr['channel']); logger('ActivityPub_encoded: ' . json_encode($msg,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $jmsg = json_encode($msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } } if ($prv_recips) { $hashes = []; // re-explode the recipients, but only for this hub/pod foreach ($prv_recips as $recip) { $hashes[] = "'" . $recip . "'"; } $r = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_url = '%s' and xchan_hash in (" . implode(',', $hashes) . ") and xchan_network = 'activitypub' ", dbesc($arr['hub']['hubloc_url']) ); if (! $r) { logger('activitypub_process_outbound: no recipients'); return; } foreach ($r as $contact) { // is $contact connected with this channel - and if the channel is cloned, also on this hub? // 2018-10-19 this probably doesn't apply to activitypub anymore, just send the thing. // They'll reject it if they don't like it. // $single = deliverable_singleton($arr['channel']['channel_id'],$contact); if (! $arr['normal_mode']) { continue; } $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg,$arr['channel'],$contact,$target_item['mid']); if ($qi) { $arr['queued'][] = $qi; } continue; } } else { // public message // See if we can deliver all of them at once $x = get_xconfig($arr['hub']['hubloc_hash'],'activitypub','collections'); if ($x && $x['sharedInbox']) { logger('using publicInbox delivery for ' . $arr['hub']['hubloc_url'], LOGGER_DEBUG); $contact['hubloc_callback'] = $x['sharedInbox']; $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg,$arr['channel'],$contact,$target_item['mid']); if ($qi) { $arr['queued'][] = $qi; } } else { $r = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_url = '%s' and xchan_network = 'activitypub' ", dbesc($arr['hub']['hubloc_url']) ); if (! $r) { logger('activitypub_process_outbound: no recipients'); return; } foreach ($r as $contact) { // $single = deliverable_singleton($arr['channel']['channel_id'],$contact); $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg,$arr['channel'],$contact,$target_item['mid']); if ($qi) { $arr['queued'][] = $qi; } } } } return; } static function queue_message($msg,$sender,$recip,$message_id = '') { $dest_url = $recip['hubloc_callback']; logger('URL: ' . $dest_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); logger('DATA: ' . jindent($msg), LOGGER_DATA); if (intval(get_config('system','activitypub_test')) || intval(get_pconfig($sender['channel_id'],'system','activitypub_test'))) { logger('test mode - delivery disabled'); return false; } $hash = random_string(); logger('queue: ' . $hash . ' ' . $dest_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); Queue::insert([ 'hash' => $hash, 'account_id' => $sender['channel_account_id'], 'channel_id' => $sender['channel_id'], 'driver' => 'activitypub', 'posturl' => $dest_url, 'notify' => '', 'msg' => $msg ]); if ($message_id && (! get_config('system','disable_dreport'))) { q("insert into dreport ( dreport_mid, dreport_site, dreport_recip, dreport_result, dreport_time, dreport_xchan, dreport_queue ) values ( '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s' ) ", dbesc($message_id), dbesc($dest_url), dbesc($dest_url), dbesc('queued'), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($sender['channel_hash']), dbesc($hash) ); } return $hash; } static function permissions_update(&$x) { if ($x['recipient']['xchan_network'] !== 'activitypub') { return; } self::discover($x['recipient']['xchan_hash'],true); $x['success'] = true; } static function permissions_create(&$x) { // send a follow activity to the followee's inbox if ($x['recipient']['xchan_network'] !== 'activitypub') { return; } $p = Activity::encode_person($x['sender'],false); if (! $p) { return; } $orig_follow = get_abconfig($x['sender']['channel_id'],$x['recipient']['xchan_hash'],'activitypub','their_follow_id'); $orig_follow_type = get_abconfig($x['sender']['channel_id'],$x['recipient']['xchan_hash'],'activitypub','their_follow_type'); $msg = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, '', Activity::ap_schema() ]], [ 'id' => z_root() . '/follow/' . $x['recipient']['abook_id'] . (($orig_follow) ? '/' . md5($orig_follow) : EMPTY_STR), 'type' => (($orig_follow_type) ? $orig_follow_type : 'Follow'), 'actor' => $p, 'object' => $x['recipient']['xchan_hash'], 'to' => [ $x['recipient']['xchan_hash'] ] ]); // for Group actors, send both a Follow and a Join because some platforms only support one and there's // no way of discovering/knowing in advance which type they support $join_msg = null; if (intval($x['recipient']['xchan_type']) === 1) { $join_msg = $msg; $join_msg['type'] = 'Join'; $join_msg['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($join_msg,$x['sender']); $jmsg2 = json_encode($join_msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } $msg['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($msg,$x['sender']); $jmsg = json_encode($msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $h = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($x['recipient']['xchan_hash']) ); if ($h) { $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg,$x['sender'],$h[0]); if ($qi) { $x['deliveries'] = $qi; } if ($join_msg) { $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg2,$x['sender'],$h[0]); if ($qi) { $x['deliveries'] = $qi; } } } $x['success'] = true; } static function permissions_accept(&$x) { // send an accept activity to the followee's inbox if ($x['recipient']['xchan_network'] !== 'activitypub') { return; } // we currently are not handling send of reject follow activities; this is permitted by protocol $accept = get_abconfig($x['recipient']['abook_channel'],$x['recipient']['xchan_hash'],'activitypub','their_follow_id'); $follow_type = get_abconfig($x['recipient']['abook_channel'],$x['recipient']['xchan_hash'],'activitypub','their_follow_type'); if (! $accept) { return; } $p = Activity::encode_person($x['sender'],false); if (! $p) { return; } $msg = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, '', Activity::ap_schema() ]], [ 'id' => z_root() . '/follow/' . $x['recipient']['abook_id'] . '/' . md5($accept), 'type' => 'Accept', 'actor' => $p, 'object' => [ 'type' => (($follow_type) ? $follow_type : 'Follow'), 'id' => $accept, 'actor' => $x['recipient']['xchan_hash'], 'object' => z_root() . '/channel/' . $x['sender']['channel_address'] ], 'to' => [ $x['recipient']['xchan_hash'] ] ]); $msg['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($msg,$x['sender']); $jmsg = json_encode($msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $h = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($x['recipient']['xchan_hash']) ); if ($h) { $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg,$x['sender'],$h[0]); if ($qi) { $x['deliveries'] = $qi; } } $x['success'] = true; } static function contact_remove($channel_id,$abook) { $recip = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_id = %d", intval($abook['abook_id']) ); if ((! $recip) || $recip[0]['xchan_network'] !== 'activitypub') return; $channel = channelx_by_n($recip[0]['abook_channel']); if (! $channel) { return; } $p = Activity::encode_person($channel,true,true); if (! $p) { return; } // send an unfollow activity to the followee's inbox $orig_activity = get_abconfig($recip[0]['abook_channel'],$recip[0]['xchan_hash'],'activitypub','follow_id'); if ($orig_activity && $recip[0]['abook_pending']) { // was never approved $msg = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, '', Activity::ap_schema() ]], [ 'id' => z_root() . '/follow/' . $recip[0]['abook_id'] . '/' . md5($orig_activity) . '#reject', 'type' => 'Reject', 'actor' => $p, 'object' => [ 'type' => 'Follow', 'id' => $orig_activity, 'actor' => $recip[0]['xchan_hash'], 'object' => $p ], 'to' => [ $recip[0]['xchan_hash'] ] ]); del_abconfig($recip[0]['abook_channel'],$recip[0]['xchan_hash'],'activitypub','follow_id'); } else { // send an unfollow $msg = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, '', Activity::ap_schema() ]], [ 'id' => z_root() . '/follow/' . $recip[0]['abook_id'] . (($orig_activity) ? '/' . md5($orig_activity) : EMPTY_STR) . '#Undo', 'type' => 'Undo', 'actor' => $p, 'object' => [ 'id' => z_root() . '/follow/' . $recip[0]['abook_id'] . (($orig_activity) ? '/' . md5($orig_activity) : EMPTY_STR), 'type' => 'Follow', 'actor' => $p, 'object' => $recip[0]['xchan_hash'] ], 'to' => [ $recip[0]['xchan_hash'] ] ]); } $msg['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($msg,$channel); $jmsg = json_encode($msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $h = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($recip[0]['xchan_hash']) ); if ($h) { $qi = self::queue_message($jmsg,$channel,$h[0]); if ($qi) { Run::Summon([ 'Deliver' , $qi ]); } } } static function discover($apurl, $force = false) { $person_obj = null; $ap = Activity::fetch($apurl); if ($ap) { $AS = new ActivityStreams($ap); if ($AS->is_valid()) { if (ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->type)) { $person_obj = $AS->data; } elseif ($AS->obj && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type'])) { $person_obj = $AS->obj; } } } if (isset($person_obj)) { Activity::actor_store($person_obj['id'],$person_obj, $force); return $person_obj['id']; } return false; } static public function move($src,$dst) { if (! ($src && $dst)) { return; } if ($src && ! is_array($src)) { $src = Activity::fetch($src); if (is_array($src)) { $src_xchan = $src['id']; } } $approvals = null; if ($dst && ! is_array($dst)) { $dst = Activity::fetch($dst); if (is_array($dst)) { $dst_xchan = $dst['id']; if (array_key_exists('alsoKnownAs',$dst)) { if(! is_array($dst['alsoKnownAs'])) { $dst['alsoKnownAs'] = [ $dst['alsoKnownAs'] ]; } $approvals = $dst['alsoKnownAs']; } } } if(! ($src_xchan && $dst_xchan)) { return; } if ($approvals) { foreach($approvals as $approval) { if($approval === $src_xchan) { $abooks = q("select abook_channel from abook where abook_xchan = '%s'", dbesc($src_xchan) ); if ($abooks) { foreach ($abooks as $abook) { // check to see if we already performed this action $x = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d", dbesc($dst_xchan), intval($abook['abook_channel']) ); if ($x) { continue; } // update the local abook q("update abconfig set xchan = '%s' where chan = %d and xchan = '%s'", dbesc($dst_xchan), intval($abook['abook_channel']), dbesc($src_xchan) ); q("update pgrp_member set xchan = '%s' where uid = %d and xchan = '%s'", dbesc($dst_xchan), intval($abook['abook_channel']), dbesc($src_xchan) ); $r = q("update abook set abook_xchan = '%s' where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d ", dbesc($dst_xchan), dbesc($src_xchan), intval($abook['abook_channel']) ); $r = q("SELECT abook.*, xchan.* FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE abook_channel = %d and abook_id = %d LIMIT 1", intval(abook['abook_channel']), intval($dst_xchan) ); if ($r) { $clone = array_shift($r); unset($clone['abook_id']); unset($clone['abook_account']); unset($clone['abook_channel']); $abconfig = load_abconfig($abook['abook_channel'],$clone['abook_xchan']); if ($abconfig) { $clone['abconfig'] = $abconfig; } Libsync::build_sync_packet($abook['abook_channel'], [ 'abook' => [ $clone ] ] ); } } } } } } } }