1 && argv(1) === 'sys' && is_site_admin()) { $sys = Channel::get_system(); if ($sys && intval($sys['channel_id'])) { App::$is_sys = true; } } if (argc() > 1) { $which = argv(1); } else { return; } Libprofile::load($which); } public function get() { if (!App::$profile) { notice(t('Requested profile is not available.') . EOL); App::$error = 404; return; } $which = argv(1); $uid = local_channel(); $owner = 0; $channel = null; $observer = App::get_observer(); $channel = App::get_channel(); if (App::$is_sys && is_site_admin()) { $sys = Channel::get_system(); if ($sys && intval($sys['channel_id'])) { $uid = $owner = intval($sys['channel_id']); $channel = $sys; $observer = $sys; } } if (!$owner) { // Figure out who the page owner is. $r = q( "select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s'", dbesc($which) ); if ($r) { $owner = intval($r[0]['channel_id']); } } $ob_hash = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : ''); if (!perm_is_allowed($owner, $ob_hash, 'write_pages')) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $is_owner = (($uid && $uid == $owner) ? true : false); $o = ''; // Figure out which post we're editing $post_id = ((argc() > 2) ? intval(argv(2)) : 0); if (!$post_id) { notice(t('Item not found') . EOL); return; } // Now we've got a post and an owner, let's find out if we're allowed to edit it $ob_hash = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : ''); $perms = get_all_perms($owner, $ob_hash); if (!$perms['write_pages']) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $itm = q( "SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = %d and uid = %s LIMIT 1", intval($post_id), intval($owner) ); $item_id = q( "select * from iconfig where cat = 'system' and k = 'PDL' and iid = %d limit 1", intval($itm[0]['id']) ); if ($item_id) { $layout_title = $item_id[0]['v']; } $rp = 'layouts/' . $which; $x = array( 'webpage' => ITEM_TYPE_PDL, 'nickname' => $channel['channel_address'], 'editor_autocomplete' => true, 'bbco_autocomplete' => 'comanche', 'return_path' => $rp, 'button' => t('Edit'), 'hide_voting' => true, 'hide_future' => true, 'hide_expire' => true, 'hide_location' => true, 'hide_weblink' => true, 'hide_attach' => true, 'hide_preview' => true, 'disable_comments' => true, 'ptyp' => $itm[0]['obj_type'], 'body' => undo_post_tagging($itm[0]['body']), 'post_id' => $post_id, 'title' => htmlspecialchars($itm[0]['title'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'pagetitle' => $layout_title, 'ptlabel' => t('Layout Name'), 'placeholdertitle' => t('Layout Description (Optional)'), 'showacl' => false, 'profile_uid' => intval($owner), ); $editor = status_editor($x); $o .= replace_macros(Theme::get_template('edpost_head.tpl'), array( '$title' => t('Edit Layout'), '$delete' => ((($itm[0]['author_xchan'] === $ob_hash) || ($itm[0]['owner_xchan'] === $ob_hash)) ? t('Delete') : false), '$id' => $itm[0]['id'], '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$editor' => $editor )); return $o; } }