
123 lines
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// !!!! Make sure the Sabre directory is in the include_path !!!
// example:
// set_include_path('lib/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
This example demonstrates a simple way to create your own virtual filesystems.
By extending the _File and Directory classes, you can easily create a tree
based on various datasources.
The most obvious example is the filesystem itself. A more complete and documented
example can be found in:
// settings
$publicDir = 'public';
// Files we need
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
class MyCollection extends Sabre\DAV\Collection {
private $myPath;
function __construct($myPath) {
$this->myPath = $myPath;
function getChildren() {
$children = array();
// Loop through the directory, and create objects for each node
foreach(scandir($this->myPath) as $node) {
// Ignoring files staring with .
if ($node[0]==='.') continue;
$children[] = $this->getChild($node);
return $children;
function getChild($name) {
$path = $this->myPath . '/' . $name;
// We have to throw a NotFound exception if the file didn't exist
if (!file\exists($this->myPath)) throw new \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound('The file with name: ' . $name . ' could not be found');
// Some added security
if ($name[0]=='.') throw new \Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Access denied');
if (is_dir($path)) {
return new \MyCollection($name);
} else {
return new \MyFile($path);
function getName() {
return basename($this->myPath);
class MyFile extends \Sabre\DAV\File {
private $myPath;
function __construct($myPath) {
$this->myPath = $myPath;
function getName() {
return basename($this->myPath);
function get() {
return fopen($this->myPath,'r');
function getSize() {
return filesize($this->myPath);
// Make sure there is a directory in your current directory named 'public'. We will be exposing that directory to WebDAV
$rootNode = new \MyCollection($publicDir);
// The rootNode needs to be passed to the server object.
$server = new \Sabre\DAV\Server($rootNode);
// And off we go!