2022-09-10 07:16:41 +10:00

188 lines
6.4 KiB

namespace Code\Module;
use Code\Web\Controller;
use Code\Lib\System;
use Code\Lib\Channel;
use Code\Extend\Hook;
use App;
class Webfinger extends Controller
public function init()
logger('webfinger from ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
// This is a public resource with relaxed CORS policy. Close the current login session.
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
$result = [];
if (!is_https_request()) {
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . 500 . ' ' . 'Webfinger requires HTTPS');
$resource = $_REQUEST['resource'];
if (!$resource) {
http_status_exit(404, 'Not found');
logger('webfinger: ' . $resource, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// Determine whether to respond as a site actor
// or a normal channel
$site_query = false;
if (
strcasecmp(rtrim($resource, '/'), z_root()) === 0
|| strcasecmp($resource, 'acct:sys@' . App::get_hostname()) === 0
|| $resource === z_root() . '/channel/sys'
) {
$site_query = true;
$result['subject'] = $resource;
$resource = z_root() . '/channel/sys';
if (str_starts_with($resource, 'tag:')) {
$arr = explode(':', $resource);
if (count($arr) > 3 && $arr[2] === 'zotid') {
$hash = $arr[3];
$channel_target = Channel::from_hash($hash);
if (str_starts_with($resource, 'acct:')) {
$channel_nickname = punify(str_replace('acct:', '', $resource));
if (strrpos($channel_nickname, '@') !== false) {
$host = punify(substr($channel_nickname, strrpos($channel_nickname, '@') + 1));
// If the webfinger address points off site, redirect to the correct site
if (strcasecmp($host, App::get_hostname())) {
goaway('https://' . $host . '/.well-known/webfinger?f=&resource=' . $resource);
$channel_nickname = substr($channel_nickname, 0, strrpos($channel_nickname, '@'));
if (str_starts_with($resource, 'http')) {
$channel_nickname = str_replace(['~', '@'], ['', ''], basename($resource));
if ($channel_nickname) {
$channel_target = Channel::from_username($channel_nickname);
if ($channel_target || $site_query) {
$h = get_hubloc_addrs_by_hash($channel_target['channel_hash']);
if (!isset($result['subject'])) {
$result['subject'] = $resource;
$aliases = [
z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel_target['channel_address'],
z_root() . '/~' . $channel_target['channel_address'],
z_root() . '/@' . $channel_target['channel_address']
if ($h) {
foreach ($h as $hh) {
$aliases[] = 'acct:' . $hh['hubloc_addr'];
$result['aliases'] = [];
$result['properties'] = [
'' => $site_query ? System::get_site_name() : $channel_target['channel_name'],
'' => $site_query ? System::get_site_name() : $channel_target['channel_name'],
'' => (($site_query) ? get_config('system', 'pubkey') : $channel_target['xchan_pubkey']),
if ($site_query) {
$aliases[] = z_root();
$aliases[] = 'acct:sys@' . App::get_hostname();
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
if ($alias !== $result['subject']) {
$result['aliases'][] = $alias;
$result['links'] = [
'rel' => 'self',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
'href' => (($site_query) ? z_root() : z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel_target['channel_address']),
'rel' => 'self',
'type' => 'application/ld+json; profile=""',
'href' => (($site_query) ? z_root() : z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel_target['channel_address']),
'rel' => '',
'type' => $channel_target['xchan_photo_mimetype'],
'href' => $channel_target['xchan_photo_l'],
'rel' => '',
'href' => z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel_target['channel_address'],
'rel' => '',
'type' => 'application/x-nomad+json',
'href' => (($site_query) ? z_root() : z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel_target['channel_address']),
'rel' => '',
'type' => 'application/x-nomad+json',
'href' => z_root() . '/owa',
'rel' => '',
'type' => 'application/x-nomad+json',
'href' => z_root() . '/magic',
'rel' => '',
'type' => 'application/x-zot+json',
'href' => (($site_query) ? z_root() : z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel_target['channel_address']),
'rel' => '',
'template' => z_root() . '/follow?url={uri}',
if (!$result) {
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . 400 . ' ' . 'Bad Request');
$arr = ['channel' => $channel_target, 'request' => $_REQUEST, 'result' => $result];
Hook::call('webfinger', $arr);
json_return_and_die($arr['result'], 'application/jrd+json', true);