2024-03-07 08:28:50 +11:00

3348 lines
130 KiB

namespace Code\Lib;
* @brief lowlevel implementation of Nomad protocol.
use App;
use Code\Nomad\Location;
use Code\Nomad\Primary;
use Code\Nomad\Profile;
use Code\Nomad\Site;
use Code\Web\HTTPSig;
use Code\Access\Permissions;
use Code\Access\PermissionLimits;
use Code\Access\PermissionRoles;
use Code\Daemon\Run;
use Code\Extend\Hook;
class Libzot
* @brief Generates a unique string for use as a Nomad guid.
* Generates a unique string for use as a Nomad guid using our DNS-based url, the
* channel nickname and some entropy.
* The entropy ensures uniqueness against re-installs where the same URL and
* nickname are chosen.
* @note Nomad doesn't require this to be unique. Internally we use a whirlpool
* hash of this guid and the signature of this guid signed with the channel
* private key. This can be verified and should make the probability of
* unintentional collision of the verified result negligible within the constraints
* of our immediate universe.
* @param string $channel_nick a unique nickname (on this site) of controlling entity
* @returns string
public static function new_uid($channel_nick)
$rawstr = z_root() . '/' . $channel_nick . '.' . mt_rand();
return (base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool', $rawstr, true), true));
* @brief Generates a portable-id hash identifier for a channel.
* Generates a portable hash identifier for the channel identified by $guid and
* $pubkey.
* @note This ID is portable across the network but MUST be calculated locally
* by verifying the signature and can not be trusted as an identity.
* @param string $guid
* @param string $pubkey
public static function make_xchan_hash($guid, $pubkey)
return base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool', $guid . $pubkey, true));
* @brief Given a Nomad hash, return all distinct hubs.
* This function is used in building the Nomad discovery packet and therefore
* should only be used by channels which are defined on this hub.
* @param string $hash - xchan_hash
* @returns array of hubloc (hub location structures)
public static function getLocations($hash)
/* Only search for active hublocs - e.g. those that haven't been marked deleted */
$ret = q(
"select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0 order by hubloc_primary DESC, hubloc_url ",
return $ret;
* @brief Builds a notification packet.
* Builds a notification packet that you can either store in the queue with
* a message array or immediately send to the other side.
* @param array $channel
* sender channel structure
* @param string $type
* packet type: one of 'activity', 'response', 'sync', 'purge', 'refresh', 'force_refresh', 'rekey'
* @param array $recipients
* envelope recipients, array of portable_id's; empty for public posts
* @param mixed $msg
* optional message
* @param string $remote_key
* optional public site key of target hub used to encrypt entire packet
* @param string $methods
* optional comma separated list of encryption methods @ref self::best_algorithm()
* @returns string json encoded zot packet
public static function build_packet($channel, $type = 'activity', $recipients = null, $msg = '', $encoding = 'activitystreams', $remote_key = null, $methods = '')
$data = [
'type' => $type,
'encoding' => $encoding,
'sender' => $channel['channel_hash'],
'site_id' => self::make_xchan_hash(z_root(), get_config('system', 'pubkey')),
'version' => System::get_zot_revision(),
if ($recipients) {
$data['recipients'] = $recipients;
if ($msg) {
$data['data'] = $msg;
} else {
logger('packet: ' . print_r($data, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($remote_key) {
$algorithm = self::best_algorithm($methods);
if ($algorithm) {
$data = Crypto::encapsulate(json_encode($data), $remote_key, $algorithm);
return json_encode($data);
* @brief Choose best encryption function from those available on both sites.
* @param string $methods
* comma separated list of encryption methods
* @return string first match from our site method preferences crypto_methods() array
* of a method which is common to both sites; or an empty string if no matches are found.
* Failure to find a common algorithm is not an issue as our communications
* take place primarily over https, so this is just redundant encryption in many cases.
* In any case, the receiver is free to reject unencrypted private content if they have
* reason to distrust https.
* We are not using array_intersect() here because the specification for that function
* does not guarantee the order of results. It probably returns entries in the correct
* order for our needs and would simplify this function dramatically, but we cannot be
* certain that it will always do so on all operating systems.
public static function best_algorithm($methods)
$x = [
'methods' => $methods,
'result' => ''
* @hooks best_algorithm
* Called when negotiating crypto algorithms with remote sites.
* * \e string \b methods - comma separated list of encryption methods
* * \e string \b result - the algorithm to return
Hook::call('best_algorithm', $x);
if ($x['result']) {
return $x['result'];
if ($methods) {
// $x = their methods as an array
$x = explode(',', $methods);
if ($x) {
// $y = our methods as an array
$y = Crypto::methods();
if ($y) {
foreach ($y as $yv) {
$yv = trim($yv);
if (in_array($yv, $x)) {
return ($yv);
return EMPTY_STR;
* @brief send a message
* @param string $url
* @param string $data
* @param array $channel
* @param array $crypto (required if encrypted httpsig, requires hubloc_sitekey and site_crypto elements)
* @return array see Url::post() for returned data format
public static function zot($url, $data, $channel = null, $crypto = null)
if ($channel) {
$headers = [
'X-ACME-Token' => random_string(),
'Digest' => HTTPSig::generate_digest_header($data),
'Content-type' => 'application/x-zot+json',
'(request-target)' => 'post ' . get_request_string($url)
$h = HTTPSig::create_sig(
(($crypto) ? ['key' => $crypto['hubloc_sitekey'], 'algorithm' => self::best_algorithm($crypto['site_crypto'])] : false)
} else {
$h = [];
return Url::post($url, $data, ((empty($h)) ? [] : ['headers' => $h]));
public static function nomad($url, $data, $channel = null, $crypto = null) {
if ($channel) {
$headers = [
'X-ACME-Token' => random_string(),
'Digest' => HTTPSig::generate_digest_header($data),
'Content-type' => 'application/x-nomad+json',
'(request-target)' => 'post ' . get_request_string($url)
$h = HTTPSig::create_sig($headers,$channel['channel_prvkey'],Channel::url($channel),false,'sha512',
(($crypto) ? [ 'key' => $crypto['hubloc_sitekey'], 'algorithm' => self::best_algorithm($crypto['site_crypto']) ] : false));
else {
$h = [];
return Url::post($url, $data, ((empty($h)) ? [] : ['headers' => $h]));
* @brief Refreshes after permission changed or friending, etc.
* refresh is typically invoked when somebody has changed permissions of a channel and they are notified
* to fetch new permissions via a finger/discovery operation. This may result in a new connection
* (abook entry) being added to a local channel and it may result in auto-permissions being granted.
* Friending in Nomad is accomplished by sending a refresh packet to a specific channel which indicates a
* permission change has been made by the sender which affects the target channel. The hub controlling
* the target channel does targeted discovery (in which a zot discovery request contains permissions for
* the sender which were set by the local channel). These are decoded here, and if necessary an abook
* structure (addressbook) is created to store the permissions assigned to this channel.
* Initially these abook structures are created with a 'pending' flag, so that no reverse permissions are
* implied until this is approved by the owner channel. A channel can also auto-populate permissions in
* return and send back a refresh packet of its own. This is used by forum and group communication channels
* so that friending and membership in the channel's "club" is automatic.
* If $force is set when calling this function, this operation will be attempted even if our records indicate
* the remote site is permanently down.
* @param array $them => xchan structure of sender
* @param array $channel => local channel structure of target recipient, required for "friending" operations
* @param array $force (optional) default false
* @return bool
* * \b true if successful
* * otherwise \b false
public static function refresh($them, $channel = null, $force = false)
$hsig_valid = false;
logger('them: ' . print_r($them, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($channel) {
logger('channel: ' . print_r($channel, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$url = null;
if ($them['hubloc_id_url']) {
$url = $them['hubloc_id_url'];
} else {
$r = null;
// if they re-installed the server we could end up with the wrong record - pointing to a hash generated by the old install.
// We'll order by reverse id to try and pick off the most recently created ones first and hopefully end up with the correct hubloc.
// We are looking for the most recently created primary hub, and the most recently created if for some reason we do not have a primary.
// hubloc_id_url is set to the channel home, which corresponds to an ActivityStreams actor id.
$r = q(
"select hubloc_id_url, hubloc_primary from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_network in ('zot6','nomad') and hubloc_deleted = 0 order by hubloc_id desc",
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $rr) {
if (intval($rr['hubloc_primary'])) {
$url = $rr['hubloc_id_url'];
if (!$url) {
$url = $r[0]['hubloc_id_url'];
if (!$url) {
logger('zot_refresh: no url');
return false;
$m = parse_url($url);
$site_url = unparse_url(['scheme' => $m['scheme'], 'host' => $m['host']]);
$s = q(
"select site_dead from site where site_url = '%s' limit 1",
if ($s && intval($s[0]['site_dead']) && (!$force)) {
logger('zot_refresh: site ' . $site_url . ' is marked dead and force flag is not set. Cancelling operation.');
return false;
$record = Zotfinger::post($url, $channel);
// Check the HTTP signature
$hsig = $record['signature'];
if ($hsig && $hsig['signer'] === $url && $hsig['header_valid'] === true && $hsig['content_valid'] === true) {
$hsig_valid = true;
if (!$hsig_valid) {
logger('http signature not valid: ' . (($record['data']) ? print_r($hsig, true) : 'fetch failed'));
return false;
// If we reach this point, the signature is valid and we can trust the channel discovery data, so try and store
// the generic information in the returned discovery packet.
logger('zot-info: ' . print_r($record, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$x = self::import_xchan($record['data'], (($force) ? UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED : UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED));
if (!$x['success']) {
return false;
// Here we handle discovery packets that return targeted permissions and require an abook (either an existing connection
// or a new one)
if ($channel && $record['data']['permissions']) {
$permissions = explode(',', $record['data']['permissions']);
$old_read_stream_perm = their_perms_contains($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'], 'view_stream');
set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'], 'system', 'their_perms', $record['data']['permissions']);
if (array_key_exists('profile', $record['data']) && array_key_exists('next_birthday', $record['data']['profile'])) {
$next_birthday = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $record['data']['profile']['next_birthday']);
} else {
$next_birthday = NULL_DATE;
$profile_assign = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'profile_assign', '');
// Keep original perms to check if we need to notify them
$previous_perms = get_all_perms($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash']);
$r = q(
"select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0 limit 1",
if ($r) {
// connection exists
// if the dob is the same as what we have stored (disregarding the year), keep the one
// we have as we may have updated the year after sending a notification; and resetting
// to the one we just received would cause us to create duplicated events.
if (substr($r[0]['abook_dob'], 5) == substr($next_birthday, 5)) {
$next_birthday = $r[0]['abook_dob'];
$y = q(
"update abook set abook_dob = '%s'
where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d
and abook_self = 0 ",
if (!$y) {
logger('abook birthday update failed');
// if we were just granted read stream permission and didn't have it before, try to pull in some posts
if (array_key_exists('view_stream', $permissions) && (!$old_read_stream_perm)) {
Run::Summon(['Onepoll', $r[0]['abook_id']]);
} else {
// limit the ability to do connection spamming, this limit is per channel
$lim = intval(get_config('system', 'max_connections_per_day', 50));
if ($lim) {
$n = q(
"select count(abook_id) as total from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_created > '%s'",
dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 24 hours'))
if ($n && intval($n['total']) > $lim) {
logger('channel: ' . $channel['channel_id'] . ' too many new connections per day. This one from ' . $hsig['signer'], LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
return false;
// check personal blocklists
$blocked = LibBlock::fetch($channel['channel_id'], BLOCKTYPE_SERVER);
if ($blocked) {
foreach ($blocked as $b) {
if (str_contains($url, $b['block_entity'])) {
logger('siteblock - follower denied');
return false;
if (LibBlock::fetch_by_entity($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'])) {
logger('actorblock - follower denied');
return false;
$p = Permissions::connect_perms($channel['channel_id']);
$my_perms = Permissions::serialise($p['perms']);
$automatic = $p['automatic'];
// new connection
if ($my_perms) {
set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash'], 'system', 'my_perms', $my_perms);
$closeness = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'new_abook_closeness', 80);
// check if it is a sub-channel (collection) and auto-friend if it is
$is_collection = false;
$cl = q(
"select channel_id from channel where channel_hash = '%s' and channel_parent = '%s' and channel_account_id = %d limit 1",
if ($cl) {
$is_collection = true;
$automatic = true;
$closeness = 10;
$y = abook_store_lowlevel(
'abook_account' => intval($channel['channel_account_id']),
'abook_channel' => intval($channel['channel_id']),
'abook_closeness' => intval($closeness),
'abook_xchan' => $x['hash'],
'abook_profile' => $profile_assign,
'abook_created' => datetime_convert(),
'abook_updated' => datetime_convert(),
'abook_dob' => $next_birthday,
'abook_pending' => intval(($automatic) ? 0 : 1)
if ($y) {
logger("New introduction received for {$channel['channel_name']}");
$new_perms = get_all_perms($channel['channel_id'], $x['hash']);
// Send a clone sync packet and a permissions update if permissions have changed
$new_connection = q(
"select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0 order by abook_created desc limit 1",
if ($new_connection) {
if (!Permissions::PermsCompare($new_perms, $previous_perms)) {
Run::Summon(['Notifier', 'permissions_create', $new_connection[0]['abook_id']]);
if (!$is_collection) {
'type' => NOTIFY_INTRO,
'from_xchan' => $x['hash'],
'to_xchan' => $channel['channel_hash'],
'link' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $new_connection[0]['abook_id']
if (array_key_exists('view_stream', $permissions)) {
if (
intval(get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'perm_limits', 'send_stream') & PERMS_PENDING)
|| (!intval($new_connection[0]['abook_pending']))
|| intval(PConfig::Get($channel['channel_id'],'system','preview_outbox',false))
) {
Run::Summon(['Onepoll', $new_connection[0]['abook_id']]);
// If there is a default group for this channel, add this connection to it
// for pending connections this will happens at acceptance time.
if (!intval($new_connection[0]['abook_pending'])) {
$default_group = $channel['channel_default_group'];
if ($default_group) {
$g = AccessList::rec_byhash($channel['channel_id'], $default_group);
if ($g) {
AccessList::member_add($channel['channel_id'], '', $x['hash'], $g['id']);
$abconfig = load_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $new_connection[0]['abook_xchan']);
if ($abconfig) {
$new_connection[0]['abconfig'] = $abconfig;
Libsync::build_sync_packet($channel['channel_id'], ['abook' => $new_connection]);
return true;
* @brief Look up if channel is known and previously verified.
* A guid and a url, both signed by the sender, distinguish a known sender at a
* known location.
* This function looks these up to see if the channel is known and therefore
* previously verified. If not, we will need to verify it.
* @param array $arr an associative array which must contain:
* * \e string \b id => id of conversant
* * \e string \b id_sig => id signed with conversant's private key
* * \e string \b location => URL of the origination hub of this communication
* * \e string \b location_sig => URL signed with conversant's private key
* @param bool $multiple (optional) default false
* @return array|null
* * null if site is denied or not found
* * otherwise an array with an hubloc record
public static function gethub($arr, $multiple = false)
if ($arr['id'] && $arr['id_sig'] && $arr['location'] && $arr['location_sig']) {
if (!check_siteallowed($arr['location'])) {
logger('denied site: ' . $arr['location']);
return null;
$limit = (($multiple) ? '' : ' limit 1 ');
$r = q(
"select hubloc.*, site.site_crypto from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url
where hubloc_guid = '%s' and hubloc_guid_sig = '%s'
and hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_url_sig = '%s'
and hubloc_site_id = '%s' and hubloc_network in ('nomad','zot6')
and hubloc_deleted = 0
if ($r) {
logger('Found', LOGGER_DEBUG);
return (($multiple) ? $r : $r[0]);
logger('Not found: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
return null;
public static function valid_hub($sender, $site_id)
$hub = q(
"select hubloc.*, site.site_crypto from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_site_id = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0 limit 1",
if (!$hub) {
return null;
$hub = array_shift($hub);
if (!check_siteallowed($hub['hubloc_url'])) {
logger('denied site: ' . $hub['hubloc_url']);
return null;
if (!check_channelallowed($hub['hubloc_hash'])) {
logger('denied channel: ' . $hub['hubloc_hash']);
return null;
return $hub;
* @brief Registers an unknown hub.
* A communication has been received which has an unknown (to us) sender.
* Perform discovery based on our calculated hash of the sender at the
* origination address. This will fetch the discovery packet of the sender,
* which contains the public key we need to verify our guid and url signatures.
* @param array $arr an associative array which must contain:
* * \e string \b guid => guid of conversant
* * \e string \b guid_sig => guid signed with conversant's private key
* * \e string \b url => URL of the origination hub of this communication
* * \e string \b url_sig => URL signed with conversant's private key
* @return array An associative array with
* * \b success boolean true or false
* * \b message (optional) error string only if success is false
public static function register_hub($id)
$hsig_valid = false;
$result = ['success' => false];
if (!$id) {
return $result;
$record = Zotfinger::post($id);
// Check the HTTP signature
$hsig = $record['signature'];
if ($hsig['signer'] === $id && $hsig['header_valid'] === true && $hsig['content_valid'] === true) {
$hsig_valid = true;
if (!$hsig_valid) {
logger('http signature not valid: ' . print_r($hsig, true));
return $result;
$c = self::import_xchan($record['data']);
if ($c['success']) {
$result['success'] = true;
} else {
logger('Failure to verify packet');
return $result;
* @brief Takes an associative array of a fetch discovery packet and updates
* all internal data structures which need to be updated as a result.
* @param array $arr => json_decoded discovery packet
* @param int $ud_flags
* Determines whether to create a directory update record if any changes occur, default is UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED
* $ud_flags = UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED indicates a forced refresh where we unconditionally create a directory update record
* this typically occurs once a month for each channel as part of a scheduled ping to notify the directory
* that the channel still exists
* @param array $ud_arr
* If set [typically by update_directory_entry()] indicates a specific update table row and more particularly
* contains a particular address (ud_addr) which needs to be updated in that table.
* @return array An associative array with:
* * \e boolean \b success boolean true or false
* * \e string \b message (optional) error string only if success is false
public static function import_xchan($arr, $ud_flags = UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED, $ud_arr = null)
* @hooks import_xchan
* Called when processing the result of zot_finger() to store the result
* * \e array
Hook::call('import_xchan', $arr);
$ret = ['success' => false];
$changed = false;
$what = '';
if (!is_array($arr)) {
logger('Not an array: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
return $ret;
if (!($arr['id'] && $arr['id_sig'])) {
logger('No identity information provided. ' . print_r($arr, true));
return $ret;
$xchan_hash = self::make_xchan_hash($arr['id'], $arr['public_key']);
$arr['hash'] = $xchan_hash;
$import_photos = false;
$verified = false;
if (!self::verify($arr['id'], $arr['id_sig'], $arr['public_key'])) {
logger('Unable to verify channel signature for ' . $arr['address']);
return $ret;
} else {
$verified = true;
if (!$verified) {
$ret['message'] = t('Unable to verify channel signature');
return $ret;
logger('import_xchan: ' . $xchan_hash, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$r = q(
"select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1",
if (!array_key_exists('connect_url', $arr)) {
$arr['connect_url'] = '';
if ($r) {
if ($arr['photo'] && array_key_exists('updated', $arr['photo']) && $arr['photo']['updated'] > $r[0]['xchan_photo_date']) {
$import_photos = true;
$hidden = (1 - intval($arr['searchable']));
$hidden_changed = $adult_changed = $deleted_changed = $type_changed = 0;
if (intval($r[0]['xchan_hidden']) != (1 - intval($arr['searchable']))) {
$hidden_changed = 1;
if (intval($r[0]['xchan_selfcensored']) != intval($arr['adult_content'])) {
$adult_changed = 1;
if (isset($arr['deleted']) && intval($r[0]['xchan_deleted']) != intval($arr['deleted'])) {
$deleted_changed = 1;
$px = 0;
if (isset($arr['channel_type'])) {
if ($arr['channel_type'] === 'collection') {
$px = 2;
} elseif ($arr['channel_type'] === 'group') {
$px = 1;
if (array_key_exists('public_forum', $arr) && intval($arr['public_forum'])) {
$px = 1;
if (intval($r[0]['xchan_type']) !== $px) {
$type_changed = true;
if ($arr['protocols']) {
set_xconfig($xchan_hash, 'system', 'protocols', implode(',',$arr['protocols']));
$collections = [];
if (isset($arr['primary_location']['following'])) {
$collections['following'] = $arr['primary_location']['following'];
if (isset($arr['primary_location']['followers'])) {
$collections['followers'] = $arr['primary_location']['followers'];
if (isset($arr['primary_location']['outbox'])) {
$collections['outbox'] = $arr['primary_location']['outbox'];
if (isset($arr['primary_location']['searchContent'])) {
$collections['searchContent'] = $arr['primary_location']['searchContent'];
if (isset($arr['primary_location']['searchTags'])) {
$collections['searchTags'] = $arr['primary_location']['searchTags'];
if ($collections) {
set_xconfig($xchan_hash, 'activitypub', 'collections', $collections);
if (isset($arr['cover_photo']) && isset($arr['cover_photo']['url']) && strlen($arr['cover_photo']['url'])) {
set_xconfig($xchan_hash, 'system', 'cover_photo', $arr['cover_photo']['url']);
import_remote_cover_photo($arr['cover_photo']['url'], $xchan_hash);
if (isset($arr['signing_algorithm']) && strlen($arr['signing_algorithm'])) {
set_xconfig($xchan_hash, 'system', 'signing_algorithm', $arr['signing_algorithm']);
$network = (isset($arr['site']['protocol_version']) && intval($arr['site']['protocol_version']) > 10) ? 'nomad' : 'zot6';
if (
($r[0]['xchan_name_date'] !== $arr['name_updated'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_connurl'] !== $arr['primary_location']['connections_url'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_addr'] !== $arr['primary_location']['address'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_follow'] !== $arr['primary_location']['follow_url'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_epubkey'] !== $arr['ed25519_key'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_connpage'] !== $arr['connect_url'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_url'] !== $arr['primary_location']['url'])
|| ($r[0]['xchan_network'] !== $network)
|| ($r[0]['xchan_updated'] < datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 7 days'))
|| $hidden_changed || $adult_changed || $deleted_changed || $type_changed
) {
$rup = q(
"update xchan set xchan_updated = '%s', xchan_name = '%s', xchan_name_date = '%s', xchan_connurl = '%s', xchan_follow = '%s',
xchan_connpage = '%s', xchan_hidden = %d, xchan_selfcensored = %d, xchan_deleted = %d, xchan_type = %d,
xchan_addr = '%s', xchan_url = '%s', xchan_network = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'",
dbesc(($arr['name']) ? unicode_trim(escape_tags($arr['name'])) : '-'),
intval(1 - intval($arr['searchable'])),
logger('Update: existing: ' . print_r($r[0], true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
logger('Update: new: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$what .= 'xchan ';
$changed = true;
} else {
$network = (isset($arr['site']['protocol_version']) && intval($arr['site']['protocol_version']) > 10) ? 'nomad' : 'zot6';
$import_photos = true;
if ($arr['channel_type'] === 'collection') {
$px = 2;
} elseif ($arr['channel_type'] === 'group') {
$px = 1;
} else {
$px = 0;
if (array_key_exists('public_forum', $arr) && intval($arr['public_forum'])) {
$px = 1;
$x = xchan_store_lowlevel(
'xchan_hash' => $xchan_hash,
'xchan_guid' => $arr['id'],
'xchan_guid_sig' => $arr['id_sig'],
'xchan_pubkey' => $arr['public_key'],
'xchan_epubkey' => $arr['ed25519_key'],
'xchan_photo_mimetype' => $arr['photo']['type'],
'xchan_photo_l' => $arr['photo']['url'],
'xchan_addr' => escape_tags($arr['primary_location']['address']),
'xchan_url' => escape_tags($arr['primary_location']['url']),
'xchan_connurl' => $arr['primary_location']['connections_url'],
'xchan_follow' => $arr['primary_location']['follow_url'],
'xchan_connpage' => $arr['connect_url'],
'xchan_name' => (($arr['name']) ? unicode_trim(escape_tags($arr['name'])) : '-'),
'xchan_network' => $network,
'xchan_updated' => datetime_convert(),
'xchan_photo_date' => $arr['photo']['updated'],
'xchan_name_date' => $arr['name_updated'],
'xchan_hidden' => intval(1 - intval($arr['searchable'])),
'xchan_selfcensored' => $arr['adult_content'],
'xchan_deleted' => $arr['deleted'],
'xchan_type' => $px
$what .= 'new_xchan';
$changed = true;
if (isset($arr['cover_photo']) && isset($arr['cover_photo']['url']) && strlen($arr['cover_photo']['url'])) {
set_xconfig($xchan_hash, 'system', 'cover_photo', $arr['cover_photo']['url']);
import_remote_cover_photo($arr['cover_photo']['url'], $xchan_hash);
if ($import_photos) {
// see if this is a channel clone that's hosted locally - which we treat different from other xchans/connections
$local = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
if (!$local) {
$photos = import_remote_xchan_photo($arr['photo']['url'], $xchan_hash);
if ($photos) {
if ($photos[4]) {
// importing the photo failed somehow. Leave the photo_date alone so we can try again at a later date.
$r = q(
"update xchan set xchan_updated = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_mimetype = '%s'
where xchan_hash = '%s'",
} else {
$r = q(
"update xchan set xchan_updated = '%s', xchan_photo_date = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_mimetype = '%s'
where xchan_hash = '%s'",
dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', ((isset($arr['photo_updated'])) ? $arr['photo_updated'] : 'now'))),
$what .= 'photo ';
$changed = true;
// what we are missing for true hub independence is for any changes in the primary hub to
// get reflected not only in the hublocs, but also to update the URLs and addr in the appropriate xchan
$s = Libsync::sync_locations($arr, $arr);
if ($s) {
if (isset($s['change_message']) && $s['change_message']) {
$what .= $s['change_message'];
if (isset($s['changed']) && $s['changed']) {
$changed = $s['changed'];
if (isset($s['message']) && $s['message']) {
$ret['message'] .= $s['message'];
// Which entries in the update table are we interested in updating?
$address = ((isset($arr['address']) && $arr['address']) ? $arr['address'] : EMPTY_STR);
if (isset($ud_arr) && isset($ud_arr['ud_addr'])) {
$address = $ud_arr['ud_addr'];
if (array_key_exists('profile', $arr) && is_array($arr['profile'])) {
$nomadProfile = new Profile($arr['profile']);
$profile_changed = Libzotdir::import_directory_profile($xchan_hash, $nomadProfile, $address, $ud_flags, 1);
if ($profile_changed) {
$what .= 'profile ';
$changed = true;
} else {
logger('Profile not available - hiding');
// they may have made it private
$r = q(
"delete from xprof where xprof_hash = '%s'",
$r = q(
"delete from xtag where xtag_hash = '%s' and xtag_flags = 0",
if (array_key_exists('site', $arr) && is_array($arr['site'])) {
$profile_changed = self::import_site($arr['site']);
if ($profile_changed) {
$what .= 'site ';
$changed = true;
if (($changed) || ($ud_flags == UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED)) {
$guid = random_string() . '@' . App::get_hostname();
Libzotdir::update_modtime($xchan_hash, $guid, $address, $ud_flags);
logger('Changed: ' . $what, LOGGER_DEBUG);
} elseif (!$ud_flags) {
// nothing changed but we still need to update the updates record
"update updates set ud_flags = ( ud_flags | %d ) where ud_addr = '%s' and not (ud_flags & %d) > 0 ",
if (!x($ret, 'message')) {
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['hash'] = $xchan_hash;
logger('Result: ' . print_r($ret, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
return $ret;
* @brief Called immediately after sending a zot message which is using queue processing.
* Updates the queue item according to the response result and logs any information
* returned to aid communications troubleshooting.
* @param string $hub - url of site we just contacted
* @param array $arr - output of Url::post()
* @param array $outq - The queue structure attached to this request
public static function process_response($hub, $arr, $outq)
logger('remote: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA);
if (!$arr['success']) {
logger('Failed: ' . $hub);
$x = json_decode($arr['body'], true);
if (!$x) {
logger('No json from ' . $hub);
logger('Headers: ' . print_r($arr['header'], true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$x = Crypto::unencapsulate($x, get_config('system', 'prvkey'));
if (!is_array($x)) {
$x = json_decode($x, true);
if (!is_array($x)) {
logger('no useful response: ' . $x);
if ($x) {
if (!$x['success']) {
// handle remote validation issues
$b = q(
"update dreport set dreport_result = '%s', dreport_time = '%s' where dreport_queue = '%s'",
dbesc(($x['message']) ? $x['message'] : 'unknown delivery error'),
if (is_array($x) && array_key_exists('delivery_report', $x) && is_array($x['delivery_report'])) {
foreach ($x['delivery_report'] as $xx) {
Hook::call('dreport_process', $xx);
if (is_array($xx) && array_key_exists('message_id', $xx) && DReport::is_storable($xx)) {
"insert into dreport ( dreport_mid, dreport_site, dreport_recip, dreport_name, dreport_result, dreport_time, dreport_xchan, dreport_log ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s' ) ",
dbesc(datetime_convert(datetime: $xx['date'])),
// we have a more descriptive delivery report, so discard the per hub 'queue' report.
"delete from dreport where dreport_queue = '%s' ",
// update the timestamp for this site
"update site set site_dead = 0, site_update = '%s' where site_url = '%s'",
// synchronous message types are handled immediately
// async messages remain in the queue until processed.
if (intval($outq['outq_async'])) {
Queue::remove($outq['outq_hash'], $outq['outq_channel']);
logger('zot_process_response: ' . print_r($x, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
* @brief Process incoming messages.
* Process incoming messages and import, update, delete as directed
* The message types handled here are 'activity' (e.g. posts), and 'sync'.
* @param array $arr
* 'pickup' structure returned from remote site
* @param string $sender_url
* the url specified by the sender in the initial communication.
* We will verify the sender and url in each returned message structure and
* also verify that all the messages returned match the site url that we are
* currently processing.
* @returns array|false|void
* Suitable for logging remotely, enumerating the processing results of each message/recipient combination
* * [0] => \e string $channel_hash
* * [1] => \e string $delivery_status
* * [2] => \e string $address
public static function import($arr, $hub = null)
$env = $arr;
$private = false;
$return = [];
$result = null;
logger('Notify: ' . print_r($env, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if (!is_array($env)) {
logger('decode error');
return false;
$message_request = false;
$isCollectionOperation = false;
$has_data = array_key_exists('data', $env) && $env['data'];
$data = (($has_data) ? $env['data'] : false);
$AS = null;
if ($env['encoding'] === 'activitystreams') {
$AS = new ActivityStreams($data, portable_id: $env['sender']);
if ($AS->is_valid()) {
if ($AS->type === 'Announce' && is_array($AS->obj)
&& array_key_exists('object', $AS->obj)
&& array_key_exists('actor', $AS->obj)) {
// This is a relayed/forwarded Activity (as opposed to a shared/boosted object)
// Reparse the encapsulated Activity and use that instead
logger('relayed activity', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$rawActivity = json_decode($AS->raw, true);
$AS = new ActivityStreams($rawActivity['object'], portable_id: $env['sender']);
// process add/remove from collection separately, as it requires a target.
// use the raw object, as it will not include actor expansion
if (in_array($AS->type, ['Add', 'Remove'])
&& is_array($AS->obj)
&& array_key_exists('object', $AS->obj)
&& array_key_exists('actor', $AS->obj)
&& !empty($AS->tgt)) {
logger('relayed collection operation', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$isCollectionOperation = true;
$rawActivity = json_decode($AS->raw, true);
$AS = new ActivityStreams($rawActivity['object'], portable_id: $env['sender']);
if (!$AS->valid) {
logger('Activity rejected: ' . print_r($data, true));
return false;
// compatibility issue with like of Hubzilla "new friend" activities which is very difficult to fix
if ($AS->implied_create && is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('type', $AS->obj) && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($AS->obj['type'])) {
logger('create/person activity rejected. ' . print_r($data, true));
return false;
if (is_array($AS->obj)) {
$arr = Activity::decode_note($AS);
} else {
$arr = [];
logger($AS->debug(), LOGGER_DATA);
logger('decoded_message: ' . print_r($arr,true));
// There is nothing inherently wrong with getting a message-id which isn't a canonical URI/URL, but
// at the present time (2019/02) during the Hubzilla transition to zot6 it is likely to cause lots of duplicates for
// messages arriving from different protocols and sources with different message-id semantics. This
// restriction can be relaxed once most Hubzilla sites are upgraded to > 4.0.
// Don't check sync packets since they have a different encoding
if ($arr && $env['type'] !== 'sync') {
if (!str_contains($arr['mid'], 'http') && !str_contains($arr['mid'], 'x-zot')) {
if (!str_contains($arr['mid'], 'bear:')) {
logger('activity rejected: legacy message-id');
return false;
if ($arr['verb'] === 'Create' && ActivityStreams::is_an_actor($arr['obj_type'])) {
logger('activity rejected: create actor');
return false;
$deliveries = null;
if (array_key_exists('recipients', $env) && count($env['recipients'])) {
logger('specific recipients');
logger('recipients: ' . print_r($env['recipients'], true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$recip_arr = [];
foreach ($env['recipients'] as $recip) {
$recip_arr[] = $recip;
$r = false;
if ($recip_arr) {
stringify_array_elms($recip_arr, true);
$recips = implode(',', $recip_arr);
$r = q("select channel_hash as hash from channel where channel_hash in ( " . $recips . " ) and channel_removed = 0 ");
if (!$r) {
logger('recips: no recipients on this site');
return false;
// Response messages will inherit the privacy of the parent
if ($env['type'] !== 'response') {
$private = true;
$deliveries = ids_to_array($r, 'hash');
// We found somebody on this site that's in the recipient list.
} else {
logger('public post');
// Public post. look for any site members who are or may be accepting posts from this sender
// and who are allowed to see them based on the sender's permissions
// @fixme;
$deliveries = self::public_recips($env, $AS);
$deliveries = array_values(array_unique($deliveries));
if (!$deliveries) {
logger('No deliveries on this site');
return false;
if ($AS && $has_data) {
if (in_array($env['type'], ['activity', 'response'])) {
if (!(is_array($AS->actor) && isset($AS->actor['id']))) {
logger('No author!');
return false;
$r = q(
"select hubloc_hash, hubloc_network, hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0",
if (!$r) {
// Author is unknown to this site. Perform channel discovery and try again.
$z = discover_resource($AS->actor['id'], verify: false);
if ($z) {
$r = q(
"select hubloc_hash, hubloc_network, hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0",
if ($r) {
$r = self::zot_record_preferred($r);
$arr['author_xchan'] = $r['hubloc_hash'];
if (!$arr['author_xchan']) {
logger('No author!');
return false;
$s = q(
"select hubloc_hash, hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_network in ('zot6','nomad') and hubloc_deleted = 0 limit 1",
// in individual delivery, change owner if needed
if ($s) {
$arr['owner_xchan'] = $s[0]['hubloc_hash'];
} else {
$arr['owner_xchan'] = $env['sender'];
if ($private && (!intval($arr['item_private']))) {
$arr['item_private'] = 1;
if ($arr['mid'] === $arr['parent_mid']) {
if (is_array($AS->obj) && array_key_exists('commentPolicy', $AS->obj)) {
$p = strstr($AS->obj['commentPolicy'], 'until=');
// if until= is the same as the creation date, set the item_nocomment flag
// as comments were already closed before the post was even sent.
if ($p !== false) {
$comments_closed_at = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', substr($p, 6));
if ($comments_closed_at === $arr['created']) {
$arr['item_nocomment'] = 1;
} else {
$arr['comments_closed'] = $comments_closed_at;
$arr['comment_policy'] = trim(str_replace($p, '', $AS->obj['commentPolicy']));
} else {
$arr['comment_policy'] = $AS->obj['commentPolicy'];
if (isset($AS->data['hubloc']) && $AS->data['hubloc']) {
$arr['item_verified'] = true;
if (!array_key_exists('comment_policy', $arr)) {
$arr['comment_policy'] = 'authenticated';
ObjCache::Set($arr['mid'], $AS->raw);
logger('Activity received: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
logger('Activity recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$relay = (($env['type'] === 'response') ? true : false);
$result = self::process_delivery($env['sender'], $AS, $arr, $deliveries, $relay, false, $message_request, $isCollectionOperation);
elseif ($env['type'] === 'sync') {
$arr = json_decode($data, true);
logger('Channel sync received: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
logger('Channel sync recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($env['encoding'] === 'red') {
$result = Libsync::process_channel_sync_delivery($env['sender'], $arr, $deliveries);
} else {
logger('unsupported sync packet encoding ignored.');
if ($result) {
$return = array_merge($return, $result);
return $return;
public static function is_top_level($env, $act)
if ($env['encoding'] === 'zot' && array_key_exists('flags', $env) && in_array('thread_parent', $env['flags'])) {
return true;
if ($act) {
if (in_array($act->type, ['Like', 'Dislike'])) {
return false;
$x = self::find_parent($act);
if ($x === $act->id || (is_array($act->obj) && array_key_exists('id', $act->obj) && $x === $act->obj['id'])) {
return true;
return false;
public static function find_parent($act)
if ($act) {
if (in_array($act->type, ['Like', 'Dislike']) && is_array($act->obj)) {
return $act->obj['id'];
if ($act->parent_id) {
return $act->parent_id;
return false;
* @brief
* A public message with no listed recipients can be delivered to anybody who
* has PERMS_NETWORK for that type of post, PERMS_AUTHED (in-network senders are
* by definition authenticated) or PERMS_SITE and is one the same site,
* or PERMS_SPECIFIC and the sender is a contact who is granted permissions via
* their connection permissions in the address book.
* Here we take a given message and construct a list of hashes of everybody
* on the site that we should try and deliver to.
* Some of these will be rejected, but this gives us a place to start.
* @param array $msg
* @return NULL|array
public static function public_recips($msg, $act)
$check_mentions = false;
$include_sys = false;
if ($msg['type'] === 'activity') {
$public_stream_mode = intval(get_config('system', 'public_stream_mode', PUBLIC_STREAM_NONE));
if ($public_stream_mode === PUBLIC_STREAM_FULL) {
$include_sys = true;
$perm = 'send_stream';
if (self::is_top_level($msg, $act)) {
$check_mentions = true;
} elseif ($msg['type'] === 'mail') {
$perm = 'post_mail';
// channels which we will deliver this post to
$r = [];
$c = q("select channel_id, channel_hash from channel where channel_removed = 0");
if ($c) {
foreach ($c as $cc) {
// top level activity sent to ourself: ignore. Clones will get a sync activity
// which is a true clone of the original item. Everything else is a duplicate.
if ($check_mentions && $cc['channel_hash'] === $msg['sender']) {
if (perm_is_allowed($cc['channel_id'], $msg['sender'], $perm)) {
$r[] = $cc['channel_hash'];
if ($include_sys) {
$sys = Channel::get_system();
if ($sys) {
$r[] = $sys['channel_hash'];
// add channels that are following tags
// these will be enumerated and validated in tgroup_check()
$ft = q(
"select channel_hash as hash from channel left join pconfig on pconfig.uid = channel_id where cat = 'system' and k = 'followed_tags' and channel_hash != '%s' and channel_removed = 0",
if ($ft) {
foreach ($ft as $t) {
$r[] = $t['hash'];
// look for any public mentions on this site
// They will get filtered by tgroup_check() so we don't need to check permissions now
if ($check_mentions) {
// It's a top level post. Look at the tags. See if any of them are mentions and are on this hub.
if ($act && $act->obj) {
if (is_array($act->obj['tag']) && $act->obj['tag']) {
foreach ($act->obj['tag'] as $tag) {
if ($tag['type'] === 'Mention' && (str_contains($tag['href'], z_root()))) {
$address = basename($tag['href']);
if ($address) {
$z = q(
"select channel_hash as hash from channel where channel_address = '%s'
and channel_hash != '%s' and channel_removed = 0 limit 1",
if ($z) {
$r[] = $z[0]['hash'];
if ($tag['type'] === 'topicalCollection' && strpos($tag['name'], App::get_hostname())) {
$address = substr($tag['name'], 0, strpos($tag['name'], '@'));
if ($address) {
$z = q(
"select channel_hash as hash from channel where channel_address = '%s'
and channel_hash != '%s' and channel_removed = 0 limit 1",
if ($z) {
$r[] = $z[0]['hash'];
} else {
// This is a comment. We need to find any parent with ITEM_UPLINK set. But in fact, let's just return
// everybody that stored a copy of the parent. This way we know we're covered. We'll check the
// comment permissions when we deliver them.
$thread_parent = self::find_parent($act);
if ($thread_parent) {
$z = q(
"select channel_hash as hash from channel left join item on channel.channel_id = item.uid where ( item.thr_parent = '%s' OR item.parent_mid = '%s' ) ",
if ($z) {
foreach ($z as $zv) {
$r[] = $zv['hash'];
// There are probably a lot of duplicates in $r at this point. We need to filter those out.
if ($r) {
$r = array_values(array_unique($r));
logger('public_recips: ' . print_r($r, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
return $r;
* @brief
* @param array $sender
* @param ActivityStreams object $act
* @param array $msg_arr
* @param array $deliveries
* @param bool $isGoingUpstream
* @param bool $public (optional) default false
* @param bool $request (optional) default false - message was fetched, not posted
* @return array|false|void
public static function process_delivery($sender, $act, $msg_arr, $deliveries, $isGoingUpstream, $public = false, $request = false, $isCollectionOperation = false)
$result = [];
$commentApproval = null;
// logger('msg_arr: ' . print_r($msg_arr,true),LOGGER_ALL);
// If an upstream hop used ActivityPub, set the identities to zot6 nomadic identities where applicable
// else things could easily get confused
$sender = Activity::find_best_identity($sender);
$msg_arr['author_xchan'] = Activity::find_best_identity($msg_arr['author_xchan']);
$msg_arr['owner_xchan'] = Activity::find_best_identity($msg_arr['owner_xchan']);
// We've validated the sender. Now make sure that the sender is the owner or author
if (!$public) {
if ($sender != $msg_arr['owner_xchan'] && $sender != $msg_arr['author_xchan']) {
logger("Sender $sender is not owner {$msg_arr['owner_xchan']} or author {$msg_arr['author_xchan']} - mid {$msg_arr['mid']}");
if ($act->implied_create && !$request) {
logger('implied create activity. Not delivering/storing.');
foreach ($deliveries as $d) {
$isMyConversation = false;
$local_public = $public;
// if any further changes are to be made, change a copy and not the original
$arr = $msg_arr;
$htmltext = prepare_text($arr['body'],((isset($arr['mimetype'])) ? $arr['mimetype'] : 'text/x-multicode'));
$plaintext = html2plain((isset($arr['title']) && $arr['title']) ? $arr['title'] . ' ' . $htmltext : $htmltext);
$DR = new DReport(z_root(), $sender, $d, $arr['mid']);
$channel = Channel::from_hash($d);
if (!$channel) {
$DR->update('recipient not found');
$result[] = $DR->get();
$DR->set_name($channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . Channel::get_webfinger($channel) . '>');
$conversationOperation = $isCollectionOperation && isset($arr['target']['attributedTo']);
if (str_contains($arr['tgt_type'], 'Collection') && !$isGoingUpstream && !$conversationOperation) {
$DR->update('not a collection activity');
$result[] = $DR->get();
if (Tombstone::check($arr['mid'], $channel['channel_id'])
|| Tombstone::check($arr['parent_mid'], $channel['channel_id'])) {
$DR->update('update ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
if (($act) && ($act->obj) && (!is_array($act->obj))) {
// The initial object fetch failed using the sys channel credentials.
// Try again using the delivery channel credentials.
// We will also need to re-parse the $item array,
// but preserve any values that were set during anonymous parsing.
$o = Activity::fetch($act->obj, $channel);
if ($o) {
$act->obj = $o;
$arr = array_merge(Activity::decode_note($act), $arr);
} else {
$DR->update('Incomplete or corrupt activity');
$result[] = $DR->get();
* We need to block normal top-level message delivery from our clones, as the delivered
* message doesn't have ACL information in it as the cloned copy does. That copy
* will normally arrive first via sync delivery, but this isn't guaranteed.
* There's a chance the current delivery could take place before the cloned copy arrives
* hence the item could have the wrong ACL and *could* be used in subsequent deliveries or
* access checks.
if ($sender === $channel['channel_hash'] && $arr['author_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash'] && $arr['mid'] === $arr['parent_mid']) {
$DR->update('self delivery ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
// allow public postings to the sys channel regardless of permissions, but not
// for comments travelling upstream. Wait and catch them on the way down.
// They may have been blocked by the owner.
if (intval($channel['channel_system']) && (!$arr['item_private']) && (!$isGoingUpstream)) {
$local_public = true;
$public_stream_mode = (int) Config::Get('system', 'public_stream_mode', PUBLIC_STREAM_NONE);
if ($public_stream_mode === PUBLIC_STREAM_NONE) {
$local_public = false;
if (!check_pubstream_channelallowed($sender)) {
$local_public = false;
// don't allow pubstream posts if the sender even has a clone on a pubstream denied site
$siteallowed = true;
$h = q(
"select hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0",
if ($h) {
foreach ($h as $hub) {
if (!check_pubstream_siteallowed($hub['hubloc_url'])) {
$siteallowed = false;
if (!$siteallowed) {
$local_public = false;
$r = q(
"select xchan_selfcensored from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1",
// don't import sys channel posts from selfcensored authors
if ($r && (intval($r[0]['xchan_selfcensored']))) {
$local_public = false;
if (!MessageFilter::evaluate($arr, get_config('system', 'pubstream_incl'), get_config('system', 'pubstream_excl'), ['plaintext' => $plaintext])) {
$local_public = false;
$objtype = $act->objprop('type','');
// perform pre-storage check to see if it's "likely" that this is a group or collection post
$tag_delivery = tgroup_check($channel['channel_id'], $arr);
$perm = 'send_stream';
if ($arr['mid'] !== $arr['parent_mid']) {
if ($isGoingUpstream) {
$perm = 'post_comments';
// This is our own post, possibly coming from a channel clone
if ($arr['owner_xchan'] == $d) {
$arr['item_wall'] = 1;
} else {
$arr['item_wall'] = 0;
$isMail = (bool) (intval($arr['item_private']) === 2);
if ((!$tag_delivery) && (!$local_public)) {
$allowed = (perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], $sender, $perm));
$blocked = LibBlock::fetch($channel['channel_id'], BLOCKTYPE_SERVER);
if ($blocked) {
$h = q(
"select hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0",
if ($h) {
foreach ($h as $hub) {
foreach ($blocked as $b) {
if (str_contains($hub['hubloc_url'], $b['block_entity'])) {
$allowed = false;
$permit_mentions = intval(PConfig::Get($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'permit_all_mentions') && i_am_mentioned($channel, $arr));
if (!$allowed) {
if ($perm === 'post_comments') {
$parent = q(
"select * from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1",
$allowed = can_comment_on_post($sender, $parent[0]);
if (! $allowed) {
$allowed = Activity::comment_allowed($channel, $arr, $parent[0]);
if ($allowed === 'moderated') {
$arr['item_blocked'] = ITEM_MODERATED;
} elseif ($permit_mentions) {
$allowed = true;
if ($request) {
// Conversation fetches (e.g. $request == true) take place for
// a) new comments on expired posts
// b) hyperdrive (friend-of-friend) conversations
// over-ride normal connection permissions for hyperdrive (friend-of-friend) conversations
// (if hyperdrive is enabled).
// If $allowed is already true, this is probably the conversation of a direct friend or a
// conversation fetch for a new comment on an expired post
// Comments of all these activities are allowed and will only be rejected (later) if the parent
// doesn't exist.
if ($perm === 'send_stream') {
if (get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'hyperdrive', true)) {
$allowed = true;
} else {
$allowed = true;
if ($isMail) {
if (!perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], $sender, 'post_mail')) {
$allowed = false;
if (get_abconfig($channel['channel_id'], $sender, 'system', 'block_announce', false)) {
if ($arr['verb'] === 'Announce' || strpos($arr['body'], '[/share]')) {
$allowed = false;
if (!$allowed) {
logger("permission denied for delivery to channel {$channel['channel_id']} {$channel['channel_address']}");
$DR->update('permission denied');
$result[] = $DR->get();
if ($arr['mid'] !== $arr['parent_mid']) {
if ((perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], $sender, 'moderated') || $allowed === 'moderated') && $isGoingUpstream) {
$arr['item_blocked'] = ITEM_MODERATED;
$r = q(
"select id, parent_mid, mid, owner_xchan, item_private, obj_type from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1",
if ($r) {
// if this is a multi-threaded conversation, preserve the threading information
if ($r[0]['parent_mid'] !== $r[0]['mid']) {
$arr['thr_parent'] = $arr['parent_mid'];
$arr['parent_mid'] = $r[0]['parent_mid'];
if ($act->replyto) {
"update item set replyto = '%s' where id = %d",
if ($r[0]['obj_type'] === 'Question') {
// If this is a poll response, convert the obj_type to our (internal-only) "Answer" type
if ($arr['obj_type'] === 'Note' && $arr['title'] && (!$arr['content'])) {
$arr['obj_type'] = 'Answer';
} else {
// We don't seem to have a copy of this conversation or at least the parent
// - so request a copy of the entire conversation to date.
// Don't do this if it's a relay post as we're the ones who are supposed to
// have the copy and we don't want the request to loop.
// Also don't do this if this comment came from a conversation request packet.
// It's possible that comments are allowed but posting isn't and that could
// cause a conversation fetch loop.
// We'll also check the send_stream permission - because if it isn't allowed,
// the top level post is unlikely to be imported and
// this is just an exercise in futility.
if (
(!$isGoingUpstream) && (!$request) && (!$local_public)
&& perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], $sender, 'send_stream')
&& perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], $sender, 'hyperdrive')
) {
$reports = self::fetch_conversation($channel, $arr['mid']);
// extract our delivery report from the fetched conversation
// if we can find it.
logger('fetch_report for ' . $arr['mid'], LOGGER_ALL);
logger('fetch_report: ' . print_r($reports, true), LOGGER_ALL);
if ($reports && is_array($reports)) {
$found_report = false;
$found_parent = false;
foreach ($reports as $report) {
if ($report['message_id'] === $arr['mid']) {
$found_report = true;
if ($report['message_id'] === $arr['parent_mid']) {
$found_parent = true;
if (!$found_report && !$found_parent) {
$DR->update('conversation fetch failed');
} else {
$DR->update('conversation fetch failed');
} else {
$DR->update('comment parent not found');
$result[] = $DR->get();
// Announce activities may only find a parent in the conversation (the Announced activity)
// but not themselves. Fall through to store the Announce.
if (!$found_parent) {
// This is used to fetch allow/deny rules if either the sender
// or owner is a connection. post_is_importable() evaluates all of them
$abook = q(
"select * from abook where abook_channel = %d and ( abook_xchan = '%s' OR abook_xchan = '%s' OR abook_xchan = '%s')",
if (isset($arr['item_deleted']) && intval($arr['item_deleted'])) {
// set these just in case we need to store a fresh copy of the deleted post.
// This could happen if the delete activity got here before the original post did.
$arr['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id'];
$arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id'];
$item_id = self::delete_imported_item($sender, $act, $arr, $channel['channel_id'], $isGoingUpstream);
$DR->update(($item_id) ? 'deleted' : 'delete_failed');
$result[] = $DR->get();
if ($isGoingUpstream && $item_id) {
logger('process_delivery: invoking relay');
Run::Summon(['Notifier', 'relay', intval($item_id)]);
$result[] = $DR->get();
// reactions such as like and dislike could have an mid with /activity/ in it.
// Check for both forms in order to prevent duplicates.
$r = q(
"select * from item where mid in ('%s','%s') and uid = %d limit 1",
dbesc(str_replace(z_root() . '/activity/', z_root() . '/item/', $arr['mid'])),
if ($r) {
// We already have this post.
$item_id = $r[0]['id'];
if (intval($r[0]['item_deleted'])) {
// It was deleted locally.
$DR->update('update ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
} // Maybe it has been edited?
elseif ($arr['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) {
$arr['id'] = $r[0]['id'];
$arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id'];
if ($r[0]['item_origin'] && $sender != $channel['channel_hash']) {
$DR->update('update ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
$isFilteredByChannel = !post_is_importable($channel['channel_id'], $arr, $abook);
if ($isFilteredByChannel) {
if (PConfig::Get($channel['channel_id'], 'system','filter_moderate')) {
$arr['item_blocked'] = ITEM_MODERATED;
else {
$DR->update('update ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
else {
ObjCache::Set($arr['mid'], $act->raw);
$item_result = self::update_imported_item($sender, $arr, $r[0], $channel['channel_id'], $tag_delivery);
$result[] = $DR->get();
if ($isGoingUpstream && $channel['channel_hash'] === $item_result['item']['owner_xchan'] && $item_result['item']['verb'] !== 'Add' && !$isCollectionOperation) {
$approval = Activity::addToCollection($channel, $act->data, $item_result['item']['parent_mid'], $item_result['item'], deliver: false);
} else {
$DR->update('update ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
// We need this line to ensure wall-to-wall comments are relayed (by falling through to the relay bit),
// and at the same time not relay any other relayable posts more than once, because to do so is very wasteful.
if (!intval($r[0]['item_origin'])) {
} else {
$arr['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id'];
$arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id'];
// if it's a sourced post, call the post_local hooks as if it were
// posted locally so that crosspost connectors will be triggered.
if (check_item_source($arr['uid'], $arr)) {
* @hooks post_local
* Called when an item has been posted on this machine via mod/item.php (also via API).
* * \e array with an item
Hook::call('post_local', $arr);
$item_id = 0;
$maxlen = get_max_import_size();
if ($maxlen && mb_strlen($arr['body']) > $maxlen) {
$arr['body'] = mb_substr($arr['body'], 0, $maxlen, 'UTF-8');
logger('message length exceeds max_import_size: truncated');
if ($maxlen && mb_strlen($arr['summary']) > $maxlen) {
$arr['summary'] = mb_substr($arr['summary'], 0, $maxlen, 'UTF-8');
logger('message summary length exceeds max_import_size: truncated');
$isFilteredByChannel = !post_is_importable($arr['uid'], $arr, $abook);
if ($isFilteredByChannel) {
if (PConfig::Get($channel['channel_id'], 'system','filter_moderate')) {
$arr['item_blocked'] = ITEM_MODERATED;
else {
$DR->update('post ignored');
$result[] = $DR->get();
else {
// Strip old-style hubzilla bookmarks
if (str_contains($arr['body'], "#^[")) {
$arr['body'] = str_replace("#^[", "[", $arr['body']);
// IConfig::Set($arr, 'activitypub', 'signed_data', $act->meta['signed_data'], false);
ObjCache::Set($arr['mid'], $act->raw);
$item_result = item_store($arr, addAndSync: false);
if ($item_result['success']) {
$item_id = $item_result['item_id'];
//logger('relay: ' . (($relay) ? 'true' : 'false'));
//logger('channel_hash: ' . $channel['channel_hash']);
//logger('owner_xchan: ' . $item_result['item']['owner_xchan']);
//logger('verb: ' . $arr['verb']);
if ($isGoingUpstream && $channel['channel_hash'] === $item_result['item']['owner_xchan'] && $item_result['item']['verb'] !== 'Add' && !$isCollectionOperation) {
$approval = Activity::addToCollection($channel, $act->data, $item_result['item']['parent_mid'], $item_result['item'], deliver: false);
$parr = [
'item_id' => $item_id,
'item' => $arr,
'sender' => $sender,
'channel' => $channel
* @hooks activity_received
* Called when an activity (post, comment, like, etc.) has been received from a zot source.
* * \e int \b item_id
* * \e array \b item
* * \e array \b sender
* * \e array \b channel
Hook::call('activity_received', $parr);
$DR->update(($item_id) ? 'posted' : 'storage failed: ' . $item_result['message']);
$result[] = $DR->get();
// preserve conversations with which you are involved from expiration
$stored = (($item_result && $item_result['item']) ? $item_result['item'] : false);
if ((is_array($stored)) && ($stored['id'] != $stored['parent'])
&& ($stored['author_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash'])) {
if ($isGoingUpstream && $item_id) {
logger('Invoking relay');
Run::Summon(['Notifier', 'relay', intval($item_id)]);
if (!empty($approval) && $approval['item_id']) {
Run::Summon(['Notifier', 'relay', intval($approval['item_id'])]);
$result[] = $DR->get();
if (!$deliveries) {
$result[] = ['', 'no recipients', '', $arr['mid']];
logger('Local results: ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
return $result;
public static function fetch_conversation($channel, $mid)
if (! PConfig::Get($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'hyperdrive', true)) {
return false;
logger('fetching conversation: ' . $mid, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// Use Zotfinger to create a signed request
$a = Zotfinger::get($mid, $channel);
logger('received conversation: ' . print_r($a, true), LOGGER_DATA);
if (!$a) {
return false;
if (!str_contains($a['data']['type'], 'Collection')) {
return false;
$obj = new ASCollection($a['data'], $channel);
$items = $obj->get();
if (!$items) {
return false;
$ret = [];
$signer = q(
"select hubloc_hash, hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_network in ('zot6','nomad') and hubloc_deleted = 0 limit 1",
foreach ($items as $activity) {
$isCollectionOperation = false;
$AS = new ActivityStreams($activity);
if ($AS->is_valid() && $AS->type === 'Announce' && is_array($AS->obj)
&& (array_key_exists('object', $AS->obj) || array_key_exists('target', $AS->obj)) && array_key_exists('actor', $AS->obj)) {
// This is a relayed/forwarded Activity (as opposed to a shared/boosted object)
// Reparse the encapsulated Activity and use that instead
logger('relayed activity', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$rawActivity = json_decode($AS->raw, true);
$AS = new ActivityStreams($rawActivity['object'], null, true);
if (in_array($AS->type, ['Add', 'Remove'])
&& is_array($AS->obj)
&& array_key_exists('object', $AS->obj)
&& array_key_exists('actor', $AS->obj)
&& !empty($AS->tgt)) {
logger('relayed collection operation', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$isCollectionOperation = true;
$rawActivity = json_decode($AS->raw, true);
$AS = new ActivityStreams($rawActivity['object'], null, true);
if (!$AS->is_valid()) {
logger('FOF Activity rejected: ' . print_r($activity, true));
$arr = Activity::decode_note($AS);
$r = hubloc_id_query($AS->actor['id'], 1);
if (!$r) {
$y = import_author_xchan(['url' => $AS->actor['id']]);
if ($y) {
$r = hubloc_id_query($AS->actor['id'], 1);
if (!$r) {
logger('FOF Activity: no actor');
if (array_path_exists('actor/id', $AS->obj) && $AS->obj['actor']['id'] !== $AS->actor['id']) {
$y = import_author_xchan(['url' => $AS->obj['actor']['id']]);
if (!$y) {
logger('FOF Activity: no object actor');
if ($r) {
$r = self::zot_record_preferred($r);
$arr['author_xchan'] = $r['hubloc_hash'];
// The default condition for owner_xchan is a top level post
// which is not being relayed. Wall-to-wall posts should get
// set correctly because they will have 'replyto'.
$arr['owner_xchan'] = $arr['author_xchan'];
// replyTo trumps everything.
if (isset($arr['replyto']) && $arr['replyto']) {
$arr['owner_xchan'] = $arr['replyto'];
elseif ($arr['mid'] !== $arr['parent_mid']) {
// Inherit owner and replyto from the parent.
$r = q("select * from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d",
if ($r) {
$arr['owner_xchan'] = $r[0]['owner_xchan'];
$arr['replyto'] = $r[0]['replyto'];
if ($AS->sigok) {
$arr['item_verified'] = true;
ObjCache::Set($arr['mid'], $AS->raw);
logger('FOF Activity received: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
logger('FOF Activity recipient: ' . $channel['channel_hash'], LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$result = self::process_delivery($arr['owner_xchan'], $AS, $arr, [$channel['channel_hash']], false, false, true, isCollectionOperation: $isCollectionOperation);
if ($result) {
$ret = array_merge($ret, $result);
return $ret;
* @brief Updates an imported item.
* @param string $sender
* @param array $item
* @param array $orig
* @param int $uid
* @param bool $tag_delivery
* @see item_store_update()
public static function update_imported_item($sender, $item, $orig, $uid, $tag_delivery)
// If this is a comment being updated, remove any privacy information
// so that item_store_update will set it from the original.
if ($item['mid'] !== $item['parent_mid']) {
// we need the tag_delivery check for downstream flowing posts as the stored post
// may have a different owner than the one being transmitted.
if (($sender != $orig['owner_xchan'] && $sender != $orig['author_xchan']) && (!$tag_delivery)) {
logger('sender is not owner or author');
return false;
$x = item_store_update($item, addAndSync: false);
// If we're updating an event that we've saved locally, we store the item info first
// because event_addtocal will parse the body to get the 'new' event details
if ($orig['resource_type'] === 'event') {
$res = event_addtocal($orig['id'], $uid);
if (!$res) {
logger('update event: failed');
if (!$x['item_id']) {
logger('update_imported_item: failed: ' . $x['message']);
} else {
return $x;
* @brief Deletes an imported item.
* @param string $sender
* * \e string \b hash a xchan_hash
* @param array $item
* @param int $uid
* @param bool $relay
* @return bool|int post_id
public static function delete_imported_item($sender, $act, $item, $uid, $relay)
logger('invoked', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$ownership_valid = false;
$item_found = false;
$post_id = 0;
if ($item['verb'] === 'Tombstone') {
// The id of the deleted thing is the item mid (activity id)
$mid = $item['mid'];
} else {
// The id is the object id if the type is Undo or Delete
$mid = ((is_array($act->obj)) ? $act->obj['id'] : $act->obj);
// we may have stored either the object id or the activity id if it was a response activity (like, dislike, etc.)
$r = q(
"select * from item where ( author_xchan = '%s' or owner_xchan = '%s' or source_xchan = '%s' )
and mid in ('%s','%s') and uid = %d limit 1",
dbesc(str_replace('/activity/', '/item/', $mid)),
if ($r) {
$stored = $r[0];
// we proved ownership in the sql query
$ownership_valid = true;
$post_id = $stored['id'];
$item_found = true;
} else {
// this will fail with an ownership issue, so explain the real reason
logger('delete received for non-existent item or not owned by sender - ignoring.');
if ($r[0]['item_origin'] && $sender !== $r[0]['author_xchan']) {
$ownership_valid = false;
if ($ownership_valid === false) {
logger('delete_imported_item: failed: ownership issue');
return false;
if ($stored['resource_type'] === 'event') {
$i = q(
"SELECT * FROM event WHERE event_hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if ($i) {
if ($i[0]['event_xchan'] === $sender) {
"delete from event where event_hash = '%s' and uid = %d",
} else {
logger('delete linked event: not owner');
return false;
if ($item_found) {
if (intval($stored['item_deleted'])) {
logger('delete_imported_item: item was already deleted');
if (!$relay) {
return false;
// This is a bit hackish, but may have to suffice until the notification/delivery loop is optimised
// a bit further. We're going to strip the ITEM_ORIGIN on this item if it's a comment, because
// it was already deleted, and we're already relaying, and this ensures that no other process or
// code path downstream can relay it again (causing a loop). Since it's already gone it's not coming
// back, and we aren't going to (or shouldn't at any rate) delete it again in the future - so losing
// this information from the metadata should have no other discernible impact.
if (($stored['id'] != $stored['parent']) && intval($stored['item_origin'])) {
"update item set item_origin = 0 where id = %d and uid = %d",
} else {
if ($stored['id'] !== $stored['parent']) {
"update item set commented = '%s', changed = '%s' where id = %d",
// Use phased deletion to set the deleted flag, call both tag_deliver and the notifier to notify downstream channels
// and then clean up after ourselves with a cron job after several days to do the delete_item_lowlevel() (DROPITEM_PHASE2).
drop_item($post_id, DROPITEM_PHASE1, uid: $uid);
tag_deliver($uid, $post_id);
return $post_id;
* @brief Checks for a moved channel and sets the channel_moved flag.
* Currently the effect of this flag is to turn the channel into 'read-only' mode.
* New content will not be processed (there was still an issue with blocking the
* ability to post comments as of 10-Mar-2016).
* We do not physically remove the channel at this time. The site admin may choose
* to do so, but is encouraged to allow a grace period of several days in case there
* are any issues migrating content. This packet will generally be received by the
* original site when the basic channel import has been processed.
* This will only be executed on the old location
* if a new location is reported and there is only one location record.
* The rest of the hubloc syncronisation will be handled within
* sync_locations
* @param string $sender_hash A channel hash
* @param array $locations
public static function check_location_move($sender_hash, $locations)
if (!$locations) {
if (count($locations) != 1) {
$loc = $locations[0];
$r = q(
"select * from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
if (!$r) {
if ($loc['url'] !== z_root()) {
$x = q(
"update channel set channel_moved = '%s' where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
// federation plugins may wish to notify connections
// of the move on singleton networks
$arr = [
'channel' => $r[0],
'locations' => $locations
* @hooks location_move
* Called when a new location has been provided to a UNO channel (indicating a move rather than a clone).
* * \e array \b channel
* * \e array \b locations
Hook::call('location_move', $arr);
* @brief Returns an array with all known distinct sites/locations for this channel.
* @param array $channel an associative array which must contain
* * \e string \b channel_hash the hash of the channel
* @return array an array with associative arrays
* @see self::getLocations()
public static function encode_locations($channel)
$ret = [];
$x = self::getLocations($channel['channel_hash']);
if ($x && count($x)) {
foreach ($x as $hub) {
$location = (new Location([
'host' => $hub['hubloc_host'],
'address' => $hub['hubloc_addr'],
'id_url' => $hub['hubloc_id_url'],
'primary' => (bool)intval($hub['hubloc_primary']),
'url' => $hub['hubloc_url'],
'url_sig' => $hub['hubloc_url_sig'],
'site_id' => $hub['hubloc_site_id'],
'callback' => $hub['hubloc_callback'],
'sitekey' => $hub['hubloc_sitekey'],
'deleted' => $channel['channel_removed'] && $hub['hubloc_url'] === z_root()
$hub['hubloc_url'] === z_root()
&& version_compare(NOMAD_PROTOCOL_VERSION, '11.0') >= 0
? 'nomad'
: 'zot6'
$ret[] = $location->toArray();
return $ret;
* @brief
* @param array $arr
* @param string $pubkey
* @return bool true if updated or inserted
public static function import_site($arr)
if (!(is_array($arr) && isset($arr['url']) && isset($arr['site_sig']))) {
return false;
if (!self::verify($arr['url'], $arr['site_sig'], $arr['sitekey'])) {
logger('Bad url_sig');
return false;
$update = false;
$exists = false;
$r = q(
"select * from site where site_url = '%s' limit 1",
if ($r) {
$exists = true;
$siterecord = $r[0];
$register_policy = 0;
if ($arr['register_policy'] == 'closed') {
$register_policy = REGISTER_CLOSED;
if ($arr['register_policy'] == 'open') {
$register_policy = REGISTER_OPEN;
if ($arr['register_policy'] == 'approve') {
$register_policy = REGISTER_APPROVE;
$access_policy = 0;
if (array_key_exists('access_policy', $arr)) {
if ($arr['access_policy'] === 'private') {
$access_policy = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
if ($arr['access_policy'] === 'paid') {
$access_policy = ACCESS_PAID;
if ($arr['access_policy'] === 'free') {
$access_policy = ACCESS_FREE;
if ($arr['access_policy'] === 'tiered') {
$access_policy = ACCESS_TIERED;
// don't let insecure sites register as public hubs
if (!str_contains($arr['url'], 'https://')) {
$access_policy = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
$site_about = EMPTY_STR;
$site_logo = EMPTY_STR;
$sitename = EMPTY_STR;
$url = htmlspecialchars(strtolower($arr['url']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false);
$sellpage = htmlspecialchars($arr['sellpage'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false);
$site_location = htmlspecialchars($arr['location'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false);
$sitename = htmlspecialchars($arr['sitename'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false);
$site_project = htmlspecialchars($arr['project'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false);
$site_crypto = ((array_key_exists('encryption', $arr) && is_array($arr['encryption'])) ? htmlspecialchars(implode(',', $arr['encryption']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false) : '');
$site_version = ((array_key_exists('version', $arr)) ? htmlspecialchars($arr['version'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false) : '');
$site_flags = ((array_key_exists('hidden', $arr)) ? 256 : 0);
if (array_key_exists('about', $arr) && $arr['about']) {
$site_about = html2bbcode(purify_html($arr['about']));
if (array_key_exists('logo', $arr) && $arr['logo']) {
$site_logo = $arr['logo'];
} elseif (file_exists('images/' . strtolower($site_project) . '.png')) {
$site_logo = z_root() . '/images/' . strtolower($site_project) . '.png';
} else {
$site_logo = z_root() . '/images/default_profile_photos/red_koala_trans/300.png';
set_sconfig($url, 'system', 'about', $site_about);
set_sconfig($url, 'system', 'logo', $site_logo);
set_sconfig($url, 'system', 'sitename', $sitename);
if (array_key_exists('zot', $arr)) {
set_sconfig($arr['url'], 'system', 'zot_version', $arr['zot']);
if ($exists) {
if (
($siterecord['site_access'] != $access_policy)
|| ($siterecord['site_sellpage'] != $sellpage)
|| ($siterecord['site_location'] != $site_location)
|| ($siterecord['site_flags'] != $site_flags)
|| ($siterecord['site_register'] != $register_policy)
|| ($siterecord['site_project'] != $site_project)
|| ($siterecord['site_crypto'] != $site_crypto)
|| ($siterecord['site_version'] != $site_version)
) {
$update = true;
// logger('import_site: input: ' . print_r($arr,true));
// logger('import_site: stored: ' . print_r($siterecord,true));
$r = q(
"update site set site_dead = 0, site_location = '%s', site_flags = %d, site_access = %d, site_register = %d, site_update = '%s', site_sellpage = '%s', site_type = %d, site_project = '%s', site_version = '%s', site_crypto = '%s'
where site_url = '%s'",
if (!$r) {
logger('Update failed. ' . print_r($arr, true));
} else {
// update the timestamp to indicate we communicated with this site
"update site set site_dead = 0, site_update = '%s' where site_url = '%s'",
} else {
$update = true;
$r = site_store_lowlevel(
'site_location' => $site_location,
'site_url' => $url,
'site_access' => intval($access_policy),
'site_flags' => 0,
'site_update' => datetime_convert(),
'site_register' => intval($register_policy),
'site_sellpage' => $sellpage,
'site_type' => intval(SITE_TYPE_ZOT),
'site_project' => $site_project,
'site_version' => $site_version,
'site_crypto' => $site_crypto
if (!$r) {
logger('Record create failed. ' . print_r($arr, true));
return $update;
* @brief Returns path to /rpost
* @param array $observer
* * \e string \b xchan_url
* @return string
* @todo We probably should make rpost discoverable.
public static function get_rpost_path($observer)
if (empty($observer)) {
return EMPTY_STR;
if (in_array($observer['xchan_network'],['zot6','nomad'])) {
$parsed = parse_url($observer['xchan_url']);
return $parsed['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed['host'] . (($parsed['port']) ? ':' . $parsed['port'] : '') . '/rpost?f=';
return EMPTY_STR;
* @brief
* @param array $x
* @return bool|string return false or a hash
public static function import_author_zot($x)
// Check that we have both a hubloc and xchan record - as occasionally storage calls will fail and
// we may only end up with one; which results in posts with no author name or photo and are a bit
// of a hassle to repair. If either or both are missing, do a full discovery probe.
if (!array_key_exists('id', $x)) {
return import_author_activitypub($x);
$hash = self::make_xchan_hash($x['id'], $x['key']);
$desturl = $x['url'];
$found_primary = false;
$r1 = q(
"select hubloc_url, hubloc_updated, site_dead from hubloc left join site on
hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_guid = '%s' and hubloc_guid_sig = '%s' and hubloc_primary = 1 and hubloc_deleted = 0 limit 1",
if ($r1) {
$found_primary = true;
$r2 = q(
"select xchan_hash from xchan where xchan_guid = '%s' and xchan_guid_sig = '%s' limit 1",
$primary_dead = false;
if ($r1 && intval($r1[0]['site_dead'])) {
$primary_dead = true;
// We have valid and somewhat fresh information. Always true if it is our own site.
if ($r1 && $r2 && ($r1[0]['hubloc_updated'] > datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 1 week') || $r1[0]['hubloc_url'] === z_root())) {
logger('in cache', LOGGER_DEBUG);
return $hash;
logger('not in cache or cache stale - probing: ' . print_r($x, true), LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_INFO);
// The primary hub may be dead. Try to find another one associated with this identity that is
// still alive. If we find one, use that url for the discovery/refresh probe. Otherwise, the dead site
// is all we have and there is no point probing it. Just return the hash indicating we have a
// cached entry and the identity is valid. It's just unreachable until they bring back their
// server from the grave or create another clone elsewhere.
if ($primary_dead || !$found_primary) {
logger('dead or site - ignoring', LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_INFO);
$r = q(
"select hubloc_id_url from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url
where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0 and site_dead = 0",
if ($r) {
logger('found another site that is not dead: ' . $r[0]['hubloc_id_url'], LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_INFO);
$desturl = $r[0]['hubloc_id_url'];
} else {
return $hash;
$them = ['hubloc_id_url' => $desturl];
if (self::refresh($them)) {
return $hash;
return false;
public static function zotinfo($arr)
$ret = [];
$zhash = ((x($arr, 'guid_hash')) ? $arr['guid_hash'] : '');
$zguid = ((x($arr, 'guid')) ? $arr['guid'] : '');
$zguid_sig = ((x($arr, 'guid_sig')) ? $arr['guid_sig'] : '');
$zaddr = ((x($arr, 'address')) ? $arr['address'] : '');
$ztarget = ((x($arr, 'target_url')) ? $arr['target_url'] : '');
$zsig = ((x($arr, 'target_sig')) ? $arr['target_sig'] : '');
$zkey = ((x($arr, 'key')) ? $arr['key'] : '');
$mindate = ((x($arr, 'mindate')) ? $arr['mindate'] : '');
$token = ((x($arr, 'token')) ? $arr['token'] : '');
$feed = ((x($arr, 'feed')) ? intval($arr['feed']) : 0);
if ($ztarget) {
$t = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_network in ('nomad','zot6') and hubloc_deleted = 0 order by hubloc_id desc limit 1",
if ($t) {
$ztarget_hash = $t[0]['hubloc_hash'];
} else {
// should probably perform discovery of the requestor (target) but if they actually had
// permissions we would know about them and we only want to know who they are to
// enumerate their specific permissions
$ztarget_hash = EMPTY_STR;
$r = null;
if (strlen($zhash)) {
$r = q(
"select channel.*, xchan.* from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
} elseif (strlen($zguid) && strlen($zguid_sig)) {
$r = q(
"select channel.*, xchan.* from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where channel_guid = '%s' and channel_guid_sig = '%s' limit 1",
} elseif (strlen($zaddr)) {
if (!str_contains($zaddr, '[system]')) { /* normal address lookup */
$r = q(
"select channel.*, xchan.* from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where ( channel_address = '%s' or xchan_addr = '%s' ) limit 1",
} else {
* The special address '[system]' will return a system channel if one has been defined,
* Or the first valid channel we find if there are no system channels.
* This is used by magic-auth if we have no prior communications with this site - and
* returns an identity on this site which we can use to create a valid hub record so that
* we can exchange signed messages. The precise identity is irrelevant. It's the hub
* information that we really need at the other end - and this will return it.
$r = q("select channel.*, xchan.* from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where channel_system = 1 order by channel_id limit 1");
if (!$r) {
$r = q("select channel.*, xchan.* from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash
where channel_removed = 0 order by channel_id limit 1");
} else {
$ret['message'] = 'Invalid request';
return ($ret);
if (!$r) {
$ret['message'] = 'Item not found.';
return ($ret);
$e = $r[0];
$id = $e['channel_id'];
$sys_channel = (intval($e['channel_system']) ? true : false);
$special_channel = (($e['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_PREMIUM) ? true : false);
$adult_channel = (($e['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ADULT) ? true : false);
$censored = (($e['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_CENSORED) ? true : false);
$searchable = (($e['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_HIDDEN) ? false : true);
$deleted = (intval($e['xchan_deleted']) ? true : false);
if ($deleted || $censored || $sys_channel) {
$searchable = false;
$role = get_pconfig($e['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role');
$rolesettings = PermissionRoles::role_perms($role);
$channel_type = isset($rolesettings['channel_type']) ? $rolesettings['channel_type'] : 'normal';
// This is for birthdays and keywords, but must check access permissions
$p = q(
"select * from profile where uid = %d and is_default = 1",
$profile = new Profile();
if ($p) {
if (!intval($p[0]['publish'])) {
$searchable = false;
if ($p[0]['dob'] != '0000-00-00') {
$bd = z_birthday($p[0]['dob'], $e['channel_timezone']);
if ($bd) {
$age = age($p[0]['dob'], $e['channel_timezone'], '');
if ($age) {
->setMarital($p[0]['marital'] ?: null)
->setSexual($p[0]['sexual'] ?: null)
->setLocale($p[0]['locality'] ?: null)
->setRegion($p[0]['region'] ?: null)
->setPostcode($p[0]['postal_code'] ?: null)
->setCountry($p[0]['country_name'] ?: null)
? get_config('system', 'siteinfo')
: $p[0]['about'])
->setHomepage($p[0]['homepage'] ?: null)
->setHometown($p[0]['hometown'] ?: null);
if ($p[0]['keywords']) {
$tags = [];
$k = explode(' ', $p[0]['keywords']);
if ($k) {
foreach ($k as $kk) {
if (trim($kk, " \t\n\r\0\x0B,")) {
$tags[] = trim($kk, " \t\n\r\0\x0B,");
if ($tags) {
$cover_photo = Channel::get_cover_photo($e['channel_id'], 'array');
// Communication details
$ret['id'] = $e['xchan_guid'];
$ret['id_sig'] = self::sign($e['xchan_guid'], $e['channel_prvkey']);
$primary = new Primary([
'address' => $e['xchan_addr'],
'url' => $e['xchan_url'],
'connections_url' => $e['xchan_connurl'],
'follow_url' => $e['xchan_follow'],
'outbox' => z_root() . '/outbox/' . $e['channel_address'],
'followers' => z_root() . '/followers/' . $e['channel_address'],
'following' => z_root() . '/following/' . $e['channel_address'],
'searchContent' => z_root() . '/search/' . $e['channel_address'] . '?search={}',
'searchTags' => z_root() . '/search/' . $e['channel_address'] . '?tags={}',
$ret['primary_location'] = $primary->toArray();
$ret['public_key'] = $e['xchan_pubkey'];
$ret['ed25519_key'] = $e['xchan_epubkey'];
$ret['signing_algorithm'] = 'rsa-sha256';
$ret['username'] = $e['channel_address'];
$ret['name'] = $e['xchan_name'];
$ret['name_updated'] = $e['xchan_name_date'];
$ret['photo'] = [
'url' => $e['xchan_photo_l'],
'type' => $e['xchan_photo_mimetype'],
'updated' => $e['xchan_photo_date']
if ($cover_photo) {
$ret['cover_photo'] = [
'url' => $cover_photo['url'],
'type' => $cover_photo['type'],
'updated' => $cover_photo['updated']
$ret['channel_role'] = get_pconfig($e['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role', 'custom');
$ret['channel_type'] = $channel_type;
$ret['protocols'] = ['nomad','zot6'];
if (get_pconfig($e['channel_id'], 'system', 'activitypub', get_config('system', 'activitypub', ACTIVITYPUB_ENABLED))) {
$ret['protocols'][] = 'activitypub';
$ret['searchable'] = $searchable;
$ret['adult_content'] = $adult_channel;
$ret['comments'] = map_scope(PermissionLimits::Get($e['channel_id'], 'post_comments'));
if ($deleted) {
$ret['deleted'] = $deleted;
if (intval($e['channel_removed'])) {
$ret['deleted_locally'] = true;
// premium or other channel desiring some contact with potential followers before connecting.
// This is a template - %s will be replaced with the follow_url we discover for the return channel.
if ($special_channel) {
$ret['connect_url'] = (($e['xchan_connpage']) ? $e['xchan_connpage'] : z_root() . '/connect/' . $e['channel_address']);
// This is a template for our follow url, %s will be replaced with a webbie
if (!isset($ret['follow_url'])) {
$ret['follow_url'] = z_root() . '/follow?f=&url=%s';
$permissions = get_all_perms($e['channel_id'], $ztarget_hash);
if ($ztarget_hash) {
$permissions['connected'] = false;
$b = q(
"select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1",
if ($b) {
$permissions['connected'] = true;
if ($permissions['view_profile']) {
$ret['profile'] = $profile->toArray();
$concise_perms = [];
if ($permissions) {
foreach ($permissions as $k => $v) {
if ($v) {
$concise_perms[] = $k;
$permissions = implode(',', $concise_perms);
$ret['permissions'] = $permissions;
$ret['permissions_for'] = $ztarget;
// array of (verified) hubs this channel uses
$x = self::encode_locations($e);
if ($x) {
$ret['locations'] = $x;
else {
return ['message' => 'System error: No locations.'];
$ret['site'] = self::site_info();
Hook::call('zotinfo', $ret);
return ($ret);
public static function site_info()
$site = new Site([
'url' => z_root(),
'site_sig' => self::sign(z_root(), get_config('system', 'prvkey')),
'post' => z_root() . '/zot',
'openWebAuth' => z_root() . '/owa',
'authRedirect' => z_root() . '/magic',
'sitekey' => get_config('system', 'pubkey'),
'encryption' => Crypto::methods(),
'signature_algorithm' => get_config('system', 'signature_algorithm', 'sha256'),
'zot' => System::get_zot_revision(),
'protocol_version' => System::get_zot_revision(),
'register_policy' => self::map_register_policy(),
'access_policy' => self::map_access_policy(),
'admin' => get_config('system', 'admin_email'),
'about' => bbcode(get_config('system', 'siteinfo'), ['export' => true]),
'sitehash' => get_config('system', 'location_hash'),
'sellpage' => get_config('system', 'sellpage'),
'location' => get_config('system', 'site_location'),
'sitename' => System::get_site_name(),
'logo' => System::get_site_icon(),
'project' => System::get_project_name(),
'version' => System::get_project_version(),
'community' => System::get_project_name(),
if (Config::Get('system','site_hidden')) {
return $site->toArray();
public static function map_register_policy() {
$register_policy = intval(get_config('system', 'register_policy'));
if ($register_policy == REGISTER_APPROVE) {
return 'approve';
if ($register_policy == REGISTER_OPEN) {
return 'open';
return 'closed';
static function map_access_policy() {
$access_policy = intval(get_config('system', 'access_policy'));
if ($access_policy == ACCESS_PAID) {
return 'paid';
if ($access_policy == ACCESS_FREE) {
return 'free';
if ($access_policy == ACCESS_TIERED) {
return 'tiered';
return 'private';
* @brief
* @param array $hub
* @param string $sitekey (optional, default empty)
* @return string hubloc_url
public static function update_hub_connected($hub, $site_id = '')
if ($site_id) {
* This hub has now been proven to be valid.
* Any hub with the same URL and a different sitekey cannot be valid.
* Get rid of them (mark them deleted). There's a good chance they were re-installs.
"update hubloc set hubloc_deleted = 1, hubloc_error = 1 where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_site_id != '%s' ",
} else {
$site_id = $hub['hubloc_site_id'];
// $sender['sitekey'] is a new addition to the protocol to distinguish
// hublocs coming from re-installed sites. Older sites will not provide
// this field and we have to still mark them valid, since we can't tell
// if this hubloc has the same sitekey as the packet we received.
// Update our DB to show when we last communicated successfully with this hub
// This will allow us to prune dead hubs from using up resources
$t = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 15 minutes');
$r = q(
"update hubloc set hubloc_connected = '%s' where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_site_id = '%s' and hubloc_connected < '%s' ",
// a dead hub came back to life - reset any tombstones we might have
if (intval($hub['hubloc_error']) || intval($hub['hubloc_deleted'])) {
"update hubloc set hubloc_error = 0, hubloc_deleted = 0 where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_site_id = '%s' ",
if (intval($hub['hubloc_orphancheck'])) {
"update hubloc set hubloc_orphancheck = 0 where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_site_id = '%s' ",
"update xchan set xchan_orphan = 0 where xchan_orphan = 1 and xchan_hash = '%s'",
// this site obviously isn't dead because they are trying to communicate with us.
"update site set site_dead = 0 where site_dead = 1 and site_url = '%s' ",
return $hub['hubloc_url'];
public static function sign($data, $key, $alg = 'sha256')
if (!$key) {
return 'no key';
$sig = '';
openssl_sign($data, $sig, $key, $alg);
return $alg . '.' . base64url_encode($sig);
public static function verify($data, $sig, $key)
$verify = 0;
$x = explode('.', $sig, 2);
if ($key && count($x) === 2) {
$alg = $x[0];
$signature = base64url_decode($x[1]);
$verify = @openssl_verify($data, $signature, $key, $alg);
if ($verify === (-1)) {
while ($msg = openssl_error_string()) {
logger('openssl_verify: ' . $msg, LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
btlogger('openssl_verify: key: ' . $key, LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_ERR);
return (($verify > 0) ? true : false);
public static function is_nomad_request()
$supportedTypes = explode(',', self::getAccepts());
$x = getBestSupportedMimeType($supportedTypes);
return (($x) ? true : false);
public static function getAccepts() {
$default_accept_header = 'application/x-zot+json,application/x-nomad+json';
return Config::Get('system', 'nomad_accept_header', $default_accept_header);
public static function zot_record_preferred($arr, $check = 'hubloc_network')
if (!$arr) {
return $arr;
foreach ($arr as $v) {
if($v[$check] === 'nomad') {
return $v;
foreach ($arr as $v) {
if ($v[$check] === 'zot6') {
return $v;
return $arr[0];
public static function update_cached_hubloc($hubloc)
if ($hubloc['hubloc_updated'] > datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 1 week') || $hubloc['hubloc_url'] === z_root()) {
self::refresh(['hubloc_id_url' => $hubloc['hubloc_id_url']]);