Mike Macgirvin 3dd89f71d5 cleanup
2022-09-04 11:35:50 +10:00

241 lines
7.7 KiB

namespace Code\Module;
use App;
use Code\Web\Controller;
use Code\Lib\Libprofile;
use Code\Lib\Channel;
use Code\Lib as Zlib;
use Code\Render\Theme;
class Menu extends Controller
public function init()
if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'sys' && is_site_admin()) {
$sys = Channel::get_system();
if ($sys && intval($sys['channel_id'])) {
App::$is_sys = true;
if (argc() > 1) {
$which = argv(1);
} else {
public function post()
if (!App::$profile) {
$which = argv(1);
$uid = App::$profile['channel_id'];
if (array_key_exists('sys', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['sys'] && is_site_admin()) {
$sys = Channel::get_system();
$uid = intval($sys['channel_id']);
App::$is_sys = true;
if (!$uid) {
$_REQUEST['menu_channel_id'] = $uid;
if ($_REQUEST['menu_bookmark']) {
$_REQUEST['menu_flags'] |= MENU_BOOKMARK;
if ($_REQUEST['menu_system']) {
$_REQUEST['menu_flags'] |= MENU_SYSTEM;
$menu_id = ((argc() > 1) ? intval(argv(1)) : 0);
if ($menu_id) {
$_REQUEST['menu_id'] = intval(argv(1));
$r = Zlib\Menu::edit($_REQUEST);
if ($r) {
Zlib\Menu::sync_packet($uid, get_observer_hash(), $menu_id);
//info( t('Menu updated.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/mitem/' . $which . '/' . $menu_id . ((App::$is_sys) ? '?f=&sys=1' : ''));
} else {
notice(t('Unable to update menu.') . EOL);
} else {
$r = Zlib\Menu::create($_REQUEST);
if ($r) {
Zlib\Menu::sync_packet($uid, get_observer_hash(), $r);
//info( t('Menu created.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/mitem/' . $which . '/' . $r . ((App::$is_sys) ? '?f=&sys=1' : ''));
} else {
notice(t('Unable to create menu.') . EOL);
public function get()
if (!App::$profile) {
notice(t('Requested profile is not available.') . EOL);
App::$error = 404;
return '';
$which = argv(1);
$_SESSION['return_url'] = App::$query_string;
$uid = local_channel();
$owner = 0;
$channel = null;
$observer = App::get_observer();
$channel = App::get_channel();
if (App::$is_sys && is_site_admin()) {
$sys = Channel::get_system();
if ($sys && intval($sys['channel_id'])) {
$uid = $owner = intval($sys['channel_id']);
$channel = $sys;
$observer = $sys;
if (!$owner) {
// Figure out who the page owner is.
$r = Channel::from_username($which);
if ($r) {
$owner = intval($r['channel_id']);
$ob_hash = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : '');
$perms = get_all_perms($owner, $ob_hash);
if (!$perms['write_pages']) {
notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
return '';
// Get the observer, check their permissions
$ob_hash = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : '');
$perms = get_all_perms($owner, $ob_hash);
if (!$perms['write_pages']) {
notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
return '';
if (argc() == 2) {
$channel = (($sys) ? $sys : Channel::from_id($owner));
// list menus
$x = Zlib\Menu::list($owner);
if ($x) {
for ($y = 0; $y < count($x); $y++) {
$m = Zlib\Menu::fetch($x[$y]['menu_name'], $owner, get_observer_hash());
if ($m) {
$x[$y]['element'] = '[element]' . base64url_encode(json_encode(Zlib\Menu::element($channel, $m))) . '[/element]';
$x[$y]['bookmark'] = (($x[$y]['menu_flags'] & MENU_BOOKMARK) ? true : false);
$create = replace_macros(Theme::get_template('menuedit.tpl'), [
'$menu_name' => ['menu_name', t('Menu Name'), '', t('Unique name (not visible on webpage) - required'), '*'],
'$menu_desc' => ['menu_desc', t('Menu Title'), '', t('Visible on webpage - leave empty for no title'), ''],
'$menu_bookmark' => ['menu_bookmark', t('Allow Bookmarks'), 0, t('Menu may be used to store saved bookmarks'), [t('No'), t('Yes')]],
'$submit' => t('Submit and proceed'),
'$sys' => App::$is_sys,
'$nick' => $which,
'$display' => 'none'
$o = replace_macros(Theme::get_template('menulist.tpl'), [
'$title' => t('Menus'),
'$create' => $create,
'$menus' => $x,
'$nametitle' => t('Menu Name'),
'$desctitle' => t('Menu Title'),
'$edit' => t('Edit'),
'$drop' => t('Drop'),
'$created' => t('Created'),
'$edited' => t('Edited'),
'$new' => t('New'),
'$bmark' => t('Bookmarks allowed'),
'$hintnew' => t('Create'),
'$hintdrop' => t('Delete this menu'),
'$hintcontent' => t('Edit menu contents'),
'$hintedit' => t('Edit this menu'),
'$nick' => $which,
'$sys' => App::$is_sys
return $o;
if (argc() > 2) {
if (intval(argv(2))) {
if (argc() == 4 && argv(3) == 'drop') {
Zlib\Menu::sync_packet($owner, get_observer_hash(), intval(argv(1)), true);
$r = Zlib\Menu::delete_id(intval(argv(2)), $owner);
if (!$r) {
notice(t('Menu could not be deleted.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/menu/' . $which . ((App::$is_sys) ? '?f=&sys=1' : ''));
$m = Zlib\Menu::fetch_id(intval(argv(2)), $owner);
if (!$m) {
notice(t('Menu not found.') . EOL);
return '';
$o = replace_macros(Theme::get_template('menuedit.tpl'), [
'$header' => t('Edit Menu'),
'$sys' => App::$is_sys,
'$menu_id' => intval(argv(2)),
'$menu_edit_link' => 'mitem/' . $which . '/' . intval(argv(1)) . ((App::$is_sys) ? '?f=&sys=1' : ''),
'$hintedit' => t('Add or remove entries to this menu'),
'$editcontents' => t('Edit menu contents'),
'$menu_name' => ['menu_name', t('Menu name'), $m['menu_name'], t('Must be unique, only seen by you'), '*'],
'$menu_desc' => ['menu_desc', t('Menu title'), $m['menu_desc'], t('Menu title as seen by others'), ''],
'$menu_bookmark' => ['menu_bookmark', t('Allow bookmarks'), (($m['menu_flags'] & MENU_BOOKMARK) ? 1 : 0), t('Menu may be used to store saved bookmarks'), [t('No'), t('Yes')]],
'$menu_system' => (($m['menu_flags'] & MENU_SYSTEM) ? 1 : 0),
'$nick' => $which,
'$submit' => t('Submit and proceed')
return $o;
} else {
notice(t('Not found.') . EOL);
return '';
return '';