Klaus Weidenbach 33394f58ff Moved RedBrowser class from reddav.php to it's own file.
First step on cleaning up ReadDAV classes and restructuring it bit in
preparation for adding some more DAV features, photo access, CalDAV, etc.
and hopefully also some PHPunits.
Add a PHP5.3 namespace for RedDAV classes. Any objections against this or
the vendor namespace?
Add some more documentation for RedBrowser.
2014-10-06 23:38:33 +02:00

1182 lines
32 KiB

* @file include/reddav.php
* @brief DAV related classes from SabreDAV for Red Matrix.
* This file contains the classes from SabreDAV that got extended to adapt it
* for Red Matrix.
* You find the original SabreDAV classes under @ref vendor/sabre/dav/.
* We need to use SabreDAV 1.8.x for PHP5.3 compatibility. SabreDAV >= 2.0
* requires PHP >= 5.4.
* @todo split up the classes into own files.
use Sabre\DAV;
* @brief RedDirectory class.
* A class that represents a directory.
* @extends \Sabre\DAV\Node
* @implements \Sabre\DAV\ICollection
* @implements \Sabre\DAV\IQuota
class RedDirectory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
* @brief The path inside /cloud
* @var string
private $red_path;
private $folder_hash;
* @brief The full path as seen in the browser.
* /cloud + $red_path
* @todo I think this is not used anywhere, we always strip '/cloud' and only use it in debug
* @var string
private $ext_path;
private $root_dir = '';
private $auth;
* @brief The real path on the filesystem.
* The actual path in store/ with the hashed names.
* @var string
private $os_path = '';
* @brief Sets up the directory node, expects a full path.
* @param string $ext_path a full path
* @param RedBasicAuth &$auth_plugin
public function __construct($ext_path, &$auth_plugin) {
logger('RedDirectory::__construct() ' . $ext_path, LOGGER_DATA);
$this->ext_path = $ext_path;
// remove "/cloud" from the beginning of the path
$this->red_path = ((strpos($ext_path, '/cloud') === 0) ? substr($ext_path, 6) : $ext_path);
if (! $this->red_path) {
$this->red_path = '/';
$this->auth = $auth_plugin;
$this->folder_hash = '';
if ($this->auth->browser) {
private function log() {
logger('RedDirectory::log() ext_path ' . $this->ext_path, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('RedDirectory::log() os_path ' . $this->os_path, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('RedDirectory::log() red_path ' . $this->red_path, LOGGER_DATA);
* @brief Returns an array with all the child nodes.
* @throws DAV\Exception\Forbidden
* @return array DAV\INode[]
public function getChildren() {
logger('RedDirectory::getChildren() called for ' . $this->ext_path, LOGGER_DATA);
if (get_config('system', 'block_public') && (! $this->auth->channel_id) && (! $this->auth->observer)) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if (($this->auth->owner_id) && (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'view_storage'))) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
$contents = RedCollectionData($this->red_path, $this->auth);
return $contents;
* @brief Returns a child by name.
* @throw DAV\Exception\Forbidden
* @throw DAV\Exception\NotFound
* @param string $name
public function getChild($name) {
logger('RedDirectory::getChild(): ' . $name, LOGGER_DATA);
if (get_config('system', 'block_public') && (! $this->auth->channel_id) && (! $this->auth->observer)) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if (($this->auth->owner_id) && (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'view_storage'))) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if ($this->red_path === '/' && $name === 'cloud') {
return new RedDirectory('/cloud', $this->auth);
$x = RedFileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth);
if ($x) {
return $x;
throw new DAV\Exception\NotFound('The file with name: ' . $name . ' could not be found.');
* @brief Returns the name of the directory.
* @return string
public function getName() {
logger('RedDirectory::getName() returns: ' . basename($this->red_path), LOGGER_DATA);
return (basename($this->red_path));
* @brief Renames the directory.
* @todo handle duplicate directory name
* @throw DAV\Exception\Forbidden
* @param string $name The new name of the directory.
* @return void
public function setName($name) {
logger('RedDirectory::setName(): ' . basename($this->red_path) . ' -> ' . $name, LOGGER_DATA);
if ((! $name) || (! $this->auth->owner_id)) {
logger('RedDirectory::setName(): permission denied');
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'write_storage')) {
logger('RedDirectory::setName(): permission denied');
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
list($parent_path, ) = DAV\URLUtil::splitPath($this->red_path);
$new_path = $parent_path . '/' . $name;
$r = q("UPDATE attach SET filename = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
$this->red_path = $new_path;
* @brief Creates a new file in the directory.
* Data will either be supplied as a stream resource, or in certain cases
* as a string. Keep in mind that you may have to support either.
* After successful creation of the file, you may choose to return the ETag
* of the new file here.
* @throws DAV\Exception\Forbidden
* @param string $name Name of the file
* @param resource|string $data Initial payload
* @return null|string ETag
public function createFile($name, $data = null) {
logger('RedDirectory::createFile(): ' . $name, LOGGER_DATA);
if (! $this->auth->owner_id) {
logger('RedDirectory::createFile(): permission denied');
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'write_storage')) {
logger('RedDirectory::createFile(): permission denied');
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
$mimetype = z_mime_content_type($name);
$c = q("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_id = %d AND NOT (channel_pageflags & %d) LIMIT 1",
if (! $c) {
logger('RedDirectory::createFile(): no channel');
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
$filesize = 0;
$hash = random_string();
$r = q("INSERT INTO attach ( aid, uid, hash, creator, filename, folder, flags, filetype, filesize, revision, data, created, edited, allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid )
VALUES ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ",
dbesc($this->os_path . '/' . $hash),
$f = 'store/' . $this->auth->owner_nick . '/' . (($this->os_path) ? $this->os_path . '/' : '') . $hash;
// returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE on failure
$size = file_put_contents($f, $data);
// delete attach entry if file_put_contents() failed
if ($size === false) {
logger('RedDirectory::createFile(): file_put_contents() failed for ' . $name, LOGGER_DEBUG);
attach_delete($c[0]['channel_id'], $hash);
// returns now
$edited = datetime_convert();
// updates entry with filesize and timestamp
$d = q("UPDATE attach SET filesize = '%s', edited = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
// update the folder's lastmodified timestamp
$e = q("UPDATE attach SET edited = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
$maxfilesize = get_config('system', 'maxfilesize');
if (($maxfilesize) && ($size > $maxfilesize)) {
attach_delete($c[0]['channel_id'], $hash);
// check against service class quota
$limit = service_class_fetch($c[0]['channel_id'], 'attach_upload_limit');
if ($limit !== false) {
$x = q("SELECT SUM(filesize) AS total FROM attach WHERE aid = %d ",
if (($x) && ($x[0]['total'] + $size > $limit)) {
logger('reddav: service class limit exceeded for ' . $c[0]['channel_name'] . ' total usage is ' . $x[0]['total'] . ' limit is ' . $limit);
attach_delete($c[0]['channel_id'], $hash);
* @brief Creates a new subdirectory.
* @param string $name the directory to create
* @return void
public function createDirectory($name) {
logger('RedDirectory::createDirectory(): ' . $name, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ((! $this->auth->owner_id) || (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'write_storage'))) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
$r = q("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_id = %d AND NOT (channel_pageflags & %d) LIMIT 1",
if ($r) {
$result = attach_mkdir($r[0], $this->auth->observer, array('filename' => $name, 'folder' => $this->folder_hash));
if (! $result['success']) {
logger('RedDirectory::createDirectory(): ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
* @brief Checks if a child exists.
* @param string $name
* @return boolean
public function childExists($name) {
// On /cloud we show a list of available channels.
// @todo what happens if no channels are available?
if ($this->red_path === '/' && $name === 'cloud') {
logger('RedDirectory::childExists() /cloud: true', LOGGER_DATA);
return true;
$x = RedFileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth, true);
logger('RedFileData returns: ' . print_r($x, true), LOGGER_DATA);
if ($x)
return true;
return false;
* @todo add description of what this function does.
* @throw DAV\Exception\NotFound
* @return void
function getDir() {
logger('RedDirectory::getDir(): ' . $this->ext_path, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$file = $this->ext_path;
$x = strpos($file, '/cloud');
if ($x === false)
if ($x === 0) {
$file = substr($file, 6);
if ((! $file) || ($file === '/')) {
$file = trim($file, '/');
$path_arr = explode('/', $file);
if (! $path_arr)
logger('RedDirectory::getDir(): path: ' . print_r($path_arr, true), LOGGER_DATA);
$channel_name = $path_arr[0];
$r = q("SELECT channel_id FROM channel WHERE channel_address = '%s' AND NOT ( channel_pageflags & %d ) LIMIT 1",
if (! $r) {
throw new DAV\Exception\NotFound('The file with name: ' . $channel_name . ' could not be found.');
$channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id'];
$this->auth->owner_id = $channel_id;
$this->auth->owner_nick = $channel_name;
$path = '/' . $channel_name;
$folder = '';
$os_path = '';
for ($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x++) {
$r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d and (flags & %d)",
if ($r && ( $r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) {
$folder = $r[0]['hash'];
if (strlen($os_path))
$os_path .= '/';
$os_path .= $folder;
$path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'];
$this->folder_hash = $folder;
$this->os_path = $os_path;
* @brief Returns the last modification time for the directory, as a UNIX
* timestamp.
* It looks for the last edited file in the folder. If it is an empty folder
* it returns the lastmodified time of the folder itself, to prevent zero
* timestamps.
* @return int last modification time in UNIX timestamp
public function getLastModified() {
$r = q("SELECT edited FROM attach WHERE folder = '%s' AND uid = %d ORDER BY edited DESC LIMIT 1",
if (! $r) {
$r = q("SELECT edited FROM attach WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if (! $r)
return '';
return datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $r[0]['edited'], 'U');
* @brief Return quota usage.
* Do guests relly see the used/free values from filesystem of the complete store directory?
* @return array with used and free values in bytes.
public function getQuotaInfo() {
// values from the filesystem of the complete <i>store/</i> directory
$limit = disk_total_space('store');
$free = disk_free_space('store');
if ($this->auth->owner_id) {
$c = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d and not (channel_pageflags & %d) limit 1",
$ulimit = service_class_fetch($c[0]['channel_id'], 'attach_upload_limit');
$limit = (($ulimit) ? $ulimit : $limit);
$x = q("select sum(filesize) as total from attach where aid = %d",
$free = (($x) ? $limit - $x[0]['total'] : 0);
return array(
$limit - $free,
} // class RedDirectory
* RedFile class.
class RedFile extends DAV\Node implements DAV\IFile {
private $data;
private $auth;
private $name;
* Sets up the node, expects a full path name.
* @param string $name
* @param array $data from attach table
* @param &$auth
public function __construct($name, $data, &$auth) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->data = $data;
$this->auth = $auth;
logger('RedFile::__construct(): ' . print_r($this->data, true), LOGGER_DATA);
* @brief Returns the name of the file.
* @return string
public function getName() {
logger('RedFile::getName(): ' . basename($this->name), LOGGER_DEBUG);
return basename($this->name);
* @brief Renames the file.
* @throw DAV\Exception\Forbidden
* @param string $name The new name of the file.
* @return void
public function setName($newName) {
logger('RedFile::setName(): ' . basename($this->name) . ' -> ' . $newName, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ((! $newName) || (! $this->auth->owner_id) || (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'write_storage'))) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
$newName = str_replace('/', '%2F', $newName);
$r = q("UPDATE attach SET filename = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND id = %d LIMIT 1",
* @brief Updates the data of the file.
* @param resource $data
* @return void
public function put($data) {
logger('RedFile::put(): ' . basename($this->name), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$size = 0;
// @todo only 3 values are needed
$c = q("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_id = %d AND NOT (channel_pageflags & %d) LIMIT 1",
$r = q("SELECT flags, folder, data FROM attach WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if ($r) {
if ($r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_OS) {
$f = 'store/' . $this->auth->owner_nick . '/' . (($r[0]['data']) ? $r[0]['data'] : '');
// @todo check return value and set $size directly
@file_put_contents($f, $data);
$size = @filesize($f);
logger('RedFile::put(): filename: ' . $f . ' size: ' . $size, LOGGER_DEBUG);
} else {
$r = q("UPDATE attach SET data = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
$r = q("SELECT length(data) AS fsize FROM attach WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if ($r) {
$size = $r[0]['fsize'];
// returns now()
$edited = datetime_convert();
$d = q("UPDATE attach SET filesize = '%s', edited = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
// update the folder's lastmodified timestamp
$e = q("UPDATE attach SET edited = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
// @todo do we really want to remove the whole file if an update fails
// because of maxfilesize or quota?
// There is an Exception "InsufficientStorage" or "PaymentRequired" for
// our service class from SabreDAV we could use.
$maxfilesize = get_config('system', 'maxfilesize');
if (($maxfilesize) && ($size > $maxfilesize)) {
attach_delete($c[0]['channel_id'], $this->data['hash']);
$limit = service_class_fetch($c[0]['channel_id'], 'attach_upload_limit');
if ($limit !== false) {
$x = q("select sum(filesize) as total from attach where aid = %d ",
if (($x) && ($x[0]['total'] + $size > $limit)) {
logger('RedFile::put(): service class limit exceeded for ' . $c[0]['channel_name'] . ' total usage is ' . $x[0]['total'] . ' limit is ' . $limit);
attach_delete($c[0]['channel_id'], $this->data['hash']);
* @brief Returns the raw data.
* @return string
public function get() {
logger('RedFile::get(): ' . basename($this->name), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$r = q("select data, flags, filename, filetype from attach where hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1",
if ($r) {
// @todo this should be a global definition
$unsafe_types = array('text/html', 'text/css', 'application/javascript');
if (in_array($r[0]['filetype'], $unsafe_types)) {
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $r[0]['filename'] . '"');
header('Content-type: text/plain');
if ($r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_OS ) {
$f = 'store/' . $this->auth->owner_nick . '/' . (($this->os_path) ? $this->os_path . '/' : '') . $r[0]['data'];
return fopen($f, 'rb');
return $r[0]['data'];
* @brief Returns the ETag for a file.
* An ETag is a unique identifier representing the current version of the file. If the file changes, the ETag MUST change.
* The ETag is an arbitrary string, but MUST be surrounded by double-quotes.
* Return null if the ETag can not effectively be determined.
* @return mixed
public function getETag() {
$ret = null;
if ($this->data['hash']) {
$ret = '"' . $this->data['hash'] . '"';
return $ret;
* @brief Returns the mime-type for a file.
* If null is returned, we'll assume application/octet-stream
* @return mixed
public function getContentType() {
// @todo this should be a global definition.
$unsafe_types = array('text/html', 'text/css', 'application/javascript');
if (in_array($this->data['filetype'], $unsafe_types)) {
return 'text/plain';
return $this->data['filetype'];
* @brief Returns the size of the node, in bytes.
* @return int
public function getSize() {
return $this->data['filesize'];
* @brief Returns the last modification time for the file, as a unix
* timestamp.
* @return int last modification time in UNIX timestamp
public function getLastModified() {
return datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $this->data['edited'], 'U');
* @brief Delete the file.
* @throw DAV\Exception\Forbidden
* @return void
public function delete() {
logger('RedFile::delete(): ' . basename($this->name), LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ((! $this->auth->owner_id) || (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, $this->auth->observer, 'write_storage'))) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if ($this->auth->owner_id !== $this->auth->channel_id) {
if (($this->auth->observer !== $this->data['creator']) || ($this->data['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
attach_delete($this->auth->owner_id, $this->data['hash']);
} // class RedFile
* @brief Returns an array with viewable channels.
* Get a list of RedDirectory objects with all the channels where the visitor
* has <b>view_storage</b> perms.
* @todo Is there any reason why this is not inside RedDirectory class?
* @param $auth
* @return array containing RedDirectory objects
function RedChannelList(&$auth) {
$ret = array();
$r = q("SELECT channel_id, channel_address FROM channel WHERE NOT (channel_pageflags & %d) AND NOT (channel_pageflags & %d)",
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $rr) {
if (perm_is_allowed($rr['channel_id'], $auth->observer, 'view_storage')) {
logger('RedChannelList: ' . '/cloud/' . $rr['channel_address'], LOGGER_DATA);
// @todo can't we drop '/cloud'? It gets stripped off anyway in RedDirectory
$ret[] = new RedDirectory('/cloud/' . $rr['channel_address'], $auth);
return $ret;
* @brief TODO what exactly does this function?
* Array with all RedDirectory and RedFile DAV\Node items for the given path.
* @todo Is there any reason why this is not inside RedDirectory class? Seems only to be used there and we could simplify it a bit there.
* @param string $file path to a directory
* @param &$auth
* @returns array DAV\INode[]
function RedCollectionData($file, &$auth) {
$ret = array();
$x = strpos($file, '/cloud');
if ($x === 0) {
$file = substr($file, 6);
// return a list of channel if we are not inside a channel
if ((! $file) || ($file === '/')) {
return RedChannelList($auth);
$file = trim($file, '/');
$path_arr = explode('/', $file);
if (! $path_arr)
return null;
$channel_name = $path_arr[0];
$r = q("SELECT channel_id FROM channel WHERE channel_address = '%s' LIMIT 1",
if (! $r)
return null;
$channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id'];
$perms = permissions_sql($channel_id);
$auth->owner_id = $channel_id;
$path = '/' . $channel_name;
$folder = '';
$errors = false;
$permission_error = false;
for ($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x++) {
$r = q("SELECT id, hash, filename, flags FROM attach WHERE folder = '%s' AND filename = '%s' AND uid = %d AND (flags & %d) $perms LIMIT 1",
if (! $r) {
// path wasn't found. Try without permissions to see if it was the result of permissions.
$errors = true;
$r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d and (flags & %d) limit 1",
if ($r) {
$permission_error = true;
if ($r && ($r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) {
$folder = $r[0]['hash'];
$path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'];
if ($errors) {
if ($permission_error) {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
} else {
throw new DAV\Exception\NotFound('A component of the request file path could not be found.');
// This should no longer be needed since we just returned errors for paths not found
if ($path !== '/' . $file) {
logger("RedCollectionData: Path mismatch: $path !== /$file");
return NULL;
$r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, created, edited from attach where folder = '%s' and uid = %d $perms group by filename",
foreach ($r as $rr) {
logger('RedCollectionData: filename: ' . $rr['filename'], LOGGER_DATA);
if ($rr['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) {
// @todo can't we drop '/cloud'? it gets stripped off anyway in RedDirectory
$ret[] = new RedDirectory('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $rr['filename'], $auth);
} else {
$ret[] = new RedFile('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $rr['filename'], $rr, $auth);
return $ret;
* @brief TODO What exactly is this function for?
* @param string $file
* @param &$auth
* @param boolean $test (optional) enable test mode
function RedFileData($file, &$auth, $test = false) {
logger('RedFileData:' . $file . (($test) ? ' (test mode) ' : ''), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$x = strpos($file, '/cloud');
if ($x === 0) {
$file = substr($file, 6);
if ((! $file) || ($file === '/')) {
return new RedDirectory('/', $auth);
$file = trim($file, '/');
$path_arr = explode('/', $file);
if (! $path_arr)
return null;
$channel_name = $path_arr[0];
$r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1",
if (! $r)
return null;
$channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id'];
$path = '/' . $channel_name;
$auth->owner_id = $channel_id;
$permission_error = false;
$folder = '';
$perms = permissions_sql($channel_id);
$errors = false;
for ($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x++) {
$r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d and (flags & %d) $perms",
if ($r && ( $r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) {
$folder = $r[0]['hash'];
$path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'];
if (! $r) {
$r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, created, edited from attach
where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d $perms group by filename limit 1",
if (! $r) {
$errors = true;
$r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, created, edited from attach
where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d group by filename limit 1",
if ($r)
$permission_error = true;
if ($path === '/' . $file) {
if ($test)
return true;
// final component was a directory.
return new RedDirectory('/cloud/' . $file, $auth);
if ($errors) {
logger('RedFileData: not found');
if ($test)
return false;
if ($permission_error) {
logger('RedFileData: permission error');
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
if ($r) {
if ($test)
return true;
if ($r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) {
// @todo can't we drop '/cloud'? it gets stripped off anyway in RedDirectory
return new RedDirectory('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'], $auth);
} else {
return new RedFile('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'], $r[0], $auth);
return false;
* @brief Authentication backend class for RedDAV.
* This class also contains some data which is not necessary for authentication
* like timezone settings.
class RedBasicAuth extends DAV\Auth\Backend\AbstractBasic {
* @brief This variable holds the currently logged-in channel_address.
* It is used for building path in filestorage/.
* @var string|null
protected $channel_name = null;
* channel_id of the current channel of the logged-in account.
* @var int
public $channel_id = 0;
* channel_hash of the current channel of the logged-in account.
* @var string
public $channel_hash = '';
* Set in mod/cloud.php to observer_hash.
* @var string
public $observer = '';
* @see RedBrowser::set_writeable()
* @var DAV\Browser\Plugin
public $browser;
* channel_id of the current visited path. Set in RedDirectory::getDir().
* @var int
public $owner_id = 0;
* channel_name of the current visited path. Set in RedDirectory::getDir().
* Used for creating the path in cloud/
* @var string
public $owner_nick = '';
* Timezone from the visiting channel's channel_timezone.
* Used in @ref RedBrowser
* @var string
protected $timezone = '';
* @brief Validates a username and password.
* Guest access is granted with the password "+++".
* @see DAV\Auth\Backend\AbstractBasic::validateUserPass
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return bool
protected function validateUserPass($username, $password) {
if (trim($password) === '+++') {
logger('(DAV): RedBasicAuth::validateUserPass(): guest ' . $username);
return true;
$record = account_verify_password($username, $password);
if ($record && $record['account_default_channel']) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_account_id = %d AND channel_id = %d LIMIT 1",
if ($r) {
return $this->setAuthenticated($r[0]);
$r = q("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_address = '%s' LIMIT 1",
if ($r) {
$x = q("SELECT account_flags, account_salt, account_password FROM account WHERE account_id = %d LIMIT 1",
if ($x) {
// @fixme this foreach should not be needed?
foreach ($x as $record) {
if (($record['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_OK) || ($record['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED)
&& (hash('whirlpool', $record['account_salt'] . $password) === $record['account_password'])) {
logger('(DAV) RedBasicAuth: password verified for ' . $username);
return $this->setAuthenticated($r[0]);
logger('(DAV) RedBasicAuth: password failed for ' . $username);
return false;
* @brief Sets variables and session parameters after successfull authentication.
* @param array $r
* Array with the values for the authenticated channel.
* @return bool
protected function setAuthenticated($r) {
$this->channel_name = $r['channel_address'];
$this->channel_id = $r['channel_id'];
$this->channel_hash = $this->observer = $r['channel_hash'];
$_SESSION['uid'] = $r['channel_id'];
$_SESSION['account_id'] = $r['channel_account_id'];
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = true;
return true;
* Sets the channel_name from the currently logged-in channel.
* @param string $name
* The channel's name
public function setCurrentUser($name) {
$this->channel_name = $name;
* Returns information about the currently logged-in channel.
* If nobody is currently logged in, this method should return null.
* @see DAV\Auth\Backend\AbstractBasic::getCurrentUser
* @return string|null
public function getCurrentUser() {
return $this->channel_name;
* @brief Sets the timezone from the channel in RedBasicAuth.
* Set in mod/cloud.php if the channel has a timezone set.
* @param string $timezone
* The channel's timezone.
* @return void
public function setTimezone($timezone) {
$this->timezone = $timezone;
* @brief Returns the timezone.
* @return string
* Return the channel's timezone.
public function getTimezone() {
return $this->timezone;
* @brief Set browser plugin for SabreDAV.
* @see RedBrowser::set_writeable()
* @param DAV\Browser\Plugin $browser
public function setBrowserPlugin($browser) {
$this->browser = $browser;
* Prints out all RedBasicAuth variables to logger().
* @return void
public function log() {
logger('dav: auth: channel_name ' . $this->channel_name, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('dav: auth: channel_id ' . $this->channel_id, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('dav: auth: channel_hash ' . $this->channel_hash, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('dav: auth: observer ' . $this->observer, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('dav: auth: owner_id ' . $this->owner_id, LOGGER_DATA);
logger('dav: auth: owner_nick ' . $this->owner_nick, LOGGER_DATA);
} // class RedBasicAuth