2023-08-25 21:24:06 +10:00

420 lines
16 KiB

namespace Code\Module;
use App;
use Code\Web\Controller;
use Code\Lib\Libsync;
use Code\Lib\AccessList;
use Code\Lib\ActivityStreams;
use Code\Lib\Activity;
use Code\Web\HTTPSig;
use Code\Lib\Config;
use Code\Lib\Channel;
use Code\Lib\Navbar;
use Code\Render\Theme;
class Lists extends Controller
public function init()
if (ActivityStreams::is_as_request()) {
$item_id = argv(1);
if (!$item_id) {
http_status_exit(404, 'Not found');
if (str_starts_with($item_id, 'connections:')) {
$split = explode(':', $item_id, 2);
$group = ['id' => $item_id, 'gname' => t('Connections') ];
$channel = Channel::from_hash($split[1]);
else {
$x = q(
"select * from pgrp where hash = '%s' limit 1",
if (!$x) {
http_status_exit(404, 'Not found');
$group = array_shift($x);
$channel = Channel::from_id($group['uid']);
if (!$channel) {
http_status_exit(404, 'Not found');
// process an authenticated fetch
$sigdata = HTTPSig::verify(EMPTY_STR);
if ($sigdata['portable_id'] && $sigdata['header_valid']) {
$portable_id = $sigdata['portable_id'];
if (!check_channelallowed($portable_id)) {
http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied');
if (!check_siteallowed($sigdata['signer'])) {
http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied');
} elseif (Config::Get('system', 'require_authenticated_fetch')) {
http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied');
$observer_hash = get_observer_hash();
$hasPermission = perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'], $observer_hash, 'view_contacts');
if (!empty($group) && !$group['visible']) {
$hasPermission = false;
$sqlExtra = '';
if (!$hasPermission) {
if ($observer_hash) {
if ($observer_hash !== $channel['channel_hash']) {
$sqlExtra = " AND xchan_hash = '" . dbesc(get_observer_hash()) . "' ";
else {
http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied');
$total = AccessList::members($channel['channel_id'], $group['id'], true, sqlExtra: $sqlExtra);
if ($total) {
if (App::$pager['unset'] && $total > 100) {
$ret = Activity::paged_collection_init($total, App::$query_string);
} else {
$members = AccessList::members($channel['channel_id'], $group['id'], false, App::$pager['start'],
App::$pager['itemspage'], sqlExtra: $sqlExtra);
$ret = Activity::encode_follow_collection($members, App::$query_string, 'OrderedCollection', $total);
if (! $sqlExtra) {
$ret['name'] = $group['gname'];
$ret['attributedTo'] = Channel::url($channel);
as_return_and_die($ret, $channel);
if (!local_channel()) {
notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
App::$profile_uid = local_channel();
Navbar::set_selected('Access Lists');
public function post()
if (!local_channel()) {
notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
if ((argc() == 2) && (argv(1) === 'new')) {
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/lists/new', 'group_edit');
$name = notags(trim($_POST['groupname']));
$public = intval($_POST['public']);
$r = AccessList::add(local_channel(), $name, $public);
if ($r) {
info(t('Access list created.') . EOL);
} else {
notice(t('Could not create access list.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/lists');
if ((argc() == 2) && (intval(argv(1)))) {
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/lists', 'group_edit');
$r = q(
"SELECT * FROM pgrp WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if (!$r) {
$r = q(
"select * from pgrp where id = %d limit 1",
if ($r) {
notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
} else {
notice(t('Access list not found.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/connections');
$group = array_shift($r);
$groupname = notags(trim($_POST['groupname']));
$public = intval($_POST['public']);
if ((strlen($groupname)) && (($groupname != $group['gname']) || ($public != $group['visible']))) {
$r = q(
"UPDATE pgrp SET gname = '%s', visible = %d WHERE uid = %d AND id = %d",
if ($r) {
info(t('Access list updated.') . EOL);
Libsync::build_sync_packet(local_channel(), null, true);
goaway(z_root() . '/lists/' . argv(1) . '/' . argv(2));
public function get()
$change = false;
// logger('mod_lists: ' . App::$cmd, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// Switch to text mode interface if we have more than 'n' contacts or group members, else loading avatars will lead to poor interactivity
$switchtotext = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'listedit_image_limit', get_config('system', 'listedit_image_limit', 1000));
if ((argc() == 1) || ((argc() == 2) && (argv(1) === 'new'))) {
if (!local_channel()) {
notice(t('Permission denied') . EOL);
return '';
$new = (argc() == 2) && (argv(1) === 'new');
$groups = q(
"SELECT id, gname FROM pgrp WHERE deleted = 0 AND uid = %d ORDER BY gname ASC",
$i = 0;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$entries[$i]['name'] = $group['gname'];
$entries[$i]['id'] = $group['id'];
$entries[$i]['count'] = count(AccessList::members(local_channel(), $group['id']));
$tpl = Theme::get_template('privacy_groups.tpl');
return replace_macros($tpl, [
'$title' => t('Access Lists'),
'$add_new_label' => t('Create access list'),
'$new' => $new,
// new group form
'$gname' => ['groupname', t('Access list name')],
'$public' => ['public', t('Members are visible to other channels'), false],
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("group_edit"),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
// groups list
'$name_label' => t('Name'),
'$count_label' => t('Members'),
'$entries' => $entries
$context = ['$submit' => t('Submit')];
$tpl = Theme::get_template('group_edit.tpl');
if ((argc() == 3) && (argv(1) === 'drop')) {
if (!local_channel()) {
notice(t('Permission denied') . EOL);
return '';
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/lists', 'group_drop', 't');
if (intval(argv(2))) {
$r = q(
"SELECT gname FROM pgrp WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if ($r) {
$result = AccessList::remove(local_channel(), $r[0]['gname']);
if ($result) {
info(t('Access list removed.') . EOL);
} else {
notice(t('Unable to remove access list.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/lists');
if ((argc() > 2) && intval(argv(1)) && argv(2)) {
if (!local_channel()) {
notice(t('Permission denied') . EOL);
return '';
check_form_security_token_ForbiddenOnErr('group_member_change', 't');
$r = q(
"SELECT abook_xchan from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and xchan_deleted = 0 and abook_self = 0 and abook_blocked = 0 and abook_pending = 0 limit 1",
if (count($r)) {
$change = base64url_decode(argv(2));
if (argc() > 1) {
if (str_starts_with(argv(1), 'connections:')) {
$split = explode(':', argv(1), 2);
$channel = Channel::from_hash($split[1]);
if ($channel) {
$r = [['id' => argv(1), 'uid' => $channel['channel_id'], 'visible' => true]];
else {
if (strlen(argv(1)) <= 11 && intval(argv(1))) {
$r = q(
"SELECT * FROM pgrp WHERE id = %d AND deleted = 0 LIMIT 1",
} else {
$r = q(
"SELECT * FROM pgrp WHERE hash = '%s' AND deleted = 0 LIMIT 1",
if (!$r) {
notice(t('Access list not found.') . EOL);
return '';
$group = array_shift($r);
$uid = $group['uid'];
$owner = (local_channel() && intval(local_channel()) === intval($group['uid']));
if (!isset($group['hash'])) {
$owner = false;
if (!$owner) {
if (!($group['visible'] && perm_is_allowed($uid, get_observer_hash(), 'view_contacts'))) {
if (get_observer_hash() !== $channel['channel_hash']) {
$sqlExtra = " AND xchan_hash = '" . dbesc(get_observer_hash()) . "' ";
$members = [];
$memberlist = AccessList::members($uid, $group['id'],sqlExtra: $sqlExtra);
if ($memberlist) {
foreach ($memberlist as $member) {
$members[] = micropro($member, true, 'mpgroup', 'card');
return replace_macros(Theme::get_template('listmembers.tpl'), [
'$title' => t('List members'),
'$members' => $members
$members = AccessList::members(local_channel(), $group['id']);
$preselected = [];
if (count($members)) {
foreach ($members as $member) {
if (!in_array($member['xchan_hash'], $preselected)) {
$preselected[] = $member['xchan_hash'];
if ($change) {
if (in_array($change, $preselected)) {
AccessList::member_remove(local_channel(), $group['gname'], $change);
} else {
AccessList::member_add(local_channel(), $group['gname'], $change);
$members = AccessList::members(local_channel(), $group['id']);
$preselected = [];
if (count($members)) {
foreach ($members as $member) {
$preselected[] = $member['xchan_hash'];
$context = $context + [
'$title' => sprintf(t('Access List: %s'), $group['gname']),
'$details_label' => t('Edit'),
'$gname' => ['groupname', t('Access list name: '), $group['gname'], ''],
'$gid' => $group['id'],
'$public' => ['public', t('Members are visible to other channels'), $group['visible'], ''],
'$form_security_token_edit' => get_form_security_token('group_edit'),
'$delete' => t('Delete access list'),
'$form_security_token_drop' => get_form_security_token("group_drop"),
if (!isset($group)) {
return '';
$groupeditor = [
'label_members' => t('List members'),
'members' => [],
'label_contacts' => t('Not in this list'),
'contacts' => [],
$sec_token = addslashes(get_form_security_token('group_member_change'));
$textmode = (($switchtotext && (count($members) > $switchtotext)) ? true : 'card');
foreach ($members as $member) {
if ($member['xchan_url']) {
$member['archived'] = (bool)$member['abook_archived'];
$member['click'] = 'groupChangeMember(' . $group['id'] . ',\'' . base64url_encode($member['xchan_hash']) . '\',\'' . $sec_token . '\'); return false;';
$groupeditor['members'][] = micropro($member, true, 'mpgroup', $textmode);
} else {
AccessList::member_remove(local_channel(), $group['gname'], $member['xchan_hash']);
$r = q(
"SELECT abook.*, xchan.* FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE abook_channel = %d AND abook_self = 0 and abook_blocked = 0 and abook_pending = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 order by xchan_name asc",
if (count($r)) {
$textmode = (($switchtotext && (count($r) > $switchtotext)) ? true : 'card');
foreach ($r as $member) {
if (!in_array($member['xchan_hash'], $preselected)) {
$member['archived'] = (bool)$member['abook_archived'];
$member['click'] = 'groupChangeMember(' . $group['id'] . ',\'' . base64url_encode($member['xchan_hash']) . '\',\'' . $sec_token . '\'); return false;';
$groupeditor['contacts'][] = micropro($member, true, 'mpall', $textmode);
$context['$groupeditor'] = $groupeditor;
$context['$desc'] = t('Select a channel to toggle membership');
if ($change) {
$tpl = Theme::get_template('groupeditor.tpl');
echo replace_macros($tpl, $context);
return replace_macros($tpl, $context);