2023-02-18 07:17:36 -05:00

1045 lines
37 KiB

/** @file */
namespace Code\Lib;
use App;
use Code\Extend\Hook;
use Code\Render\Theme;
* A thread item
class ThreadItem
public $data = [];
private $template = 'conv_item.tpl';
private $comment_box_template = 'comment_item.tpl';
private $commentable = false;
// list of supported reaction emojis - a site can over-ride this via config system.reactions
// Deprecated. Use your operating system or a browser plugin.
private $reactions = ['1f60a','1f44f','1f37e','1f48b','1f61e','2665','1f606','1f62e','1f634','1f61c','1f607','1f608'];
private $toplevel;
private $children = [];
private $parent = null;
private $conversation;
private $redirect_url = null;
private $owner_url = '';
private $owner_photo = '';
private $owner_name = '';
private $owner_addr = '';
private $owner_censored = false;
private $wall_to_wall = false;
private $threaded;
private $visiting = false;
private $channel = null;
private $display_mode = 'normal';
private $reload = '';
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
$this->toplevel = ($this->get_id() == $this->get_data_value('parent'));
$this->threaded = get_config('system', 'thread_allow', true);
$observer = App::get_observer();
// Prepare the children
if ($data['children']) {
foreach ($data['children'] as $item) {
* Only add those that will be displayed
if (! visible_activity($item)) {
// this is a quick hack to hide ActivityPub DMs that we should not be allowed to see
// but may have been forwarded as part of a conversation
if (intval($item['item_private']) && (intval($item['item_restrict']) & 1 ) && $item['mid'] !== $item['parent_mid']) {
if (! $observer) {
$child = new ThreadItem($item);
// allow a site to configure the order and content of the reaction emoji list
if ($this->toplevel) {
$x = get_config('system', 'reactions');
if ($x && is_array($x) && count($x)) {
$this->reactions = $x;
* Get data in a form usable by a conversation template
* Returns:
* _ The data requested on success
* _ false on failure
public function get_template_data($conv_responses, $thread_level = 1)
$result = [];
$item = $this->get_data();
$dropping = false;
$star = false;
$is_comment = false;
$total_children = $this->count_descendants();
$unseen_comments = ((isset($item['real_uid']) && $item['real_uid']) ? 0 : $this->count_unseen_descendants());
$privacy_warning = false;
$conv = $this->get_conversation();
$observer = $conv->get_observer();
$lock = t('Public visibility');
if (intval($item['item_private']) === 2) {
$lock = t('Direct message (private mail)');
if (intval($item['item_private']) === 1) {
$lock = t('Restricted visibility');
$locktype = intval($item['item_private']);
$shareable = ((($conv->get_profile_owner() == local_channel() && local_channel()) && (! intval($item['item_private']))) ? true : false);
// allow an exemption for sharing stuff from your private feeds
if ($item['author']['xchan_network'] === 'rss') {
$shareable = true;
// @fixme
// Have recently added code to properly handle polls in group reshares by redirecting all of the poll responses to the group.
// Sharing a poll using a regular embedded share is harder because the poll will need to fork. This is due to comment permissions.
// The original poll author may not accept responses from strangers. Forking the poll will receive responses from the sharer's
// followers, but there's no elegant way to merge these two sets of results together. For now, we'll disable sharing polls.
if ($item['obj_type'] === 'Question') {
$shareable = false;
if ($item['item_restrict'] & 2) {
$privacy_warning = true;
$lock = t('This comment is part of a private conversation, yet was shared with the public. Discretion advised.');
$mode = $conv->get_mode();
$edlink = 'editpost';
if (local_channel() && $observer['xchan_hash'] === $item['author_xchan']) {
$edpost = [z_root() . '/' . $edlink . '/' . $item['id'], t('Edit')];
} else {
$edpost = false;
if (local_channel() && $observer['xchan_hash'] === $item['owner_xchan']) {
$myconv = true;
} else {
$myconv = false;
if ($item['verb'] === 'Announce') {
$edpost = false;
if (
$observer && $observer['xchan_hash']
&& ( $observer['xchan_hash'] == $this->get_data_value('author_xchan')
|| $observer['xchan_hash'] == $this->get_data_value('owner_xchan')
|| $observer['xchan_hash'] == $this->get_data_value('source_xchan')
|| $this->get_data_value('uid') == local_channel())
) {
$dropping = true;
if (array_key_exists('real_uid', $item)) {
$edpost = false;
$dropping = false;
if ($dropping) {
$drop = [
'dropping' => $dropping,
'delete' => t('Delete'),
} elseif (is_site_admin()) {
$drop = [ 'dropping' => true, 'delete' => t('Admin Delete') ];
if (isset($observer_is_pageowner) && $observer_is_pageowner) {
$multidrop = [
'select' => t('Select'),
$filer = ((($conv->get_profile_owner() == local_channel()) && (! array_key_exists('real_uid', $item))) ? t('Save to Folder') : false);
$large_avatar = $item['author']['xchan_photo_l'];
$profile_avatar = $item['author']['xchan_photo_m'];
$profile_link = chanlink_hash($item['author_xchan']);
$profile_name = $item['author']['xchan_name'];
$profile_addr = $item['author']['xchan_addr'] ?: $item['author']['xchan_url'];
$location = format_location($item);
$isevent = false;
$attend = null;
// process action responses - e.g. like/dislike/attend/agree/whatever
$response_verbs = [ 'like', 'dislike' ];
if ($item['obj_type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT) {
$response_verbs[] = 'attendyes';
$response_verbs[] = 'attendno';
$response_verbs[] = 'attendmaybe';
if ($this->is_commentable() && $observer) {
$isevent = true;
$attend = [t('I will attend'), t('I will not attend'), t('I might attend')];
$undo_attend = t('Undo attendance');
$responses = get_responses($conv_responses, $response_verbs, $this, $item);
$my_responses = [];
foreach ($response_verbs as $v) {
$my_responses[$v] = ((isset($conv_responses[$v][$item['mid'] . '-m']) && $conv_responses[$v][$item['mid'] . '-m']) ? 1 : 0);
$like_count = ((x($conv_responses['like'], $item['mid'])) ? $conv_responses['like'][$item['mid']] : '');
$like_list = ((x($conv_responses['like'], $item['mid'])) ? $conv_responses['like'][$item['mid'] . '-l'] : '');
if (($like_list) && (count($like_list) > MAX_LIKERS)) {
$like_list_part = array_slice($like_list, 0, MAX_LIKERS);
array_push($like_list_part, '<a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#likeModal-' . $this->get_id() . '"><b>' . t('View all') . '</b></a>');
} else {
$like_list_part = '';
if (get_config('system', 'show_like_counts', true)) {
$like_button_label = tt('Like', 'Likes', $like_count, 'noun');
} else {
$like_button_label = t('Likes', 'noun');
$dislike_count = ((x($conv_responses['dislike'], $item['mid'])) ? $conv_responses['dislike'][$item['mid']] : '');
$dislike_list = ((x($conv_responses['dislike'], $item['mid'])) ? $conv_responses['dislike'][$item['mid'] . '-l'] : '');
if (get_config('system', 'show_like_counts', true)) {
$dislike_button_label = tt('Dislike', 'Dislikes', $dislike_count, 'noun');
} else {
$dislike_button_label = t('Dislikes', 'noun');
if (($dislike_list) && (count($dislike_list) > MAX_LIKERS)) {
$dislike_list_part = array_slice($dislike_list, 0, MAX_LIKERS);
array_push($dislike_list_part, '<a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#dislikeModal-' . $this->get_id() . '"><b>' . t('View all') . '</b></a>');
} else {
$dislike_list_part = '';
* We should avoid doing this all the time, but it depends on the conversation mode
* And the conv mode may change when we change the conv, or it changes its mode
* Maybe we should establish a way to be notified about conversation changes
if ($this->is_toplevel()) {
if (local_channel() && ($conv->get_profile_owner() == local_channel() || intval($item['item_private']) === 0)) {
$star = [
'toggle' => t('Save'),
'isstarred' => (bool) $item['item_starred']
} else {
$is_comment = true;
$verified = (intval($item['item_verified']) ? t('Message signature validated') : '');
$forged = ((($item['sig']) && (! intval($item['item_verified']))) ? t('Message signature incorrect') : '');
$unverified = '' ; // (($this->is_wall_to_wall() && (! intval($item['item_verified']))) ? t('Message cannot be verified') : '');
if ($conv->get_profile_owner() == local_channel()) {
$tagger = [
'tagit' => t("Add Tag"),
'classtagger' => "",
$has_bookmarks = false;
if (isset($item['term']) && is_array($item['term'])) {
foreach ($item['term'] as $t) {
if ($t['ttype'] == TERM_BOOKMARK) {
$has_bookmarks = true;
$has_event = false;
if (($item['obj_type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT) && $conv->get_profile_owner() == local_channel()) {
$has_event = true;
if ($this->is_commentable() && $observer) {
$like = [t('I like this'), t('Undo like')];
$dislike = [t('I don\'t like this'), t('Undo dislike')];
$share = $embed = EMPTY_STR;
if ($shareable) {
$share = t('Repeat This');
$embed = t('Share this');
$dreport = '';
$keep_reports = intval(get_config('system', 'expire_delivery_reports'));
if ($keep_reports === 0) {
$keep_reports = 10;
if ((! get_config('system', 'disable_dreport')) && strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $item['created']), datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', "now - $keep_reports days")) > 0) {
$dreport = t('Delivery Report');
$dreport_link = gen_link_id($item['mid']);
$is_new = false;
if (strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $item['created']), datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 12 hours')) > 0) {
$is_new = true;
$opts = [];
if ($this->is_wall_to_wall()) {
if ($this->owner_censored) {
$opts['censored'] = true;
$body = prepare_body($item, true, $opts);
// $viewthread (below) is only valid in list mode. If this is a channel page, build the thread viewing link
// since we can't depend on llink or plink pointing to the right local location.
$owner_address = substr($item['owner']['xchan_addr'], 0, strpos($item['owner']['xchan_addr'], '@'));
$viewthread = $item['llink'];
if ($conv->get_mode() === 'channel') {
$viewthread = z_root() . '/channel/' . $owner_address . '?f=&mid=' . urlencode(gen_link_id($item['mid']));
$comment_count_txt = sprintf(tt('%d comment', '%d comments', $total_children), $total_children);
$list_unseen_txt = (($unseen_comments) ? sprintf(t('%d unseen'), $unseen_comments) : '');
$children = $this->get_children();
$has_tags = (($body['tags'] || $body['categories'] || $body['mentions'] || $body['attachments'] || $body['folders']) ? true : false);
$dropdown_extras_arr = [ 'item' => $item , 'dropdown_extras' => '' ];
Hook::call('dropdown_extras', $dropdown_extras_arr);
$dropdown_extras = $dropdown_extras_arr['dropdown_extras'];
// Pinned item processing
$allowed_type = (in_array($item['item_type'], get_config('system', 'pin_types', [ ITEM_TYPE_POST ])) ? true : false);
$pinned_items = ($allowed_type ? get_pconfig($item['uid'], 'pinned', $item['item_type'], []) : []);
$pinned = ((! empty($pinned_items) && in_array($item['mid'], $pinned_items)) ? true : false);
$locicon = ($item['verb'] === 'Arrive') ? '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-sign-in"></i>&nbsp' : '';
if (!$locicon) {
$locicon = ($item['verb'] === 'Leave') ? '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-sign-out"></i>&nbsp' : '';
$tmp_item = [
'template' => $this->get_template(),
'mode' => $mode,
'item_type' => intval($item['item_type']),
'comment_order' => $item['comment_order'],
'parent' => $this->get_data_value('parent'),
'collapsed' => ((intval($item['comment_order']) > 3) ? true : false),
'type' => implode("", array_slice(explode("/", $item['verb']), -1)),
'body' => $body['html'],
'tags' => $body['tags'],
'categories' => $body['categories'],
'mentions' => $body['mentions'],
'attachments' => $body['attachments'],
'folders' => $body['folders'],
'text' => strip_tags($body['html']),
'id' => $this->get_id(),
'mid' => $item['mid'],
'isevent' => $isevent,
'attend' => $attend,
'undo_attend' => $undo_attend,
'consensus' => '',
'conlabels' => '',
'linktitle' => sprintf(t('View %s\'s profile - %s'), $profile_name, (($item['author']['xchan_addr']) ? $item['author']['xchan_addr'] : $item['author']['xchan_url'])),
'olinktitle' => sprintf(t('View %s\'s profile - %s'), $this->get_owner_name(), (($this->get_owner_addr()) ? $this->get_owner_addr() : $this->get_owner_url())),
'llink' => $item['llink'],
'viewthread' => $viewthread,
'to' => t('to'),
'via' => t('via'),
'wall' => t('Wall-to-Wall'),
'vwall' => t('via Wall-To-Wall:'),
'profile_url' => $profile_link,
'thread_action_menu' => thread_action_menu($item, $conv->get_mode()),
'thread_author_menu' => thread_author_menu($item, $conv->get_mode()),
'dreport' => $dreport,
'dreport_link' => ((isset($dreport_link) && $dreport_link) ? $dreport_link : EMPTY_STR),
'myconv' => $myconv,
'name' => $profile_name,
'thumb' => $profile_avatar,
'large_avatar' => $large_avatar,
'title' => $locicon . $item['title'],
'title_tosource' => get_pconfig($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'system', 'title_tosource'),
'ago' => relative_date($item['created']),
'app' => $item['app'],
'str_app' => sprintf(t('from %s'), $item['app']),
'isotime' => datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $item['created'], 'c'),
'localtime' => datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $item['created'], 'r'),
'editedtime' => (($item['edited'] != $item['created']) ? sprintf(t('last edited: %s'), datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $item['edited'], 'r')) : ''),
'expiretime' => (($item['expires'] > NULL_DATE) ? sprintf(t('Expires: %s'), datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $item['expires'], 'r')) : ''),
'lock' => $lock,
'locktype' => $locktype,
'delayed' => $item['item_delayed'],
'privacy_warning' => $privacy_warning,
'verified' => $verified,
'unverified' => $unverified,
'forged' => $forged,
'location' => $location,
'divider' => get_pconfig($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'system', 'item_divider'),
'attend_label' => t('Attend'),
'attend_title' => t('Attendance Options'),
'vote_label' => t('Vote'),
'vote_title' => t('Voting Options'),
'comment_lbl' => (($this->is_commentable() && $observer) ? t('Reply') : ''),
'is_comment' => $is_comment,
'is_new' => $is_new,
'mod_display' => ((argv(0) === 'display') ? true : false), // comments are not collapsed when using mod_display
'owner_url' => $this->get_owner_url(),
'owner_photo' => $this->get_owner_photo(),
'owner_name' => $this->get_owner_name(),
'owner_addr' => $this->get_owner_addr(),
'photo' => $body['photo'],
'event' => $body['event'],
'has_tags' => $has_tags,
'reactions' => $this->reactions,
// Item toolbar buttons
'emojis' => '', // deprecated - use your operating system or a browser plugin
'like' => $like,
'dislike' => $dislike,
'share' => $share,
'embed' => $embed,
'rawmid' => $item['mid'],
'plink' => get_plink($item),
'edpost' => $edpost, // ((Features::enabled($conv->get_profile_owner(),'edit_posts')) ? $edpost : ''),
'star' => $star,
'tagger' => ((Features::enabled($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'commtag')) ? $tagger : ''),
'filer' => ((Features::enabled($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'filing')) ? $filer : ''),
'pinned' => ($pinned ? t('Pinned post') : ''),
'pinnable' => (($this->is_toplevel() && local_channel() && $item['owner_xchan'] == $observer['xchan_hash'] && $allowed_type && $item['item_private'] == 0 && $item['item_delayed'] == 0) ? '1' : ''),
'pinme' => ($pinned ? t('Unpin this post') : t('Pin this post')),
'isdraft' => boolval($item['item_unpublished']),
'draft_txt' => t('Saved draft'),
'bookmark' => (($conv->get_profile_owner() == local_channel() && local_channel() && $has_bookmarks) ? t('Save Bookmarks') : ''),
'addtocal' => (($has_event && ! $item['resource_id']) ? t('Add to Calendar') : ''),
'drop' => $drop,
'multidrop' => ((Features::enabled($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'multi_delete')) ? $multidrop : ''),
'dropdown_extras' => $dropdown_extras,
// end toolbar buttons
'unseen_comments' => $unseen_comments,
'comment_count' => $total_children,
'comment_count_txt' => $comment_count_txt,
'list_unseen_txt' => $list_unseen_txt,
'markseen' => t('Mark all seen'),
'responses' => $responses,
'my_responses' => $my_responses,
'like_count' => $like_count,
'like_list' => $like_list,
'like_list_part' => $like_list_part,
'like_button_label' => $like_button_label,
'like_modal_title' => t('Likes', 'noun'),
'dislike_modal_title' => t('Dislikes', 'noun'),
'dislike_count' => $dislike_count,
'dislike_list' => $dislike_list,
'dislike_list_part' => $dislike_list_part,
'dislike_button_label' => $dislike_button_label,
'modal_dismiss' => t('Close'),
'comment' => ($item['item_delayed'] ? '' : $this->get_comment_box()),
'previewing' => ($conv->is_preview() ? true : false ),
'preview_lbl' => t('This is an unsaved preview'),
'wait' => t('Please wait'),
'submid' => str_replace(['+','='], ['',''], base64_encode(urlencode($item['mid']))),
'thread_level' => $thread_level,
'indentpx' => intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'thread_indent_px', get_config('system', 'thread_indent_px', 0))),
'thread_max' => intval(get_config('system', 'thread_maxlevel', 20)) + 1
$arr = ['item' => $item, 'output' => $tmp_item];
Hook::call('display_item', $arr);
$result = $arr['output'];
$result['children'] = [];
if (local_channel() && get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'activitypub', get_config('system', 'activitypub', ACTIVITYPUB_ENABLED))) {
// place to store all the author addresses (links if not available) in the thread so we can auto-mention them in JS.
$result['authors'] = [];
// fix to add in sub-replies if replying to a comment on your own post from the top level.
if (!($observer && ($profile_addr === $observer['xchan_hash'] || $profile_addr === $observer['xchan_addr']))) {
$result['authors'][] = $profile_addr;
// Add any mentions from the immediate parent, unless they are mentions of the current viewer or duplicates
if (isset($item['term']) && is_array($item['term'])) {
$additional_mentions = [];
foreach ($item['term'] as $t) {
if ($t['ttype'] == TERM_MENTION) {
$additional_mentions[] = ((($position = strpos($t['url'], 'url=')) !== false) ? urldecode(substr($t['url'], $position + 4)) : $t['url']);
if ($additional_mentions) {
$r = q("select hubloc_addr, hubloc_id_url, hubloc_hash from hubloc where hubloc_deleted = 0 and hubloc_id_url in (" . protect_sprintf(stringify_array($additional_mentions, true)) . ") ");
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $rv) {
$ment = (($r[0]['hubloc_addr']) ? $r[0]['hubloc_addr'] : $r[0]['hubloc_id_url']);
if ($ment) {
if ($observer && $observer['xchan_hash'] !== $rv['hubloc_hash'] && ! in_array($ment, $result['authors'])) {
$result['authors'][] = $ment;
$nb_children = count($children);
$total_children = $this->count_visible_descendants();
$visible_comments = get_config('system', 'expanded_comments', 3);
if (($this->get_display_mode() === 'normal') && ($nb_children > 0)) {
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$xz = $child->get_template_data($conv_responses, $thread_level + 1);
$result['children'][] = $xz;
// Collapse
if ($total_children > $visible_comments && $thread_level == 1) {
$result['children'][0]['comment_firstcollapsed'] = true;
$result['children'][0]['num_comments'] = $comment_count_txt;
$result['children'][0]['hide_text'] = sprintf(t('%s show all'), '<i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>');
$result['private'] = $item['item_private'];
$result['toplevel'] = ($this->is_toplevel() ? 'toplevel_item' : '');
if ($this->is_threaded()) {
$result['flatten'] = false;
$result['threaded'] = true;
} else {
$result['flatten'] = true;
$result['threaded'] = false;
return $result;
public function get_id()
return $this->get_data_value('id');
public function get_display_mode()
return $this->display_mode;
public function set_display_mode($mode)
$this->display_mode = $mode;
public function is_threaded()
return $this->threaded;
public function get_author()
$xchan = $this->get_data_value('author');
if ($xchan['xchan_addr']) {
return $xchan['xchan_addr'];
return $xchan['xchan_url'];
public function set_reload($val)
$this->reload = $val;
public function get_reload()
return $this->reload;
public function set_commentable($val)
$this->commentable = $val;
foreach ($this->get_children() as $child) {
public function is_commentable()
return $this->commentable;
* Add a child item
public function add_child($item)
$item_id = $item->get_id();
if (!$item_id) {
logger('[ERROR] Item::add_child : Item has no ID!!', LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
if ($this->get_child($item->get_id())) {
logger('[WARN] Item::add_child : Item already exists (' . $item->get_id() . ').', LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
* Only add what will be displayed
if (activity_match($item->get_data_value('verb'), ACTIVITY_LIKE) || activity_match($item->get_data_value('verb'), ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)) {
return false;
$this->children[] = $item;
return end($this->children);
* Get a child by its ID
public function get_child($id)
foreach ($this->get_children() as $child) {
if ($child->get_id() == $id) {
return $child;
return null;
* Get all our children
public function get_children()
return $this->children;
* Set our parent
protected function set_parent($item)
$parent = $this->get_parent();
if ($parent) {
$this->parent = $item;
* Remove our parent
protected function remove_parent()
$this->parent = null;
$this->conversation = null;
* Remove a child
public function remove_child($item)
$id = $item->get_id();
foreach ($this->get_children() as $key => $child) {
if ($child->get_id() == $id) {
// Reindex the array, in order to make sure there won't be any trouble on loops using count()
$this->children = array_values($this->children);
return true;
logger('[WARN] Item::remove_child : Item is not a child (' . $id . ').', LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
* Get parent item
protected function get_parent()
return $this->parent;
* set conversation
public function set_conversation($conv)
$this->conversation = $conv;
// Set it on our children too
foreach ($this->get_children() as $child) {
* get conversation
public function get_conversation()
return $this->conversation;
* Get raw data
* We shouldn't need this
public function get_data()
return $this->data;
* Get a data value
* Returns:
* _ value on success
* _ false on failure
public function get_data_value($name)
if (!isset($this->data[$name])) {
return false;
return $this->data[$name];
* Get template
public function get_template()
return $this->template;
public function set_template($t)
$this->template = $t;
* Check if this is a toplevel post
private function is_toplevel()
return $this->toplevel;
* Count the total of our descendants
private function count_descendants()
$children = $this->get_children();
$total = count($children);
if ($total > 0) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$total += $child->count_descendants();
return $total;
public function count_visible_descendants()
$total = 0;
$children = $this->get_children();
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
if (! visible_activity($child->data)) {
$total += $child->count_visible_descendants();
return $total;
private function count_unseen_descendants()
$children = $this->get_children();
$total = count($children);
if ($total > 0) {
$total = 0;
foreach ($children as $child) {
if (! visible_activity($child->data)) {
if (intval($child->data['item_unseen'])) {
return $total;
* Get the template for the comment box
private function get_comment_box_template()
return $this->comment_box_template;
* Get the comment box
* Returns:
* _ The comment box string (empty if no comment box)
* _ false on failure
private function get_comment_box($indent = 0)
if (!$this->is_toplevel() && !get_config('system', 'thread_allow', true)) {
return '';
$comment_box = '';
$conv = $this->get_conversation();
// logger('Commentable conv: ' . $conv->is_commentable());
if (! $this->is_commentable()) {
return false;
$template = Theme::get_template($this->get_comment_box_template());
$observer = $conv->get_observer();
$arr = ['comment_buttons' => '','id' => $this->get_id()];
Hook::call('comment_buttons', $arr);
$comment_buttons = $arr['comment_buttons'];
$feature_auto_save_draft = ((Features::enabled($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'auto_save_draft')) ? "true" : "false");
$permanent_draft = ((intval($conv->get_profile_owner()) === intval(local_channel()) && Apps::system_app_installed($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'Drafts')) ? ('Save draft') : EMPTY_STR);
$comment_box = replace_macros($template, [
'$return_path' => '',
'$threaded' => $this->is_threaded(),
'$jsreload' => $conv->reload,
'$type' => (($conv->get_mode() === 'channel') ? 'wall-comment' : 'net-comment'),
'$id' => $this->get_id(),
'$parent' => $this->get_id(),
'$comment_buttons' => $comment_buttons,
'$profile_uid' => $conv->get_profile_owner(),
'$mylink' => $observer['xchan_url'],
'$mytitle' => t('This is you'),
'$myphoto' => $observer['xchan_photo_s'],
'$comment' => t('Comment'),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$edat' => EMPTY_STR,
'$edbold' => t('Bold'),
'$editalic' => t('Italic'),
'$eduline' => t('Underline'),
'$edquote' => t('Quote'),
'$edcode' => t('Code'),
'$edimg' => t('Image'),
'$edatt' => t('Embed a File'),
'$edurl' => t('Insert Link'),
'$edvideo' => t('Video'),
'$preview' => t('Preview'),
'$reset' => t('Reset'),
'$indent' => $indent,
'$can_upload' => (perm_is_allowed($conv->get_profile_owner(), get_observer_hash(), 'write_storage') && $conv->is_uploadable()),
'$feature_encrypt' => Apps::system_app_installed($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'Secrets'),
'$feature_markup' => Apps::system_app_installed($conv->get_profile_owner(), 'Markup'),
'$encrypt' => t('Encrypt text'),
'$cipher' => $conv->get_cipher(),
'$sourceapp' => App::$sourcename,
'$observer' => get_observer_hash(),
'$anoncomments' => ($conv->get_mode() === 'channel' || $conv->get_mode() === 'display') && perm_is_allowed($conv->get_profile_owner(), '', 'post_comments'),
'$anonname' => [ 'anonname', t('Your full name (required)') ],
'$anonmail' => [ 'anonmail', t('Your email address (required)') ],
'$anonurl' => [ 'anonurl', t('Your website URL (optional)') ],
'$auto_save_draft' => $feature_auto_save_draft,
'$save' => $permanent_draft,
'$top' => $this->is_toplevel()
return $comment_box;
private function get_redirect_url()
return $this->redirect_url;
* Check if we are a wall to wall item and set the relevant properties
protected function check_wall_to_wall()
$conv = $this->get_conversation();
$this->wall_to_wall = false;
$this->owner_url = '';
$this->owner_photo = '';
$this->owner_name = '';
$this->owner_censored = false;
if ($conv->get_mode() === 'channel') {
if ($this->is_toplevel() && ($this->get_data_value('author_xchan') != $this->get_data_value('owner_xchan'))) {
$this->owner_url = chanlink_hash($this->data['owner']['xchan_hash']);
$this->owner_photo = $this->data['owner']['xchan_photo_m'];
$this->owner_name = $this->data['owner']['xchan_name'];
$this->owner_addr = $this->data['owner']['xchan_addr'];
$this->wall_to_wall = true;
// present friend-of-friend conversations from hyperdrive as relayed posts from the first friend
// we find among the respondents.
if ($this->is_toplevel() && (! $this->data['owner']['abook_id'])) {
if ($this->data['children']) {
$friend = $this->find_a_friend($this->data['children']);
if ($friend) {
$this->owner_url = $friend['url'];
$this->owner_photo = $friend['photo'];
$this->owner_name = $friend['name'];
$this->owner_addr = $friend['addr'];
$this->owner_censored = $friend['censored'];
$this->wall_to_wall = true;
private function find_a_friend($items)
$ret = null;
if ($items) {
foreach ($items as $child) {
if ($child['author']['abook_id'] && (! intval($child['author']['abook_self']))) {
return [
'url' => chanlink_hash($child['author']['xchan_hash']),
'photo' => $child['author']['xchan_photo_m'],
'name' => $child['author']['xchan_name'],
'addr' => $child['author']['xchan_addr'],
'censored' => $child['author']['xchan_censored'] || $child['author']['abook_censor']
if ($child['children']) {
$ret = $this->find_a_friend($child['children']);
if ($ret) {
return $ret;
private function is_wall_to_wall()
return $this->wall_to_wall;
private function get_owner_url()
return $this->owner_url;
private function get_owner_photo()
return $this->owner_photo;
private function get_owner_name()
return $this->owner_name;
private function get_owner_addr()
return $this->owner_addr;
private function is_visiting()
return $this->visiting;