2020-03-17 21:30:25 -07:00

109 lines
2.2 KiB

namespace Zotlabs\Widget;
* Show pinned content
use App;
class Pinned {
private $allowed_types = 0;
private $uid = 0;
* @brief Displays pinned items
function widget($args) {
$ret = '';
$this->allowed_types = get_config('system', 'pin_types', [ ITEM_TYPE_POST ]);
$this->uid = App::$profile_uid;
$types = (($args['types']) ?: [ ITEM_TYPE_POST ]);
$id_list = $this->list($types);
// logger('id_list: ' . print_r($id_list,true));
if (empty($id_list)) {
return $ret;
$o = conversation($id_list,'stream-new',0,'traditional');
// change some id and class names so that auto-update doesn't stumble over them
$o = str_replace('<div id="threads-begin">','<div id="pins-begin">', $o);
$o = str_replace('<div id="threads-end">','<div id="pins-end">', $o);
$o = str_replace('<div id="conversation-end">','<div id="pin-widget-end">', $o);
$o = str_replace('class="thread-wrapper ','class="pin-thread-wrapper ', $o);
$o = str_replace('class="wall-item-ago','class="wall-item-ago pinned', $o);
// logger('output: ' . $o);
return '<hr>' . $o . '<hr>';
* @brief List pinned items depend on type
* @param $types
* @return array of pinned items
private function list($types) {
if (empty($types) || (! is_array($types))) {
return [];
$item_types = array_intersect($this->allowed_types, $types);
if (empty($item_types)) {
return [];
$mids_list = [];
foreach ($item_types as $type) {
$mids = get_pconfig($this->uid, 'pinned', $type, []);
if ($mids) {
foreach($mids as $mid) {
if ($mid) {
$mids_list[] = $mid;
if (empty($mids_list)) {
return [];
$item_normal = item_normal();
$sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($this->uid);
$r = q("SELECT *, id as item_id FROM item WHERE parent_mid IN (" . protect_sprintf(stringify_array($mids_list,true)) . ") AND uid = %d AND id = parent $item_normal $sql_extra ORDER BY created DESC",
if ($r) {
$items = fetch_post_tags($r,true);
for ($x = 0; $x < count($items); $x ++) {
$items[$x]['item_id'] = 'pin-' . $items[$x]['item_id'];
return $items;
return [];