2021-03-10 19:30:25 -08:00

269 lines
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namespace Zotlabs\Web;
use App;
use Zotlabs\Extend\Route;
use Zotlabs\Render\Theme;
use Exception;
* We have already parsed the server path into App::$argc and App::$argv
* App::$argv[0] is our module name. Let's call it 'foo'. We will load the
* Zotlabs/Module/Foo.php (object) or file mod/foo.php (procedural)
* and use it for handling our URL request to 'https://ourgreatwebsite.something/foo' .
* The module file contains a few functions that we call in various circumstances
* and in the following order:
* @code{.php}
* Object:
* class Foo extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
* function init() { init function }
* function post() { post function }
* function get() { normal page function }
* }
* Procedual interface:
* foo_init()
* foo_post() (only called if there are $_POST variables)
* foo_content() - the string return of this function contains our page body
* @endcode
* Modules which emit other serialisations besides HTML (XML,JSON, etc.) should do
* so within the module init and/or post functions and then invoke killme() to terminate
* further processing.
class Router {
private $modname = '';
private $controller = null;
* @brief Router constructor.
* @throws Exception module not found
function __construct() {
$module = App::$module;
$modname = "Zotlabs\\Module\\" . ucfirst($module);
if (strlen($module)) {
* We will always have a module name.
* First see if we have a plugin handling this route
$routes = Route::get();
if ($routes) {
foreach ($routes as $route) {
if (is_array($route) && strtolower($route[1]) === $module) {
if (file_exists($route[0])) {
if (class_exists($modname)) {
$this->controller = new $modname;
App::$module_loaded = true;
* If the site has a custom module to over-ride the standard module, use it.
* Otherwise, look for the standard program module
if(! (App::$module_loaded)) {
try {
$filename = 'Zotlabs/SiteModule/'. ucfirst($module). '.php';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
// This won't be picked up by the autoloader, so load it explicitly
$this->controller = new $modname;
App::$module_loaded = true;
else {
$filename = 'Zotlabs/Module/'. ucfirst($module). '.php';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$this->controller = new $modname;
App::$module_loaded = true;
if (! App::$module_loaded) {
throw new Exception('Module not found');
catch(Exception $e) {
$x = [
'module' => $module,
'installed' => App::$module_loaded,
'controller' => $this->controller
* @hooks module_loaded
* Called when a module has been successfully locate to server a URL request.
* This provides a place for plugins to register module handlers which don't otherwise exist
* on the system, or to completely over-ride an existing module.
* If the plugin sets 'installed' to true we won't throw a 404 error for the specified module even if
* there is no specific module file or matching plugin name.
* The plugin should catch at least one of the module hooks for this URL.
* * \e string \b module
* * \e boolean \b installed
* * \e mixed \b controller - The initialized module object
call_hooks('module_loaded', $x);
if ($x['installed']) {
App::$module_loaded = true;
$this->controller = $x['controller'];
* The URL provided does not resolve to a valid module.
if (! (App::$module_loaded)) {
// undo the setting of a letsencrypt acme-challenge rewrite rule
// which blocks access to our .well-known routes.
// Also provide a config setting for sites that have a legitimate need
// for a custom .htaccess in the .well-known directory; but they should
// make the file read-only so letsencrypt doesn't modify it
if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/.well-known/') === 0) {
if (file_exists('.well-known/.htaccess') && get_config('system','fix_apache_acme',true)) {
$x = [
'module' => $module,
'installed' => App::$module_loaded,
'controller' => $this->controller
// Stupid browser tried to pre-fetch our Javascript img template.
// Don't log the event or return anything - just quietly exit.
if ((x($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING')) && preg_match('/{[0-9]}/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) !== 0) {
if (get_config('system','log_404',true)) {
logger("Module {$module} not found.", LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_WARNING);
logger('index.php: page not found: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found');
$tpl = get_markup_template('404.tpl');
App::$page['content'] = replace_macros(get_markup_template('404.tpl'), [ '$message' => t('Page not found.') ]);
// pretend this is a module so it will initialise the theme
App::$module = '404';
App::$module_loaded = true;
App::$error = true;
* @brief
function Dispatch() {
* Call module functions
if (App::$module_loaded) {
App::$page['page_title'] = App::$module;
$placeholder = '';
* No theme has been specified when calling the module_init functions
* For this reason, please restrict the use of templates to those which
* do not provide any presentation details - as themes will not be able
* to over-ride them.
$arr = [ 'init' => true, 'replace' => false ];
call_hooks(App::$module . '_mod_init', $arr);
if (! $arr['replace']) {
if ($this->controller && method_exists($this->controller,'init')) {
* Do all theme initialisation here before calling any additional module functions.
* The module_init function may have changed the theme.
* Additionally any page with a Comanche template may alter the theme.
* So we'll check for those now.
* In case a page has overloaded a module, see if we already have a layout defined
* otherwise, if a PDL file exists for this module, use it
* The member may have also created a customised PDL that's stored in the config
* load current theme info
$current_theme = Theme::current();
$theme_info_file = 'view/theme/' . $current_theme[0] . '/php/theme.php';
if (file_exists($theme_info_file)) {
if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', $current_theme[0]) . '_init')) {
$func = str_replace('-', '_', $current_theme[0]) . '_init';
elseif (x(App::$theme_info, 'extends') && file_exists('view/theme/' . App::$theme_info['extends'] . '/php/theme.php')) {
require_once('view/theme/' . App::$theme_info['extends'] . '/php/theme.php');
if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', App::$theme_info['extends']) . '_init')) {
$func = str_replace('-', '_', App::$theme_info['extends']) . '_init';
if (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') && (! App::$error) && (! x($_POST, 'auth-params'))) {
call_hooks(App::$module . '_mod_post', $_POST);
if ($this->controller && method_exists($this->controller,'post')) {
if (! App::$error) {
$arr = [ 'content' => \App::$page['content'], 'replace' => false ];
call_hooks(App::$module . '_mod_content', $arr);
if (! $arr['replace']) {
if ($this->controller && method_exists($this->controller,'get')) {
$arr = [ 'content' => $this->controller->get(), 'replace' => false ];
call_hooks(App::$module . '_mod_aftercontent', $arr);
App::$page['content'] = (($arr['replace']) ? $arr['content'] : App::$page['content'] . $arr['content']);