nobody 470aa951e8 refactor Zotlabs\Lib\Activity::fetch() to ignore fragments and remove the corresponding fragment ignoring
code from the HTTPSig key fetching functions. This primarily affects funkwhale/django but has shown up
occasionally in other HTTP/CGI server platforms which don't pass fragments to the application, resulting in
signature failures on those platforms. It isn't our fault because we're just fetching and signing the URL
we were given; but it also isn't theirs because they're just verifying the request-uri their webserver
provided. It just isn't the same one we fetched.
2021-08-03 15:28:53 -07:00

621 lines
16 KiB

namespace Zotlabs\Web;
use Zotlabs\Lib\ActivityStreams;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Activity;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Webfinger;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Zotfinger;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Libzot;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Crypto;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Keyutils;
* @brief Implements HTTP Signatures per draft-cavage-http-signatures-10.
* @see
class HTTPSig {
* @brief RFC5843
* @see
* @param string $body The value to create the digest for
* @param string $alg hash algorithm (one of 'sha256','sha512')
* @return string The generated digest header string for $body
static function generate_digest_header($body,$alg = 'sha256') {
$digest = base64_encode(hash($alg, $body, true));
switch ($alg) {
case 'sha512':
return 'SHA-512=' . $digest;
case 'sha256':
return 'SHA-256=' . $digest;
static function find_headers($data,&$body) {
// decide if $data arrived via controller submission or curl
// changes $body for the caller
if (is_array($data) && array_key_exists('header',$data)) {
if (! $data['success']) {
$body = EMPTY_STR;
return [];
if (! $data['header']) {
$body = EMPTY_STR;
return [];
$h = new HTTPHeaders($data['header']);
$headers = $h->fetcharr();
$body = $data['body'];
$headers['(request-target)'] = $data['request_target'];
else {
$headers = [];
$headers['(request-target)'] = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) . ' ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$headers['content-type'] = $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'];
$headers['content-length'] = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v) {
if (strpos($k,'HTTP_') === 0) {
$field = str_replace('_','-',strtolower(substr($k,5)));
$headers[$field] = $v;
//logger('SERVER: ' . print_r($_SERVER,true), LOGGER_ALL);
//logger('headers: ' . print_r($headers,true), LOGGER_ALL);
return $headers;
// See draft-cavage-http-signatures-10
static function verify($data,$key = '', $keytype = '') {
$body = $data;
$headers = null;
$result = [
'signer' => '',
'portable_id' => '',
'header_signed' => false,
'header_valid' => false,
'content_signed' => false,
'content_valid' => false
$headers = self::find_headers($data,$body);
if (! $headers) {
return $result;
if (is_array($body)) {
btlogger('body is array!' . print_r($body,true));
$sig_block = null;
if (array_key_exists('signature',$headers)) {
$sig_block = self::parse_sigheader($headers['signature']);
elseif (array_key_exists('authorization',$headers)) {
$sig_block = self::parse_sigheader($headers['authorization']);
if (! $sig_block) {
logger('no signature provided.', LOGGER_DEBUG);
return $result;
// Warning: This log statement includes binary data
// logger('sig_block: ' . print_r($sig_block,true), LOGGER_DATA);
$result['header_signed'] = true;
$signed_headers = $sig_block['headers'];
if (! $signed_headers) {
$signed_headers = [ 'date' ];
$signed_data = '';
foreach ($signed_headers as $h) {
if (array_key_exists($h,$headers)) {
$signed_data .= $h . ': ' . $headers[$h] . "\n";
if ($h === 'date') {
$d = new \DateTime($headers[$h]);
$d->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$dplus = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 1 day');
$dminus = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 1 day');
$c = $d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($c > $dplus || $c < $dminus) {
logger('bad time: ' . $c);
return $result;
$signed_data = rtrim($signed_data,"\n");
$algorithm = null;
if ($sig_block['algorithm'] === 'rsa-sha256') {
$algorithm = 'sha256';
if ($sig_block['algorithm'] === 'rsa-sha512') {
$algorithm = 'sha512';
if (! array_key_exists('keyId',$sig_block)) {
return $result;
$result['signer'] = $sig_block['keyId'];
$fkey = self::get_key($key,$keytype,$result['signer']);
if (! ($fkey && $fkey['public_key'])) {
return $result;
$x = Crypto::verify($signed_data,$sig_block['signature'],$fkey['public_key'],$algorithm);
logger('verified: ' . $x, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if (! $x) {
// try again, ignoring the local actor (xchan) cache and refetching the key
// from its source
$fkey = self::get_key($key,$keytype,$result['signer'],true);
if ($fkey && $fkey['public_key']) {
$y = Crypto::verify($signed_data,$sig_block['signature'],$fkey['public_key'],$algorithm);
logger('verified: (cache reload) ' . $x, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if (! $y) {
logger('verify failed for ' . $result['signer'] . ' alg=' . $algorithm . (($fkey['public_key']) ? '' : ' no key'));
$sig_block['signature'] = base64_encode($sig_block['signature']);
logger('affected sigblock: ' . print_r($sig_block,true));
logger('headers: ' . print_r($headers,true));
logger('server: ' . print_r($_SERVER,true));
return $result;
$result['portable_id'] = $fkey['portable_id'];
$result['header_valid'] = true;
if (in_array('digest',$signed_headers)) {
$result['content_signed'] = true;
$digest = explode('=', $headers['digest'], 2);
if ($digest[0] === 'SHA-256') {
$hashalg = 'sha256';
if ($digest[0] === 'SHA-512') {
$hashalg = 'sha512';
if (base64_encode(hash($hashalg,$body,true)) === $digest[1]) {
$result['content_valid'] = true;
logger('Content_Valid: ' . (($result['content_valid']) ? 'true' : 'false'));
if (! $result['content_valid']) {
logger('invalid content signature: data ' . print_r($data,true));
logger('invalid content signature: headers ' . print_r($headers,true));
logger('invalid content signature: body ' . print_r($body,true));
return $result;
static function get_key($key,$keytype,$id,$force = false) {
if ($key) {
if (function_exists($key)) {
return $key($id);
return [ 'public_key' => $key ];
if ($keytype === 'zot6') {
$key = self::get_zotfinger_key($id,$force);
if ($key) {
return $key;
if (strpos($id,'#') === false) {
$key = self::get_webfinger_key($id,$force);
if ($key) {
return $key;
$key = self::get_activitystreams_key($id,$force);
return $key;
static function convertKey($key) {
if (strstr($key,'RSA ')) {
return Keyutils::rsatopem($key);
elseif (substr($key,0,5) === 'data:') {
return Keyutils::convertSalmonKey($key);
else {
return $key;
* @brief
* @param string $id
* @return boolean|string
* false if no pub key found, otherwise return the pub key
static function get_activitystreams_key($id,$force = false) {
// Check the local cache first, but remove any fragments like #main-key since these won't be present in our cached data
$cache_url = ((strpos($id,'#')) ? substr($id,0,strpos($id,'#')) : $id);
// $force is used to ignore the local cache and only use the remote data; for instance the cached key might be stale
if (! $force) {
$x = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_addr = '%s' or hubloc_id_url = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc",
if ($x) {
$best = Libzot::zot_record_preferred($x);
if ($best && $best['xchan_pubkey']) {
return [ 'portable_id' => $best['xchan_hash'], 'public_key' => $best['xchan_pubkey'] , 'hubloc' => $best ];
// The record wasn't in cache. Fetch it now.
$r = Activity::fetch($id);
if ($r) {
if (array_key_exists('publicKey',$r) && array_key_exists('publicKeyPem',$r['publicKey']) && array_key_exists('id',$r['publicKey'])) {
if ($r['publicKey']['id'] === $id || $r['id'] === $id) {
$portable_id = ((array_key_exists('owner',$r['publicKey'])) ? $r['publicKey']['owner'] : EMPTY_STR);
return [ 'public_key' => self::convertKey($r['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']), 'portable_id' => $portable_id, 'hubloc' => [] ];
// No key was found
return false;
static function get_webfinger_key($id,$force = false) {
if (! $force) {
$x = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_addr = '%s' or hubloc_id_url = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc",
if ($x) {
$best = Libzot::zot_record_preferred($x);
if ($best && $best['xchan_pubkey']) {
return [ 'portable_id' => $best['xchan_hash'], 'public_key' => $best['xchan_pubkey'] , 'hubloc' => $best ];
$wf = Webfinger::exec($id);
$key = [ 'portable_id' => '', 'public_key' => '', 'hubloc' => [] ];
if ($wf) {
if (array_key_exists('properties',$wf) && array_key_exists('',$wf['properties'])) {
$key['public_key'] = self::convertKey($wf['properties']['']);
if (array_key_exists('links', $wf) && is_array($wf['links'])) {
foreach ($wf['links'] as $l) {
if (! (is_array($l) && array_key_exists('rel',$l))) {
if ($l['rel'] === 'magic-public-key' && array_key_exists('href',$l) && $key['public_key'] === EMPTY_STR) {
$key['public_key'] = self::convertKey($l['href']);
return (($key['public_key']) ? $key : false);
static function get_zotfinger_key($id,$force = false) {
if (! $force) {
$x = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_addr = '%s' or hubloc_id_url = '%s' and hubloc_network = 'zot6' order by hubloc_id desc",
if ($x) {
$best = Libzot::zot_record_preferred($x);
if ($best && $best['xchan_pubkey']) {
return [ 'portable_id' => $best['xchan_hash'], 'public_key' => $best['xchan_pubkey'] , 'hubloc' => $best ];
$wf = Webfinger::exec($id);
$key = [ 'portable_id' => '', 'public_key' => '', 'hubloc' => [] ];
if ($wf) {
if (array_key_exists('properties',$wf) && array_key_exists('',$wf['properties'])) {
$key['public_key'] = self::convertKey($wf['properties']['']);
if (array_key_exists('links', $wf) && is_array($wf['links'])) {
foreach ($wf['links'] as $l) {
if (! (is_array($l) && array_key_exists('rel',$l))) {
if ($l['rel'] === '' && array_key_exists('href',$l) && $l['href'] !== EMPTY_STR) {
// The third argument to Zotfinger::exec() tells it not to verify signatures
// Since we're inside a function that is fetching keys with which to verify signatures,
// this is necessary to prevent infinite loops.
$z = Zotfinger::exec($l['href'], null, false);
if ($z) {
$i = Libzot::import_xchan($z['data']);
if ($i['success']) {
$key['portable_id'] = $i['hash'];
$x = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_id_url = '%s' order by hubloc_id desc limit 1",
if ($x) {
$key['hubloc'] = $x[0];
if ($l['rel'] === 'magic-public-key' && array_key_exists('href',$l) && $key['public_key'] === EMPTY_STR) {
$key['public_key'] = self::convertKey($l['href']);
return (($key['public_key']) ? $key : false);
* @brief
* @param array $head
* @param string $prvkey
* @param string $keyid (optional, default '')
* @param boolean $auth (optional, default false)
* @param string $alg (optional, default 'sha256')
* @param array $encryption [ 'key', 'algorithm' ] or false
* @return array
static function create_sig($head, $prvkey, $keyid = EMPTY_STR, $auth = false, $alg = 'sha256', $encryption = false ) {
$return_headers = [];
if ($alg === 'sha256') {
$algorithm = 'rsa-sha256';
if ($alg === 'sha512') {
$algorithm = 'rsa-sha512';
$x = self::sign($head,$prvkey,$alg);
$headerval = 'keyId="' . $keyid . '",algorithm="' . $algorithm . '",headers="' . $x['headers'] . '",signature="' . $x['signature'] . '"';
if ($encryption) {
$x = Crypto::encapsulate($headerval,$encryption['key'],$encryption['algorithm']);
if (is_array($x)) {
$headerval = 'iv="' . $x['iv'] . '",key="' . $x['key'] . '",alg="' . $x['alg'] . '",data="' . $x['data'] . '"';
if ($auth) {
$sighead = 'Authorization: Signature ' . $headerval;
else {
$sighead = 'Signature: ' . $headerval;
if ($head) {
foreach ($head as $k => $v) {
// strip the request-target virtual header from the output headers
if ($k === '(request-target)') {
$return_headers[] = $k . ': ' . $v;
$return_headers[] = $sighead;
return $return_headers;
* @brief set headers
* @param array $headers
* @return void
static function set_headers($headers) {
if ($headers && is_array($headers)) {
foreach ($headers as $h) {
* @brief
* @param array $head
* @param string $prvkey
* @param string $alg (optional) default 'sha256'
* @return array
static function sign($head, $prvkey, $alg = 'sha256') {
$ret = [];
$headers = '';
$fields = '';
logger('signing: ' . print_r($head,true), LOGGER_DATA);
if ($head) {
foreach ($head as $k => $v) {
$headers .= strtolower($k) . ': ' . trim($v) . "\n";
if ($fields) {
$fields .= ' ';
$fields .= strtolower($k);
// strip the trailing linefeed
$headers = rtrim($headers,"\n");
$sig = base64_encode(Crypto::sign($headers,$prvkey,$alg));
$ret['headers'] = $fields;
$ret['signature'] = $sig;
return $ret;
* @brief
* @param string $header
* @return array associate array with
* - \e string \b keyID
* - \e string \b algorithm
* - \e array \b headers
* - \e string \b signature
static function parse_sigheader($header) {
$ret = [];
$matches = [];
// if the header is encrypted, decrypt with (default) site private key and continue
if (preg_match('/iv="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$header = self::decrypt_sigheader($header);
if (preg_match('/keyId="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$ret['keyId'] = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/algorithm="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$ret['algorithm'] = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/headers="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$ret['headers'] = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
if (preg_match('/signature="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$ret['signature'] = base64_decode(preg_replace('/\s+/','',$matches[1]));
if (($ret['signature']) && ($ret['algorithm']) && (! $ret['headers'])) {
$ret['headers'] = [ 'date' ];
return $ret;
* @brief
* @param string $header
* @param string $prvkey (optional), if not set use site private key
* @return array|string associative array, empty string if failue
* - \e string \b iv
* - \e string \b key
* - \e string \b alg
* - \e string \b data
static function decrypt_sigheader($header, $prvkey = null) {
$iv = $key = $alg = $data = null;
if (! $prvkey) {
$prvkey = get_config('system', 'prvkey');
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/iv="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$iv = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/key="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/alg="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$alg = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/data="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches)) {
$data = $matches[1];
if ($iv && $key && $alg && $data) {
return Crypto::unencapsulate([ 'encrypted' => true, 'iv' => $iv, 'key' => $key, 'alg' => $alg, 'data' => $data ] , $prvkey);
return '';