2020-07-07 15:21:11 +10:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of URLify.js
* from the Django project + fallback via "Portable ASCII".
* -
* -
* Handles symbols from latin languages, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto,
* Estonian, Finnish, French, Switzerland (French), Austrian (French), Georgian, German, Switzerland (German),
* Austrian (German), Greek, Hindi, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish,
* Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese ... and many other via "ASCII::to_transliterate()".
class URLify
* The language-mapping array.
* ISO 639-1 codes:
* @var array[]
public static $maps = [];
* List of words to remove from URLs.
* @var array[]
public static $remove_list = [];
* An array of strings that will convert into the separator-char - used by "URLify::filter()".
* @var string[]
private static $arrayToSeparator = [];
* Add new strings the will be replaced with the separator.
* @param array $array <p>An array of things that should replaced by the separator.</p>
* @param bool $merge <p>Keep the previous (default) array-to-separator array.</p>
* @return void
* @psalm-param string[] $array
public static function add_array_to_separator(array $array, bool $merge = true)
if ($merge === true) {
self::$arrayToSeparator = \array_unique(
} else {
self::$arrayToSeparator = $array;
* Add new characters to the list. `$map` should be a hash.
* @param array $map
* @param string|null $language
* @return void
* @psalm-param array<string, string> $map
public static function add_chars(array $map, string $language = null)
$language_key = $language ?? \uniqid('urlify', true);
if (isset(self::$maps[$language_key])) {
self::$maps[$language_key] = \array_merge($map, self::$maps[$language_key]);
} else {
self::$maps[$language_key] = $map;
* @return void
public static function reset_chars()
self::$maps = [];
* Transliterates characters to their ASCII equivalents.
* $language specifies a priority for a specific language.
* The latter is useful if languages have different rules for the same character.
* @param string $string <p>The input string.</p>
* @param string $language <p>Your primary language.</p>
* @param string $unknown <p>Character use if character unknown. (default is ?).</p>
* @return string
public static function downcode(
string $string,
string $language = 'en',
string $unknown = ''
): string {
$string = self::expandString($string, $language);
foreach (self::$maps as $mapsInner) {
foreach ($mapsInner as $orig => $replace) {
$string = \str_replace($orig, $replace, $string);
$string = \voku\helper\ASCII::to_ascii(
return \voku\helper\ASCII::to_transliterate(
* Convert a String to URL slug. Wraps <strong>filter()</strong> with a simpler
* set of defaults for typical usage in generating blog post slugs.
* @param string $string <p>The text you want to convert.</p>
* @param int $maxLength <p>Max. length of the output string, set to "0" (zero) to
* disable it</p>
* @param string $separator <p>Define a new separator for the words.</p>
* @param string $language <p>The language you want to convert to.</p>
public static function slug(
string $string,
int $maxLength = 200,
string $separator = '-',
string $language = 'en'
): string {
return self::filter ($string, $maxLength, $language, false, false, true, $separator);
* Convert a String to URL.
* e.g.: "Petty<br>theft" to "Petty-theft"
* @param string $string <p>The text you want to convert.</p>
* @param int $maxLength <p>Max. length of the output string, set to "0" (zero) to
* disable it</p>
* @param string $language <p>The language you want to convert to.</p>
* @param bool $fileName <p>
* Keep the "." from the extension e.g.: "imaäe.jpg" =>
* "image.jpg"
* </p>
* @param bool $removeWords <p>
* Remove some "words" from the string.<br />
* Info: Set extra words via <strong>remove_words()</strong>.
* </p>
* @param bool $strToLower <p>Use <strong>strtolower()</strong> at the end.</p>
* @param bool|string $separator <p>Define a new separator for the words.</p>
* @return string
public static function filter(
string $string,
int $maxLength = 200,
string $language = 'en',
bool $fileName = false,
bool $removeWords = false,
bool $strToLower = true,
$separator = '-'
): string {
if ($string === '') {
return '';
// fallback
if ($language === '') {
$language = 'en';
// separator-fallback
if ($separator === false) {
$separator = '_';
if ($separator === true || $separator === '') {
$separator = '-';
// escaped separator
$separatorEscaped = \preg_quote($separator, '/');
// use defaults, if there are no values
if (self::$arrayToSeparator === []) {
// remove apostrophes which are not used as quotes around a string
if (\strpos($string, "'") !== false) {
$stringTmp = \preg_replace("/(\w)'(\w)/u", '${1}${2}', $string);
if ($stringTmp !== null) {
$string = (string) $stringTmp;
// replace with $separator
$string = (string) \preg_replace(
// remove all other html-tags
if (
\strpos($string, '<') !== false
\strpos($string, '>') !== false
) {
$string = \strip_tags($string);
// use special language replacer
$string = self::downcode($string, $language);
// replace with $separator, again
$string = (string) \preg_replace(
// remove all these words from the string before urlifying
$removeWordsSearch = '//';
if ($removeWords === true) {
$removeList = self::get_remove_list($language);
if ($removeList !== []) {
$removeWordsSearch = '/\b(?:' . \implode('|', $removeList) . ')\b/ui';
// keep the "." from e.g.: a file-extension?
if ($fileName) {
$removePatternAddOn = '.';
} else {
$removePatternAddOn = '';
$string = (string) \preg_replace(
// 1) remove un-needed chars
'/[^' . $separatorEscaped . $removePatternAddOn . '\-a-zA-Z0-9\s]/u',
// 2) convert spaces to $separator
// 3) remove some extras words
// 4) remove double $separator's
'/[' . ($separatorEscaped ?: ' ') . ']+/u',
// 5) remove $separator at the end
'/[' . ($separatorEscaped ?: ' ') . ']+$/u',
// "substr" only if "$length" is set
if (
$maxLength > 0
\strlen($string) > $maxLength
) {
$string = (string) \substr(\trim($string, $separator), 0, $maxLength);
// convert to lowercase
if ($strToLower === true) {
$string = \strtolower($string);
// trim "$separator" from beginning and end of the string
return \trim($string, $separator);
* Append words to the remove list. Accepts either single words or an array of words.
* @param string|string[] $words
* @param string $language
* @param bool $merge <p>Keep the previous (default) remove-words array.</p>
* @return void
public static function remove_words($words, string $language = 'en', bool $merge = true)
if (\is_array($words) === false) {
$words = [$words];
foreach ($words as $removeWordKey => $removeWord) {
$words[$removeWordKey] = \preg_quote($removeWord, '/');
if ($merge === true) {
self::$remove_list[$language] = \array_unique(
} else {
self::$remove_list[$language] = $words;
* Reset the internal "self::$arrayToSeparator" to the default values.
* @return void
public static function reset_array_to_separator()
self::$arrayToSeparator = [
'/&quot;|&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|&ndash;|&mdash;/i', // ", &, <, >, , —
* reset the word-remove-array
* @param string $language
* @return void
public static function reset_remove_list(string $language = 'en')
if ($language === '') {
$language_orig = $language;
$language = self::get_language_for_reset_remove_list($language);
if ($language === '') {
$stopWords = new \voku\helper\StopWords();
try {
self::$remove_list[$language_orig] = $stopWords->getStopWordsFromLanguage($language);
} catch (\voku\helper\StopWordsLanguageNotExists $e) {
self::$remove_list[$language_orig] = [];
* Alias of `URLify::downcode()`.
* @param string $string
* @param string $language
* @return string
public static function transliterate(string $string, string $language = 'en'): string
return self::downcode($string, $language);
* Expands the given string replacing some special parts for words.
* e.g. "" is replaced by "lorem at ipsum dot com".
* Most of these transformations have been inspired by the pelle/slugger
* project, distributed under the Eclipse Public License.
* Copyright 2012 Pelle Braendgaard
* @param string $string The string to expand
* @param string $language
* @return string The result of expanding the string
protected static function expandString(string $string, string $language = 'en'): string
$string = self::expandCurrencies($string, $language);
return self::expandSymbols($string, $language);
* @param string $language
* @return string
private static function get_language_for_reset_remove_list(string $language)
if ($language === '') {
return '';
if (
\strpos($language, '_') === false
\strpos($language, '-') === false
) {
$language = \strtolower($language);
} else {
$regex = '/(?<first>[a-z]{2}).*/i';
$language = \strtolower((string) \preg_replace($regex, '$1', $language));
return $language;
* Expands the numeric currencies in euros, dollars, pounds
* and yens that the given string may include.
* @param string $string
* @param string $language
* @return string
private static function expandCurrencies(string $string, string $language = 'en')
if (
\strpos($string, '€') === false
\strpos($string, '$') === false
\strpos($string, '£') === false
\strpos($string, '¥') === false
) {
return $string;
if ($language === 'de') {
return (string) \preg_replace(
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)¥(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
' \1 Euro ',
' \1 Dollar ',
' \1 Pound ',
' \1 Yen ',
' \1 Euro \2 Cent ',
' \1 Dollar \2 Cent ',
' \1 Pound \2 Pence ',
return (string) \preg_replace(
'/(?:\s|^)1(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*1(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*1(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)¥(?: )*(\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)1[.|,](\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?: )*€(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)1[.|,](\d+)(?: )*$(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)\$(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)1[.|,](\d+)(?: )*£(?:\s|$)/',
'/(?:\s|^)£(?: )*(\d+)[.|,](\d+)(?:\s|$)/',
' 1 Euro ',
' \1 Euros ',
' 1 Dollar ',
' \1 Dollars ',
' 1 Pound ',
' \1 Pounds ',
' \1 Yen ',
' 1 Euros \1 Cents ',
' \1 Euros \2 Cents ',
' 1 Dollars \1 Cents ',
' \1 Dollars \2 Cents ',
' 1 Pounds \1 Pence ',
' \1 Pounds \2 Pence ',
* Expands the special symbols that the given string may include, such as '@', '.', '#' and '%'.
* @param string $string
* @param string $language
* @return string
private static function expandSymbols(string $string, string $language = 'en')
if (
\strpos($string, '©') === false
\strpos($string, '®') === false
\strpos($string, '@') === false
\strpos($string, '&') === false
\strpos($string, '%') === false
\strpos($string, '=') === false
) {
return $string;
$maps = \voku\helper\ASCII::charsArray(true);
return (string) \preg_replace(
$maps[$language]['&'] ?? '&',
$maps[$language]['%'] ?? '%',
$maps[$language]['='] ?? '=',
* return the "self::$remove_list[$language]" array
* @param string $language
* @return array<mixed>
private static function get_remove_list(string $language = 'en')
// check for language
if ($language === '') {
return [];
// set remove-array
if (!isset(self::$remove_list[$language])) {
// check for array
if (
) {
return [];
return self::$remove_list[$language];