
48 lines
1.6 KiB

<?php /** @file */
// When editing a webpage - a dropdown is needed to select a page layout
// On submit, the pdl_select value (which is the mid of an item with item_restrict = ITEM_PDL) is stored in
// the webpage's resource_id, with resource_type 'pdl'.
// Then when displaying a webpage, we can see if it has a pdl attached. If not we'll
// use the default site/page layout.
// If it has a pdl we'll load it as we know the mid and pass the body through comanche_parser() which will generate the
// page layout from the given description
function pdl_selector($uid,$current="") {
$o = '';
// You can use anybody's Comanche layouts on this site that haven't been protected in some way
$sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($uid);
// By default order by title (therefore at this time pdl's need a unique title across this system),
// though future work may allow categorisation
// based on taxonomy terms
$r = q("select title, mid from item where (item_restrict & %d) $sql_extra order by title",
$arr = array('channel_id' => $uid, 'current' => $current, 'entries' => $r);
$entries = $arr['entries'];
$current = $arr['current'];
$o .= "<select name=\"pdl_select\" id=\"pdl_select\" size=\"1\" >";
$entries[] = array('title' => t('Default'), 'mid' => '');
foreach($entries as $selection) {
$selected = (($selection == $current) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '');
$o .= "<option value=\"{$selection['mid']}\" $selected >{$selection['title']}</option>";
$o .= '</select>';
return $o;