2022-12-31 08:40:20 +11:00

249 lines
11 KiB

namespace Code\Module\Settings;
use App;
use Code\Lib\Libsync;
use Code\Lib\Features;
use Code\Lib\Addon;
use Code\Extend\Hook;
use Code\Render\Theme;
class Display
public function post()
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/display', 'settings_display');
$themespec = explode(':', App::$channel['channel_theme']);
$existing_theme = $themespec[0];
$existing_schema = $themespec[1];
$theme = ((x($_POST, 'theme')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme'])) : $existing_theme);
if (!$theme) {
$theme = 'redbasic';
$preload_images = ((x($_POST, 'preload_images')) ? intval($_POST['preload_images']) : 0);
$channel_menu = ((x($_POST, 'channel_menu')) ? intval($_POST['channel_menu']) : 0);
$user_scalable = ((x($_POST, 'user_scalable')) ? intval($_POST['user_scalable']) : 0);
$nosmile = ((x($_POST, 'nosmile')) ? intval($_POST['nosmile']) : 0);
$indentpx = ((x($_POST, 'indentpx')) ? intval($_POST['indentpx']) : 0);
$channel_divmore_height = ((x($_POST, 'channel_divmore_height')) ? intval($_POST['channel_divmore_height']) : 400);
if ($channel_divmore_height < 50) {
$channel_divmore_height = 50;
$stream_divmore_height = ((x($_POST, 'stream_divmore_height')) ? intval($_POST['stream_divmore_height']) : 400);
if ($stream_divmore_height < 50) {
$stream_divmore_height = 50;
$browser_update = ((x($_POST, 'browser_update')) ? intval($_POST['browser_update']) : 0);
$browser_update = $browser_update * 1000;
if ($browser_update < 15000) {
$browser_update = 15000;
$itemspage = ((x($_POST, 'itemspage')) ? intval($_POST['itemspage']) : 20);
if ($itemspage > 100) {
$itemspage = 100;
if ($indentpx < 0) {
$indentpx = 0;
if ($indentpx > 20) {
$indentpx = 20;
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'preload_images', $preload_images);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'user_scalable', $user_scalable);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'update_interval', $browser_update);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'itemspage', $itemspage);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'no_smilies', 1 - intval($nosmile));
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_divmore_height', $channel_divmore_height);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'stream_divmore_height', $stream_divmore_height);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_menu', $channel_menu);
set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'thread_indent_px', $indentpx);
$newschema = '';
if ($theme) {
// call theme_post only if theme has not been changed
if (($themeconfigfile = $this->get_theme_config_file($theme)) != null) {
if (class_exists('\\Code\\Theme\\' . ucfirst($theme) . 'Config')) {
$clsname = '\\Code\\Theme\\' . ucfirst($theme) . 'Config';
$theme_config = new $clsname();
$schemas = $theme_config->get_schemas();
if (array_key_exists($_POST['schema'], $schemas)) {
$newschema = $_POST['schema'];
if ($newschema === '---') {
$newschema = '';
logger('theme: ' . $theme . (($newschema) ? ':' . $newschema : ''));
$_SESSION['theme'] = $theme . (($newschema) ? ':' . $newschema : '');
$r = q(
"UPDATE channel SET channel_theme = '%s' WHERE channel_id = %d",
dbesc($theme . (($newschema) ? ':' . $newschema : '')),
Hook::call('display_settings_post', $_POST);
goaway(z_root() . '/settings/display');
return; // NOTREACHED
public function get()
$yes_no = [t('No'), t('Yes')];
$default_theme = get_config('system', 'theme');
if (!$default_theme) {
$default_theme = 'redbasic';
$themespec = explode(':', App::$channel['channel_theme']);
$existing_theme = $themespec[0];
$existing_schema = $themespec[1];
$theme = (($existing_theme) ? $existing_theme : $default_theme);
$allowed_themes_str = get_config('system', 'allowed_themes');
$allowed_themes_raw = explode(',', $allowed_themes_str);
$allowed_themes = [];
if (count($allowed_themes_raw)) {
foreach ($allowed_themes_raw as $x) {
if (strlen(trim($x)) && is_dir("view/theme/$x")) {
$allowed_themes[] = trim($x);
$themes = [];
$files = glob('view/theme/*');
if ($allowed_themes) {
foreach ($allowed_themes as $th) {
$f = $th;
$info = Theme::get_info($th);
$compatible = Addon::check_versions($info);
if (!$compatible) {
$themes[$f] = sprintf(t('%s - (Incompatible)'), $f);
$is_experimental = file_exists('view/theme/' . $th . '/experimental');
$unsupported = file_exists('view/theme/' . $th . '/unsupported');
$is_library = file_exists('view/theme/' . $th . '/library');
if (!$is_experimental or ($is_experimental && (get_config('experimentals', 'exp_themes') == 1 or get_config('experimentals', 'exp_themes') === false))) {
$theme_name = (($is_experimental) ? sprintf(t('%s - (Experimental)'), $f) : $f);
if (!$is_library) {
$themes[$f] = $theme_name;
$theme_selected = ((array_key_exists('theme', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['theme']) ? $_SESSION['theme'] : $theme);
if (strpos($theme_selected, ':')) {
$theme_selected = explode(':', $theme_selected)[0];
$preload_images = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'preload_images');
$user_scalable = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'user_scalable', '0');
$browser_update = intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'update_interval', 30000)); // default if not set: 30 seconds
$browser_update = (($browser_update < 15000) ? 15 : $browser_update / 1000); // minimum 15 seconds
$itemspage = intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'itemspage'));
$itemspage = (($itemspage > 0 && $itemspage < 101) ? $itemspage : 20); // default if not set: 20 items
$nosmile = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'no_smilies');
$nosmile = (($nosmile === false) ? '0' : $nosmile); // default if not set: 0
$theme_config = "";
if (($themeconfigfile = $this->get_theme_config_file($theme)) != null) {
if (class_exists('\\Code\\Theme\\' . ucfirst($theme) . 'Config')) {
$clsname = '\\Code\\Theme\\' . ucfirst($theme) . 'Config';
$thm_config = new $clsname();
$schemas = $thm_config->get_schemas();
$theme_config = $thm_config->get();
// logger('schemas: ' . print_r($schemas,true));
$tpl = Theme::get_template("settings_display.tpl");
$o = replace_macros($tpl, [
'$ptitle' => t('Display Settings'),
'$d_tset' => t('Theme Settings'),
'$d_ctset' => t('Custom Theme Settings'),
'$d_cset' => t('Content Settings'),
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings_display"),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$baseurl' => z_root(),
'$uid' => local_channel(),
'$theme' => (($themes) ? ['theme', t('Display Theme:'), $theme_selected, '', $themes, 'preview'] : false),
'$schema' => ['schema', t('Select scheme'), $existing_schema, '', $schemas],
'$preload_images' => ['preload_images', t("Preload images before rendering the page"), $preload_images, t("The subjective page load time will be longer but the page will be ready when displayed"), $yes_no],
'$user_scalable' => ['user_scalable', t("Enable user zoom on mobile devices"), $user_scalable, '', $yes_no],
'$ajaxint' => ['browser_update', t("Update notifications every xx seconds"), $browser_update, t('Minimum of 15 seconds, no maximum')],
'$itemspage' => ['itemspage', t("Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:"), $itemspage, t('Maximum of 100 items')],
'$nosmile' => ['nosmile', t("Show emoticons (smilies) as images"), 1 - intval($nosmile), '', $yes_no],
'$channel_menu' => ['channel_menu', t('Provide channel menu in navigation bar'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_menu', get_config('system', 'channel_menu', 0)), t('Default: channel menu located in app menu'), $yes_no],
'$layout_editor' => t('System Page Layout Editor - (advanced)'),
'$theme_config' => $theme_config,
'$expert' => Features::enabled(local_channel(), 'advanced_theming'),
'$channel_divmore_height' => ['channel_divmore_height', t('Channel page max height of content (in pixels)'), ((get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_divmore_height')) ? get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'channel_divmore_height') : 400), t('click to expand content exceeding this height')],
'$stream_divmore_height' => ['stream_divmore_height', t('Stream page max height of content (in pixels)'), ((get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'stream_divmore_height')) ? get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'stream_divmore_height') : 400), t('click to expand content exceeding this height')],
'$indentpx' => ['indentpx', t('Indent threaded comments this many pixels from the parent'), intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'thread_indent_px', get_config('system', 'thread_indent_px', 0))), t('0-20')],
Hook::call('display_settings', $o);
return $o;
public function get_theme_config_file($theme)
$base_theme = App::$theme_info['extends'];
if (file_exists("view/theme/$theme/php/config.php")) {
return "view/theme/$theme/php/config.php";
if (file_exists("view/theme/$base_theme/php/config.php")) {
return "view/theme/$base_theme/php/config.php";
return null;