2022-02-15 20:08:28 -08:00

244 lines
7 KiB

namespace Code\Web;
use App;
use Code\Lib\Channel;
use Code\Extend\Hook;
class WebServer
public function run()
* Bootstrap the application, load configuration, load modules, load theme, etc.
if (file_exists('maintenance_lock') || file_exists('cache/maintenance_lock')) {
http_status_exit(503, 'System unavailable');
if (App::$install) {
* During installation, only permit the view module and setup module.
* The view module is required to expand/replace variables in style.css
if (App::$module !== 'view') {
App::$module = 'setup';
} else {
* check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically
* update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if
* any plugins have been added or removed and reacts accordingly.
$Router = new Router();
// if the observer is a visitor, add some javascript to the page to let
// the application take them home.
// now that we've been through the module content, see if the page reported
// a permission problem via session based notifications and if so, a 403
// response would seem to be in order.
if (is_array($_SESSION['sysmsg']) && stristr(implode("", $_SESSION['sysmsg']), t('Permission denied'))) {
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 ' . t('Permission denied.'));
private function start_session()
if (App::$session) {
} else {
private function set_language()
* Determine the language of the interface
// First use the browser preference, if available. This will fall back to 'en'
// if there is no built-in language support for the preferred languagge
App::$language = get_best_language();
load_translation_table(App::$language, App::$install);
// See if there's a request to over-ride the language
// store it in the session.
if (array_key_exists('system_language', $_REQUEST)) {
if (strlen($_REQUEST['system_language'])) {
$_SESSION['language'] = $_REQUEST['system_language'];
} else {
// reset to default if it's an empty string
// If we've over-ridden the language, set it now.
if ((x($_SESSION, 'language')) && ($_SESSION['language'] !== App::$language)) {
App::$language = $_SESSION['language'];
private function set_identities()
if ((x($_GET, 'zid')) && (! App::$install)) {
App::$query_string = strip_zids(App::$query_string);
if (! local_channel()) {
if ($_SESSION['my_address'] !== $_GET['zid']) {
$_SESSION['my_address'] = $_GET['zid'];
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = 0;
if ((x($_GET, 'zat')) && (! App::$install)) {
App::$query_string = strip_zats(App::$query_string);
if (! local_channel()) {
if ((x($_REQUEST, 'owt')) && (! App::$install)) {
$token = $_REQUEST['owt'];
App::$query_string = strip_query_param(App::$query_string, 'owt');
if ((x($_SESSION, 'authenticated')) || (x($_POST, 'auth-params')) || (App::$module === 'login')) {
private function initialise_notifications()
if (! x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg')) {
$_SESSION['sysmsg'] = [];
if (! x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info')) {
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = [];
private function initialise_content()
/* initialise content region */
if (! x(App::$page, 'content')) {
App::$page['content'] = EMPTY_STR;
Hook::call('page_content_top', App::$page['content']);
private function create_channel_links()
/* Initialise the Link: response header if this is a channel page.
* This cannot be done inside the channel module because some protocol
* addons over-ride the module functions and these links are common
* to all protocol drivers; thus doing it here avoids duplication.
if (( App::$module === 'channel' ) && argc() > 1) {
App::$channel_links = [
'rel' => 'jrd',
'type' => 'application/jrd+json',
'href' => z_root() . '/.well-known/webfinger?f=&resource=acct%3A' . argv(1) . '%40' . App::get_hostname()
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/x-zot+json',
'href' => z_root() . '/channel/' . argv(1)
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/x-nomad+json',
'href' => z_root() . '/channel/' . argv(1)
'rel' => 'self',
'type' => 'application/ld+json; profile=""',
'href' => z_root() . '/channel/' . argv(1)
'rel' => 'self',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
'href' => z_root() . '/channel/' . argv(1)
$x = [ 'channel_address' => argv(1), 'channel_links' => App::$channel_links ];
Hook::call('channel_links', $x);
App::$channel_links = $x['channel_links'];
header('Link: ' . App::get_channel_links());
private function set_homebase()
// If you're just visiting, let javascript take you home
if (x($_SESSION, 'visitor_home')) {
$homebase = $_SESSION['visitor_home'];
} elseif (local_channel()) {
$homebase = z_root() . '/channel/' . App::$channel['channel_address'];
if (isset($homebase)) {
App::$page['content'] .= '<script>var homebase = "' . $homebase . '";</script>';