Klaus Weidenbach b92e3ca3ee [TASK] Restructure tests/ folder.
Move unit tests to tests/unit/. Get the old still working UnitTests
into a working state again.
Updated composer.json with required-dev packages.
Create a new folder tests/acceptance for Behat functional/acceptance
testing. Add a first Feature draft of a Behat functional test for
local login.
2016-10-19 00:46:41 +02:00

18 lines
529 B

Feature: Local login
In order to login locally
As a member
I need to successfully authenticate
Scenario: Provide wrong credentials
Given I am on "/login"
When I fill in "id_username" with "foo"
And I fill in "id_password" with "bar"
And I press "submit"
Then I should be on "/login"
Scenario: Provide correct credentials
Given I am on "/login"
When I fill in "id_username" with "behat"
And I fill in "id_password" with "behat"
And I press "submit"
Then I should be on "/apps"