Klaus Weidenbach d0361582b0 Correcting reported Doxygen syntax warnings.
Fixed wrong Doxygen syntax and add some of the available FIXME to
Doxygen documentation.
Updated Doxygen configuration to add also all capital letter tags.
Adding some more Doxygen documentation.
2015-03-29 22:23:00 +02:00

102 lines
2.8 KiB

* @file include/expire.php
function expire_run($argv, $argc){
// perform final cleanup on previously delete items
$r = q("select id from item where (item_restrict & %d) > 0 and (item_restrict & %d) = 0
and changed < %s - INTERVAL %s",
db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('10 DAY')
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $rr) {
drop_item($rr['id'], false, DROPITEM_PHASE2);
// physically remove anything that has been deleted for more than two months
/** @FIXME - this is a wretchedly inefficient query */
$r = q("delete from item where ( item_restrict & %d ) > 0 and changed < %s - INTERVAL %s",
db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('36 DAY')
/** @FIXME make this optional as it could have a performance impact on large sites */
if (intval(get_config('system', 'optimize_items')))
q("optimize table item");
logger('expire: start', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$site_expire = get_config('system', 'default_expire_days');
logger('site_expire: ' . $site_expire);
$r = q("SELECT channel_id, channel_address, channel_pageflags, channel_expire_days from channel where true");
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $rr) {
// expire the sys channel separately
if ($rr['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_SYSTEM)
// service class default (if non-zero) over-rides the site default
$service_class_expire = service_class_fetch($rr['channel_id'], 'expire_days');
if (intval($service_class_expire))
$channel_expire = $service_class_expire;
$channel_expire = $site_expire;
if (intval($channel_expire) && (intval($channel_expire) < intval($rr['channel_expire_days'])) ||
intval($rr['channel_expire_days'] == 0)) {
$expire_days = $channel_expire;
} else {
$expire_days = $rr['channel_expire_days'];
// if the site or service class expiration is non-zero and less than person expiration, use that
logger('Expire: ' . $rr['channel_address'] . ' interval: ' . $expire_days, LOGGER_DEBUG);
item_expire($rr['channel_id'], $expire_days);
$x = get_sys_channel();
if ($x) {
// this should probably just fetch the channel_expire_days from the sys channel,
// but there's no convenient way to set it.
$expire_days = get_config('system', 'sys_expire_days');
if ($expire_days === false)
$expire_days = 30;
if (intval($site_expire) && (intval($site_expire) < intval($expire_days))) {
$expire_days = $site_expire;
logger('Expire: sys interval: ' . $expire_days, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ($expire_days)
item_expire($x['channel_id'], $expire_days);
logger('Expire: sys: done', LOGGER_DEBUG);
if (array_search(__file__, get_included_files()) === 0){
expire_run($argv, $argc);