Klaus Weidenbach 503c368f9e ⬆️ 🔨 Upgrade PHP Markdown library.
The current version throws deprecated warning with PHP7.1 and PHPUnit.
Upgrade the Markdown library to the current PHP Markdown Lib 1.7.0.
Used composer to manage this library.
2017-02-27 23:40:29 +01:00

479 lines
17 KiB

namespace Zotlabs\Module\Admin;
use \Zotlabs\Storage\GitRepo as GitRepo;
use \Michelf\MarkdownExtra;
class Plugins {
* @brief
function post() {
if(argc() > 2 && is_file("addon/" . argv(2) . "/" . argv(2) . ".php")) {
@include_once("addon/" . argv(2) . "/" . argv(2) . ".php");
if(function_exists(argv(2).'_plugin_admin_post')) {
$func = argv(2) . '_plugin_admin_post';
goaway(z_root() . '/admin/plugins/' . argv(2) );
elseif(argc() > 2) {
switch(argv(2)) {
case 'updaterepo':
if (array_key_exists('repoName', $_REQUEST)) {
$repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
else {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'No repo name provided.', 'success' => false));
$extendDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/extend';
$addonDir = $extendDir . '/addon';
if (!file_exists($extendDir)) {
if (!mkdir($extendDir, 0770, true)) {
logger('Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir, 'success' => false));
else {
if (!symlink(realpath('extend/addon'), $addonDir)) {
logger('Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir, 'success' => false));
$repoDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/extend/addon/' . $repoName;
if (!is_dir($repoDir)) {
logger('Repo directory does not exist: ' . $repoDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid addon repo.', 'success' => false));
if (!is_writable($repoDir)) {
logger('Repo directory not writable to web server: ' . $repoDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Repo directory not writable to web server.', 'success' => false));
$git = new GitRepo('sys', null, false, $repoName, $repoDir);
try {
if ($git->pull()) {
$files = array_diff(scandir($repoDir), array('.', '..'));
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_dir($repoDir . '/' . $file) && $file !== '.git') {
$source = '../extend/addon/' . $repoName . '/' . $file;
$target = realpath('addon/') . '/' . $file;
if (!symlink($source, $target)) {
logger('Error linking addons to /addon');
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error linking addons to /addon', 'success' => false));
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Repo updated.', 'success' => true));
} else {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error updating addon repo.', 'success' => false));
} catch (\PHPGit\Exception\GitException $e) {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error updating addon repo.', 'success' => false));
case 'removerepo':
if (array_key_exists('repoName', $_REQUEST)) {
$repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
} else {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'No repo name provided.', 'success' => false));
$extendDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/extend';
$addonDir = $extendDir . '/addon';
if (!file_exists($extendDir)) {
if (!mkdir($extendDir, 0770, true)) {
logger('Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir, 'success' => false));
} else {
if (!symlink(realpath('extend/addon'), $addonDir)) {
logger('Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir, 'success' => false));
$repoDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/extend/addon/' . $repoName;
if (!is_dir($repoDir)) {
logger('Repo directory does not exist: ' . $repoDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid addon repo.', 'success' => false));
if (!is_writable($repoDir)) {
logger('Repo directory not writable to web server: ' . $repoDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Repo directory not writable to web server.', 'success' => false));
/// @TODO remove directory and unlink /addon/files
if (rrmdir($repoDir)) {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Repo deleted.', 'success' => true));
} else {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error deleting addon repo.', 'success' => false));
case 'installrepo':
if (array_key_exists('repoURL', $_REQUEST)) {
require_once('library/PHPGit.autoload.php'); // Load PHPGit dependencies
$repoURL = $_REQUEST['repoURL'];
$extendDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/extend';
$addonDir = $extendDir . '/addon';
if (!file_exists($extendDir)) {
if (!mkdir($extendDir, 0770, true)) {
logger('Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir, 'success' => false));
} else {
if (!symlink(realpath('extend/addon'), $addonDir)) {
logger('Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir, 'success' => false));
if (!is_writable($extendDir)) {
logger('Directory not writable to web server: ' . $extendDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Directory not writable to web server.', 'success' => false));
$repoName = null;
if (array_key_exists('repoName', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['repoName'] !== '') {
$repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
} else {
$repoName = GitRepo::getRepoNameFromURL($repoURL);
if (!$repoName) {
logger('Invalid git repo');
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid git repo', 'success' => false));
$repoDir = $addonDir . '/' . $repoName;
$tempRepoBaseDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/temp/';
$tempAddonDir = $tempRepoBaseDir . $repoName;
if (!is_writable($addonDir) || !is_writable($tempAddonDir)) {
logger('Temp repo directory or /extend/addon not writable to web server: ' . $tempAddonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Temp repo directory not writable to web server.', 'success' => false));
rename($tempAddonDir, $repoDir);
if (!is_writable(realpath('addon/'))) {
logger('/addon directory not writable to web server: ' . $tempAddonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => '/addon directory not writable to web server.', 'success' => false));
$files = array_diff(scandir($repoDir), array('.', '..'));
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_dir($repoDir . '/' . $file) && $file !== '.git') {
$source = '../extend/addon/' . $repoName . '/' . $file;
$target = realpath('addon/') . '/' . $file;
if (!symlink($source, $target)) {
logger('Error linking addons to /addon');
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error linking addons to /addon', 'success' => false));
$git = new GitRepo('sys', $repoURL, false, $repoName, $repoDir);
$repo = $git->probeRepo();
json_return_and_die(array('repo' => $repo, 'message' => '', 'success' => true));
case 'addrepo':
if (array_key_exists('repoURL', $_REQUEST)) {
require_once('library/PHPGit.autoload.php'); // Load PHPGit dependencies
$repoURL = $_REQUEST['repoURL'];
$extendDir = 'store/[data]/git/sys/extend';
$addonDir = $extendDir . '/addon';
$tempAddonDir = realpath('store/[data]') . '/git/sys/temp';
if (!file_exists($extendDir)) {
if (!mkdir($extendDir, 0770, true)) {
logger('Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir, 'success' => false));
} else {
if (!symlink(realpath('extend/addon'), $addonDir)) {
logger('Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir, 'success' => false));
if (!is_dir($tempAddonDir)) {
if (!mkdir($tempAddonDir, 0770, true)) {
logger('Error creating temp plugin repo folder: ' . $tempAddonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating temp plugin repo folder: ' . $tempAddonDir, 'success' => false));
$repoName = null;
if (array_key_exists('repoName', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['repoName'] !== '') {
$repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
} else {
$repoName = GitRepo::getRepoNameFromURL($repoURL);
if (!$repoName) {
logger('Invalid git repo');
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid git repo: ' . $repoName, 'success' => false));
$repoDir = $tempAddonDir . '/' . $repoName;
if (!is_writable($tempAddonDir)) {
logger('Temporary directory for new addon repo is not writable to web server: ' . $tempAddonDir);
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Temporary directory for new addon repo is not writable to web server.', 'success' => false));
// clone the repo if new automatically
$git = new GitRepo('sys', $repoURL, true, $repoName, $repoDir);
$remotes = $git->git->remote();
$fetchURL = $remotes['origin']['fetch'];
if ($fetchURL !== $git->url) {
if (rrmdir($repoDir)) {
$git = new GitRepo('sys', $repoURL, true, $repoName, $repoDir);
} else {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error deleting existing addon repo.', 'success' => false));
$repo = $git->probeRepo();
$repo['readme'] = $repo['manifest'] = null;
foreach ($git->git->tree('master') as $object) {
if ($object['type'] == 'blob' && (strtolower($object['file']) === '' || strtolower($object['file']) === 'readme')) {
$repo['readme'] = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($git->git->cat->blob($object['hash']));
} else if ($object['type'] == 'blob' && strtolower($object['file']) === 'manifest.json') {
$repo['manifest'] = $git->git->cat->blob($object['hash']);
json_return_and_die(array('repo' => $repo, 'message' => '', 'success' => true));
} else {
json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'No repo URL provided', 'success' => false));
* @brief Plugins admin page.
* @return string with parsed HTML
function get() {
* Single plugin
if (\App::$argc == 3){
$plugin = \App::$argv[2];
if (!is_file("addon/$plugin/$plugin.php")){
notice( t("Item not found.") );
return '';
$enabled = in_array($plugin,\App::$plugins);
$info = get_plugin_info($plugin);
$x = check_plugin_versions($info);
// disable plugins which are installed but incompatible versions
if($enabled && ! $x) {
$enabled = false;
$idz = array_search($plugin, \App::$plugins);
if ($idz !== false) {
set_config("system","addon", implode(", ",\App::$plugins));
$info['disabled'] = 1-intval($x);
if (x($_GET,"a") && $_GET['a']=="t"){
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/plugins', 'admin_plugins', 't');
$pinstalled = false;
// Toggle plugin status
$idx = array_search($plugin, \App::$plugins);
if ($idx !== false){
$pinstalled = false;
info( sprintf( t("Plugin %s disabled."), $plugin ) );
} else {
\App::$plugins[] = $plugin;
$pinstalled = true;
info( sprintf( t("Plugin %s enabled."), $plugin ) );
set_config("system","addon", implode(", ",\App::$plugins));
if($pinstalled) {
goaway(z_root() . '/admin/plugins/' . $plugin);
goaway(z_root() . '/admin/plugins' );
// display plugin details
if (in_array($plugin, \App::$plugins)){
$status = 'on';
$action = t('Disable');
} else {
$status = 'off';
$action = t('Enable');
$readme = null;
if (is_file("addon/$plugin/")){
$readme = file_get_contents("addon/$plugin/");
$readme = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($readme);
} else if (is_file("addon/$plugin/README")){
$readme = "<pre>". file_get_contents("addon/$plugin/README") ."</pre>";
$admin_form = '';
$r = q("select * from addon where plugin_admin = 1 and aname = '%s' limit 1",
if($r) {
if(function_exists($plugin.'_plugin_admin')) {
$func = $plugin.'_plugin_admin';
$func($a, $admin_form);
$t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins_details.tpl');
return replace_macros($t, array(
'$title' => t('Administration'),
'$page' => t('Plugins'),
'$toggle' => t('Toggle'),
'$settings' => t('Settings'),
'$baseurl' => z_root(),
'$plugin' => $plugin,
'$status' => $status,
'$action' => $action,
'$info' => $info,
'$str_author' => t('Author: '),
'$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '),
'$str_minversion' => t('Minimum project version: '),
'$str_maxversion' => t('Maximum project version: '),
'$str_minphpversion' => t('Minimum PHP version: '),
'$str_serverroles' => t('Compatible Server Roles: '),
'$str_requires' => t('Requires: '),
'$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'),
'$admin_form' => $admin_form,
'$function' => 'plugins',
'$screenshot' => '',
'$readme' => $readme,
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'),
* List plugins
$plugins = array();
$files = glob('addon/*/');
if($files) {
foreach($files as $file) {
if (is_dir($file)){
list($tmp, $id) = array_map('trim', explode('/', $file));
$info = get_plugin_info($id);
$enabled = in_array($id,\App::$plugins);
$x = check_plugin_versions($info);
// disable plugins which are installed but incompatible versions
if($enabled && ! $x) {
$enabled = false;
$idz = array_search($id, \App::$plugins);
if ($idz !== false) {
set_config("system","addon", implode(", ",\App::$plugins));
$info['disabled'] = 1-intval($x);
$plugins[] = array( $id, (($enabled)?"on":"off") , $info);
$allowManageRepos = false;
if(is_writable('extend/addon') && is_writable('store/[data]')) {
$allowManageRepos = true;
$admin_plugins_add_repo_form= replace_macros(
get_markup_template('admin_plugins_addrepo.tpl'), array(
'$post' => 'admin/plugins/addrepo',
'$desc' => t('Enter the public git repository URL of the plugin repo.'),
'$repoURL' => array('repoURL', t('Plugin repo git URL'), '', ''),
'$repoName' => array('repoName', t('Custom repo name'), '', '', t('(optional)')),
'$submit' => t('Download Plugin Repo')
$newRepoModalID = random_string(3);
$newRepoModal = replace_macros(
get_markup_template('generic_modal.tpl'), array(
'$id' => $newRepoModalID,
'$title' => t('Install new repo'),
'$ok' => t('Install'),
'$cancel' => t('Cancel')
$reponames = $this->listAddonRepos();
$addonrepos = [];
foreach($reponames as $repo) {
$addonrepos[] = array('name' => $repo, 'description' => '');
/// @TODO Parse repo info to provide more information about repos
$t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins.tpl');
return replace_macros($t, array(
'$title' => t('Administration'),
'$page' => t('Plugins'),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$baseurl' => z_root(),
'$function' => 'plugins',
'$plugins' => $plugins,
'$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'),
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'),
'$allowManageRepos' => $allowManageRepos,
'$managerepos' => t('Manage Repos'),
'$installedtitle' => t('Installed Plugin Repositories'),
'$addnewrepotitle' => t('Install a New Plugin Repository'),
'$expandform' => false,
'$form' => $admin_plugins_add_repo_form,
'$newRepoModal' => $newRepoModal,
'$newRepoModalID' => $newRepoModalID,
'$addonrepos' => $addonrepos,
'$repoUpdateButton' => t('Update'),
'$repoBranchButton' => t('Switch branch'),
'$repoRemoveButton' => t('Remove')
function listAddonRepos() {
$addonrepos = [];
$addonDir = 'extend/addon/';
if(is_dir($addonDir)) {
if ($handle = opendir($addonDir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
$addonrepos[] = $entry;
return $addonrepos;
static public function plugin_sort($a,$b) {