2012-06-03 18:19:28 +00:00
< ? php
require_once 'Sabre/DAV/AbstractServer.php' ;
class Sabre_DAV_Locks_PluginTest extends Sabre_DAV_AbstractServer {
* @ var Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin
protected $locksPlugin ;
function setUp () {
parent :: setUp ();
$locksBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_File ( SABRE_TEMPDIR . '/locksdb' );
$locksPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin ( $locksBackend );
$this -> server -> addPlugin ( $locksPlugin );
$this -> locksPlugin = $locksPlugin ;
function testGetFeatures () {
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 2 ), $this -> locksPlugin -> getFeatures ());
function testGetHTTPMethods () {
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'LOCK' , 'UNLOCK' ), $this -> locksPlugin -> getHTTPMethods ( '' ));
function testGetHTTPMethodsNoBackend () {
$locksPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin ();
$this -> server -> addPlugin ( $locksPlugin );
$this -> assertEquals ( array (), $locksPlugin -> getHTTPMethods ( '' ));
function testUnknownMethodPassthough () {
$this -> assertNull ( $this -> locksPlugin -> unknownMethod ( 'BLA' , '/' ));
function testLockNoBody () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( '' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = ( $request );
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( array (
'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' ,
$this -> response -> headers
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request' , $this -> response -> status );
function testLock () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status , 'Got an incorrect status back. Response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
2012-07-23 21:15:47 +00:00
$body = preg_replace ( " /xmlns(:[A-Za-z0-9_])?=( \" | \ ')DAV:( \" | \ ')/ " , " xmlns \\ 1= \" DAV: \" " , $this -> response -> body );
2012-06-03 18:19:28 +00:00
$xml = simplexml_load_string ( $body );
2012-07-23 21:15:47 +00:00
$xml -> registerXPathNamespace ( 'd' , 'DAV:' );
2012-06-03 18:19:28 +00:00
$elements = array (
'/d:prop' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:locktype' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:lockroot' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:lockroot/d:href' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:locktype/d:write' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:lockscope' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:lockscope/d:exclusive' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:depth' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:owner' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:timeout' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:locktoken' ,
'/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:locktoken/d:href' ,
foreach ( $elements as $elem ) {
$data = $xml -> xpath ( $elem );
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $data ), 'We expected 1 match for the xpath expression "' . $elem . '". ' . count ( $data ) . ' were found. Full response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
$depth = $xml -> xpath ( '/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:depth' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'infinity' ,( string ) $depth [ 0 ]);
$token = $xml -> xpath ( '/d:prop/d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock/d:locktoken/d:href' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ], '<' . ( string ) $token [ 0 ] . '>' , 'Token in response body didn\'t match token in response header.' );
* @ depends testLock
function testDoubleLock () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> response = new Sabre_HTTP_ResponseMock ();
$this -> server -> httpResponse = $this -> response ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 423 Locked' , $this -> response -> status );
* @ depends testLock
function testLockRefresh () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$lockToken = $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ];
$this -> response = new Sabre_HTTP_ResponseMock ();
$this -> server -> httpResponse = $this -> response ;
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(' . $lockToken . ')' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( '' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status , 'We received an incorrect status code. Full response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
* @ depends testLock
function testLockNoFile () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/notfound.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created' , $this -> response -> status );
* @ depends testLock
function testUnlockNoToken () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = ( $request );
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( array (
'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' ,
$this -> response -> headers
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request' , $this -> response -> status );
* @ depends testLock
function testUnlockBadToken () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
'HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN' => '<opaquelocktoken:blablabla>' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = ( $request );
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( array (
'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' ,
$this -> response -> headers
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict' , $this -> response -> status , 'Got an incorrect status code. Full response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
* @ depends testLock
function testLockPutNoToken () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( 'newbody' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 423 Locked' , $this -> response -> status );
* @ depends testLock
function testUnlock () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array ());
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> invokeMethod ( 'LOCK' , 'test.txt' );
$lockToken = $this -> server -> httpResponse -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ];
$serverVars = array (
'HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN' => $lockToken ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = ( $request );
$this -> server -> httpResponse = new Sabre_HTTP_ResponseMock ();
$this -> server -> invokeMethod ( 'UNLOCK' , 'test.txt' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 204 No Content' , $this -> server -> httpResponse -> status , 'Got an incorrect status code. Full response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
$this -> assertEquals ( array (
'Content-Length' => '0' ,
$this -> server -> httpResponse -> headers
* @ depends testLock
function testUnlockWindowsBug () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array ());
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> invokeMethod ( 'LOCK' , 'test.txt' );
$lockToken = $this -> server -> httpResponse -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ];
// See Issue 123
$lockToken = trim ( $lockToken , '<>' );
$serverVars = array (
'HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN' => $lockToken ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = ( $request );
$this -> server -> httpResponse = new Sabre_HTTP_ResponseMock ();
$this -> server -> invokeMethod ( 'UNLOCK' , 'test.txt' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 204 No Content' , $this -> server -> httpResponse -> status , 'Got an incorrect status code. Full response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
$this -> assertEquals ( array (
'Content-Length' => '0' ,
$this -> server -> httpResponse -> headers
* @ depends testLock
function testLockRetainOwner () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array ());
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner > Evert </ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> invokeMethod ( 'LOCK' , 'test.txt' );
$lockToken = $this -> server -> httpResponse -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ];
$locks = $this -> locksPlugin -> getLocks ( 'test.txt' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $locks ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Evert' , $locks [ 0 ] -> owner );
* @ depends testLock
function testLockPutBadToken () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(<opaquelocktoken:token1>)' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( 'newbody' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition failed' , $this -> response -> status );
* @ depends testLock
function testLockDeleteParent () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 423 Locked' , $this -> response -> status );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockDeleteSucceed () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 204 No Content' , $this -> response -> status );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockCopyLockSource () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_DESTINATION' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created' , $this -> response -> status , 'Copy must succeed if only the source is locked, but not the destination' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockCopyLockDestination () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_DESTINATION' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 423 Locked' , $this -> response -> status , 'Copy must succeed if only the source is locked, but not the destination' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockMoveLockSourceLocked () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_DESTINATION' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 423 Locked' , $this -> response -> status , 'Copy must succeed if only the source is locked, but not the destination' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockMoveLockSourceSucceed () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_DESTINATION' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created' , $this -> response -> status , 'A valid lock-token was provided for the source, so this MOVE operation must succeed. Full response body: ' . $this -> response -> body );
* @ depends testLock
function testLockMoveLockDestination () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_DESTINATION' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 423 Locked' , $this -> response -> status , 'Copy must succeed if only the source is locked, but not the destination' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockMoveLockParent () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir' ,
'HTTP_DEPTH' => 'infinite' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/dir/child.txt' ,
'HTTP_DESTINATION' => '/dir/child2.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '</dir> (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created' , $this -> response -> status , 'We locked the parent of both the source and destination, but the move didn\'t succeed.' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
* @ depends testLock
function testLockPutGoodToken () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< D : lockinfo xmlns : D = " DAV: " >
< D : lockscope >< D : exclusive /></ D : lockscope >
< D : locktype >< D : write /></ D : locktype >
< D : owner >
< D : href > http :// example . org /~ ejw / contact . html </ D : href >
</ D : owner >
</ D : lockinfo > ' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' , $this -> response -> status );
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( 'newbody' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Content-Type' ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( preg_match ( '/^<opaquelocktoken:(.*)>$/' , $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ]) === 1 , 'We did not get a valid Locktoken back (' . $this -> response -> headers [ 'Lock-Token' ] . ')' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 204 No Content' , $this -> response -> status );
function testPutWithIncorrectETag () {
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(["etag1"])' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( 'newbody' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition failed' , $this -> response -> status );
* @ depends testPutWithIncorrectETag
function testPutWithCorrectETag () {
// We need an etag-enabled file node.
$tree = new Sabre_DAV_ObjectTree ( new Sabre_DAV_FSExt_Directory ( SABRE_TEMPDIR ));
$ this -> server -> tree = $tree ;
$etag = md5 ( file_get_contents ( SABRE_TEMPDIR . '/test.txt' ));
$serverVars = array (
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt' ,
'HTTP_IF' => '(["' . $etag . '"])' ,
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( $serverVars );
$request -> setBody ( 'newbody' );
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> server -> exec ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'HTTP/1.1 204 No Content' , $this -> response -> status , 'Incorrect status received. Full response body:' . $this -> response -> body );
function testGetTimeoutHeader () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array (
'HTTP_TIMEOUT' => 'second-100' ,
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> assertEquals ( 100 , $this -> locksPlugin -> getTimeoutHeader ());
function testGetTimeoutHeaderNotSet () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array (
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $this -> locksPlugin -> getTimeoutHeader ());
function testGetTimeoutHeaderInfinite () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array (
'HTTP_TIMEOUT' => 'infinite' ,
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> assertEquals ( Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo :: TIMEOUT_INFINITE , $this -> locksPlugin -> getTimeoutHeader ());
* @ expectedException Sabre_DAV_Exception_BadRequest
function testGetTimeoutHeaderInvalid () {
$request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request ( array (
'HTTP_TIMEOUT' => 'yourmom' ,
$this -> server -> httpRequest = $request ;
$this -> locksPlugin -> getTimeoutHeader ();