<?php require_once 'Sabre/HTTP/ResponseMock.php'; class Sabre_HTTP_BasicAuthTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @var Sabre_HTTP_ResponseMock */ private $response; /** * @var Sabre_HTTP_BasicAuth */ private $basicAuth; function setUp() { $this->response = new Sabre_HTTP_ResponseMock(); $this->basicAuth = new Sabre_HTTP_BasicAuth(); $this->basicAuth->setHTTPResponse($this->response); } function testGetUserPassApache() { $server = array( 'PHP_AUTH_USER' => 'admin', 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => '1234', ); $request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($server); $this->basicAuth->setHTTPRequest($request); $userPass = $this->basicAuth->getUserPass(); $this->assertEquals( array('admin','1234'), $userPass, 'We did not get the username and password we expected' ); } function testGetUserPassIIS() { $server = array( 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('admin:1234'), ); $request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($server); $this->basicAuth->setHTTPRequest($request); $userPass = $this->basicAuth->getUserPass(); $this->assertEquals( array('admin','1234'), $userPass, 'We did not get the username and password we expected' ); } function testGetUserPassWithColon() { $server = array( 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('admin:1234:5678'), ); $request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($server); $this->basicAuth->setHTTPRequest($request); $userPass = $this->basicAuth->getUserPass(); $this->assertEquals( array('admin','1234:5678'), $userPass, 'We did not get the username and password we expected' ); } function testGetUserPassApacheEdgeCase() { $server = array( 'REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('admin:1234'), ); $request = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($server); $this->basicAuth->setHTTPRequest($request); $userPass = $this->basicAuth->getUserPass(); $this->assertEquals( array('admin','1234'), $userPass, 'We did not get the username and password we expected' ); } function testGetUserPassNothing() { $this->assertEquals( false, $this->basicAuth->getUserPass() ); } function testRequireLogin() { $this->basicAuth->requireLogin(); $this->assertEquals('SabreDAV',$this->basicAuth->getRealm()); $this->assertEquals( 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized', $this->response->status, 'We expected a 401 status to be set' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Basic realm="SabreDAV"', $this->response->headers['WWW-Authenticate'], 'The WWW-Autenticate header was not set!' ); } }