
Jappix - An open social platform
These are the inbox JS script for Jappix


License: AGPL
Author: Vanaryon
Last revision: 08/06/11


// Opens the inbox popup
function openInbox() {
	// Popup HTML content
	var html = 
	'<div class="top">' + _e("Your inbox") + '</div>' + 
	'<div class="content">' + 
		'<div class="head inbox-head">' + 
			'<div class="head-text inbox-head-text">' + _e("Available actions") + '</div>' + 
			'<div class="head-actions inbox-head-actions">' + 
				'<a href="#" class="a-delete-messages">' + _e("Clean") + '</a>' + 
				'<a href="#" class="a-new-message">' + _e("New") + '</a>' + 
				'<a href="#" class="a-show-messages">' + _e("Received") + '</a>' + 
			'</div>' + 
		'</div>' + 
		'<div class="inbox-results">' + 
			'<p class="inbox-noresults">' + _e("Your inbox is empty.") + '</p>' + 
			'<div class="inbox"></div>' + 
		'</div>' + 
		'<div class="inbox-new">' + 
			'<div class="inbox-new-to inbox-new-block search">' + 
				'<p class="inbox-new-text">' + _e("To") + '</p>' + 
				'<input name="inbox-new-to-input" class="inbox-new-input inbox-new-to-input" type="text" required="" />' + 
			'</div>' + 
			'<div class="inbox-new-topic inbox-new-block">' + 
				'<p class="inbox-new-text">' + _e("Subject") + '</p>' + 
				'<input name="inbox-new-subject-input" class="inbox-new-input inbox-new-subject-input" type="text" required="" />' + 
			'</div>' + 
			'<div class="inbox-new-body inbox-new-block">' + 
				'<p class="inbox-new-text">' + _e("Content") + '</p>' + 
				'<textarea class="inbox-new-textarea" rows="8" cols="60" required=""></textarea>' + 
			'</div>' + 
			'<form class="inbox-new-file inbox-new-block" action="./php/file-share.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' + 
				'<p class="inbox-new-text">' + _e("File") + '</p>' + 
				generateFileShare() + 
			'</form>' + 
			'<div class="inbox-new-send inbox-new-block">' + 
				'<a href="#" class="send one-button talk-images">' + _e("Send message") + '</a>' + 
			'</div>' + 
		'</div>' + 
	'</div>' + 
	'<div class="bottom">' + 
		'<div class="wait wait-medium"></div>' + 
		'<a href="#" class="finish">' + _e("Close") + '</a>' + 
	// Create the popup
	createPopup('inbox', html);
	// Associate the events
	// Load the messages
	return false;

// Closes the inbox popup
function closeInbox() {
	// Destroy the popup
	return false;

// Opens the message compose tool
function composeInboxMessage(xid) {
	// Open things
	// Apply XID
	$('#inbox .inbox-new-to-input').val(xid);
	// Focus to the next item
	$(document).oneTime(10, function() {
		$('#inbox .inbox-new-subject-input').focus();
	return false;

// Stores the inbox
function storeInbox() {
	var iq = new JSJaCIQ();
	var query = iq.setQuery(NS_PRIVATE);
	var storage = query.appendChild(iq.buildNode('storage', {'xmlns': NS_INBOX}));
	for(var i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++) {
		// Get the pointer values
		var current = sessionStorage.key(i);
		// If the pointer is on a stored message
		if(explodeThis('_', current, 0) == 'inbox') {
			// Get the values
			var value = $(XMLFromString(sessionStorage.getItem(current)));
			// Create the storage node
			storage.appendChild(iq.buildNode('message', {
								     'id': value.find('id').text().revertHtmlEnc(),
								     'from': value.find('from').text().revertHtmlEnc(),
								     'subject': value.find('subject').text().revertHtmlEnc(),
								     'status': value.find('status').text().revertHtmlEnc(),
								     'date': value.find('date').text().revertHtmlEnc(),
								     'xmlns': NS_INBOX

// Creates a new normal message
function newInboxMessage() {
	// Init
	var mPath = '#inbox .';
	// Reset the previous buddy search
	resetBuddySearch('#inbox .inbox-new-to');
	// We switch the divs
	$(mPath + 'inbox-results, #inbox .a-new-message, #inbox .a-delete-messages').hide();
	$(mPath + 'inbox-new, #inbox .a-show-messages').show();
	// We focus on the first input
	$(document).oneTime(10, function() {
		$(mPath + 'inbox-new-to-input').focus();
	// We reset some stuffs
	return false;

// Cleans the inbox
function cleanNewInboxMessage() {
	// Init
	var mPath = '#inbox .';
	// We reset the forms
	$(mPath + 'inbox-new-block:not(form) input, ' + mPath + 'inbox-new textarea').val('').removeClass('please-complete');
	$(mPath + 'inbox-new-file a').remove();
	$(mPath + 'inbox-new-file input').show();
	// We close an eventual opened message
	$(mPath + 'message-content').remove();
	$(mPath + 'one-message').removeClass('message-reading');

// Sends a normal message
function sendInboxMessage(to, subject, body) {
	// We send the message
	var mess = new JSJaCMessage();
	// Main attributes
	// Any file to attach?
	var attached = '#inbox .inbox-new-file a.file';
		body += '\n' + 
			'\n' + 
			$(attached).attr('data-attachedtitle') + ' - ' + $(attached).attr('data-attachedhref');
	// Set body
	con.send(mess, handleErrorReply);

// Performs the normal message sender checks
function checkInboxMessage() {
	// We get some informations
	var mPath = '#inbox ';
	var to = $(mPath + '.inbox-new-to-input').val();
	var body = $(mPath + '.inbox-new-textarea').val();
	var subject = $(mPath + '.inbox-new-subject-input').val();
	if(to && body && subject) {
		// New array of XID
		var xid = new Array(to);
		// More than one XID
		if(to.indexOf(',') != -1)
			xid = to.split(',');
		for(i in xid) {
			var current = xid[i];
			// No current value?
			if(!current || current.match(/^(\s+)$/))
			// Edit the XID if needed
			current = current.replace(/ /g, '');
			current = generateXID(current, 'chat');
			// We send the message
			sendInboxMessage(current, subject, body);
			// We clean the inputs
			logThis('Inbox message sent: ' + current, 3);
		// Close the inbox
	else {
		$(mPath + 'input[type=text], ' + mPath + 'textarea').each(function() {
			var current = this;
			if(!$(current).val()) {
				$(document).oneTime(10, function() {
	return false;

// Shows the inbox messages
function showInboxMessages() {
	// Init
	var mPath = '#inbox .';
	// We switch the divs
	$(mPath + 'inbox-new').hide();
	$(mPath + 'inbox-results').show();
	// We show a new link in the menu
	$(mPath + 'a-show-messages').hide();
	$(mPath + 'a-delete-messages').show();
	$(mPath + 'a-new-message').show();
	// We reset some stuffs
	return false;

// Displays a normal message
function displayInboxMessage(from, subject, content, status, id, date) {
	// Generate some paths
	var inbox = '#inbox .';
	var one_message = inbox + 'one-message.' + id;
	// Message yet displayed!
		return false;
	// Get the nearest element
	var stamp = extractStamp(Date.jab2date(date));
	var nearest = sortElementByStamp(stamp, '#inbox .one-message');
	// Get the buddy name
	var name = getBuddyName(from).htmlEnc();
	// We generate the html code
	var nContent = '<div class="one-message message-' + status + ' ' + id + ' ' + hex_md5(from) + '" data-stamp="' + stamp + '">' + 
				'<div class="message-head">' + 
					'<div class="avatar-container">' + 
						'<img class="avatar" src="' + './img/others/default-avatar.png' + '" alt="" />' + 
					'</div>' + 
					'<div class="message-jid">' + name + '</div>' + 
					'<div class="message-subject">' + subject.htmlEnc() + '</div>' + 
					'<div class="message-truncated">' + truncate(noLines(content), 90).htmlEnc() + '</div>' + 
				'</div>' + 
	// Display the message
	if(nearest == 0)
		$(inbox + 'inbox-results .inbox').append(nContent);
		$('#inbox .one-message[data-stamp=' + nearest + ']:first').before(nContent);
	// Click events
	$(one_message + ' .message-head').click(function() {
		if(!exists(one_message + ' .message-content'))
			revealInboxMessage(id, from, subject, content, name, date, status);
		return false;
	// Get the user avatar
	getAvatar(from, 'cache', 'true', 'forget');
	return true;

// Stores an inbox message
function storeInboxMessage(from, subject, content, status, id, date) {
	// Initialize the XML data
	var xml = '<message><id>' + id.htmlEnc().htmlEnc() + '</id><date>' + date.htmlEnc().htmlEnc() + '</date><from>' + from.htmlEnc().htmlEnc() + '</from><subject>' + subject.htmlEnc().htmlEnc() + '</subject><status>' + status.htmlEnc().htmlEnc() + '</status><content>' + content.htmlEnc().htmlEnc() + '</content>';
	// End the XML data
	xml += '</message>';
	// Store this message!
	setDB('inbox', id, xml);

// Removes a given normal message
function deleteInboxMessage(id) {
	// Remove the message from the inbox
	$('#inbox .one-message.' + id).remove();
	// Remove the message from the database
	removeDB('inbox', id);
	// Check the unread messages
	// Store the new inbox
	return false;

// Removes all the inbox messages
function purgeInbox() {
	// Remove all the messages from the database
	for(var i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++) {
		// Get the pointer values
		var current = sessionStorage.key(i);
		// If the pointer is on a stored message
		if(explodeThis('_', current, 0) == 'inbox')
			removeDB('inbox', explodeThis('_', current, 1));
	// Prevent the database lag
	$(document).oneTime(100, function() {
		// Store the new inbox
		// Remove all the messages from the inbox
		$('#inbox .one-message').remove();
		// Reload the inbox
	return false;

// Checks if there are new messages to be notified
function checkInboxMessages() {
	// Selectors
	var inbox_link = '#top-content a.inbox-hidable';
	var no_results = '#inbox .inbox-noresults';
	// Marker
	var has_messages = false;
	// Read the number of unread messages
	var unread = 0;
	// Read the local inbox database
	for(var i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++) {
		// Database pointer
		var current = sessionStorage.key(i);
		// Check inbox messages
		if(explodeThis('_', current, 0) == 'inbox') {
			// Read the current status
			var status = $(XMLFromString(sessionStorage.getItem(current))).find('status').text();
			// Found an unread message
			if(status == 'unread')
			// Update the marker
			has_messages = true;
	// No message?
	// Reset notifications
	$(inbox_link + ' .notify').remove();
	// Any unread message?
	if(unread) {
		// Notify the user
		$(inbox_link).prepend('<div class="notify one-counter" data-counter="' + unread + '">' + unread + '</div>');
		// Update the title
		return true;
	// Anyway, update the title
	return false;

// Reveal a normal message content
function revealInboxMessage(id, from, subject, content, name, date, status) {
	// Message path
	var all_message = '#inbox .one-message';
	var one_message = all_message + '.' + id;
	var one_content = one_message + ' .message-content';
	// We reset all the other messages
	$(all_message + ' .message-content').remove();
	// Message content
	var html = 
		'<div class="message-content">' + 
			'<div class="message-body">' + filterThisMessage(content, name, true) + '</div>' + 
			'<div class="message-meta">' + 
				'<span class="date">' + parseDate(date) + '</span>' + 
				'<a href="#" class="reply one-button talk-images">' + _e("Reply") + '</a>' + 
				'<a href="#" class="remove one-button talk-images">' + _e("Delete") + '</a>' + 
				'<div class="clear">' + 
			'</div>' + 
	// Message content
	html += '</div>';
	// Click events
	$(one_content + ' a.reply').click(function() {
		return replyInboxMessage(id, from, subject, content);
	$(one_content + ' a.remove').click(function() {
		return deleteInboxMessage(id);
	// Unread message
	if(status == 'unread') {
		// Update our database
		var xml = getDB('inbox', id).replace(/<status>unread<\/status>/i,'<status>read</status>');
		setDB('inbox', id, xml);
		// Remove the unread class
		// Send it to the server!
	// Check the unread messages

// Hides a normal message content
function hideInboxMessage(id) {
	// Define the paths
	var inbox = '#inbox .';
	var one_message = inbox + 'one-message.' + id;
	// Reset this message
	$(one_message + ' .message-content').remove();

// Replies to a given normal message
function replyInboxMessage(id, from, subject, body) {
	// We switch to the writing div
	// Inbox path
	var inbox = '#inbox .';
	// Generate the body
	var body = '\n' + '____________' + '\n\n' + truncate(body, 120);
	// We apply the generated values to the form
	$(inbox + 'inbox-new-to-input').val(from);
	$(inbox + 'inbox-new-subject-input').val(subject);
	$(document).oneTime(10, function() {
		$(inbox + 'inbox-new-textarea').val(body).focus().selectRange(1, 0);
	return false;

// Loads the inbox messages
function loadInbox() {
	// Read the local database
	for(var i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++) {
		// Get the pointer values
		var current = sessionStorage.key(i);
		// If the pointer is on a stored message
		if(explodeThis('_', current, 0) == 'inbox') {
			// Get the current value
			var value = $(XMLFromString(sessionStorage.getItem(current)));
			// Display the current message
	// Check new messages

// Wait event for file attaching
function waitInboxAttach() {
	$('#inbox .wait').show();

// Success event for file attaching
function handleInboxAttach(responseXML) {
	// Data selector
	var dData = $(responseXML).find('jappix');
	// Process the returned data
	if(dData.find('error').size()) {
		logThis('Error while attaching the file: ' + dData.find('error').text(), 1);
	else {
		// Get the file values
		var fName = dData.find('title').text();
		var fType = dData.find('type').text();
		var fURL = dData.find('href').text();
		// Hide the attach link, show the unattach one
		$('#inbox .inbox-new-file input').hide();
		$('#inbox .inbox-new-file').append('<a class="file ' + encodeQuotes(fileCategory(explodeThis('/', fType, 1))) + ' talk-images" href="' + encodeQuotes(fURL) + '" target="_blank">' + fName.htmlEnc() + '</a><a href="#" class="remove one-button talk-images">' + _e("Remove") + '</a>');
		// Set values to the file link
		$('#inbox .inbox-new-file a.file').attr('data-attachedtitle', fName)
						  .attr('data-attachedhref',  fURL);
		// Click events
		$('#inbox .inbox-new-file a.remove').click(function() {
			$('#inbox .inbox-new-file a').remove();
			$('#inbox .inbox-new-file input').show();
			return false;
		logThis('File attached.', 3);
	// Reset the attach bubble
	$('#inbox .inbox-new-file input[type=file]').val('');
	$('#inbox .wait').hide();

// Addon launcher
function launchInbox() {
	// Define the pats
	var inbox = '#inbox .';
	// Define the buddy search vars
	var destination = inbox + 'inbox-new-to';
	var dHovered = destination + ' ul li.hovered:first';
	// Send the message when enter pressend
	$(inbox + 'inbox-new input').keyup(function(e) {
		if(e.keyCode == 13) {
				addBuddySearch(destination, $(dHovered).attr('data-xid'));
	// Buddy search
	$(inbox + 'inbox-new-to-input').keyup(function(e) {
		if(e.keyCode != 13) {
			// New buddy search
			if((e.keyCode != 40) && (e.keyCode != 38))
			// Navigating with keyboard in the results
			arrowsBuddySearch(e, destination);
	// Buddy search lost focus
	.blur(function() {
		if(!$(destination + ' ul').attr('mouse-hover'))
	// Buddy search got focus
	.focus(function() {
		var value = $(this).val();
		// Add a comma at the end
		if(value && !value.match(/^(.+)((,)(\s)?)$/))
			$(this).val(value + ', ');
	// Click events
	$(inbox + 'a-delete-messages').click(purgeInbox);
	$(inbox + 'a-new-message').click(newInboxMessage);
	$(inbox + 'a-show-messages').click(showInboxMessages);
	$(inbox + 'inbox-new-send a').click(checkInboxMessage);
	$(inbox + 'bottom .finish').click(function() {
		return closeInbox();
	// File upload
	var attach_options = {
		dataType:	'xml',
		beforeSubmit:	waitInboxAttach,
		success:	handleInboxAttach
	// Upload form submit event
	$('#inbox .inbox-new-file').submit(function() {
		if($('#inbox .wait').is(':hidden') && $('#inbox .inbox-new-file input[type=file]').val())
		return false;
	// Upload input change event
	$('#inbox .inbox-new-file input[type=file]').change(function() {
		if($('#inbox .wait').is(':hidden') && $(this).val())
			$('#inbox .inbox-new-file').ajaxSubmit(attach_options);
		return false;