
Jappix - An open social platform
These are the buddy name related JS scripts for Jappix


License: AGPL
Author: Vanaryon
Last revision: 29/04/11


// Gets an user name for buddy add tool
function getAddUserName(xid) {
	var iq = new JSJaCIQ();
	iq.appendNode('vCard', {'xmlns': NS_VCARD});
	con.send(iq, handleAddUserName);

// Handles an user name for buddy add tool
function handleAddUserName(iq) {
	// Was it an obsolete request?
	if(!exists('.add-contact-name-get[data-for=' + escape(bareXID(getStanzaFrom(iq))) + ']'))
		return false;
	// Reset the waiting item
	// Get the names
	if(iq.getType() == 'result') {
		var full_name = generateBuddyName(iq)[0];
	return false;

// Generates the good buddy name from a vCard IQ reply
function generateBuddyName(iq) {
	// Get the IQ content
	var xml = $(iq.getNode()).find('vCard');
	// Get the full name & the nickname
	var pFull = xml.find('FN:first').text();
	var pNick = xml.find('NICKNAME:first').text();
	// No full name?
	if(!pFull) {
		// Get the given name
		var pN = xml.find('N:first');
		var pGiven = pN.find('GIVEN:first').text();
		if(pGiven) {
			pFull = pGiven;
			// Get the family name (optional)
			var pFamily = pN.find('FAMILY:first').text();
				pFull += ' ' + pFamily;
	return [pFull, pNick];

// Returns the given XID buddy name
function getBuddyName(xid) {
	// Initialize
	var cname, bname;
	// Cut the XID resource
	xid = bareXID(xid);
	// This is me?
	if(isAnonymous() && !xid)
		bname = _e("You");
	else if(xid == getXID())
		bname = getName();
	// Not me!
	else {
		cname = $('#buddy-list .buddy[data-xid=' + escape(xid) + ']:first .buddy-name').html();
		// If the complete name exists
			bname = cname.revertHtmlEnc();
		// Else, we just get the nickname of the buddy
			bname = getXIDNick(xid);
	return bname;

// Gets the nickname of the user
function getNick() {
	// Try to read the user nickname
	var nick = getDB('profile', 'nick');
	// No nick?
		nick = con.username;
	return nick;

// Gets the full name of the user
function getName() {
	// Try to read the user name
	var name = getDB('profile', 'name');
	// No name? Use the nickname instead!
		name = getNick();
	return name;

// Gets the MUC nickname of the user
function getMUCNick(id) {
	return unescape($('#' + id).attr('data-nick'));