/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the options JS scripts for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 17/07/11 */ // Opens the options popup function optionsOpen() { // Popup HTML content var html = '<div class="top">' + _e("Edit options") + '</div>' + '<div class="tab">' + '<a href="#" class="tab-active" data-key="1">' + _e("General") + '</a>' + '<a href="#" class="pubsub-hidable" data-key="2">' + _e("Channel") + '</a>' + '<a href="#" data-key="3">' + _e("Account") + '</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="content">' + '<div id="conf1" class="lap-active one-lap forms">' + '<fieldset class="privacy">' + '<legend>' + _e("Privacy") + '</legend>' + '<label for="geolocation" class="pep-hidable">' + _e("Geolocation") + '</label>' + '<input id="geolocation" type="checkbox" class="pep-hidable" />' + '<label for="archiving" class="archives-hidable pref">' + _e("Message archiving") + '</label>' + '<input id="archiving" type="checkbox" class="archives-hidable pref" />' + '</fieldset>' + '<fieldset>' + '<legend>' + _e("Application") + '</legend>' + '<label for="sounds">' + _e("Sounds") + '</label>' + '<input id="sounds" type="checkbox" />' + '<label for="showall">' + _e("Show all friends") + '</label>' + '<input id="showall" type="checkbox" />' + '<label for="integratemedias">' + _e("Media integration") + '</label>' + '<input id="integratemedias" type="checkbox" />' + '<label class="xmpplinks-hidable">' + _e("XMPP links") + '</label>' + '<a href="#" class="linked xmpp-links xmpplinks-hidable">' + _e("Open XMPP links with Jappix") + '</a>' + '</fieldset>' + '</div>' + '<div id="conf2" class="one-lap forms">' + '<fieldset>' + '<legend>' + _e("Channel") + '</legend>' + '<label>' + _e("Empty") + '</label>' + '<a href="#" class="linked empty-channel">' + _e("Empty channel") + '</a>' + '<label>' + _e("Persistent") + '</label>' + '<input id="persistent" type="checkbox" />' + '<label>' + _e("Maximum notices") + '</label>' + '<select id="maxnotices">' + '<option value="1">1</option>' + '<option value="100">100</option>' + '<option value="1000">1000</option>' + '<option value="10000">10000</option>' + '<option value="100000">100000</option>' + '<option value="1000000">1000000</option>' + '</select>' + '</fieldset>' + '<div class="sub-ask sub-ask-empty sub-ask-element">' + '<div class="sub-ask-top">' + '<div class="sub-ask-title">' + _e("Empty channel") + '</div>' + '<a href="#" class="sub-ask-close">X</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="sub-ask-content">' + '<label>' + _e("Password") + '</label>' + '<input type="password" class="purge-microblog check-empty" required="" />' + '</div>' + '<a href="#" class="sub-ask-bottom">' + _e("Empty") + ' »</a>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="conf3" class="one-lap forms">' + '<fieldset>' + '<legend>' + _e("Account") + '</legend>' + '<label>' + _e("Password") + '</label>' + '<a href="#" class="linked change-password">' + _e("Change password") + '</a>' + '<label>' + _e("Delete") + '</label>' + '<a href="#" class="linked delete-account">' + _e("Delete account") + '</a>' + '</fieldset>' + '<div class="sub-ask sub-ask-pass sub-ask-element">' + '<div class="sub-ask-top">' + '<div class="sub-ask-title">' + _e("Change password") + '</div>' + '<a href="#" class="sub-ask-close">X</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="sub-ask-content">' + '<label>' + _e("Old") + '</label>' + '<input type="password" class="password-change old" required="" />' + '<label>' + _e("New (2 times)") + '</label>' + '<input type="password" class="password-change new1" required="" />' + '<input type="password" class="password-change new2" required="" />' + '</div>' + '<a href="#" class="sub-ask-bottom">' + _e("Continue") + ' »</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="sub-ask sub-ask-delete sub-ask-element">' + '<div class="sub-ask-top">' + '<div class="sub-ask-title">' + _e("Delete account") + '</div>' + '<a href="#" class="sub-ask-close">X</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="sub-ask-content">' + '<label>' + _e("Password") + '</label>' + '<input type="password" class="delete-account check-password" required="" />' + '</div>' + '<a href="#" class="sub-ask-bottom">' + _e("Delete") + ' »</a>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="bottom">' + '<div class="wait wait-medium"></div>' + '<a href="#" class="finish save">' + _e("Save") + '</a>' + '<a href="#" class="finish cancel">' + _e("Cancel") + '</a>' + '</div>'; // Create the popup createPopup('options', html); // Apply the features applyFeatures('options'); // Associate the events launchOptions(); return false; } // Closes the options popup function closeOptions() { // Destroy the popup destroyPopup('options'); return false; } // Checks whether the options are loaded or not function loadedOptions() { if($('.options-hidable').is(':visible')) return true; return false; } // Switches between the options tabs function switchOptions(id) { $('#options .one-lap').hide(); $('#options #conf' + id).show(); $('#options .tab a').removeClass('tab-active'); $('#options .tab a[data-key=' + id + ']').addClass('tab-active'); return false; } // Manages the options wait item function waitOptions(id) { var sOptions = $('#options .content'); // Remove the current item class sOptions.removeClass(id); // Hide the waiting items if all was received if(!sOptions.hasClass('microblog') && !sOptions.hasClass('archives')) { $('#options .wait').hide(); $('#options .finish:first').removeClass('disabled'); } } // Sends the options to the XMPP server function storeOptions() { // Get the values var sounds = getDB('options', 'sounds'); var geolocation = getDB('options', 'geolocation'); var showall = getDB('options', 'roster-showall'); var integratemedias = getDB('options', 'integratemedias'); var status = getDB('options', 'presence-status'); // Create an array to be looped var oType = new Array('sounds', 'geolocation', 'roster-showall', 'integratemedias', 'presence-status'); var oContent = new Array(sounds, geolocation, showall, integratemedias, status); // New IQ var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); var query = iq.setQuery(NS_PRIVATE); var storage = query.appendChild(iq.buildNode('storage', {'xmlns': NS_OPTIONS})); // Loop the array for(i in oType) storage.appendChild(iq.buildNode('option', {'type': oType[i], 'xmlns': NS_OPTIONS}, oContent[i])); con.send(iq, handleStoreOptions); logThis('Storing options...', 3); } // Handles the option storing function handleStoreOptions(iq) { if(!iq || (iq.getType() != 'result')) logThis('Options not stored.', 2); else logThis('Options stored.', 3); } // Saves the user options function saveOptions() { // We apply the sounds var sounds = '0'; if($('#sounds').filter(':checked').size()) sounds = '1'; setDB('options', 'sounds', sounds); // We apply the geolocation if($('#geolocation').filter(':checked').size()) { setDB('options', 'geolocation', '1'); // We geolocate the user on the go geolocate(); } else { setDB('options', 'geolocation', '0'); // We delete the geolocation informations sendPosition(); removeDB('geolocation', 'now'); } // We apply the roster show all if($('#showall').filter(':checked').size()) { setDB('options', 'roster-showall', '1'); showAllBuddies('options'); } else { setDB('options', 'roster-showall', '0'); showOnlineBuddies('options'); } // We apply the media integration var integratemedias = '0'; if($('#integratemedias').filter(':checked').size()) integratemedias = '1'; setDB('options', 'integratemedias', integratemedias); // We apply the message archiving if(enabledArchives('pref')) { var aEnabled = false; if($('#archiving').filter(':checked').size()) aEnabled = true; configArchives(aEnabled); } // We apply the microblog configuration var persist = '0'; var maximum = $('#maxnotices').val(); if($('#persistent').filter(':checked').size()) persist = '1'; if(enabledPEP() && enabledPubSub()) setupMicroblog('', NS_URN_MBLOG, persist, maximum, '', '', false); // We send the options to the database storeOptions(); // Close the options closeOptions(); return false; } // Handles the password changing function handlePwdChange(iq) { // Remove the general wait item removeGeneralWait(); // If no errors if(!handleErrorReply(iq)) { clearLastSession(); quit(); openThisInfo(1); logThis('Password changed.', 3); } else logThis('Password not changed.', 2); } // Sends the new account password function sendNewPassword() { /* REF: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0077.html#usecases-changepw */ var password0 = $('#options .old').val(); var password1 = $('#options .new1').val(); var password2 = $('#options .new2').val(); if ((password1 == password2) && (password0 == getPassword())) { // We show the waiting image showGeneralWait(); // We send the IQ var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setTo(getServer()); iq.setType('set'); var iqQuery = iq.setQuery(NS_REGISTER); iqQuery.appendChild(iq.buildNode('username', {'xmlns': NS_REGISTER}, con.username)); iqQuery.appendChild(iq.buildNode('password', {'xmlns': NS_REGISTER}, password1)); con.send(iq, handlePwdChange); logThis('Password change sent.', 3); } else { $('.sub-ask-pass input').each(function() { var select = $(this); if(!select.val()) $(document).oneTime(10, function() { select.addClass('please-complete').focus(); }); else select.removeClass('please-complete'); }); if(password0 != getPassword()) $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $('#options .old').addClass('please-complete').focus(); }); if(password1 != password2) $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $('#options .new1, #options .new2').addClass('please-complete').focus(); }); } return false; } // Handles the account deletion request function handleAccDeletion(iq) { // Remove the general wait item removeGeneralWait(); // If no errors if(!handleErrorReply(iq)) { clearLastSession(); destroyTalkPage(); openThisInfo(2); logout(); logThis('Account deleted.', 3); } else logThis('Account not deleted.', 2); } // Purge the user's microblog items function purgeMyMicroblog() { /* REF: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html#owner-purge */ var password = $('#options .check-empty').val(); if(password == getPassword()) { // Send the IQ to remove the item (and get eventual error callback) var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); var pubsub = iq.appendNode('pubsub', {'xmlns': NS_PUBSUB_OWNER}); pubsub.appendChild(iq.buildNode('purge', {'node': NS_URN_MBLOG, 'xmlns': NS_PUBSUB_OWNER})); con.send(iq, handleMicroblogPurge); // Hide the tool $('#options .sub-ask').hide(); logThis('Microblog purge sent.', 3); } else { var selector = $('#options .check-empty'); if(password != getPassword()) $(document).oneTime(10, function() { selector.addClass('please-complete').focus(); }); else selector.removeClass('please-complete'); } return false; } // Handles the microblog purge function handleMicroblogPurge(iq) { // If no errors if(!handleErrorReply(iq)) { // Remove the microblog items $('.one-update.update_' + hex_md5(getXID())).remove(); logThis('Microblog purged.', 3); } else logThis('Microblog not purged.', 2); } // Deletes the user's account function deleteMyAccount() { /* REF: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0077.html#usecases-cancel */ var password = $('#options .check-password').val(); if(password == getPassword()) { // We show the waiting image showGeneralWait(); // We send the IQ var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); var iqQuery = iq.setQuery(NS_REGISTER); iqQuery.appendChild(iq.buildNode('remove', {'xmlns': NS_REGISTER})); con.send(iq, handleAccDeletion); logThis('Delete account sent.', 3); } else { var selector = $('#options .check-password'); if(password != getPassword()) $(document).oneTime(10, function() { selector.addClass('please-complete').focus(); }); else selector.removeClass('please-complete'); } return false; } // Loads the user options function loadOptions() { // Process the good stuffs, depending of the server features var enabled_archives_pref = enabledArchives('pref'); var enabled_pubsub = enabledPubSub(); var enabled_pep = enabledPEP(); var sWait = $('#options .content'); // Show the waiting items if necessary if(enabled_archives_pref || (enabled_pep && enabled_pubsub)) { $('#options .wait').show(); $('#options .finish:first').addClass('disabled'); } // We get the archiving configuration if(enabled_archives_pref) { sWait.addClass('archives'); getConfigArchives(); } // We get the microblog configuration if(enabled_pubsub && enabled_pep) { sWait.addClass('microblog'); getConfigMicroblog(); } // We show the "privacy" form if something is visible into it if(enabled_archives_pref || enabled_pep) $('#options fieldset.privacy').show(); // We get the values of the forms for the sounds if(getDB('options', 'sounds') == '0') $('#sounds').attr('checked', false); else $('#sounds').attr('checked', true); // We get the values of the forms for the geolocation if(getDB('options', 'geolocation') == '1') $('#geolocation').attr('checked', true); else $('#geolocation').attr('checked', false); // We get the values of the forms for the roster show all if(getDB('options', 'roster-showall') == '1') $('#showall').attr('checked', true); else $('#showall').attr('checked', false); // We get the values of the forms for the integratemedias if(getDB('options', 'integratemedias') == '0') $('#integratemedias').attr('checked', false); else $('#integratemedias').attr('checked', true); } // Addon launcher function launchOptions() { // Click events $('#options .tab a').click(function() { // Yet active? if($(this).hasClass('tab-active')) return false; // Switch to the good tab var key = parseInt($(this).attr('data-key')); return switchOptions(key); }); $('#options .linked').click(function() { $('#options .sub-ask').hide(); }); $('#options .xmpp-links').click(function() { xmppLinksHandler(); return false; }); $('#options .empty-channel').click(function() { var selector = '#options .sub-ask-empty'; $(selector).show(); $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $(selector + ' input').focus(); }); return false; }); $('#options .change-password').click(function() { var selector = '#options .sub-ask-pass'; $(selector).show(); $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $(selector + ' input:first').focus(); }); return false; }); $('#options .delete-account').click(function() { var selector = '#options .sub-ask-delete'; $(selector).show(); $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $(selector + ' input').focus(); }); return false; }); $('#options .sub-ask-pass .sub-ask-bottom').click(function() { return sendNewPassword(); }); $('#options .sub-ask-empty .sub-ask-bottom').click(function() { return purgeMyMicroblog(); }); $('#options .sub-ask-delete .sub-ask-bottom').click(function() { return deleteMyAccount(); }); $('#options .sub-ask-close').click(function() { $('#options .sub-ask').hide(); return false; }); $('#options .bottom .finish').click(function() { if($(this).is('.save') && !$(this).hasClass('disabled')) return saveOptions(); if($(this).is('.cancel')) return closeOptions(); return false; }); // The keyup events $('#options .sub-ask input').keyup(function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { // Microblog purge if($(this).is('.purge-microblog')) return purgeMyMicroblog(); // Password change else if($(this).is('.password-change')) return sendNewPassword(); // Account deletion else if($(this).is('.delete-account')) return deleteMyAccount(); } }); // Load the options loadOptions(); }