<?php class AnimexxCalSourcePrivate extends AnimexxCalSource { /** * @return int */ public static function getNamespace() { return CALDAV_NAMESPACE_PRIVATE; } /** * @param int $user * @return array */ public function getPermissionsCalendar($user) { if ($user == $this->calendarDb->uid) return array("read"=> true, "write"=> true); return array("read"=> false, "write"=> false); } /** * @param int $user * @param string $item_uri * @param string $recurrence_uri * @param null|array $item_arr * @return array */ public function getPermissionsItem($user, $item_uri, $recurrence_uri, $item_arr = null) { $cal_perm = $this->getPermissionsCalendar($user); if (!$cal_perm["read"]) return array("read"=> false, "write"=> false); if (!$cal_perm["write"]) array("read"=> true, "write"=> false); if ($item_arr === null) { $x = q("SELECT `permission_edit` FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `namespace` = %d AND `namespace_id` = %d AND `ical_uri` = '%s' AND `ical_recurr_uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, $this->getNamespace(), $this->namespace_id, dbesc($item_uri), dbesc($recurrence_uri) ); if (!$x || count($x) == 0) return array("read"=> false, "write"=> false); return array("read"=> true, "write"=> ($x[0]["permission_edit"])); } else { return array("read"=> true, "write"=> ($item_arr["permission_edit"])); } } /** * @param string $uri * @throws Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound */ public function removeItem($uri){ $obj_alt = q("SELECT * FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE namespace = %d AND namespace_id = %d AND ical_uri = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, $this->getNamespace(), $this->namespace_id, dbesc($uri)); if (count($obj_alt) == 0) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound("Not found"); $calendarBackend = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Std(); $calendarBackend->deleteCalendarObject($this->getNamespace() . "-" . $this->namespace_id, $obj_alt[0]["ical_uri"]); } /** * @param string $uri * @param array $start * @param array $end * @param string $subject * @param bool $allday * @param string $description * @param string $location * @param null $color * @param string $timezone * @param bool $notification * @param null $notification_type * @param null $notification_value * @throws Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound * @throws Sabre_DAV_Exception_Conflict */ public function updateItem($uri, $start, $end, $subject = "", $allday = false, $description = "", $location = "", $color = null, $timezone = "", $notification = true, $notification_type = null, $notification_value = null) { $a = get_app(); $usr_id = IntVal($this->calendarDb->uid); $old = q("SELECT * FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `uid` = %d AND `namespace` = %d AND `namespace_id` = %d AND `ical_uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, $usr_id, $this->getNamespace(), $this->namespace_id, dbesc($uri)); if (count($old) == 0) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound("Not Found 1"); $old_obj = new DBClass_friendica_jqcalendar($old[0]); $calendarBackend = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Std(); $obj = $calendarBackend->getCalendarObject($this->getNamespace() . "-" . $this->namespace_id, $old_obj->ical_uri); if (!$obj) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound("Not Found 2"); $v = new vcalendar(); $v->setConfig('unique_id', $a->get_hostname()); $v->setMethod('PUBLISH'); $v->setProperty("x-wr-calname", "AnimexxCal"); $v->setProperty("X-WR-CALDESC", "Animexx Calendar"); $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $a->timezone); $obj["calendardata"] = icalendar_sanitize_string($obj["calendardata"]); $v->parse($obj["calendardata"]); /** @var $vevent vevent */ $vevent = $v->getComponent('vevent'); if (trim($vevent->getProperty('uid')) . ".ics" != $old_obj->ical_uri) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Conflict("URI != URI: " . $old_obj->ical_uri . " vs. " . trim($vevent->getProperty("uid"))); if ($end["year"] < $start["year"] || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] < $start["month"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] < $start["day"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] < $start["hour"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] == $start["hour"] && $end["minute"] < $start["minute"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] == $start["hour"] && $end["minute"] == $start["minute"] && $end["second"] < $start["second"]) ) { $end = $start; if ($end["hour"] < 23) $end["hour"]++; } // DTEND muss <= DTSTART if ($start["hour"] == 0 && $start["minute"] == 0 && $end["hour"] == 23 && $end["minute"] == 59) { $allday = true; } if ($allday) { $vevent->setDtstart($start["year"], $start["month"], $start["day"], FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE")); $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $end["month"], $end["day"], $end["year"]) + 3600 * 24; // If a DST change occurs on the current day $end += date("Z", ($end - 3600*24)) - date("Z", $end); $vevent->setDtend(date("Y", $end), date("m", $end), date("d", $end), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE")); } else { $vevent->setDtstart($start["year"], $start["month"], $start["day"], $start["hour"], $start["minute"], $start["second"], FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE-TIME")); $vevent->setDtend($end["year"], $end["month"], $end["day"], $end["hour"], $end["minute"], $end["second"], FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE-TIME")); } if ($subject != "") { $vevent->setProperty('LOCATION', $location); $vevent->setProperty('summary', $subject); $vevent->setProperty('description', $description); } if (!is_null($color) && $color >= 0) $vevent->setProperty("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR", $color); if (!$notification || $notification_type != null) { $vevent->deleteComponent("VALARM"); if ($notification) { $valarm = new valarm(); $valarm->setTrigger( ($notification_type == "year" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "month" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "day" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "week" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "hour" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "minute" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "minute" ? $notification_value : 0), true, ($notification_value > 0) ); $valarm->setProperty("ACTION", "DISPLAY"); $valarm->setProperty("DESCRIPTION", $subject); $vevent->setComponent($valarm); } } $v->deleteComponent("vevent"); $v->setComponent($vevent, trim($vevent->getProperty("uid"))); $ical = $v->createCalendar(); $calendarBackend->updateCalendarObject($this->getNamespace() . "-" . $this->namespace_id, $old_obj->ical_uri, $ical); } /** * @param array $start * @param array $end * @param string $subject * @param bool $allday * @param string $description * @param string $location * @param null $color * @param string $timezone * @param bool $notification * @param null $notification_type * @param null $notification_value * @return array|string */ public function addItem($start, $end, $subject, $allday = false, $description = "", $location = "", $color = null, $timezone = "", $notification = true, $notification_type = null, $notification_value = null) { $a = get_app(); $v = new vcalendar(); $v->setConfig('unique_id', $a->get_hostname()); $v->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH'); $v->setProperty("x-wr-calname", "AnimexxCal"); $v->setProperty("X-WR-CALDESC", "Animexx Calendar"); $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $a->timezone); $vevent = dav_create_vevent($start, $end, $allday); $vevent->setLocation(icalendar_sanitize_string($location)); $vevent->setSummary(icalendar_sanitize_string($subject)); $vevent->setDescription(icalendar_sanitize_string($description)); if (!is_null($color) && $color >= 0) $vevent->setProperty("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR", $color); if ($notification && $notification_type == null) { if ($allday) { $notification_type = "hour"; $notification_value = 24; } else { $notification_type = "minute"; $notification_value = 60; } } if ($notification) { $valarm = new valarm(); $valarm->setTrigger( ($notification_type == "year" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "month" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "day" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "week" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "hour" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "minute" ? $notification_value : 0), ($notification_type == "second" ? $notification_value : 0), true, ($notification_value > 0) ); $valarm->setAction("DISPLAY"); $valarm->setDescription($subject); $vevent->setComponent($valarm); } $v->setComponent($vevent); $ical = $v->createCalendar(); $obj_id = trim($vevent->getProperty("UID")); $calendarBackend = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Std(); $calendarBackend->createCalendarObject($this->getNamespace() . "-" . $this->namespace_id, $obj_id . ".ics", $ical); return $obj_id . ".ics"; } private function jqcal2wdcal($row, $usr_id) { $evo = new DBClass_friendica_jqcalendar($row); $not = q("SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM %s%snotifications WHERE `ical_uri` = '%s' AND `ical_recurr_uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, dbesc($row["ical_uri"]), $row["ical_recurr_uri"] ); $editable = $this->getPermissionsItem($usr_id, $row["ical_uri"], $row["ical_recurr_uri"], $row); $recurring = (is_null($evo->RecurringRule) || $evo->RecurringRule == "" || $evo->RecurringRule == "NULL" ? 0 : 1); $end = wdcal_mySql2PhpTime($evo->EndTime); if ($evo->IsAllDayEvent) $end -= 1; $arr = array( "uri" => $evo->ical_uri, "subject" => escape_tags($evo->Subject), "start" => wdcal_mySql2PhpTime($evo->StartTime), "end" => $end, "is_allday" => $evo->IsAllDayEvent, "is_moredays" => 0, "is_recurring" => $recurring, "color" => (is_null($evo->Color) || $evo->Color == "" ? $this->calendarDb->calendarcolor : $evo->Color), "is_editable" => ($editable ? 1 : 0), "is_editable_quick" => ($editable && !$recurring ? 1 : 0), "location" => $evo->Location, "attendees" => '', "has_notification" => ($not[0]["num"] > 0 ? 1 : 0), "url_detail" => "/dav/wdcal/" . $evo->ical_uri . "/", "url_edit" => "/dav/wdcal/" . $evo->ical_uri . "/edit/", "special_type" => "", ); return $arr; } /** * @param string $sd * @param string $ed * @return array */ public function listItemsByRange($sd, $ed) { $usr_id = IntVal($this->calendarDb->uid); $von = wdcal_php2MySqlTime($sd); $bis = wdcal_php2MySqlTime($ed); // @TODO Events, die früher angefangen haben, aber noch andauern $evs = q("SELECT * FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `uid` = %d AND `namespace` = %d AND `namespace_id` = %d AND `starttime` between '%s' and '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, $usr_id, $this->getNamespace(), $this->namespace_id, dbesc($von), dbesc($bis)); $events = array(); foreach ($evs as $row) $events[] = $this->jqcal2wdcal($row, $usr_id); return $events; } /** * @param string $uri * @throws Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound * @return array */ public function getItemByUri($uri) { $usr_id = IntVal($this->calendarDb->uid); $evs = q("SELECT * FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `uid` = %d AND `namespace` = %d AND `namespace_id` = %d AND `ical_uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, $usr_id, $this->getNamespace(), $this->namespace_id, dbesc($uri)); if (count($evs) == 0) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound(); return $this->jqcal2wdcal($evs[0], $usr_id); } /** * @param string $uri * @return string */ public function getItemDetailRedirect($uri) { return "/dav/wdcal/$uri/edit/"; } }