/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the privacy JS scripts for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 23/06/11 */ // Opens the privacy popup function openPrivacy() { // Popup HTML content var html = '<div class="top">' + _e("Privacy") + '</div>' + '<div class="content">' + '<div class="privacy-head">' + '<div class="list-left">' + '<span>' + _e("Choose") + '</span>' + '<select disabled=""></select>' + '<a href="#" class="list-remove one-button talk-images" title="' + _e("Remove") + '"></a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="list-center"></div>' + '<div class="list-right">' + '<span>' + _e("Add") + '</span>' + '<input type="text" placeholder="' + _e("List name") + '" />' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="privacy-item">' + '<span>' + _e("Item") + '</span>' + '<select disabled=""></select>' + '<a href="#" class="item-add one-button talk-images" title="' + _e("Add") + '"></a>' + '<a href="#" class="item-remove one-button talk-images" title="' + _e("Remove") + '"></a>' + '<a href="#" class="item-save one-button talk-images">' + _e("Save") + '</a>' + '<div class="clear"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="privacy-form">' + '<div class="privacy-first">' + '<label><input type="radio" name="action" value="allow" disabled="" />' + _e("Allow") + '</label>' + '<label><input type="radio" name="action" value="deny" disabled="" />' + _e("Deny") + '</label>' + '</div>' + '<div class="privacy-second">' + '<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="jid" disabled="" />' + _e("Address") + '</label>' + '<input type="text" name="jid" disabled="" />' + '<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="group" disabled="" />' + _e("Group") + '</label>' + '<select name="group" disabled="">' + groupsToHtmlPrivacy() + '</select>' + '<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="subscription" disabled="" />' + _e("Subscription") + '</label>' + '<select name="subscription" disabled="">' + '<option value="none">' + _e("None") + '</option>' + '<option value="both">' + _e("Both") + '</option>' + '<option value="from">' + _e("From") + '</option>' + '<option value="to">' + _e("To") + '</option>' + '</select>' + '<label><input type="radio" name="type" value="everybody" disabled="" />' + _e("Everybody") + '</label>' + '</div>' + '<div class="privacy-third">' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="send-messages" disabled="" />' + _e("Send messages") + '</label>' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="send-queries" disabled="" />' + _e("Send queries") + '</label>' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="see-status" disabled="" />' + _e("See my status") + '</label>' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="send-status" disabled="" />' + _e("Send his/her status") + '</label>' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="everything" disabled="" />' + _e("Everything") + '</label>' + '</div>' + '<div class="clear"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="privacy-active">' + '<label>' + _e("Order") + '<input type="text" name="order" value="1" disabled="" /></label>' + '<div class="privacy-active-elements">' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="active" disabled="" />' + _e("Active for this session") + '</label>' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="default" disabled="" />' + _e("Always active") + '</label>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="bottom">' + '<div class="wait wait-medium"></div>' + '<a href="#" class="finish">' + _e("Close") + '</a>' + '</div>'; // Create the popup createPopup('privacy', html); // Associate the events launchPrivacy(); // Display the available privacy lists displayListsPrivacy(); // Get the first list items displayItemsPrivacy(); return false; } // Quits the privacy popup function closePrivacy() { // Destroy the popup destroyPopup('privacy'); return false; } // Sets the received state for privacy block list function receivedPrivacy() { // Store marker setDB('privacy-marker', 'available', 'true'); // Show privacy elements $('.privacy-hidable').show(); } // Gets available privacy lists function listPrivacy() { // Build query var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('get'); iq.setQuery(NS_PRIVACY); con.send(iq, handleListPrivacy); logThis('Getting available privacy list(s)...'); } // Handles available privacy lists function handleListPrivacy(iq) { // Error? if(iq.getType() == 'error') return logThis('Privacy lists not supported!', 2); // Get IQ query content var iqQuery = iq.getQuery(); // Save the content setDB('privacy-lists', 'available', xmlToString(iqQuery)); // Any block list? if($(iqQuery).find('list[name=block]').size()) { // Not the default one? if(!$(iqQuery).find('default[name=block]').size()) changePrivacy('block', 'default'); else setDB('privacy-marker', 'default', 'block'); // Not the active one? if(!$(iqQuery).find('active[name=block]').size()) changePrivacy('block', 'active'); else setDB('privacy-marker', 'active', 'block'); // Get the block list rules getPrivacy('block'); } // Apply the received marker here else receivedPrivacy(); logThis('Got available privacy list(s).', 3); } // Gets privacy lists function getPrivacy(list) { // Build query var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('get'); // Privacy query var iqQuery = iq.setQuery(NS_PRIVACY); iqQuery.appendChild(iq.buildNode('list', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY, 'name': list})); con.send(iq, handleGetPrivacy); // Must show the wait item? if(exists('#privacy')) $('#privacy .wait').show(); logThis('Getting privacy list(s): ' + list); } // Handles privacy lists function handleGetPrivacy(iq) { // Apply a "received" marker receivedPrivacy(); // Store the data for each list $(iq.getQuery()).find('list').each(function() { // Read list name var list_name = $(this).attr('name'); // Store list content setDB('privacy', list_name, xmlToString(this)); // Is this a block list? if(list_name == 'block') { // Reset buddies $('#buddy-list .buddy').removeClass('blocked'); // XID types $(this).find('item[action=deny][type=jid]').each(function() { $('#buddy-list .buddy[data-xid=' + escape($(this).attr('value')) + ']').addClass('blocked'); }); // Group types $(this).find('item[action=deny][type=group]').each(function() { $('#buddy-list .group' + hex_md5($(this).attr('value')) + ' .buddy').addClass('blocked'); }); } }); // Must display it to the popup? if(exists('#privacy')) { displayItemsPrivacy(); $('#privacy .wait').hide(); } logThis('Got privacy list(s).', 3); } // Sets a privacy list function setPrivacy(list, types, values, actions, orders, presence_in, presence_out, msg, iq_p) { // Build query var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); // Privacy query var iqQuery = iq.setQuery(NS_PRIVACY); var iqList = iqQuery.appendChild(iq.buildNode('list', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY, 'name': list})); // Build the item elements if(types && types.length) { for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { // Item element var iqItem = iqList.appendChild(iq.buildNode('item', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY})); // Item attributes if(types[i]) iqItem.setAttribute('type', types[i]); if(values[i]) iqItem.setAttribute('value', values[i]); if(actions[i]) iqItem.setAttribute('action', actions[i]); if(orders[i]) iqItem.setAttribute('order', orders[i]); // Child elements if(presence_in[i]) iqItem.appendChild(iq.buildNode('presence-in', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY})); if(presence_out[i]) iqItem.appendChild(iq.buildNode('presence-out', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY})); if(msg[i]) iqItem.appendChild(iq.buildNode('message', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY})); if(iq_p[i]) iqItem.appendChild(iq.buildNode('iq', {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY})); } } con.send(iq); logThis('Sending privacy list: ' + list); } // Push a privacy list item to a list function pushPrivacy(list, type, value, action, order, presence_in, presence_out, msg, iq_p, hash, special_action) { // Read the stored elements (to add them) var stored = XMLFromString(getDB('privacy', list)); // Read the first value var first_val = value[0]; // Must remove the given value? if(special_action == 'remove') { type = []; value = []; action = []; order = []; presence_in = []; presence_out = []; iq_p = []; } // Serialize them to an array $(stored).find('item').each(function() { // Attributes var c_type = $(this).attr('type'); var c_value = $(this).attr('value'); var c_action = $(this).attr('action'); var c_order = $(this).attr('order'); // Generate hash var c_hash = hex_md5(c_type + c_value + c_action + c_order); // Do not push it twice! if(((c_hash != hash) && (special_action != 'roster')) || ((first_val != c_value) && (special_action == 'roster'))) { if(!c_type) c_type = ''; if(!c_value) c_value = ''; if(!c_action) c_action = ''; if(!c_order) c_order = ''; type.push(c_type); value.push(c_value); action.push(c_action); order.push(c_order); // Child elements if($(this).find('presence-in').size()) presence_in.push(true); else presence_in.push(false); if($(this).find('presence-out').size()) presence_out.push(true); else presence_out.push(false); if($(this).find('message').size()) msg.push(true); else msg.push(false); if($(this).find('iq').size()) iq_p.push(true); else iq_p.push(false); } }); // Send it! setPrivacy(list, type, value, action, order, presence_in, presence_out, msg, iq_p); } // Change a privacy list status function changePrivacy(list, status) { // Yet sent? if(getDB('privacy-marker', status) == list) return; // Write a marker setDB('privacy-marker', status, list); // Build query var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); // Privacy query var iqQuery = iq.setQuery(NS_PRIVACY); var iqStatus = iqQuery.appendChild(iq.buildNode(status, {'xmlns': NS_PRIVACY})); // Can add a "name" attribute? if(list) iqStatus.setAttribute('name', list); con.send(iq); logThis('Changing privacy list status: ' + list + ' to: ' + status); } // Checks the privacy status (action) of a value function statusPrivacy(list, value) { return $(XMLFromString(getDB('privacy', list))).find('item[value=' + value + ']').attr('action'); } // Converts the groups array into a <option /> string function groupsToHtmlPrivacy() { var groups = getAllGroups(); var html = ''; // Generate HTML for(i in groups) { html += '<option value="' + encodeQuotes(groups[i]) +'">' + groups[i].htmlEnc() + '</option>'; } return html; } // Displays the privacy lists function displayListsPrivacy() { // Initialize var code = ''; var select = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select'); var data = XMLFromString(getDB('privacy-lists', 'available')); // Parse the XML data! $(data).find('list').each(function() { var list_name = $(this).attr('name'); if(list_name) code += '<option value="' + encodeQuotes(list_name) + '">' + list_name.htmlEnc() + '</option>'; }); // Apply HTML code select.html(code); // Not empty? if(code) select.removeAttr('disabled'); else select.attr('disabled', true); return true; } // Displays the privacy items for a list function displayItemsPrivacy() { // Reset the form clearFormPrivacy(); disableFormPrivacy(); // Initialize var code = ''; var select = $('#privacy .privacy-item select'); var list = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').val(); // Reset the item select select.html(''); // No list? if(!list) return false; // Reset the list status $('#privacy .privacy-active input[type=checkbox]').removeAttr('checked'); // Display the list status var status = ['active', 'default']; for(s in status) { if(getDB('privacy-marker', status[s]) == list) $('#privacy .privacy-active input[name=' + status[s] + ']').attr('checked', true); } // Try to read the stored items var items = XMLFromString(getDB('privacy', list)); // Must retrieve the data? if(!items) { select.attr('disabled', true); return getPrivacy(list); } else select.removeAttr('disabled'); // Parse the XML data! $(items).find('item').each(function() { // Read attributes var item_type = $(this).attr('type'); var item_value = $(this).attr('value'); var item_action = $(this).attr('action'); var item_order = $(this).attr('order'); // Generate hash var item_hash = hex_md5(item_type + item_value + item_action + item_order); // Read sub-elements var item_presencein = $(this).find('presence-in').size(); var item_presenceout = $(this).find('presence-out').size(); var item_message = $(this).find('message').size(); var item_iq = $(this).find('iq').size(); // Apply default values (if missing) if(!item_type) item_type = ''; if(!item_value) item_value = ''; if(!item_action) item_action = 'allow'; if(!item_order) item_order = '1'; // Apply sub-elements values if(item_presencein) item_presencein = 'true'; else item_presencein = 'false'; if(item_presenceout) item_presenceout = 'true'; else item_presenceout = 'false'; if(item_message) item_message = 'true'; else item_message = 'false'; if(item_iq) item_iq = 'true'; else item_iq = 'false'; // Generate item description var desc = ''; var desc_arr = [item_type, item_value, item_action, item_order]; for(d in desc_arr) { // Nothing to display? if(!desc_arr[d]) continue; if(desc) desc += ' - '; desc += desc_arr[d]; } // Add the select option code += '<option data-type="' + encodeQuotes(item_type) + '" data-value="' + encodeQuotes(item_value) + '" data-action="' + encodeQuotes(item_action) + '" data-order="' + encodeQuotes(item_order) + '" data-presence_in="' + encodeQuotes(item_presencein) + '" data-presence_out="' + encodeQuotes(item_presenceout) + '" data-message="' + encodeQuotes(item_message) + '" data-iq="' + encodeQuotes(item_iq) + '" data-hash="' + encodeQuotes(item_hash) + '">' + desc + '</option>'; }); // Append the code select.append(code); // Display the first item form var first_item = select.find('option:first'); displayFormPrivacy( first_item.attr('data-type'), first_item.attr('data-value'), first_item.attr('data-action'), first_item.attr('data-order'), first_item.attr('data-presence_in'), first_item.attr('data-presence_out'), first_item.attr('data-message'), first_item.attr('data-iq') ); return true; } // Displays the privacy form for an item function displayFormPrivacy(type, value, action, order, presence_in, presence_out, message, iq) { // Reset the form clearFormPrivacy(); // Apply the action $('#privacy .privacy-first input[name=action][value=' + action + ']').attr('checked', true); // Apply the type & value var privacy_second = '#privacy .privacy-second'; var privacy_type = privacy_second + ' input[name=type]'; var type_check, value_input; switch(type) { case 'jid': type_check = privacy_type + '[value=jid]'; value_input = privacy_second + ' input[type=text][name=jid]'; break; case 'group': type_check = privacy_type + '[value=group]'; value_input = privacy_second + ' select[name=group]'; break; case 'subscription': type_check = privacy_type + '[value=subscription]'; value_input = privacy_second + ' select[name=subscription]'; break; default: type_check = privacy_type + '[value=everybody]'; break; } // Check the target $(type_check).attr('checked', true); // Can apply a value? if(value_input) $(value_input).val(value); // Apply the things to do var privacy_do = '#privacy .privacy-third input[type=checkbox]'; if(presence_in == 'true') $(privacy_do + '[name=send-status]').attr('checked', true); if(presence_out == 'true') $(privacy_do + '[name=see-status]').attr('checked', true); if(message == 'true') $(privacy_do + '[name=send-messages]').attr('checked', true); if(iq == 'true') $(privacy_do + '[name=send-queries]').attr('checked', true); if(!$(privacy_do).filter(':checked').size()) $(privacy_do + '[name=everything]').attr('checked', true); // Apply the order $('#privacy .privacy-active input[name=order]').val(order); // Enable the forms $('#privacy .privacy-form input, #privacy .privacy-form select, #privacy .privacy-active input').removeAttr('disabled'); } // Clears the privacy list form function clearFormPrivacy() { // Uncheck checkboxes & radio inputs $('#privacy .privacy-form input[type=checkbox], #privacy .privacy-form input[type=radio]').removeAttr('checked'); // Reset select $('#privacy .privacy-form select option').removeAttr('selected'); $('#privacy .privacy-form select option:first').attr('selected', true); // Reset text input $('#privacy .privacy-form input[type=text]').val(''); // Reset order input $('#privacy .privacy-active input[name=order]').val('1'); } // Disables the privacy list form function disableFormPrivacy() { $('#privacy .privacy-form input, #privacy .privacy-form select, #privacy .privacy-active input').attr('disabled', true); } // Enables the privacy list form function enableFormPrivacy(rank) { $('#privacy .privacy-' + rank + ' input, #privacy .privacy-' + rank + ' select').removeAttr('disabled'); } // Plugin launcher function launchPrivacy() { // Click events $('#privacy .bottom .finish').click(closePrivacy); // Placeholder events $('#privacy input[placeholder]').placeholder(); // Form events $('#privacy .privacy-head a.list-remove').click(function() { // Get list name var list = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').val(); // No value? if(!list) return false; // Remove it from popup $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option[value=' + list + ']').remove(); // Nothing remaining? if(!exists('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option')) $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option').attr('disabled', true); // Empty the item select $('#privacy .privacy-item select').attr('disabled', true).html(''); // Disable this list before removing it var status = ['active', 'default']; for(s in status) { if(getDB('privacy-marker', status[s]) == list) changePrivacy('', status[s]); } // Remove from server setPrivacy(list); // Reset the form clearFormPrivacy(); disableFormPrivacy(); return false; }); $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-right input').keyup(function(e) { // Not enter? if(e.keyCode != 13) return; // Get list name var list = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-right input').val(); var select = '#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select'; var existed = true; // Create the new element if(!exists(select + ' option[value=' + list + ']')) { // Marker existed = false; // Create a new option $(select).append('<option value="' + encodeQuotes(list) + '">' + list.htmlEnc() + '</option>'); // Reset the item select $('#privacy .privacy-item select').attr('disabled', true).html(''); } // Change the select value & enable it $(select).val(list).removeAttr('disabled'); // Reset its value $(this).val(''); // Reset the form clearFormPrivacy(); disableFormPrivacy(); // Must reload the list items? if(existed) { displayItemsPrivacy(); $('#privacy .privacy-item select').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').change(displayItemsPrivacy); $('#privacy .privacy-item select').change(function() { // Get the selected item var item = $(this).find('option:selected'); // Display the data! displayFormPrivacy( item.attr('data-type'), item.attr('data-value'), item.attr('data-action'), item.attr('data-order'), item.attr('data-presence_in'), item.attr('data-presence_out'), item.attr('data-message'), item.attr('data-iq') ); }); $('#privacy .privacy-item a.item-add').click(function() { // Cannot add anything? if(!exists('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option:selected')) return false; // Disable item select $('#privacy .privacy-item select').attr('disabled', true); // Reset the form clearFormPrivacy(); disableFormPrivacy(); // Enable first form item enableFormPrivacy('first'); enableFormPrivacy('active'); return false; }); $('#privacy .privacy-item a.item-remove').click(function() { // Cannot add anything? if(!exists('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option:selected')) return false; // Get values var list = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').val(); var selected = $('#privacy .privacy-item select option:selected'); var item = selected.attr('data-value'); var hash = selected.attr('data-hash'); // Remove it from popup $('#privacy .privacy-item select option:selected').remove(); // No more items in this list? if(!exists('#privacy .privacy-item select option')) { // Disable this select $('#privacy .privacy-item select').attr('disabled', true); // Remove the privacy list select item $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option[value=' + list + ']').remove(); // No more privacy lists? if(!exists('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select option')) $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').attr('disabled', true); // Disable this list before removing it var status = ['active', 'default']; for(s in status) { if(getDB('privacy-marker', status[s]) == list) changePrivacy('', status[s]); } } // Synchronize it with server pushPrivacy(list, [], [item], [], [], [], [], [], [], hash, 'remove'); // Reset the form clearFormPrivacy(); disableFormPrivacy(); return false; }); $('#privacy .privacy-item a.item-save').click(function() { // Canot push item? if(exists('#privacy .privacy-form input:disabled')) return false; // Get the hash var item_hash = ''; if(!$('#privacy .privacy-item select').is(':disabled')) item_hash = $('#privacy .privacy-item select option:selected').attr('data-hash'); // Read the form var privacy_second = '#privacy .privacy-second'; var item_list = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').val(); var item_action = $('#privacy .privacy-first input[name=action]').filter(':checked').val(); var item_type = $(privacy_second + ' input[name=type]').filter(':checked').val(); var item_order = $('#privacy .privacy-active input[name=order]').val(); var item_value = ''; // Switch the type to get the value switch(item_type) { case 'jid': item_value = $(privacy_second + ' input[type=text][name=jid]').val(); break; case 'group': item_value = $(privacy_second + ' select[name=group]').val(); break; case 'subscription': item_value = $(privacy_second + ' select[name=subscription]').val(); break; default: item_type = ''; break; } // Get the selected things to do var privacy_third_cb = '#privacy .privacy-third input[type=checkbox]'; var item_prin = false; var item_prout = false; var item_msg = false; var item_iq = false; // Individual select? if(!$(privacy_third_cb + '[name=everything]').filter(':checked').size()) { if($(privacy_third_cb + '[name=send-messages]').filter(':checked').size()) item_msg = true; if($(privacy_third_cb + '[name=send-queries]').filter(':checked').size()) item_iq = true; if($(privacy_third_cb + '[name=send-queries]').filter(':checked').size()) item_iq = true; if($(privacy_third_cb + '[name=see-status]').filter(':checked').size()) item_prout = true; if($(privacy_third_cb + '[name=send-status]').filter(':checked').size()) item_prin = true; } // Push item to the server! pushPrivacy( item_list, [item_type], [item_value], [item_action], [item_order], [item_prin], [item_prout], [item_msg], [item_iq], item_hash ); return false; }); $('#privacy .privacy-first input').change(function() { enableFormPrivacy('second'); }); $('#privacy .privacy-second input').change(function() { enableFormPrivacy('third'); }); $('#privacy .privacy-third input[type=checkbox]').change(function() { // Target var target = '#privacy .privacy-third input[type=checkbox]'; // Must tick "everything" checkbox? if(!$(target).filter(':checked').size()) $(target + '[name=everything]').attr('checked', true); // Must untick the other checkboxes? else if($(this).is('[name=everything]')) $(target + ':not([name=everything])').removeAttr('checked'); // Must untick "everything" checkbox? else $(target + '[name=everything]').removeAttr('checked'); }); $('#privacy .privacy-active input[name=order]').keyup(function() { // Get the value var value = $(this).val(); // No value? if(!value) return; // Not a number? if(isNaN(value)) value = 1; else value = parseInt(value); // Negative? if(value < 0) value = value * -1; // Apply the filtered value $(this).val(value); }) .blur(function() { // No value? if(!$(this).val()) $(this).val('1'); }); $('#privacy .privacy-active .privacy-active-elements input').change(function() { // Get the values var list_name = $('#privacy .privacy-head .list-left select').val(); var state_name = $(this).attr('name'); // Cannot continue? if(!list_name || !state_name) return; // Change the current list status if($(this).filter(':checked').size()) changePrivacy(list_name, state_name); else changePrivacy('', state_name); }); }