*/ //require_once('library/OAuth1.php'); //require_once('addon/pumpio/pumpiooauth/pumpiooauth.php'); require('addon/pumpio/oauth/http.php'); require('addon/pumpio/oauth/oauth_client.php'); function pumpio_install() { register_hook('post_local', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_post_local'); register_hook('notifier_normal', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_send'); register_hook('jot_networks', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_jot_nets'); register_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings'); register_hook('connector_settings_post', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings_post'); } function pumpio_uninstall() { unregister_hook('post_local', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_post_local'); unregister_hook('notifier_normal', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_send'); unregister_hook('jot_networks', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_jot_nets'); unregister_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings'); unregister_hook('connector_settings_post', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings_post'); } function pumpio_module() {} function pumpio_content(&$a) { if(! local_user()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return ''; } if (isset($a->argv[1])) switch ($a->argv[1]) { case "connect": $o = pumpio_connect($a); break; default: $o = print_r($a->argv, true); break; } else $o = pumpio_connect($a); return $o; } function pumpio_registerclient($host) { $url = "https://".$host."/api/client/register"; $params = array(); $params["type"] = "client_associate"; $params["contacts"] = "icarus@dabo.de"; $params["application_type"] = "native"; $params["application_name"] = "pirati.ca"; $params["logo_url"] = "https://pirati.ca/images/friendica-256.png"; $params["redirect_uris"] = "http://pirati.ca/addon/pumpio/pumpio.php"; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Friendica"); $s = curl_exec($ch); $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch); if ($curl_info["http_code"] == "200") { $values = json_decode($s); return($values); $pumpio = array(); $pumpio["client_id"] = $values->client_id; $pumpio["client_secret"] = $values->client_secret; print_r($values); } return(false); } function pumpio_connect($a) { // Start a session. This is necessary to hold on to a few keys the callback script will also need session_start(); // Define the needed keys $consumer_key = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','consumer_secret'); $hostname = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','host'); if ((($consumer_key == "") OR ($consumer_secret == "")) AND ($hostname != "")) { $clientdata = pumpio_registerclient($hostname); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','consumer_key', $clientdata->client_id); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','consumer_secret', $clientdata->client_secret); $consumer_key = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'pumpio','consumer_secret'); } if (($consumer_key == "") OR ($consumer_secret == "")) return; // The callback URL is the script that gets called after the user authenticates with pumpio $callback_url = $a->get_baseurl()."/pumpio/connect"; // Let's begin. First we need a Request Token. The request token is required to send the user // to pumpio's login page. // Create a new instance of the TumblrOAuth library. For this step, all we need to give the library is our // Consumer Key and Consumer Secret $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->debug = 1; $client->server = ''; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->request_token_url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/oauth/request_token'; $client->dialog_url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/oauth/authorize'; $client->access_token_url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/oauth/access_token'; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->redirect_uri = $callback_url; $client->client_id = $consumer_key; $client->client_secret = $consumer_secret; if (($success = $client->Initialize())) { if (($success = $client->Process())) { if (strlen($client->access_token)) { set_pconfig(local_user(), "pumpio", "oauth_token", $client->access_token); set_pconfig(local_user(), "pumpio", "oauth_token_secret", $client->access_token_secret); } } $success = $client->Finalize($success); } if($client->exit) $o = 'Could not connect to pumpio. Refresh the page or try again later.'; if($success) { $o .= t("You are now authenticated to pumpio."); $o .= '
'.t("return to the connector page").''; } return($o); } function pumpio_jot_nets(&$a,&$b) { if(! local_user()) return; $pumpio_post = get_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post'); if(intval($pumpio_post) == 1) { $pumpio_defpost = get_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post_by_default'); $selected = ((intval($pumpio_defpost) == 1) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $b .= '
' . t('Post to pumpio') . '
'; } } function pumpio_settings(&$a,&$s) { if(! local_user()) return; /* Add our stylesheet to the page so we can make our settings look nice */ $a->page['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\r\n"; /* Get the current state of our config variables */ $enabled = get_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post'); $checked = (($enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $def_enabled = get_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post_by_default'); $def_checked = (($def_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $servername = get_pconfig(local_user(), "pumpio", "host"); $username = get_pconfig(local_user(), "pumpio", "user"); /* Add some HTML to the existing form */ $s .= '
'; $s .= '

' . t('Pump.io Post Settings') . '

'; $s .= '
'; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= '
'; $s .= '
'; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= '
'; if (($username != '') AND ($servername != '')) { $s .= '
'; $s .= ''.t("(Re-)Authenticate your pump.io connection").''; $s .= '
'; $s .= '
'; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= '
'; $s .= '
'; $s .= ''; $s .= ''; $s .= '
'; $oauth_token = get_pconfig(local_user(), "pumpio", "oauth_token"); $oauth_token_secret = get_pconfig(local_user(), "pumpio", "oauth_token_secret"); $s .= '
'; if (($oauth_token == "") OR ($oauth_token_secret == "")) $s .= t("You are not authenticated to pumpio"); $s .= '
'; } /* provide a submit button */ $s .= '
'; } function pumpio_settings_post(&$a,&$b) { if(x($_POST,'pumpio-submit')) { set_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post',intval($_POST['pumpio'])); set_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','host',$_POST['pumpio_host']); set_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','user',$_POST['pumpio_user']); set_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post_by_default',intval($_POST['pumpio_bydefault'])); } } function pumpio_post_local(&$a,&$b) { // This can probably be changed to allow editing by pointing to a different API endpoint if($b['edit']) return; if((! local_user()) || (local_user() != $b['uid'])) return; if($b['private'] || $b['parent']) return; $pumpio_post = intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post')); $pumpio_enable = (($pumpio_post && x($_REQUEST,'pumpio_enable')) ? intval($_REQUEST['pumpio_enable']) : 0); if($_REQUEST['api_source'] && intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'pumpio','post_by_default'))) $pumpio_enable = 1; if(! $pumpio_enable) return; if(strlen($b['postopts'])) $b['postopts'] .= ','; $b['postopts'] .= 'pumpio'; } function pumpio_send(&$a,&$b) { if($b['deleted'] || $b['private'] || ($b['created'] !== $b['edited'])) return; if(! strstr($b['postopts'],'pumpio')) return; if($b['parent'] != $b['id']) return; $oauth_token = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "pumpio", "oauth_token"); $oauth_token_secret = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "pumpio", "oauth_token_secret"); $consumer_key = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "pumpio","consumer_key"); $consumer_secret = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "pumpio","consumer_secret"); $host = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "pumpio", "host"); $user = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "pumpio", "user"); if($oauth_token && $oauth_token_secret) { require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $title = trim($b['title']); if ($title != '') $title = "


"; $params->verb = "post"; $params->object = array( 'objectType' => "note", 'content' => $title.bbcode($b['body'], false, false)); $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->access_token = $oauth_token; $client->access_token_secret = $oauth_token_secret; $client->client_id = $consumer_key; $client->client_secret = $consumer_secret; $success = $client->CallAPI( 'https://'.$host.'/api/user/'.$user.'/feed', 'POST', $params, array('FailOnAccessError'=>true, 'RequestContentType'=>'application/json'), $user); if($success) logger('pumpio_send: success'); else logger('pumpio_send: general error: ' . print_r($user,true)); } }