<?php // Extracted from CodingTeam for the Jappix project. // This file is a part of CodingTeam. Take a look at <http://codingteam.org>. // Copyright © 2007-2010 Erwan Briand <erwan@codingteam.net> // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 3 only. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public // License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * @file * This file contains the DrawSVGChart class. */ /** * DrawSVGChart class */ class DrawSVGChart { private $datas, $legend, $link, $xml_object, $svg, $xml_elements, $evolution; public $has_errors; function createChart($datas=array(), $legend=array(), $link, $evolution=FALSE, $type='others') { $this->has_errors = FALSE; $max = 0; // One or two data arrays if (isset($datas[0]) && is_array($datas[0])) { $datas_number = count($datas[0]); if ($datas_number >= 1) $max = max($datas[0]); else $this->has_errors = TRUE; } else { $datas_number = count($datas); if ($datas_number >= 1) $max = max($datas); else $this->has_errors = TRUE; } // Set the width of the chart if ($datas_number * 55 > 400) $width = $datas_number * 55; else $width = 400; $height = 250; $this->datas = $datas; $this->legend = $legend; $this->link = $link; $this->evolution = $evolution; $this->type = $type; $this->xml_elements = array(); // Scale if ($max <= 20) { $scale[4] = 20; $scale[3] = 15; $scale[2] = 10; $scale[1] = 5; } else { $scale[4] = ceil($max / 20) * 20; $scale[3] = $scale[4] * 3/4; $scale[2] = $scale[4] * 2/4; $scale[1] = $scale[4] * 1/4; } if ($scale[4] == 0 || $max == 0) $this->has_errors = TRUE; if ($this->has_errors) return TRUE; $this->xml_object = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); // Process the static file host prefix $static_prefix = '.'; if(hasStatic()) $static_prefix = HOST_STATIC.'/php'; // Add the stylesheet $style = $this->xml_object->createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/css' href='".getFiles(genHash(getVersion()), '', 'css', '', 'stats-svg.css')."'"); $this->xml_object->appendChild($style); // Create the root SVG element $this->svg = $this->xml_object->createElement('svg'); $this->svg->setAttribute('xmlns:svg', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); $this->svg->setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); $this->svg->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'); $this->svg->setAttribute('version', '1.1'); $this->svg->setAttribute('width', $width); $this->svg->setAttribute('height', $height); $this->svg->setAttribute('id', 'svg'); $this->xml_object->appendChild($this->svg); // Create a definition $this->xml_elements['basic_defs'] = $this->xml_object->createElement('defs'); $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('id', 'mark'); $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 0,234 v 4 '); $path->setAttribute('stroke', '#596171'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '2px'); $this->xml_elements['basic_defs']->appendChild($path); // Create the static background $this->xml_elements['static_background'] = $this->xml_object->createElement('g'); $this->xml_elements['static_background']->setAttribute('class', 'static-background'); // Draw the legend $this->drawLegend(); // Draw the table $this->drawTable($scale, $width); // Draw the chart $this->drawChart($scale, $width); } function drawLegend() { $pstart = 3; $tstart = 7; foreach ($this->legend as $item) { $val_path = $pstart + 11; $val_text = $tstart + 10; // Create the legend line $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 40, '.$val_path.' L 55, '.$val_path); $path->setAttribute('id', 'legendline'); $path->setAttribute('stroke', $item[0]); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '2px'); // Create the legend text $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text', $item[1]); $text->setAttribute('x', 57); $text->setAttribute('y', $val_text); $text->setAttribute('text-anchor', 'start'); $text->setAttribute('id', 'reftext'); $text->setAttribute('fill', $item[0]); $text->setAttribute('font-size', '11px'); $text->setAttribute('font-family', "'DejaVu sans', Verdana, sans-serif"); // Append elemets $this->xml_elements['static_background']->appendChild($path); $this->xml_elements['static_background']->appendChild($text); $pstart = $val_path; $tstart = $val_text; } } function drawTable($scale, $width) { // Create left scale $top = TRUE; $start = -17; foreach ($scale as $level) { $type = $this->type; if(($type == 'share') || ($type == 'others')) $level = formatBytes($level); if ($top) $color = '#CED0D5'; else $color = '#EAEAEA'; $m = $start + 50; $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 38, '.$m.' L '.$width.', '.$m); $path->setAttribute('stroke', $color); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '1px'); $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text', $level); $text->setAttribute('x', 34); $text->setAttribute('y', ($m + 3)); $text->setAttribute('text-anchor', 'end'); $text->setAttribute('class', 'refleft'); $this->xml_elements['static_background']->appendChild($path); $this->xml_elements['static_background']->appendChild($text); $top = FALSE; $start = $m; } // Add zero $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text', 0); $text->setAttribute('x', 34); $text->setAttribute('y', 236); $text->setAttribute('text-anchor', 'end'); $text->setAttribute('class', 'refleft'); $this->xml_elements['static_background']->appendChild($text); } function drawChart($scale, $width) { if (isset($this->datas[0]) && is_array($this->datas[0])) { $foreached_datas = $this->datas[0]; $onlykeys_datas = array_keys($this->datas[0]); $secondary_datas = array_keys($this->datas[1]); } else { $foreached_datas = $this->datas; $onlykeys_datas = array_keys($this->datas); $secondary_datas = FALSE; } // Create graphics data $defs = $this->xml_object->createElement('defs'); $rect = $this->xml_object->createElement('rect'); $rect->setAttribute('id', 'focusbar'); $rect->setAttribute('width', 14); $rect->setAttribute('height', 211); $rect->setAttribute('x', -20); $rect->setAttribute('y', 34); $rect->setAttribute('style', 'fill: black; opacity: 0;'); $defs->appendChild($rect); $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('id', 'bubble'); if ($this->evolution) $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 4.7871575,0.5 L 39.084404,0.5 C 41.459488,0.5 43.371561,2.73 43.371561,5.5 L 43.371561,25.49999 L 43.30,31.05 L 4.7871575,30.49999 C 2.412072,30.49999 0.5,28.26999 0.5,25.49999 L 0.5,5.5 C 0.5,2.73 2.412072,0.5 4.7871575,0.5 z'); elseif ($secondary_datas) $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 1,0 v 8 l -6,-10 c -1.5,-2 -1.5,-2 -6,-2 h -36 c -3,0 -6,-3 -6,-6 v -28 c 0,-3 3,-6 6,-6 h 43 c 3,0 6,3 6,6 z'); else $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 4.7871575,0.5 L 39.084404,0.5 C 41.459488,0.5 43.371561,2.73 43.371561,5.5 L 43.371561,25.49999 C 43.371561,27.07677 43.83887,41.00777 42.990767,40.95796 C 42.137828,40.90787 37.97451,30.49999 36.951406,30.49999 L 4.7871575,30.49999 C 2.412072,30.49999 0.5,28.26999 0.5,25.49999 L 0.5,5.5 C 0.5,2.73 2.412072,0.5 4.7871575,0.5 z'); $path->setAttribute('fill', 'none'); $path->setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.85'); $path->setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-linejoin', 'round'); $path->setAttribute('stroke', 'none'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-opacity', '0.8'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '1px'); $defs->appendChild($path); $rect = $this->xml_object->createElement('rect'); $rect->setAttribute('id', 'graphicbar'); $rect->setAttribute('width', '12'); $rect->setAttribute('height', '200'); $rect->setAttribute('rx', '2'); $rect->setAttribute('ry', '1'); $rect->setAttribute('fill', '#6C84C0'); $rect->setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.6'); $rect->setAttribute('stroke', '#5276A9'); $rect->setAttribute('stroke-width', '1px'); $defs->appendChild($rect); $rect = $this->xml_object->createElement('rect'); $rect->setAttribute('style', 'fill:#8B2323'); $rect->setAttribute('id', 'rectpoint'); $rect->setAttribute('width', 4); $rect->setAttribute('height', 4); $defs->appendChild($rect); $this->xml_elements['chart_defs'] = $defs; $global_g = $this->xml_object->createElement('g'); // Calc $x_base = 35; $y_base = 20; $start = 18; $element = 0; $chart_defs = ''; $xprevious = 38; $tprevious = 233; foreach ($foreached_datas as $key => $data) { $x = 27 + $x_base; $y = 107 + $y_base; $top = 233 - ceil($data / ($scale[4] / 100) * 2); if ($top <= 50) $bubble_top = 55; elseif (!$secondary_datas) $bubble_top = ($top - 42); elseif ($secondary_datas) $bubble_top = ($top - 10); $type = $this->type; if(($type == 'share') || ($type == 'others')) $value = formatBytes($data); else $value = $data; // Create the chart with datas $g = $this->xml_object->createElement('g'); $g->setAttribute('transform', 'translate('.$x.')'); $duse = $this->xml_object->createElement('use'); $duse->setAttribute('xlink:href', '#mark'); $duse->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'); $g->appendChild($duse); $data_g = $this->xml_object->createElement('g'); $data_g->setAttribute('class', 'gbar'); if ($this->link) { $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text'); $link = $this->xml_object->createElement('a', mb_substr(filterSpecialXML($onlykeys_datas[$element]), 0, 7)); $link->setAttribute('xlink:href', str_replace('{data}', filterSpecialXML($onlykeys_datas[$element]), $this->link)); $link->setAttribute('target', '_main'); $text->appendChild($link); } else $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text', mb_substr(filterSpecialXML($onlykeys_datas[$element]), 0, 7)); $text->setAttribute('class', 'reftext'); $text->setAttribute('y', 248); $text->setAttribute('text-anchor', 'middle'); $data_g->appendChild($text); $uselink = $this->xml_object->createElement('use'); $uselink->setAttribute('xlink:href', '#focusbar'); $uselink->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'); $data_g->appendChild($uselink); if (!$this->evolution) { $rect = $this->xml_object->createElement('rect'); $rect->setAttribute('class', 'bluebar'); $rect->setAttribute('height', (233 - $top)); $rect->setAttribute('width', 13); $rect->setAttribute('x', -6); $rect->setAttribute('y', $top); $rect->setAttribute('fill', $this->legend[0][0]); $rect->setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.6'); $data_g->appendChild($rect); } else { $use = $this->xml_object->createElement('use'); $use->setAttribute('xlink:href', '#rectpoint'); $use->setAttribute('y', ($top - 1)); $use->setAttribute('x', -2); $data_g->appendChild($use); if ($x != (35 + 27)) $chart_defs .= 'L '.$x.' '.$top.' '; else $chart_defs .= 'M '.$xprevious.' '.$tprevious.' L '.$x.' '.$top.' '; $xprevious = $x; $tprevious = $top; } if ($secondary_datas && isset($secondary_datas[$element])) { $datalink = $secondary_datas[$element]; $dataval = $this->datas[1][$datalink]; $stop = 233 - ceil($dataval / ($scale[4] / 100) * 2); $rect = $this->xml_object->createElement('rect'); $rect->setAttribute('class', 'redbar'); $rect->setAttribute('height', (233 - $stop)); $rect->setAttribute('width', 13); $rect->setAttribute('x', -6); $rect->setAttribute('y', $stop); $rect->setAttribute('fill', $this->legend[1][0]); $rect->setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.7'); $data_g->appendChild($rect); } if (!$this->evolution) { $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('stroke', '#5276A9'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '2px'); $path->setAttribute('fill', 'none'); $path->setAttribute('d', 'M -7,233 v -'.(232 - $top).' c 0,-1 1,-1 1,-1 h 12 c 1,0 2,0 2,1 v '.(232 - $top).' z'); $data_g->appendChild($path); } $uselink = $this->xml_object->createElement('use'); $uselink->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'); $uselink->setAttribute('xlink:href', '#bubble'); $uselink->setAttribute('y', $bubble_top); if (!$secondary_datas) $uselink->setAttribute('x', -42); $data_g->appendChild($uselink); $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text', $value); $text->setAttribute('class', 'bubbletextblue'); $text->setAttribute('x', -10); if (!$secondary_datas) $text->setAttribute('y', ($bubble_top + 20)); else $text->setAttribute('y', ($bubble_top - 27)); $text->setAttribute('fill', 'none'); $data_g->appendChild($text); if ($secondary_datas && isset($secondary_datas[$element])) { $text = $this->xml_object->createElement('text', $dataval); $text->setAttribute('class', 'bubbletextred'); $text->setAttribute('x', -10); $text->setAttribute('y', ($bubble_top - 11)); $text->setAttribute('fill', 'none'); $data_g->appendChild($text); } $g->appendChild($data_g); $global_g->appendChild($g); $x_base = $x_base + 50; $y_base = $y_base + 20; $element ++; } if ($this->evolution) { $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('d', $chart_defs); $path->setAttribute('stroke', $this->legend[0][0]); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '1px'); $path->setAttribute('fill', 'none'); $this->xml_elements['evolution_path'] = $path; } $this->xml_elements['global_g'] = $global_g; $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 38,233 h '.$width); $path->setAttribute('stroke', '#2F4F77'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '2px'); $path->setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none'); $this->xml_elements['final_path'] = $path; } function has_errors() { return $this->has_errors; } function getXMLOutput() { if (isset($this->xml_object)) { // Add SVG elements to the DOM object foreach($this->xml_elements as $element) $this->svg->appendChild($element); // Return the XML $this->xml_object->formatOutput = true; return $this->xml_object->saveXML(); } } } ?>