<?php if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_it")) { function string_plural_select_it($n){ return ($n != 1);; }} ; $a->strings["bitchslap"] = "schiaffeggia"; $a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "ha schiaffeggiato"; $a->strings["shag"] = "scopa"; $a->strings["shagged"] = "ha scopato"; $a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "fa qualcosa di biologicamente osceno a"; $a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "ha fatto qualcosa di biologicamente osceno a"; $a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "fa vedere la funzione \"stuzzica\" a"; $a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "ha fatto vedere la funzione \"stuzzica\" a"; $a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "dichiara eterno amore per"; $a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "ha dichiarato eterno amore per"; $a->strings["patent"] = "brevetta"; $a->strings["patented"] = "ha brevettato"; $a->strings["stroke beard"] = "tirare la barba"; $a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "ha tirato la barba di"; $a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "lamentati del declino degli standard della moderna istruzione secondaria e terziaria con"; $a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "si รจ lamentato del declino degli standard della moderna istruzione secondaria e terziaria con"; $a->strings["hug"] = "abbraccia"; $a->strings["hugged"] = "ha abbracciato"; $a->strings["kiss"] = "bacia"; $a->strings["kissed"] = "ha baciato"; $a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "solleva un sopracciglio verso"; $a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "ha sollevato un sopracciglio verso"; $a->strings["insult"] = "insulta"; $a->strings["insulted"] = "ha insultato"; $a->strings["praise"] = "prega"; $a->strings["praised"] = "ha pregato"; $a->strings["be dubious of"] = "dubita di"; $a->strings["was dubious of"] = "ha dubitato di"; $a->strings["eat"] = "mangia"; $a->strings["ate"] = "ha mangiato"; $a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "sorridi e adula"; $a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "ha sorriso e adulato"; $a->strings["doubt"] = ""; $a->strings["doubted"] = ""; $a->strings["glare"] = "guarda con aria feroce"; $a->strings["glared at"] = "ha guardato con aria feroce";