 * OpenWeatherMap-PHP-API — A php api to parse weather data from http://www.OpenWeatherMap.org .
 * @license MIT
 * Please see the LICENSE file distributed with this source code for further
 * information regarding copyright and licensing.
 * Please visit the following links to read about the usage policies and the license of
 * OpenWeatherMap before using this class:
 * @see http://www.OpenWeatherMap.org
 * @see http://www.OpenWeatherMap.org/terms
 * @see http://openweathermap.org/appid

namespace Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Tests\Fetcher;

use \Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Fetcher\CurlFetcher;

 * @requires function curl_version
class CurlFetcherTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testInvalidUrl()
        $fetcher = new CurlFetcher();

        $content = $fetcher->fetch('http://notexisting.example.com');

        $this->assertSame(false, $content);

    public function testEmptyUrl()
        $fetcher = new CurlFetcher();

        $content = $fetcher->fetch('');

        $this->assertSame(false, $content);

    public function testValidUrl()
        $fetcher = new CurlFetcher();

        $content = $fetcher->fetch('http://httpbin.org/html');

        $this->assertContains('Herman Melville', $content);