
if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_fr")) {
function string_plural_select_fr($n){
	$n = intval($n);
	return ($n > 1);;
$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "image de profil générique";
$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "Schéma géométrique aléatoire ";
$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "visage généré par ordinateur";
$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.<br>The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Image par défaut d'avatar";
$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "";
$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "";
$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Paramètres de Gravatar mis à jour.";